WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1l985, PAGE 11 Unless its province wide.... RC funding vote won't do much good, Attersley says Unless every municipality in Ontario holds one, Mayor Bob Attersley doesn't believe it's wise for the Town of Whitby to hold a referendum during this November's municipal election concerning the provincial gover- nment's plan to extend full funding to the t Roman Catholic separate school system. f Last week, the Durham Board of YMCA holding special fashion show Sept. 19 "Marilyn's" of the Charles Promenade, Toronto, in conjunction with the Durham Region Family YMCA will hold a special fashion show on Sept. 19, at 7.30 p.m. Emphasis will be on wardrobe organizing trends and modifying jthem to fit personal taste. Marilyn will give many budget-wise tricks to help us expand our shopping dollar. As the models are modelling many of the latest fashions featuring the mix and match tweeds, plaids, etc., Marilyn. will give poin- ters on understanding your figure and learning how to make the most of individual assets - tips will also be given on ac- cessorizing effectively. Tihis elegant fashion therew ilbea socdialth wieand cm f hee nd gests wBildiav nop- CeateSt.faS.his witn wither asistants.m ThF o st of g the showi $6 er ip eso ad ticketsarcee nw avats ilalave 'Yn of- portuy alling 668-6868 lAmbu asinceit sih eraietas Thercsngofthesweektha endlaedatminht'Yastf Thursat ehtbytS AmbulanceSevc fservicecll calîs oftaeroutine atr Tuand the stanbyas foAt mbulanceevc sriesn Osh3 awaan The service as Tyresponded to 37 emgn cy ostndcals n fo Therumbltocae o ambulcen servicean The senrovi yas 723-5232. o 3 Education adopted a motion requesting that each municipality within its jurisdiction ask this question during the Nov. 12 ballot: "Do you favor the extension of funding to the Roman Catholic separate secondary scitools? The questions is to be answered "yes" or. no' While Attersley says that he has many con- cerns about the gover- nment's policy, he doesn't believe that a referendum in Whitby will do mucit good unless every municipality, not just in 1 A1TTERLt.Y Durham Region but across the . entire province holds one as well. "I don't think this is the way to go unless it was Ontario-wide," the mayor said in an inter- view last Friday. "It has to be province wide, nothing will be gained by doing it in pockets. " No true reflection of public opinion will be determined, Attersley maintains, if Whitby and Ajax vote to hold the referendum while Oshawa and Pickering don't. Similarly, he asks, what point would be made if Durham agreed to the referen- dum but Metro Toronto and Ottawa-Carlton didn't? Although the matter has yet to go before Whitby Townm Concil, At- tersley.!oesn't believe it will agree to the request unless the provincial gnvernment "makes it mandatory for al municipalities. " In fact, the mayor believes that this referendum should be the responsibility of the provincial government. But he was quick to add that it shouldn't be held until after the courts have been given the chance to rule on the legality of the gover- nment's legislation. "The whole thing has to go through the courts first, the courts must decide if it's legal," he' said. Attersley is also con- cerned about the local ramifications of holding a referendum on this issue. He noted that 25 per cent of Whitby's population dlaims the Roman Catholic faitit and he doesn't want to see the community divided on religious grounds because of this issue. Furthermore, the mayor maintains that there are stili far too many unanswered questions concerning the funding plan. These questions must be an- swered hefore an in- telligent decision can be made. "I think they should here from the people, but it should be the provincial government who asks them the question," Attersley said. 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