Over $48 million in building permits issued to date.... Growth rate has reaci Commercial and in- dustrial condominium Hopkins St. million in building per dustrial development project on Beecli St. and During the month of mita. Residentia accounta for about 28 the expansion of Sun August itself, the town growth accounted fo per cent of Whitby's Jay Entreprises on issued just over $5.6 $4.6 million and i growth to date this year, according to figures released last Thursday morning by Mayor Bob Attersley. As of Aug. 31, the Town of Whitby had issued just over $10.6 million in commercial and industrial building permita; as compared to just over $4.1 million during the same eight- month period in 1984. That's the highest commercial and in- dustrial growth rate on record since 1976, when the town began keeping these types of statistics. The record was first set in 1983 when $4 .5 million in such permita were issued. The biggest industrial W ITH building permit ever issued by the town was W i worth $28 million. That was to allow the con- pR Control Board of On- tario warehouse on Wentworth St. in 1982. P O AF Total growth in the town lias been valued at just over $48.7 million with residential development accoun- CONQUER WINTER AND ting for $37.7 million in building permits. During ail of 1984, the town issued just over $49 AF .million in building per- mits inail sectors. "This should be the highest year ever for... $ 0 assessment growth i the Town of Whitby, IHA AM ZN Attersley says adding LENNOX PULSE FURNACE that he expects to make tG1403 series) Otter ends December 31, 1985 a major announcement . in early October con cernîng the location ofa new manufacturing plant in Whitby. The mayor added that the strongest year for total growth was 1983 when $62 million in ' »<4 permits were issueil. He expects the town to sur- pass that mark handily by the end of the year. The mayor also poîn- ted out that much o! the registered commercial growth to date has been for the expansion of ' ~~<' existing local businesses. good," Attersley says, "because if they're ex-PRAN panding, they're creating jobs."Q He is especially pleased with the record growth rate in the DO IT ALL WITH PROPANE. commercial sector. "In DO IT ALL WITH SUrERIOR. commercial develop- Superior Propane has been a pioneer ment we'll see double and innovator in the propane industry the highest figure we've for over 33 years. Qdr experience, ever had, " he said. expertise and dependabte service has AF New commercial earned us a reputation as one of NorthTO I development includes Americas teadîng Propane companies. T I the construction of a Our army of traîned specîatists are What a greatv new shopping centre on there f0 hetp you decide on which Just by con Thickson Rd. S. by First system best suifs your needs. From a Propane bran( City Developments. The comptete no-obligation estimate and that makes y' anchor store for that breakdown, f0 our commîfmenf to three experu project will be a new provide any tottow-up service if re- wortd, Florida. Toys 'R Usoutlet and an quired. Join the winning side. Come ac omm oci A & P grocery store. with Superior Propane today. acmo a The town lias also ap- mnyada provedi the construction -------- can handle. FL o! a new shopping cen- at aIt Superio tre at the corner of Dun- purchase nec das St. W. and Jeffrey Offer end A4 MINI-METRICS 4.5 L is about a gallon. WilITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1l, 1985, PAGE 7 hied 1984 level er- dustrial permits were tion of 52 single family August, 1984, 59 single ai valued at $762,000. dwellings were issued family permits were fr During August, per- bringing the year-to- issued making the total in- mits for the construc- date total to 522. In to date 480. w - Wfl w-- WIN AMILY VACATION INEYWORLD way to win the CoId War! îing info any Superior nch you can fi11 out a ballot ou etigible ta win one of ise-paid trips ta Disney- a. lnctuded is return airfare Disneywortd, one week's lation, $500 spending aii the warm weather you Fuil detaits and entry forms or Propane branches. No cessary. ds December 31, 1985 OýPANE~ LENNOX. RELIABLE PERFORMANCE, 10W COST INSTALLATION You cant buy a more efficient or dependabte propane furnace. The Lennox Pulse Furnace is the resuit of years of extensive field festing and research. Compare eff iciency ratîngs. At 96%0/o 98%o fuel efficient, the Lennox Pulse propane- f ired f urnace is a lastîng in- vesîmenl We'tt show you how you can win t he Cold War wîlh Lennox Superior Propane U l 505 Victoria Street East, Whitby, Ontario SPRO RPN ADVSO FGL AAARSUCS (416) 668-3328 spno BPN IIIN0 UFCND isucS Open - Monday - Frlday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.