Wl-IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1985, PAGE 27 FREE PRnESS Emporim Ads wili only be acepted ubject tthe oliowing conditions. 7 PT. HEAVY esai tom chais wth hooks, $8. Twu whie marbie stabe f Vxl5x7l), $15. Lundry tub pamp sud motur, $45. Pur. table radio cassette player, $15. Large office chair, $5. Antique Underwood typewrter, $10. Old fashloned barn lght, $10. Brans 3 bladed boat propellor, $5. Twn 8 fluorescent ixtres, $10. Phone 8887404. FOR SALE ceramix Sandetone kits, $425 and moide, $100. Phone 6684887. FOR SALE custom Slt 6 plece kitchen nook Butcher Bock table, beige vinyl chairs sud ben- chas, excellent condition. $350 or Seat citer. 579-3829 aler 12 naon. FOR SALE beige upholstered mshogany chair, $100. Thre ler wainut aheif on podestat, $20. Large capactty ater sot tener, $200. Grass Becade sofa, $150. Phone 866-4877 or 433M998. ANTIQUE combinat lun wood and aiectnlc tone, Ideel for cottage, excellent condition, $480. 655- 3583. GREY ARBORfTE table and 4 chairs, $45. Uprlght Hoover vacuum, $20. Walut finish cl. tee fable, 20'n00, $45. Plcnic table wlIi fold In 2 benches, $50. Brown eiumlnum doue, 32'n50", lfaft, $45. Oek veneer dlning table, $5. Wringar asher, $25. ive kitchen chairs, chrome, $4 each. Phone 6889017. WEDDING DRESS size 7, chif- fouette over tattete, peard em- roidered yoke, chapet train, matchlng cathedrati ength oel, cot $35 ne, asktng $200. Phone 576-218. CUSTOM 8UtLT immtation freptace mth llald grey bricks and marbie hearth electrlc loge and firaptaca creen Inciuded, $30. Beginuers aet ot drums, $150.6868-1336. DISHWASHER, Sears deluxe pur. fable, chnpplng Stock top, three levet washlng action, $170. Coleman tenter cia case, $10. One electrIcal pana, $5. 60 smp. disconneut, $25. Boys$ cross coantry skis, 160 cm size, ciw potes, $10. ireplace screen and hat crcuiafIsg grate, $18. ti h.p. aiectric motor, $10. Toaster, hir curling set, aiectrlc cottee grlo. der, Monte Carlo 15" rim, $10 each. Phone 578-7897. FOR SALE antique dlntng mumm suite, elmean W0 f080 ypass d, n besutitut condition, aottd meple, madeaIn Buffalo, 9 places. tabla extenda f0 seat 10 cumior- fable, $1.900 or Sent offer. 668- 2481. PLOW, 4 Farrow Massey Prgussun, shear pin type, good condition, 3 point htch, asking $295. Cuittator, encollent 10 fi. mida, cdm hetght adjust and auto setting, $85. Cali 57-7897. 5.000 B.T.U. Eloctruhoma horizontal air condionor. $150. Phone 868-6185. ANTIQUE tabla and 2 chairs, $85. 24" mhite gas stove. $5. Floue puttaher, $5. Bundia buggy, $5. Hetrdryer, fable modal, $950. Sturdy caneasa hammock, $750. Sfacktng ina rack, $5. Standard typameter. Royal, excellent con- ditlor. $50. Older Remngton typemiter, guud. $25. Large com- fortebie arrocheir, $25. Phono 668-7404. SOFTWARE for T. . Professionai Computer. CPIM88, CBASICI88, RMICOBOL, Suparceic, Easymrter 1, asyspailar Il, Multiplan BPI, tnventory Cuntrut. Ait unused, $W0 eech. 688-3932 avenînga, 14 PT. FIBERGLASS canne, $150. 6 ft. residentiat dlving huard for swmmmng pool, $100. Tmo huner propane camping stona mth ,adaptur for fuel, $20. Cati 433 4689. BED Kng size. Sesrs-O-Pedlc, soiid toam mattresa mlh box sprtsg, $250. Sofa Sed, 3 seat, pulls out f0 double foam mat- fresa, $250, Phone 888-5889. UTILIT TRAfLER ancioaed, 7nxlOx5, good sprlngs and eote, carryiug cap 3500 ibs. tilt dock. $60 or best offar. 855-4187. STEREO PACKAQE recelvar, tue- tabte, cassette dock, aquaaizer, 2 speakers, $400 complota. Car steren, Saupo recelver, 200 mati power booster, 4 speakers. 2 are 8x9 Alpines, other 2 are 4" Tan- von, $250. 86-3084 or 688-0801. ANTQUES, moviug ithout them. Secretary (ery unque), $780. Buffet, SM7. Ktchen hutch, $450. Plue table, $200. Nons har- vast table, $900 and pressback Zouas chairs, sot ut , $150 each, ftable and chairs uery unque). Phono 571-3636. --LEASE KE/U- When the advertised item in sotd, disposed ut. ur unavailabie for whatencr reanon. the item wiilt be deemned to have been suid sud a commission wîtt be charged based un THE ADfPERTISEI) IRICE as ittustraied beiuw. regardiess if price ta stated wth -bent offer- If the item is NtiT SIILD. or disposed of, the ad mil beru for :1 MiiNTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $7 501 will apply payables advance ut publicatioin uf thc tîrsi ad The above minimum charge will 1w applîcd lu the final commission duc' Maximum commission $10000 Alil adver- tisemenis muni bc placed un an exclusive basin wih the WJttTffY FREE PRESS and ru ai leasi une month if nol sotd RATES 4If article is sstd t: 5% of adverttmed prier op t10$400.0 2%of balance avec $400.0 EXAMPLfE: Sotd item adveciised fert 8t50.00. (eommisten due $.50t minimum charge ls 87.50) Private advertising onnty Plesse notify Uic Witby Free Prestmmediatety wben item is suld su that we may detete it frxm Uic fottuwing issue. Att adsnout fitting the Emporium guidelmnen witt bc treated and carged per week an regutar ctasnified adn usea pre-paid basis sucb as: services, betp wanted, ctxring, ceai estate. and persunat message type adn. or adsnoun qunting price or quantity Private clanified ada may appear in Uic Emporium secioun under apprepriate headingn ALL ADS WILL Go IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWtSE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSITO: FREE PIOE&S EMPORIUM P.O. Bon 20 Whitby. LIN SfI fl le doubt colt: 668-6111 tR IELI VER lTO: 131 Iirock St. N. Whitby. tînt. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TUIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES ,,ARTICLES OT& FOR SALE F OR SA LE SUPPLIES FOR SALE bar, $250, Couc h and SAILBOAT, 12 fi., mahogany wth chair $150 Couch and 2 chairs 16 FT. SIDEWINDER goid Jib and Main Salis, muai be sean andatoa,$50 al n metaliic, compieteiy rat inlshed, f0 b. appreciaied, $325. 011 tank, chairs, S75. Baby carrnage, $25. $3.800. Phone 728"700. 300 gaa., $20. Hand fools for car Wooden bookcane, $150. Phone -- body morS, $25. Pthone 43-69 3-63 16 PT. INVADER, day sailor with _________cuver and salis, excellent con- ANTIQUES country store count- PHOTOGRAPHIC Eniarger 4" x dition, $1.250. Phone 7286700. bar. Church pew, $350. Phono 571-3636. ALUMINUM DOOR (34x82), $20. SollU front door (34x82), $W0. Two nem sheate of erborte, $. 5' used arboria, $4. Single slnk, $750. Blue basin, taps and drains, $1250. Mirrred medicine cabinet, $5. Ousntity amber dacorator glass great for bar), $20. Mahogauy Sfotd, (24n79>, $10. Sat ut antique double doors (interlor) 50x79. cedar, $25. Phone 888-7404. POUR SEATER coach and an. mchalr, $60. Suid mapie moud rocker. $300. Deboar tubular bunkbed. $500. Matrons for aboya, $50. Colt ee table and end table, $25 each. Aniqae ronewuod table, 5100, Phono 686. 3476. Box TRALER 4i. x8tt.5$250. 12 fi. o 12 ft. tout, with floue. $100. Eectronic air cleanor. Lennun. $125. Phone afier 5 p.m., 655. 3854. 5", negattue capabilitp, ideal for starter hobbylst, $90. Garage Doue, matai ooerhaad. 8'ido 7' hlgh, ail hardware etc., $75 lu WhitSy, cali anytime, 6683989. AfIR CONDtTIONER, old but morking, size 25- L o 181h" W. asking $55 orotter. Cal888.0187. AUTOMATtC apartmenl sîzo wauhing machine, $100. Wickor change table, $30. Bouster seat, $8. 48" box sprlng and head- board. $40. Basket chair and cuver, $8. Al n good condition. 68-88145. SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenne. swiih box, cabie and leads. gond condition, $100. Aiso a medicine cabinet. white onameliod matai. siding mirror doues. perfect for cottage, $15. Cati 686-4953 anytime. FOR SALE 9 dramer drosser, dark muod, mih tilt mirror, asking $855 Cail 723-9176. BEDROOM SUITE, qxeen sîzo, 6 places, moditaranean stylo, made by Gibard. $600. Phono 868-8914. fINATMOTIVE 1 U~EARPASIR/PARTS TIRE BALANCE machine oy'Bear Precision Blsncing'. 110 volts, single phase, 30 ampa, ait et- tachments f0 balance up f0 snd Iuciuding earge truck tiras, 4 years oid, perfect condition, $1.495. Tira Changer by 'Iýsh- man', eiectrlcihydrsuiic, takes tire sizes 7.0015 through 14.00- 24, Dupex, 10.0018.5 through 18.00-22.5, 4-20 piy ratIng, 230 voit, modet no. 931A, hscdiy ased, new cuet $7.000, saili for $2850. 855.4995, Broukiin. 1972 PINTO for parts, good motor, transmission and tires, $200 or best offer. Tom truck equlpment compete, boom and boom racks, revoivlng ights and saddle, entra rigging, 10000 lb eiectrlc winch, work 1usd of 9,500 Ibo., ecellent condition, $1,500 or besi offer. Phone 655-3006. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parts, 250-8 cyf. sud msny new perte, $250 or bast offer. 1600 cc motor from a 1973 Pnto, 52000 miles, ait new seais, $200 or beat 0f fer. Midiand AMIFM cassette steren with 8x9. 3 way, 200 watt speakers. $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rlms, $10each. Tmo new ultra Trac Il radial tires, size P185180R13, mounted and balan- ced., $130. Phone 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Deluxe Cham- pions H78-14 and 2 chrome rima, $100 pair. Two Gulf Crown 78 H78-14 WIW, $50 pair. Oue Uniropai steel beited snomtIre HR78-15, $25. Ose Cas Tire G78- 1981 CHEV Suburban Slverado 350, V8, nem, 8,000 km, 4 BBL. air, cruise, ps., p.b., tlntad windows, AMIPM cassette, bromu and beige, very good condition. $8.500). 855-4187. 1980OCHEV Impala Stattuuwagon, aato rans., ps., pSb., etecîrlu rear wîndua defroster, air coud., tint glass, AMIPM steren, cassette tape, car sa immacatate. $5,500 or boast fer. CalitPeut, 868-3802 or Joanne 5795289. 1980 HONDA Clubc, AMIPM stereo cassette, 125,000 km$., $1.600 Phone 88-U40. 1979 DODGE OMNI 024, ruse weli, needs some body muni, $M0. Cati 683-6708, 6 p.m. f0 9 p.m. 1978 DODGE Cuit, gnod con. dItIon, eutra tires, $550 as se. Cati 6553109. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Ps&., p.b., air condiflontng, $80 or hoastciter. Cati 855-3176. 1976 FORD U. ton wIudom Van, Mltle rust, heavy duty, Insutated and rxgged, must sait, $1.200 or boat 0fifer. Cati 688-8900. li5 plus ,rtm, $50 On. Gulf Cromu 1978 BUICI( REQAL. nom MOORYLE I 78-814 and rlm, $50. Two 15" Michelin tires, batteey, rad, W' AMDTDR ALESI rime,$50 Pair. Or a1t for $250. suspension. $750. phone 655. M Phonea88-9288. 4682. 1882 VAMANA YZ 250. nom Boxenio lin. ause$50,aiec 2 HOUSEHOLDI 197$ VEGA VI, 350, angine and 668409, ak $950ev . 'Ca W i M I body goud, sianruof, $980 or best Boyesenracug eed, ..6 ~ OOO 1 utfer, 8este, 868-5793. PORMAL DININO ROOM suite, 1079 SUZUKI 100 OýS.. veey good sotidmodexeln shp, 17PNTALmaspsh, coniton2 ak2g7 5. Phono made by Hoasa ni Breamore, 9 AMIPM staroo cassette, an- 888223.Places - 2 arm chairs, 4 ida caltent condition. $1.450 cee. 197 SUUKIGS400 god cn- chairs, table sosts 8 f0 10 corm. titied, Phone 6.4907 or M8.- 1975$UZKt S 40, god un- fortably, buffet and hutux, $2.500. 8054. dtinn, $600. Phone 6M.3447, Phone88914. FOR SALE Honda XL175 oqalp. SIX KITCHEN chairs. mooden. ped mith Street aud dlet tires. 2 ec.Mal0hi abe $2 hIhI SUMETS used tant pear un road, $450. Cati $20Odn ichen se hlltabSud 5ais 86-350$110. Threa end tablas, $25 each.1 ___________________ Catil 883.6m, MUST SELL Gibson base guitar _________ ___________ ith hardaheil case. uarY good LM ABYN lES] fItNG SIZE mrrored canopy, tour condition, $380. Phune 723-2579, RARYN EDS... ~ serlous Inqulres only. BABY CRIB mith cannpy, lu- cludes mattraus and bodding, $200. B3aby cradie. $100. 66- 2273. seasoved pns, etras too numorous lu lisi, encollent con- dition. mont fit lunome home, muni sacrifice et $1.500. Cali 655. 4187 HARMONIUM. small antique pamp orgen, famity hirtuom, $1.000 or basf oiter. John or Nan- cy 668-4335. 4!âpCON FUSEDP Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: sare a prvate advertiser; 'have an article to sel; and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details . Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months I. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It ît< un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selis, a commission is charted, based on the adverttsed price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. ilopefully. the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do caîIl 668-6111 and we'iI be pleased to explain the Emporiuni Section to vou personally. 1have read the Emporium guidelines above anîd .isli f hae he em r uneeape fwhtyuwud following advertisement placed under this secItin of the Whtfh.ý Fret charged ilvîvur arfîcle sold within three months. Press.. (tttnmtsstiutîs shtîwn include the minimum charge and are f hus the TOTAL AMOUNT dit formrit. ieat i slu e -rie ifeenii imini o I enclose $7.501ft cover the minimufli charge Charge $7,50Irs my Visa accisut tard No. .Nametipfeasr prîntil Addr"N . (Cit MAILI WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 postal code $ ft $ 25 $ $90 $1.000 $2.000O $4,000 j $5,000and up Total Amounî Payable $7.50 310.00 315.00 S20.00 $22.00 S24.00 326.00 328.00 $30.00 $52.00 S 72.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 -.1