PAG;E 2O,WEDNI-'SDAY, AUGUS1'28, 1985,WVIIITBY FREE PRESS Legion al-mstars end season as champs have advnced tothis to epresen Leglon mei aseîîîa The Witby Legion Branch 112 peewee ail- star basebaîl teain coinpleted a highly suc- cessful year by par- ticipating in the 3th an- nual CNE Tournament in Toronto. The teain won tbeir first gaine against Hainilton Mahoney 6-3 but lost ta Kitchener 7-5 in their second gaine. This loss eliiinated the teainfroin further play. Through the regular season the Whitby Legion teain complled a 15 win, 2 loss and 1 tie record which put thein in second place in the Eastern Ontario Basebaîl Association behind the Oshawa Legionnaires who bad the identical record. The Whitby Legion teain then went on to win the E.O.B.A. chain- pionship in Bowmnan- ville by defeating Ajax 10-2, Oshawa 4-2 and Peterborough 6-1. Ajax was beaten for a second tiine in the chamnpion- shlp gaine by the Whit- by squad 8-3. Af ter being classified as IAAA", the Legion peewees played against the Oshawa Legion- naires in the quarter- final round of the On- tario Basebal Association play downs. Whitby won this two out of three series which advanced the teain to seini-final series again- st Mississauga Clarkson. Although Whitby won the firat gaine in Clarkson, the Legion team could not hold off the bard hitting Clarkson boys who won the next two gaines in Whitby. Clarkson now advan- ces to the All-Ontario championship tour- nament for "AAA" teams in Kitchener on Labour Day Weekend. The other teains who tournament include Stratford, Agincourt, Windsor, Niagara Falis and the host teain Kit- chener. Tbroughout the season Whitby Legion 112 competed in'several tournainents. They were the 'A' finalists at the Cobourg Tour- nament. Tbey won the Legion zone tournainent which was held in Osbawa by defeating Ajax and Oshawa Legion teains. The teain then went on to Belleville to represent the west in the Legion District IF' tournainent which they won by beating Peterborough and Belleville. The tournament win in Belleville entitled Wbitby Legion 112 teain WHITBY MEN'S SLO-PITCH LEAGUE Standings to Aug. 25 GP W L T P Brotbers Pizza 22 16 4 2 34 Texaco Chiefs 18 12 5 1 25 McCauley Furniture 20 12 7 1 25 Turtle Wax 21 9 il i 19 Caseys Roadhouse 21 8 10 3 19 Royal LePage 21 8 12 1 17 Waterbed Coinpany 21 6 14 1 13 Hughes Hawks 20 5 13 2 12 Gamne Resuits to Aug. 25 Caseys Roadhouse il Royal LePage ....10 Texaco Chiefs ....17 McCauley Furniture . 11 Texaco Chiefs ....39 Waterbed Company ... 8 Brothers Pizza...13 McCauley Furniture . . 6 Royal LePage. 13 Brothers Pizza.... 7 'III5EE~ B RO OKLI N WH ITBV MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE TEAM TRY-OUT SCHEDULE NOTE: changes ln the agos ln ail catogorles due to a NEW C.A.H.A. rullng. NOVICE (Born 1976,77, 78) ARENA Thurs., Sept. 12 6:00 p.m. -7:00 pi. .roquais Sat., Sept.14 4:30p.m.-5:30p.Ifl.Iroquais Sun., Sept. 15 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Iroquais MAJOR ATOM (Born 1974) Thurs., Sept. 12 8:00 p.m. .9:00 pi..Iroquois Sat., Sept. 14 12:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.n. Iroquais Sun., Sept.15 12:Oa.m.- 1:30p.m. Iroquais MAJOR PEEWEE (Born 1972) Fr1., Sept.13 7:0p.r.8:00p.m. Iroquais Sat., Sept. 14 1:30 p.m. -3-00 p.m. Iroquois Sun., Sept. 15 3:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Iroquais MAJOR BANTAM (Born 1970) Fr., Sept.13 Iroquais Sat., Sept. 14 7:00 p.m. -8:30 pi..roquais Sun., SeptiS 6:Op.m.-7:30p.n. Iroquais MAJOR MIDGET (Born 1968, 69) *'* Thurs., Sept.12 9:0p.m..10:OOp.n. Iroquais Sat., Sept..14 8:30p.m.- 10:OOp.rn.Iroquais Sun., Sept.15 7:30p.r.-9:00p.rT. Iroquois MINOR ATOM (Born 1975> Thurs., Sept. 12 Sat., Sept. 14 Sun., Sept. 15 AR ENA 7:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. iroquais 11:00 ar.. 12:15 ar.. roquais 10:30 ar.. 12:00 ar.. roquais MINOR PEEWEE (Born 1973> Fr1., Sept. 13 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 pi. . roquais Sat., Sept. 14 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 pin. Iroquois Sun., Septi1 1:30 Prm. -3:00Op.n. Iroquais MINOR BANTAM (Born 1971) Fri., Sept. 13 8:00p.m. -9:00 p.n. Iroquois Sat., Sept. 14 5:30 p.m. -7:00Op.n. Iroquais Sun., Sept. 15 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Iroquais MINOR MIOGET (Born 1969> Wed., Sept. 25 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Brooklln Thurs., Sept. 26 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Brookllr' Fri., Sept. 27 8:30 p.m. - 10:00Op.m. Iroquais JUVENILE (Born 1967> THERE WILL BE NO REPRESENTATIVE TEAM IN THIS CATEGORY, HOWEVER THERE MAY BE A HOUSE LEAGUE SELECT TEAM. ***NOTE:The MAJOR MIDGET try-outs wiII be OPEN to ANY MINOR MIDGET or MAJOR MIDGET. Any Minor Midgets failing to make the Major Mldget Team are then welcome to try out for the Minor Mldget Team. NOTE: SECOND TEAMS in the Categories of NOVICE, ATOM, PEEWEE and BANTAM wiII be seiecting players f rom those cut from the above try-outs and wîlî hold their own invtational try-outs. FOR MORE iNFORtmATiON CONTACT: JOHN MOORE 666-3340 or JACK GODDARD 668-9453 COACHESCLINICS: LEVEL Sat., Sept. 149:00 a.m. -1:00Op.m., Whitney Hall LEVEL Il Sun., Sept. 22 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Whitney Hall BOB ASHBY 668-7643 RON WARNER 668-9164 District 'F' in the Legion Provincial Champiaflships in Welland. At this tournaixent, the teain won their first gaine against Newmarket to move to the chainpionship round. However, the when they lost to Kit- chener in the second gaine. Congratulations for a great season to teain members who include: George Carson, Darryn Christie, Dave Copan, dike ness, Chris Harper, Scott Horler, Darreni Johnston, Rob Patter- son, Bryce Percy, Jamie Watters, Dave Winchester, and coaches Gerry Harnes-, and Neil Winchester. Tykes efiminated from toîtrney By DOROTHY MEHTA This past weekend, Witby was treated ta soine good lacrosse at Bea ucha, silver rni Whitby's Glenn Beauchainh as won a silver inMal in the inen's judo competition at the World University Gaines currently being held in Kobe, Japan. Beauchainp took the silver inedal after losing bis last fight ta a fellow froin Korea Monday morning. Before losing in the gold inedai round, Beauchainp won bouts against fighters froin Puetro Rico, Egypt, Finland and Hungary ail by decision. He xou-nth. 1711 tbe Al-Ontarlo tyke Iroquois Park was provincials. Not only did visited by "Lacrosse 19 out-of-town teains at- playing Gorillas" and tend the gaines but Ronald McDonald was on band ta give out trophies and a lot of fun ni wins was bad by ail. Whitby entered two teains in the provin- odcii cials, Wbitby 1 played in South Korea to take part the "B" chainpionship in the world cbainpion- and Wbitby il played in ships. the "D" with both teains Last year, he caine in giving their best effort. fourth in the e' judo Whitby 1 inade it as coinpetition at te Los far as the quarter finals, Angelos Olyinpics and is the first gaine was a currently an econoiis hï raiser againsi inajor at the University Brainpton, tied until thE of Waterloo. last 30 seconds wher CONT'D ON PG. 1' Warriors defend Minto Cup itie this weekend pe ouiviion fthe 8- The Witby Warriors, firt uneinvisio cafreehe ast year's national ands was part of cafr- inin i h jno 'Ahacrionssieluncon and ajud ofainfor-n peiio iclubdefen-i Canajd a fom ptiti this wdefek t Caaua. P iiiIroquos Park ea reunhane wlltIoisisSatu r- he95jnrA. dayur fo e t ees. He lacrose 1cluiAbt wili then fiy ta Soeul, ter known ta lacrosse af- DURHAMI GIRLS' SOCCER LEAGUE Last Weeks Resuits SQUIRT Whitby Lions ....2 Pickering Soccer Club. 0 Andrea Iabony Sue Wsdom Pickering Soccer 'A' . .4 Ajax Bluebird Restaurant.........i Angie Crockferd Whitby Legion ...O ATOMS Whitby Checkers Whitby Canadian Variety..........3 Scottisb Club..... Heather Bird.........2 Lenora Kirk Patricia Fleming Plus .............. 2 Diana Niedzwledski.-ý--ý.. 2 P.S.C. Reniax Reaity. .4 Morton ............O Whitby Kinsineni Cura Williamsnnr PEEWEE Pickering Soccer Club. 4 Whitby Iraquais. Wbitby Roy's Entreprises ........2 Angle Iteer Angie Tanghe N10SQUITO Brookiin Grouap 74..i P.S.C. Canadian Landscaping .O. Heather Robinson Cup", wiil be held Aug 31 tbrough Sept. 1 should a coinpiete seveî gaine series be requireî in Whitby. The Warriors won second chance at th Minto Cup when the: beat tbe Peterborougi Maulers ta take the O1 tario lacrosse chain pionship earlier thi inonth. Challengini thein wili be Britis Coluinbia junior 'A chainpions, Burnab; Cablevision Victori! Legion. Last year Whitby teain fougbt a Ne Westininister B.C. teai for the titie, but tbe bei lacrosse club bas inE the Burnaby B.C. in tC Minto Cup finals onc befare. In 1977, tbe la. tiine tbat Whitby bostt the gaines, tbe Burnai teain trounced ti Whitby Consolidat Builders in six gaines. Barry O'Nei facilities and progra inanager at the areî says he eXPec capacity crowds fJ inost of tbe gaines, wi overail spectat averages of 1,000 to 1,1 a night. Tbe Warriors ai their B.C. opponer wiil face-off for tht first Minto Cup fini inatcb this Saturd tAug. 31) at WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB Hlouse League Standings As of Aug. 15 ATOM GP W L T GF GA P Highland Trophies 16 14 i i 65 14 29 Owasco 16 Il i 4 55 14 26 Bailey's Pharmnacy 16 12 4 0 50 13 24 Wbitby Professional Firefighters 16 9 2 5 37 19 23 Ray's Trophies 16 9 5 2 42 30 20 Century 21 RE. 16 4 8 4 25 42 12 Whitby Mail Restaurant 16 4 10 2 22 40 10 Brooklin Shoppers Drug Mart 16 4 10 2 20 42 10 Hair are Centre 16 3 13 0 12 60 6 Whitby FreePress 16 0 15 1 8 61 1 BROZCOKLiN4WH ITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 385 WHITBV, ONTARIIO LiN 5S4 1985186 HOCKEY REGISTRATION $105 per boy REGISTRATION DATES: Thurs., Sept. 5th, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sat., Sept. 7th, 9 a.m. -i p.m. LOCATION - IROQUOIS PARK ARENA TO REGISTER OR INFORMATION CONTACT: Bowmanville United .. 1