WI-IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUSI' 28, 1985, PAGE 13 Dorothy Swait's display at Heydenshore Mill show why she loves living in Whitby Dorotby Swait lasbown bere distributing daffodils for the Cancer Society, just one of ber many volunteer roles around town. She is preparing a display of events in and around Whitby to show peope, especialiy those new to the area, wby she loves this town, and to tell thembhow tbey too dan feel a part of tbings. You can meet Dorotby and see ber display at the Chamber of Commer- ce Jamboree at Heydensbore Pavillon, Sunday, September 8 f rom 9 a.m. to1.30 P.m. By JAN DODGE FREE PRESS STAFF Dorotby Swait is a booster for Witby, and sbe wants to tel everybody why. Tbat's wby sbe'Illbave a display at the Cham- ber of Commerce Jam- boree at Heydensbore Pavillon on Sunday, Sept. 8 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The topic of ber display is "Wby I love Whitby" or as tbe sign says, "A Place to Live, Work, and Grow. " Dorotby, who will be 73 in April, bas lived in Whitby since 1969, when she lef t Toronto. She had a healtb problem (cancer) soon af ter ber arrivai but on- ce she got feeling btter she said to Dr. Jaciw, her physician, "How wlll I meet peope? " According to Dorotby, Jaciw replied, "Just join clubs, Dorothy," and he gave her Gertie Drew's name. "I called up Gertie and sbe said, 'You want to go to a dance tonight for the Conservative LET'S SEEYOU DO IT... O1JFDOORS! Party?" so 1did. " And she joined clubs. Tbe Legion, the Witby Arts, the Whitby Historical Society, and tbe Witby Little Theatre were among the first. She's sold tickets from one end of town to the otber for many dif- ferent groupa. "I'm s0 bappy to ha here. I like Whitby because I like ail tbese people, The business people are great. 1 sbop bere. I buy my groceries bere, my ciothes, my cars, everytbing." But Dorothy is not just content to taik about the tbings that happen in Whitby. Over the past years she bas collected shop- ping bags full of newspaper clippings, personal snapsbots, and other memorabilia of local events. From this collection she has assembled for her display a scrapbook on Anne Ottenbrite, one on the mayor, one on the councillors, and one on the Senior Citizen's Ac- tivity Centre. She also wants to do one of the Legion, one on the Whitby Historical Society and the Whitby Arts, one about the Doc- tor Joseph 0. Ruddy Hospital, and one about the town's twinning with Longueil, a Quebec town near Montreal, as well as any other topie that might corne to mmnd before ber deadline. - She bas requested logos from ail the ser- vice clubs, bas a friend making the Sign, bas Barbara Drinkwater assisting ber at ber bootb, and is full of ideas for making ber dispiay as informative as possible. Dorotby's entbusiasm is contaglous. This is. with ber. She said the display was her own idea. "I've been thinking of it for a long time. " "There must be hun- dreds of new people who don't know wbat's going on in town," she said; and Dorothy is just the person who can tell them. She can also tell themn that they can have an input on wbat happens localiy. If Dorothy has an idea for improvements around town, she's quick to write a letter to the people in charge. And she's had resuits. "0f course," she said, "1probably other people write too... "Wben I lived in Toronto, you had to go miles to do things. I hardly knew my next- door neighbour. Now I know everybody." oyle & Cainpbell Garden Centre 686-4747 Checse Outiet Local produce in season INTERIOR & EXTERIOR LANDSCAPING GARDEN CENTREN .30% off entire nursery stock *FIREWOOD* seasoned hardwood mix eFAIL BU LBS SEPT. 15 *WEED'N FEED REG. 117.95 NOW Si10.95 EXTERIOR ILANDSCAPING-foundation & f lower bed piantIng -brick waikways& patiosf tiework pruning INTEIRIOR LANDSCAPING Speciaists ln providing, installing & maintaining quaiity greenery ln your home or business. 4 ILVANHOII CHEESE "STILL IN THE FAMILY" Place - South Hampton, England; Year - 1850; Event - n search of Franklin; Destination - the Arctlc; Subject - Henry Gaven, shipmate's carpenter; The story - tl was a warmn sprlng morning when my great-great-great grandfather, Henry Gaven shuffled up the gangplank of the HMS Investîgator. Days and days at sea were spent repalring, rigging and sweeping decks. His carpentry kept Henry busy, so dld his daily writings of the trip. Many were their adventures and even though they did flot flnd Franklin, they dld discover the northwest passage. Marooned In the ice for three years, they were heiped by the Inuit and. had much time to skate. (Henry's skates are stillIin the famlyl) Their numbers grew less and less until but one-quarter of them remained - scurvy had taken lists ol. The sur- viving crew were rescued and among them Henry Gaven. In England he was awar- ded medals and, even more Important, a land grant in the new wold. Henry Gaven settied north of Belevillin Ontario in the hamiet of Ivanhoe, and in the year of 1856 he starled The Ivanhoe Cheese Company. tl s fia longer housed in the building Henry knew, but if Is stili there and It s sf111 making some of Ontarios finest cheese. Not only thaf, it Is 'Stilli n the family' in a mailter of speakîng. The place - the Boyle and Campbell Garden Centre; the year - sînce 1983; the event - seiling Ivanhae cheese famang other things); the persan respan. sible - Terence P. Boyle (great.great-great grandsan af Henry Gaven): The 5f ary corne in and f Ind ouft!!! CHEESE SELECTION Mild Ched. Med. Ched. Old Ched. X-Old Ched. Marble Wine Old Colby Mozzarella Bacon Caraway Farmers Garlic Onian Twin Paks Triplefts ALL AT FACTORY PRICES! CHEESE BASKETS for Special Gifis AN AIL-CANADIAN BASKET featuring homemado jam, IVANHOE cheeses, shortbread cookies & Inniskilien wine. P Ail together in a BROUGHAM BASKET LOICAL- PRODUCE now featuring *Peaches n'cream .supersweet I*Beef steak - eRloma oCanning SQUASH * *Acorn e Butternut. a*Hubbard *Sweet Potatoe and more CUCUMBER11S *Slicing 0 Pickiing ONIOIVS *Spanish *Cooking CUMING SOON Appies Pumpkins, Gourds, Brocoili, Cauiiflower, 'and decorative fluitems 4 4 4-1 The way CUSTOM YOU want t! e BUSINESS FORMS OCARDS -LEGAL CERTIFICATES *FOLDERS .WEDDING INVITATIONS * LETTERHEADS& ENVELOPES *NCR FORMS eCATALOGUES e e O.ADOFIE UPLE H WY2 alesà 9 -us i 1 1 VANHO