Whitby Free Press, 28 Aug 1985, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAYt.AUGUSI 28. 1985, WHITBYTEE PRESS WHI CLAIC UCTIIE MY PERSONAL MSRRIM COLOURS opeeLw& Discover the colours Gre Maintenance Yshades that com * Free Estimnates pilment your skln For Competitive to& nhae your OnIy ~ ~Ma $30 paIlsuîonCnd 86 6.2770P L O KLunn plaed t halp Wokrs omamW I se on alO Psl ac ss urane, or 7NOW3O0E cr191 $prafml na g na Fntrianedro o cail: 57-1621. ppies.pers cîde 866-2oney tomatoes t W:WENTLS.LAprices First entrance 72d W.W VACTI O N Irs Corpn Everya b e ot fRsin on L F L" OR IDg ay 1eas s le. ICanadian ai Par Clearwafer -Thraa badroon mobile homes. Haead pools tensclose tf0 beaceasa ndPICK maor 'afracfions, childran ~~syU O N walcoma. Ilase ihus moal rnom). 6835503 KAZMAR FARMS. Pick pour w * * ngafables, Hwy. 401 esef go ~ZZ norlh on Brock Rd. four mles and follow the sige. ROOM FOR RENT NewmanBus Ces, Whlfby, $55 par waak . R:0PORUNITIESI JOf N OUR circuler mailing ACCOMODAION prngrem. Wonll ai homeeanx fla nelcome. Free dafails. M. -, WNTED Green Enfrprisas, 594 Ninanvilla. Manifoba. ROA 160. bedroamn hoasa, Si. John School dstrict, nead Oct. 1185. Phase 668408 WHîTBY OFFICE SPACE for ranI on prfessionel fiaar, Wold ba sultabla for lacyer, accaunfant, etc. Rant lecîndes ail utiles and le negailabie for an appropriate fanant. For futher information cel 686.372 betcee 9:30 B-m. and 5 p.m. Mnday ta Fidey. GIANT YARD SALE Labour Day weekend, Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2. astiques, cllectublas, lunk gainral Books, layeasd mach, much moral 3M0 Con. , bat- eeas Wstsey Rd. and Brock Rd. UNLIMîTED INCOME mailing cir- culae, frae details. Write: T.L. Penkr, 100 King Hiram Si., lner. salif, Ontario, N5C 1 L6. MAKE $1966 or more Par monfh, spara tîma, froc yanr home. Sesd sfamped. saif-addressad annelope f0 Races, 18 Baustaad Ave., Toronto,0Ont. MeR 1Y8. FREE: Drap inia the Dichoon printlng & office Suppiy store sn the Ajun Pluanue pick up a Iran cnpy of Ibeir 1985 MeIrlO Cules. dur. Prntned lenfera colaurs. Il cakes for hundy refereece. 683. 1968. Ià ARTICLES 15 Bo JTBY'S MOST WIDELY READ SERVICES. -ast lan sFinest Incarne Tax Course lunaes nom could ofar pou money-mulnng [500e pOli moniey on pour neiunatni Ion ime upi duasses sînnf Sepiamberll H&R BLOCK -More Information CALL NOW '3m221 7 >nd St. E., Oshawa *"GRAMMER for people who hal e grammar' safthe ideul pncket reference book for business people. $3.95 par copy and avallabi e ai ickson Prinfing & Office Suppfles lnfthe Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invifed 683-1968 AfRTICLES FOR SALE DEEF FOR SALE, cul and wrap. ped fo your specificufions. $1.85 por poued. Phone 6554986 or 6553687. ELECTROLUX CANADA ansoun. ces a saie on vacuums wif h powerheadsa et8499.50. Easy ferme. We ai so sali rug sham- pooers and usad and racon- difioned vacuums and sham. pooers. Culi 723-4163 for a home demo or corne fntOur sfore af 36s Wilson Rd. S.. Oshawa. *IEROES of fhe Bible- cofouring book anilabl e af OcksonPiný f ing & Office Supplies. Aan Plaza, 6831968. Denier Inquiries Innifadf. ARC WELDER. 230 amp, lecfnic funnaca, good for 2 bedroom house, alumlnum ladden, 2'h gal pressure fankn, haany duf y Orbitul nandars, 6 and 7" polisherîsan. dars, dolleys. Ena. 4331279. MATTRESSES und bon sprngs aI hall price. McKee Furnifure, 524 Simcne Sreet South, Oshawa 725-5181. WORKSHOP. monabie. $80. 20n16, 3 yaar oid wnod onilding wif h slid f loor and f nam ln. sulafion. Aso a 12' dinghy hull mould, good for producirrg fishieg or sailboals. Ena. 433- 127M FOR SALE used 26" calor TV., 8 pears aid. gnad carklng con. dition, $75. Phase 668-9252. GEOTYPE presson lai terieg soc le stock cf Dicksan Pinting & 0f- fice Supplies lenftha AanSbop- ping Plaza. Lange selecf iOofn stylas and szes. Why puy more for e smallar sheet oI ieffeing? 683-1968. FOR SALE four panais aI drapes, 36x95, cnstarnmae, aimosI sec, champagne colar. Aiea 2 panais of 25x83 drapes, cham- pagne, $75 fon ail or ciii sai searaI a et $15 a panai. 66898537ý CHESTERFIELD suites, loneseafs. sactianals, lees then h price. Large selection. McKeee Furiture. 524 Simone Sf. S.. Oshawa. 725-5181. C.H-.I.P. PROGRAM. Only 216 dape sft. Porea Iras estimais con- fact McCleane Insuitios Ser- ices, 1-80-263-3204. OUEEN SIZE brase bed comple with matrees and ban nprlsg. $600. Cail 669-9712. VI SIT aur nsed fureinure carahonse by appoint manl. Sig savngs on desks, chairs, iling cabnets, etc. Cali Dickson Pris- tisg & Office Supplias fa arrange an appolelment la alec. 683- 1968. MTRCYCLE SALV ETL 1982 SUZUKI 850 GSL, excellent shape, must sai, $1.500). 668- 9712. PMAICD d FIVE VEAR OLD Mare Pinta. 15 Discounts ualaoeu,,,csn bande hlgh, Western style, good Prnistng & Office Supplies in the for f ral cnd children, had al Alan Plaza. Cuil ns for business shos, 1,00.66-480,askfor mahin mire68-198. 35 FOOT Park modal traiter cith Mj az Thier2r 6-41,ek o aierpire83Fioridu raom ie beuntiful treed wi pa k In Hastings. Phone aller 6 p.m. 4396313. Asking $23.500. Open Iis ceekend Ion necing. CONGRATULATIONS on yUTMOBLE 000 HAS COME OOWN. The Irlbcam ns mur uage. Pae L FOR SALE tribulation Ilaln aec larthose n ec on sumples ni eegraned w, 44 cho rjact the frulh. Fan Iree in Ia edding Innitutians a ut o ïTl write R. Pauleseer Lac ie P.O. e sure in on Aax Puzu stora FOR SALE 1976 Fard 150 Super Bon 32, Medcuy Ohio, 45341. O cksan P inting & Office Sup- cab, 6 pssenger pick-up, ex. 0032plias. 6831968. cellest conditione, ps.,p1- Things are net as b eutamuticacretilied.$2.395 Ali WANT ADS C ALLSG841II 1976 F100 Ford vn. însniatnd and punelieni. rebuil moto,. nec cinich. s is, $695, Phone 666. 1452. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., AUG. 30 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Brilain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittie Britain Rd. Large Bow front china cabinet, Birds-eye mapie secretariat, round pedestai table, wainut china cabinet, pressback high chair, 7 plece bedroom suite (2 single beds), wicker chairs, washstands and dressers, 20 cu. ItL freezer, Captains chairs, cof ftee and end table, Oak rocking chairs, pine cupboard, singie wheei box trailer, Beaver table saw, pinbati machine, console color TV., col- tee and end tables, chesterfietds, Boston rockers, odd pressback chairs, 1977 Plymouth 4 door, 1983 '500 Honda Shadow motorcycie, quantity of toois, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-7862183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., SEPT. 13 5:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lin- dsaylLittie Britain Rd. Antique auction of ap- prox. 500 Items of fur- nîture, crocks, tables, washstands, Flo-blue china, Details next week. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-21 83 'AO hm J o7IlM ýoyeT MON., SEPT. 2 "LABOUR DAY SPECIAL" The property of MARGARET BEARE LTD. formerly Beare Bros.) Located on Beare Road, 3 miles east of Hwy. 48, on Steeies Ave., than one mile south on Beare Rd. lnciuded: ap- pliances. lridges, stoves, freezer, large number cof color T.V.s, B & W TV., chesterlieids, dryer, chrome suites, coffee & end tables, radios, large assorîment of iamps, humîdiliers, de- humidiliers, f loor polishers, vacuums, dinlng suites, bedroom suites, dressers, iuggage, large nio. of Kaulman & Greb hi-cut work boots, tires, much more new merchandise, and also for the antique minded a large amount of lurnîture plus 4 old teiephones, waîking piows, old gas pumps, also rack-way ties, reei Iawnmower. A good assortment of toois, ropes, 1953 Ford Jubiiee tractor with loader, post hole auger, mower, biade, 1 beam, iron bucket, lust a great assortment of a lot of good stufl. A large sale you shouid not miss. Lunch avaiiabie. Terms cash. Sale at 10 a.m. 3 Auction Rings. Come eariy. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER, BILL WALKER, EARL GAUSLIN, GARY HILL AUCTIONEERS cad as tlîey h le et Dickson Pri nting & office Supplies smiling et the i1f55 plesnt assitanto. m g.. FRRENT MOSE & TYPEWRITER renIai, many LIVSTCK mukes and modeais, byth ceekend, ceek or mont h ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed- $6.00 for 20 words, every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wil l ot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liabîlity regarding loss or damage hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the firsi li00 words; 12t eac h alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pbiainbyn the cost of the space occupied adtoa od such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS. CARDS OF THANKS- $8.(K) for the fîr- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12t each addi tfona 1 word I)EAIlNES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one aylefor thy ca bechaned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12c each ad- MICTION SALES- 40t per line, (Noî wird ads dllowed i to insert or cancel Emporium Ads.t ditional word if pre-paid. You may c harge your Classified BOX NUMBEItS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL 1Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 yeers axporlanda. cl wonk avnnnge Bndceeede. Cali Jlm, 729-&533. LANOSCAPERS lbourer$ eeeded f0 heip lnefail plaf legs, paliers, f char, ockery elone, top soli and snd. Apply sn persan ai Oshawa Garden Service, Thicksnn Road Norfth, Brookle. ECE. TEACHER eassistant teachers and supplias raquirad for new daycane. Phone 66"-200. Ff Sf CULTURE technicien wan- f edf f0 assisi cil h research and developmenf prolecf le Pckerng. Wa naad a cnmmlftad persan il h a "Grasn Thnmb len fish or animal culfural cha fines le the Pickerng area. Soma weeked conk required. Ap- pliceef s epply ta Limnas Llmlfed, af Pickerng, 631-0697. CAREERS IN TRUCKINO. Drver lob fraining ced placement halp le endIlable. Cal Rdgars Sohool et (416) 769-3540. LIVE-IN, lIna-ouf babysîffan naquined la cana for 2 chlldnen, refanencas raqnlned. Cal 668- 2349. WORD PROCESSINO Pragrcm. mieg, Lotus, dbase, If and fI1 aed mare, cîf h certf iIcite ced lob paccemenf, govemmeef cpproved aed laces, tax daductihie, Grade il ced 12 credît courses. The"a ill ftest 2 mnonths. Enral 50w. 6n~2226. ECE. TEACHER requirad farý daycane fan Sapfemban, gond saleny. Phone 68-9476. A PERSON REOUIRED fan dalineny and beklng assisfant cf Bues Master Bakery, Whitby. Phase 666-1177 afllan 2 pm. deliy. WASTRESSESIWAITERS wanfed cf Dinia Lee ChicIres and aisetc Wiedmli Danuf e. Apply cifhln, iocated on Dundes Si. E., Whifby. WANTED watreeseslwali ans, ina cooke, dishwashane ced bar- tenealetCfcmdlggens Sfteak & Saafood Hanse, 60 Rendait Dr., Pickerng Village. Appiy le per- son, sesd rasuma, or Ccli Mr. Rampton Bf 427-7353. We need S afew boys and 9- girls! Became a carnier iodey. Lears ta ha e bueines3 persan wllb respnnslbiliy *chite eernelg money. Become the naistaed. lng carrier of the mont h sdi become a cineeniTalk 10 aur Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Today! WHITBY FREE-PRESS [LASFIID ADS ICONTINUE I#EPAG 2 1 ilei?

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