WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1985, PAGE' 13 While rais ing $2,500 for M.S.... Old friends turn ont to roast Attersle auiece Wleyrae ni hycid iBy MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff They roasted hiru. They toasted hlm. They made -hm laugh. And they made hlm cry. Al while raislng at ieast $2,5W0 for the Multiple Screrosis Society. Legions <wel, 250 ianyways) of Bob Atter- sley's hockey mates, friends, fans and co- workers turned out iast Thursday nigbt as the Whitby Jaycees held a roast in bis bonor. Old friends - ones wbo know hlm 90 weli - tur- ned out. Men like Wren Blair, Bil Walace, Glenn Cochrane and Danny McFarlane graced the Heydenshore Pavillon with old war stories about the ex- ploits of the practical joker wbo became Whitby's 41st mayor. Wren Blair, now a business associate of At- tersley's, first met hlm way back in 1952 whiie he was playing with the Oshawa Generals. It was Blair who coaxed Attersley back to Canada to play for the Whitby Dunlops after he signed with the Boston Bruins of the N.H.L. It was that signing that gave the "Dunnies", as tbey were affectionately known, the world cbam- plonship la 1958. J aycettes to hold "Intro Night" sept. 18 By CECE WAGAR The Whitby Jaycettes would like to invite women between the ages of 18 and 40 to an "Introduction Night" on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. At that time, they wil present information regarding their organization's goals and activities. Jaycettes are unique in the fact that they give you the opportunity to better yourseif tbrougb community in- volvement, leadership training and feilowship. Jaycettes give you the opportunity to make new friends. It also gives you the chanlce to bettr udersandyour- sef and other people. This la an organization where everyone can be heard and members' opinions count. Their membership includes worklng girls and homemakers wlth common lnterests. Tbey run project in many areas, community as weil as individual development and socials. Jaycettes is com- pietely voluntary - you give the time tbat you feel you can afford. For more infor- mation,' cil President Nancy McDowell, 725- 3140. Jaycettes may be just what you've been looking for! In those days, Atter- siey's hair was less blonde than it is now and he made a reputation for hiniseif among bis teammates as a notorlous practical joker. Like the time Wren Blair decided to ... ah, 1 not suitable for recollec- tion in a famiiy newspaper. Perhaps the most printable comment came from CFTO-TV's Glenn Cochrane who was heard to remark: "IAil tbese people bere to see a guy wbo basn't scored sinoe 1958. " (And you can take that quip anyway you want to.) We also heard about Attersley's exploits on the golf course. Ap- parentiy, the man can't it a bail to save bis life. Once, be decided to take It's a good thing these two guys are friends. Wren Blair is seen here giving Mayor Bob Attersley an affectionate half-nelson before getting up to roast hlm at a dinner heid by the Whitby Jaycees last Thursday.' Blair first met Atersley while both were with the old WhitbyDunlops hockey team. Free Press Staff Photo don't think that one would be suitable reading in a famiiy0 newspaper. Or how about the time...naw, can't use that one eÉther. I know, how about that' timne in Sweden when. . .no, can't tell you that one. Gee, this is getting tough. Our' boy Bob did some pretty hilarious things. But how arn I Hy o going to tell you about tbem? In the wild and reckless days of his ' youth, he was quite the helraiser. But they're SOLID OAK AND PINE FURNITURE M.S.R.P. 83,95Q*00 (ALSO AVAILABLEIN PINE AT A LOWER PRICE) INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 110 LU LPS.E. TY681 3 31 OPEN MON.-WED. 10-6, THURS.-FRI. 10-9, SAT. 10-5 SUN DAYS 11-4 part in a cbarity gold tournament with Blair and a few other notables during tbe highligbt years of bis hockey career. Bold as brass, Atter- sley walked Up to tee-off in front of a large crowd - ail expecting bis skill on tbe ice to be tran- slated to the golf link. He took bis first swing and missed. He took a second and missed again. You could hear the murmers of disappoin- tment from the crowd. So, Attersiey turned around to tbem and casually remarked: "Tough course, isn't Most Whitby residents are aware of the fact that Attersiey bas reigned supreme up at the Town Hall for the last five years. But most are unaware of bis telephone fetisb. The man always bas a phone stuck to the end of one ear. A common joke among town staff is that be'Illbave one in bis cof- fin to take any last imute calîs. With that thought in mmnd, town ad- ministrator Bill Wallace gave Attersley a car- toon, drawn by local artist and Free Press cartoonist Ken Lennox, depicting Attersley at the telephone. Tbey aiso gave hlm a Mickey Mouse telephone, and a scissor sbarpner to keep those scissors sharp for al those rîbbons be's been cutting. Looking out over 'the remarked: "Weil, one thing 1 do know about Bob ... he sure knows how to kick-off one heli of a good election cam- paign."t It was a good nigbt. People laughed. Some And the mayor was a, good sport about it ail. He, too, laughed and cried and cajoled with old friends, many of whom he hasn't seen for some timne. But after ail, it was for a good cause. ON DELIVERY 0F VOUR NEW PONY OR STELLAR Il you make your purchase et ter Sept. 10185 FoIIow these stops: 1. Price the model of your choice at any other deaier and have your trade in appraised by a manager 2. Be sure you write down ail prices 50 there Is no chance of contusion 3. CorneIn and see me for an eq uai or better deai 4. On the day you take deiivery of your new car give me this ad. l'Il hand you 150.110 cash. IWANT TO BE CANADA'S TO HYU NDAI SALESMAN , YOU WATTE ETDA ý --, 1 -x- - - MIMIIIIIIOJ