WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1985, PAGE 27 FREE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. -M ---.-.--b--il A o_ _ __"l_ _ _ 7 FT. IIEAVY sisal tow chain with hooke, $8. Two white marb10 siaba fi/,x15x71), $15. Laundry tub pump and motor, $45. Por- table radio Cassette Player, $15.- Large office chair, $5. Antique Underwood typewrifer, $10. Oid faahioned barn ight, $10. Braosa3 biaded boat propetior, $50. Two 8' fluorescent fitures, $10. Phone 868-7404. FOR SALE ceramix Sandatone Suln, $425 and moids, $100. Phone 668-8887. FOR SALE custues bult 8 place kitchea nook Batcher Bock table, beige vinyi chairs and ben- chas, excelent condition. $350 or boat cffer. 5793829 alter 12 FOR SALE beige uphoistared mahog0nW chair, $100. Three fier wainut sheif on pedestai, $20. Large capacity wafer soffoner, $20. Green Brocade sofa, $150. Phonea68884877 or 433"998. ANTQUE combinat ion wood and electric sf ove, Iideai for cottage. excellent condition, $480. 655 3583. GREY ARBOAtTE table and 4 chairs, $45. UprIght Hoover vacuum, $20. Watnut finish cnt- tee tabla, 29BO, $45. Picnic tabe wIii fold ln 2 banches, $5. Brohen alumInumn door, 32'u60", at, $45. Oak enear dtnlng fable, $50. Wrnger washer, $25. Fiva kitcflen chairs, chrome, $4 each. Phonea8688-9017. WEDDING DRESS aize 7, chif- tonetf e overrltfta, Paarl em- brotdarad poka, chapet train, matcfiing cattredrai tengthneoi, cot $3M0naw, asking $200. Phon a 578-218. CUSTOM BUtLT immitation firapiace wth Iniaid gray bricks and marbia earth aiectrlc loge and firaptace acreen Inciudad, $300. BgInnars set of drumas, $150. 868-13». DISHWASI4ER, Sears delusa por- tabl, chopping block top, thrae anali washing action, $170. Cotaman tenter ciw casa, $10. Ona electrîcal panel, $5. 60 amp. dIaconnect, $25. Bo'a cross country skis, 160 cm iza, clw poies, $10. Freplace acreen and hat circulating grala, $18. 'h h.p. lectric motor, $10. Toaster, fiair curing set, elactric collas grin. der, Monta Carto 15" rim, $10 aach. Phone 57-7697. FOR SALE atiqua dining roomn suite, hetween 6010o80 years oid, an beautiful condition, soiid mapla, madeoln Butffalo, 9 paces, table etends f0 seat 10 comfor- tabla, 81,900 or bont it er. 6888- 2481. PLOW, 4 Furrow Musaey- Pergusson, aar pin type, goud condition, 3 point hilch, usklng $295. Cutivator, encllent 10 fi. wvide, clw froight adjusi and auto aoftiog, $85. Culi 578-7697. 5,000 B.T.U. Electrohome horizontal air conditioner, $150. Phone 888-6185. ANTIQU E table and 2 chairs, $85. 24" white gas stono, $50. Floor polashor, $5. Bundio buggy, $5. Halrdryior, lubie model, $950. Sturdy casvaa hammock, $7.50. Stacking wine rack, $5. Standard typewriler, Royal, encllent con- dition, $50. Oldar fRemington typewritOr, good, $25. Large com- fortahie armchair, $25. Phono 688-7404. FOR SALE retridgorator, $350. stooe, $250. Hair dryor andI chair, $100. Phono 579-4212. TWO CASES of Dr. Balarda dog tact, $18 a case, 24x25.5 ors. each. Phone 57-399. 14 PT. FIBERGLASS canoe, $150. 8 fi. rsidestiai diing hourd for awimming pool, $100. Two burnar propane camping stovo wth adaptor for tuai, $20. Caît 433- 4889. BED King sizo, Soars-O-Pedic, sold foumn mattroso wth -hou aprIng, $250. Sofa bed, 3 seat, pulls ouI to double toes mut- fr055, $250. Phono 688-5889. UTILITY TRAILER onciosed, 7uxlO'x5', good sprIngs and unie. carrying cap 3500 has, tilt dock, $80 or boni oiter. 855-4187. STEREO PACKAGE recoiner, fur- nIable, cassatte dock, oqualizar, 2 speakers, $400 complota. Car aferoo, Senyo recaivor, 200 watt power booster, 4 speakers, 2 are 609 Apines, othor 2 are 4' Tan- vox,8$250.688-3064 or 888-0801. ANTIQUES, moing wthoui thom. Sacrtary (ve0W unique), $780. Buffet, $375. Kltchon hutch, $450. Pins table, $200. Nons han- nesf fable, $900and prosshack Zauss chairs, sal of , $150 each, fable and chairs nory unique). Phono 571-383. When the adverttaed item ia sotd, disposed nf, or unavaitabte for whatever ceaona. the item wttt be deemed i tauve been soid and a commssion witt be charged basent on TIIE AIIVERTISE[) 1I'ltl('E as itinsiruled betow, regardiess if price is stated with -best offer- If the item is NOiT SiiLD, or disposent nf. the adt wii ho ml f[or 1 MiiNTtIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $7.50 wii appty payable ta advunce nf publicatton of the ftrst ad The above minimum charge wili ho applied lv the final commission due Maximum commission $100,0ii Ait advcr- titemenLs must ho piaced on an exclusive basis wth ihc.WIIITIOY FREE l'If SS and run ai icasi one month if not nld RATES (if article ls soltI t 5% uf aderriierd prier up to 9400.00 of etbalance user 400.00 EXAMPIE: Sutd item advertised for 9150.00. (a missioe due 97.590t misimumn charge Is117.SOl Private advrtising oniy! PIeuse notify the Wtby Free Pressi mmediateiy when item is soid son thaf se may deilee t from Uic following issue. Att ads not fiiiing tc Emporium guidetines wiit ho treaird and citargent per week us regutar ciamsifient adn on a prepaid basin auch as: servic. es.bp wunted, ctUiig. ceaI csate. and personal mesage type ads, or adsn fot quotina prier or quantiiy Prîvate ciasstfied ads may appear in the Emporiums section under appropriale bcadings ALL ADS WILI, GO IN Ct.ASSIF IED SECTION tlNtESS f)TIIERWtSE SPECtFI Et) MAIL.AIlSWT: FREE I'RES5S EMPOIRIU.M P.O. lion 206 Whitby .IN 5Sf Ifile douhi catI: 668-6111 131 ltrock St. N. Whitby, tOnt. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPO)RIUM AI)S IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. rVOMOTIVE U~EARIASIRIPARTS 1972 PINTO for parts, good motor, transmiasion and ires, $200 or asft offer. Tow truck equipmont "Complote, boom and boom racks, revooilng ights and saddie, otra rlgging, 10,000 lb electric winch, work load of 9,500 Iba., exceltent condition, $1500 or Sest ottor. Phono 655-3006. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parts, 250-8 cyl. and many new parts, $250 or hast ofler. 1800 cc motor from a 1973 Pinto, 52,000 mules, ail 0w aseais, $200 or 50sf otier. fut dland AMîFM cassette alaren wilh Bo, 3 wuy, 200 watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rima. $10 each. Two new ultra Trac Il radiai tires, size P185180R13, mounled and balan- cedi, 5130. Phono 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Dlune Cham- pions H7814 and 2 chrome rime, $100 pair. Two Gulf Crown 78 H7814 001W, $50 pair. One Uniroyal steel boted soowtIra HR78-15, $25. OneaCan Tire G78- - .~-.--------.---1 ~ ' J 78 H78-14 and rim, $50. Two 15" S i7', ARILS IeARTICLES rmas $50 pair. Or ail for $250. A TCEFO SAE FOR SALE Phone 6W-9288. FOR SALE Sat $250, Couch astI SUPER SCANNER C.B uanion a _____________ SAILDOAT, 12 fi., mahogany wiih chuir $150. Couch and 2 chuirs sith bon, caS e antad a d., I MUSICAL Jib and Main Salin, must Se seen and Ottoman. $350. Table and 2 gond condition, $100. A. IIIISR M N S 10Sauprciid,$35Outak chuirs,$75. Baby carrugo $25. medicine caSinet, white 300 gala., $20 Hand oils for cor Wooden honkcase, $150. Phono enumelled motl su ding --ao body work $25. Phono 433-4689. 433-4653. doors, porfecl for cottage, $15. MUST SELL Oibaon bass guitar _________ - Cal 6M.93 anytime. sith hardahol case. 00W good ANTIQUES countrW store cous- PHOTOQRAPHIC Enargor 4"O _________x____ condition, $360. Phona 723-2579, ter, $800. makes a grauf roc. more 5 negalivo capahiliiy, ideai for f erons Inquîrias onîy. bar. Church nus. $350. Phono starer hobSylat. $00. Grage : f HOUSEHOLDI 571~3630, Door, metal ovorheiud, 8 silde 7 .J GO S I HARMONIUM, amali antique high, aul hardware oic., $75. In G D S pm rafml oro ALUMINIJM DOOR (34x82), $20. Whiby, caanyiee, 669pm9r.n iy orom Solid front door (34x82), $50. Two BEDROOM SUITE, queen size, 8 51,000 or hast offer. John or Nan- nos shoota nI arborif o. $. 5 AIR CONDITIONER, oid Sut paes, metîterunoan style, made cy 688-4335. usad arborte, $4. Single nink, working, size 25" L o i8W' w. hy GibartI,5600.Phone868-8914. $750. Bue basin, tapa and asking$55oroftar.CIIB688-0187. SIKTCE chissod, cabinet, $5. Ouentlty ambar MASTER BEDROOM suite - $20 each. Mapie hall table, $125. V-j-1 SALES/RENTASI decoralor glass igreau for bai), double hed antI matîrassa,fait boy YWooden kichen sol and 5chairs, $10. Set of antique double doors intoriorl 58079, cedar. $25. Phono 668-7404. FOUR SEATER coucfi and ar- mchair, $800. SOUId mapie wood rocker, $300. Deboor iabuiar bunkbed, $500. Mattreas for ahone, $50. Cottee tabe andI end table, $25 eueS. Antique rosewood table, $100. Phono6888- 3476. BOX TRAILER 4i. x fi., $250.12 fif. o 12 fi. lent, with floor. $100. Elocfronic air cloaner. Lennon, $125. Phono attor 5 p.m., 655- 3854. dresser and douhle drosser wif h mirror, $250. Green paid couch and chair, $95. Sforeo console, $125. Bue olnel swaga and double panel curfaIns, $75. Quit trustlosa 17 cu. f ridge and tone, aimoat 00w, $850. Wooon beige tweed drapes, 2 panais, 50 wlde n 97 long. $45. Phono 668-4264. WICI(ER change table, $30. Booster saut, $8. 48" box spring and fradhourd, $40. Basket chair and cosor, $8. Aitlnl good con- dition. 688-8145. FOR SALE 9 drawor dresser, dark wood, with tlt mirror, asking $85. Cali l723-9176. Cali l683-663. KING SIZE mirrored cunopy, four poster walorhed, "Pantation" seasoned pine, eoirus foc numeroas fo liai, excellentf con- dition, wonf f in new hume, muaI sacrifice ut $1,500. Cail 655. 4187. BABY CR16 with canopy, ln cladas matI rosa and beding, $200. Baby cradie, $100. 666- 2273. 1982 VAMAHA YZ 250, nos Dunlop tirer. unswer siiencer, Boyessen racirg reeds, $950. Cul 868-4093, ask for Steve. 1979 SUZUKI 100 D.S., nory gootI condition, askIng $450. Phono 688-2273. 1978 SUZUKI GS 400. good con- dition, $800. Phono 868-3447. FOR SALE Honda XL175 eqaip- pad with sf reel antd Irt tires, used lest yaar on road, $450. Coul 666-3456. FOR SALE$ 1981 CI4EV Subarban Silverado 350, VB, 00w, 8,.000km, 4 BBL, air, croise, p.s., phb., tinted windows, AMIPM cassette, brown and beige, ooWy good condition. $8.500. 655-4187. 1989 CH-EV Impala Stationwagon, auto Irans., p.s., phb., electric rear wiodow dafroster, air cond., tint giasa, AMIFM stereo casette tape, carisa immaculato. $5,500 mOc boit citer. Cali Paul,686-3802 or Joanne 579-5269. 1960 HONDA Cloix, AMIFM atoroo cassette, 125,000 kms., $1.600. Phono 68-0440. 197e D000E OMNI 024, rusa wali. needa somne body work. $800. Cali 883-6708, 6 p.m. 10 9 1970 D000E Colt, good con- dition, outra tires, $550as la. Cai 855-3109. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDODA p.s., phb., air conditioning, $80 or 50sf offor. Cali 655-3176. 1976 FORD ;4 ton window Van, tittie ruai, haany duty, insuiaiod and ragged, muaIsouel, $1.200 or hast offer. Cali 88-8900. 1978 BUICK REQAL, new Michelin tires, battery, rad, suspension, $750. Phono 655- 4682. 1975 VEGA V8, 350, angine and body good, sunroof, $9%0 or basf offtor, as se. 66&.5793. 1975 PONTIAC Lemana, p.s., phb., AMîFM stereo cassette, ex- cellent condition, $1.450 cor- tifiod. Phono 688-4907 or 888- 6154, 1974 OLDSMOBILE Dalla 88, 70,000 miles, asking $200. Phono 579-4212. 1974 MERCURY Comet, automatix, new mutiler worth $130, runsing order, neada somo body work, as la, $250 or basf of- for. Coli88-0187. 16 PT. SIDEWINDER goid mataiiic, compiotely raflnishod, $3600. Pthona 728.700. 16 PT. INVADER, day sailor wlih conar andI salis, excellent con- dition, $1,250. Phone 7286700. 4weCON FUSEDP Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'iI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelînes above for more details i . Your ad will'run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months I A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wiIl sell, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7.50"i When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. r1 have read the Emporium guidelines above anîd wîsh ttc have he followîng advertisement placed under this section tof the WhithY lFree Press.1 doni IforgetIl 1, 15iuiv ph oe îîuninr I enclose $750 tii cover the minimum charge Charge $7.50 to My Visa accounl tard No Naine i pIeuse -priai: Addreir, MAIL TO: E%) at- WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S 1 Postal Codr Belîiw are surme examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Coimmissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABI .1 Prict. $S1 50 $ 62(X $ 7(1) $80 $2,000 $3,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 810.00 315.00 820.00 322.00 824.00 326.00 $218.00 330.00 s 32.00 852.00 872.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 »I %. I&Y