PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEIFTEMBER 18, 1985, WHIT.BY FREE PRESS Applications accepted until Sept. 25.... Firedepartment reeruiting volunteers DURHAM HEAINAIDCL.N. Repairds o aiu es F o herln es t Did yau ever dream ai being a firefighter when yau were a kid? Well, if you did, then the Whitby Fire Department wants ta talk ta yau. According ta Deputy Chief Tany Van- daleweerd, the depar- tment is currentiy recruiting volunteers ta supplement their full- time f irefighting farce. In arder ta be a volun- ter firefighter in the Town ai Whitby, yau must: 1) be physicaliy and medicaily fit; 2) be over the age ai 18; 3) have a grade 12 education; 4) have a ciass 'D' drivers license <however, suitabie candidates withaut a class 'D' license will nat be disquaiified - the department wiil provide necessary training); 5) pass a medicai examinatian and a physical test canducted at York University, and, 6) pass any ather tests that the department may require. Vandaleweerd says that ail training wiii be canducted by the lire department and ail valunteers are expected ta make themnseives available for twa training sessions a mon- th. Volunteers, he added, will nat be assigned ta aa crew until they are at the stage when they aren't "apt ta get inta normai difficulties.'" Town to remove Dundas St. median In spite ai the paetic Shakespeare, Edwar( pratest by Reg. Coun. campared the median1 Tam Edwards ta "save "sweet music", arguir the median," cauncil that "if music be Ut decided last week ta ga food ai lave, lay ail Ll ahead with its plans ta singing median. " raze the Dundas St. E. The Bard's worc centre strip. failed ta move the re The strip - between ai cauncil. In rezpon! Kendaiwaod Rd. and ta Edwards' cammei Thickson Rd. - wiil be that he'd "tri( eliminated ta aliow for everything"' the addition ai a left dissuade the tawn fro turn lane. doing away with ti Quoting from William stripl, West Ward Cou Joe Bugelli quippe LOOK ATr "P; 1 "evervthing hut try The Framlnq Cen-, 668-4521 rls ta ing the the Is, est ise ent ed (ta he [n. ta negatiate a left hand turn safely.. .and that's what we're ad- dressing.'- NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM The Audted Financial Statements of the Corporations of The Regional Municipaliiy ai Durham for the year ended December 31, 1984 are avalable from the Regional Finance Depart ment. Anyane inlerested in obtaîning a copy of these statements should write ta the Finance Department of the Regional Munlcipality of Durham, 60 Bond Street West, PO. Box 618, Oshawa, Ontaria Li H 8B6. The foliowing financial highlighls refleot the operations, assels and liabilities of the Regional Municipaiity of Durham inciuding the Waerworks, Sewage and Waste Disposai Systems and the Board of Commissioners of the Durham Regionai Police. COMPARISON 0F CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES <Ail amounts ln thousands af dollars) WHERE THE MONEY CAME FROM: Requisition on Ar ea Municipaliies Ontario Granis Other (mainly user service charges) 1984 1983 31,820 45,105 47,860 29,777 45,020 40,453 VEAR END POSITION 0F ASSETS AND LIABILITI ES <Ail amaunts ln thousands ai dollars> eCash and Short Term Invesments *Accounts Receivable *Other current Assets WHAT THE MONEY WAS SPENT FOR.- 1984 1983 General Government Protection ta Persons & Property Transportation Services WaterWorks Sanitary Sewer System Other Environmental Services Heaith Services Social Services Senior Citizens Day Nurseries Far.,.ily & Children Services Planning and 5,173 22,716 12,864 14,143 19,031 4,182 3,809 18,262 14,841 2,201 4,193 e Restricled Assets 21,477 a CapitliAssels 12,822 e Accounts Payable, Accrued Liabiities 15,178 e Other urrent Liabiliies 15,275 * Oulslanding Long Term Debt 2,537 a Reserves and Reserve Funds 3,499 e Fund Balances 17,874 e Unexpended Capital Financing 1984 1983 28,863 26,328 15,924 13.011 2,251 1,617 3,482 1,987 76,172 79,441 12,435 10,925 2,039 1,973 76,172 79.441 26,972 22.751 5,812 4.842 3,262 2,453 15,474 2,034 e Trust Funda Under Administration 1,194 1.074 753 1,635 10 ta 12 training sessions. There are several positions available, Vandoieweerd seid, many ai which become open because the depar- tment has last a few members af the last year. "lWe don't have a set number in mind, " he said, "But there are bet- ter than a dozen people needing ta be repiaced. " Whiie the job does came with a smali remuneratian package, for most volunteers "it~s 4the last, hing on their minds," the deputy chief says. Joining the Whitby Fire Department as a volunteer may aiso pave the way for a career in firefighting. Van- doleweerd notes that a sizable percentage of the fuil-time brigade began their careers as volunteel'5. .Applications wiil be accepted at the main fire hall, 201 Brock St. S., until Sept. 25. The Church Speaks fL>f Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The way want t! *BUSINESS FORMS *CARDS eLEGAL CERTIFICATES 9FOLDERS 9WEDDING INVITATIONS *LETTERHEADS& ENVELOPES *NCR FORMS &CATALOGUES -hNIGADOFIESPLE 21 e.. e AV.S.*AAX-OTAI 683196 Don't put yourself down! By The 11ev. STANLEY ISHERWOOD Rector St. John's Anglican Church What is it that makes you special? Nothing? You're not very important, you say? Well, think again, stand tall and say with me, "I arn speciai". Sometimes we need to be reminded this very im- portant truth. Such a reminder came ta, me while filling in time and feeling a littie sorry for myseif at the hospital emnergency area early last Sunday morning. A magazine article shouted at me, "Stop putting yourself down!. On readir.g I found some important truths: -There is nothing wrong with having a weakness, but to concentrate on it without seeking ta, improve it is worse than useless. -AIl of us have at least one friend, and thats one persan who says that we're special. -But what's this? Don't worry about those bad feelings and thoughts - everyone has them - yau're no different. Oh! Oh! Just as I thought! I'm not special! Even my failings are the same as everyane eIse's. 'm probably not even as good a sinner as they. Somehow, I realized, although the article held some helpful truths, it missed the Truth. The key to my worth will not be found by looking at rny neighbours, not even by looking at myself, but by laaking at my Creator and at my Saviaur. The tremendous message spoken to me fram Genesis to Revelatian is that I arn unique, 1 am important and I amn loved. 1 can hold up my head because God made me different from everyone else - I arn handmade, so ta speak. 1 can hold up my head because whatever gifts and talents I have are Godgiven and sa immeasurably important. 1 can hold up my head because the love which God showed on Calvary was for me. Yes. stop putting yourself down. Allaw God to lift you up. Only he knows how valuable you really are. P.M. offered some unusual advise t ONT 1)1 ROM PG. 5 Canucks on this. The Avro Arrow has already been mentioned. Nqed we as also throw in the head start that Telidon once enjoyed? And that a universal anti-gravity drive was once almost invented in a backyard in Ingersoîl, Ont.? We know that Canadian way by watching the Maple Leafs in action. The Blue Jays, of course, are trying to destroy the whoie image, by winning. But we've seen.them blow enough won bail games to rest assured that when it cornes dawn ta the wire; when the real writing is on the wali; when the crunch cames - The Blue Jays will choke. It's the Canadian way. But an this ather: iet's caîl iL the National Incom- petence Impravement Plan. Surely yau knaw 'per- sonaiiy a couple of dozen bureaucrats, preferrably incompetent, who cauld be put in charge. If yau want, the wrîter cauld put yau in touch with dazens af people ta administer the program. And I arn sure the Unemplayment Insurance of- fice could pravide hun dreds mare. (And then we couid hire the unemployed people ta run the unemployment insurance offices, with even greater inef ficiencies. i The patential numbs the mmnd. Your faithful servant, Bill Swan. Development ZZ44 9944