WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER -18, 1985, PAGE 17 CAFE VIENNA KONDITOREI PATISSERIE SPECIALIZING IN THE FIN EST EUROPEAN CAKES & PASTERIES LIGHT LUNCHEONS OPEN: NOW LICENCED 6V LLBO MON..SAT. 10.m.6 p.m., Sun. 11 &.m..-5 p.M. 209 DUNDAS ST. E., UNIT 12 WHITBY 668-8839 FOXY'S ICE CREAM & -PASTRY'S MADE TO ORDER PIES We also have aYwc & Hotdogs NI HOURS:MON-THURS. 7:30.9, FR1 .SAT.9-10, SUN. 9.10 3999SIMCOE N., COLUM BUS 655-8813 Foxy's congradulafes John W. Fox, Edm. Alfa. for his achlevement in obtalnlng hUa Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Educatlon Degree'a. flave & J.Ianne The Whitby Free Press WHITBY HOME BAKERY & COFFEE SBOP Watt known for f l'a fne queillîfof: *white and whofe wheat bread & buns oatt kinds 0f pasfry *dlecorafed cakes for every occasion -VîSîf Our colle. room We serve sandwiches & homemade soup Heurs: Mon-Thurs. & Saf. 8:30 .6, Fri.a:30 -.7 11BROCK ST. S., I-ITBY 668-3586 ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___Directory of CASUAL IEDNN Presents Their NEW FALL LUNCH AND DINNER menu with attractive SALAD BAR 121 GREEN ST., WHITBY For Reservafions cali: 666-1900 CHICKEN & SEAFOO Looklng for somnething deficious & different... Try our f ried chlcken & seaf ood. Corne f0 Dixie Lees aI 1017 Dundas St. E., Whîtby 666-3324 Complefe cafering service. Sit in or fake-ouf. CARRElO DUNING LOUNGE Thefinest Italian restaurant irn the Durham Region. Dining by candIelight in otir cavelike setting is romance par excellence. Our extensive menu offers something to suit every taste. THuRS., Fft ANDOSAT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCE WITH ALLEN BALLACH AND IS BAND Sundays Is family affair. 601 Dundas St. W., Whîtby 668-3277. RESTAURANT AND BAR peciaizing In Ialien Cuisine. Fuiiy Licenced, Live Eneriainmeni OPEN FOR DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEI( LIJNCHEONS MONFRIý PARTY ROOMS AVAILABLE CALI FOR 33 SIMCOE S. RESERVATIONS IcORINER 0F ATHOLI 571 -3042 AMERICAN EXPRESS- VISA- MA FER CHARG~E FAZOS RESTAURANT CORP.LTO. r CAFE VIENNA A faste of Europe came to Whitby 18 months ago when the fat her and son team of Frank Amman Sr. and Frank Amman Jr. opened Cafe Vienna ln the Dundas-Green Building in the down- town core. During that time, they have earned a great reputation flot only for the 35 varieties of cake f hey offer but as one of the downtown cores best places to visit for a light and easy lunch. Frank Jr. la the baker and chef having furned his years of training at such famous gaslronomic centres as the Four Seasons Hofet int a trufy fine local restaurant. Each morning, he painstakingi y prepares a sefection of their specialty cakes. Varieties oftered include. Viennese double chocolat e, hazefnut almond cream, Swiss apple. Black Forest and a f ew of their own creat ions such as chocolate strawberry and fthe -Marlgofd Cake. The secret to their cakes is Ihat they use uitile table sugar. The only amount used is fhat needed to make fthe whipping cream stif f. Other than that, ail cakes are naturalfy sweetened. The Cale Vienna, now ficensed by fthe LLBO, is alsu a great place for a light lurch with choices such as quiche lorraine. meal pie and a select ion of tempting sandwiches f0 choose f rom. The Cale Vienna is focal ed ai 209 Dundas St.E. and is open f rom 10 a.m. f0 6 p.m. Monday to Sat urday and on Sunday f rom 11 arn to 5 p.mý FOXY'S ICE CREAM & PASTIlES Foxys specializes in over 25 spectacufar flavors 0f ice cream to tantalize fthe tastebuds. Where et se can you gelt fwo large scoops of ice cream for $1? If youre a hof dog lover. fry their fresh, sfeamed hot dogs in f heir homemade buns. or lhey wif f faifor make a sandwich or bon wich f0 please your appel île Now. if you're looking for somefhing f0 go wif h Foxys f resh ground coffee- Foxys has if from fresh baked pies and farts bo date squares. muffîngs and cakes. Lat fhem make your favorite dessert. Corne and vîsîf -The Century Ofd Store' and share a amile wîfh Dave and Joanne Fox ai 3999 Simcoe Sf. N., Columbus. They are open from 7:30 ar.f0o9 p.m Monday 10 Thursday. and 9 a.m bo 10 p.m. Frîday, Safurday and Sunday. THE WHITBY HOME BAKERY Serving Whifby since. 1968.,fthe Whîtby Home Bakery has recen f y expanded ta improve f heir service. There are now more seals in the adjacent col tee shop whîcb enables more people ta enjoy thaf ail important mornîng col tee or lunch break. Once inside, you will f ind "service wif h a smife- combîned wif h the "Dutch lôuch' makes a pleasant atmosphere. From the bread used in fheir deficlous sandwiches f0 f heir donut s and pies, everyfhing is baked f resh every day and withouf the use of preservatives. Another option is ta forgel your diet and f ry ouf one of ftha large assohfment of pasf ries- whipping cream horns, eclairs and mocha farts ta name jusf a few. And if you have a birfhday or wedding coming up. fthe Whifby SHome Bakery can finish off your special day wifh a very special cake. If youre nof afraid fa enjoy the good fhings in file. vîsîf them aI the Whî tby Home Bakery, 141 Brock Sf. S. Open f rom 8:30 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday f0 Safurday, excepf Friday when f hey close aI 7 pm JOIN US Frlday and Saturday Nlghts for "'LIVE ENTERTAINMENT" Speclal Saturday Nîght Buffet only s l RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BANQUETS AVAILABLE FOR EVERY OCCASION 301 Byron St. S., Whitby 666-3070 eAeaýzf or Sept. MON. *TUES. *WED. Bar-b.qued Back Ribs Incîuding Saîad Bar S8.95 A variety of dally speclals off ered for end of week NOW CATERING TO ANY SPECIAL OCCASION FOR 20-60 PEOPLE for more information call: 668-031 6 900 Hopkins St., Whitby Major credif carda accepfed DONUT'N BURGER "~FOODf AT TS FIN FST"à DAILY BREAKFAST, LUNCHIEON & SUPPER SPECIALS FRESH GROUND COFFEE FRESH HOME-MADE MUFFINS HOU RS: MON.-FRI. 6-9, SAT. 6-6 FAST TAKE-OUT SERVICE G>>668-5382 1' 113 BROCK NORTH N.E. CORNER BROCK& DUNDAS STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN You've f ried fthe rost ... Now cornefor 1h.besl "&SPECIAL" MON. TO THURS. AND SUNDAY NIGHTS BARBEQUE RIBS REG. -29 . 89 -CANADIAN BABY BACK RIBS" Inciuded ln Abave. Mal à cold Ha, DOeuares, 5Sad, Garlic Bread and aaksd Pelai,, -THE 1BEST LITTLE STEAK HOUSE IN TOWN" 668-2751 939 DUN DAS STW. Hwy. 2, WHITBY TUE PRINCE RESTAURANT 1009 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 666-2811 SPECIALIZING IN GREEK CUISINE MID.WEEK DINNER SPECIAL Monday-WednesdayI 6 .I1ncudes: Soup, dinner & beverage ChoiCe of: SOUVLAKI, CHIOKEN SOU VLAKI, FILET 0F SOLE, MOUSAKA & VEAL CUTLET, SHRIMP IN A BASKET InCludes: RICE and POTAIQES, GARLIC BREAD or ROLL Fni item 11:30 arn. -il1P.M. Sot. fram4:305-Il P.m. Sun. & Hel. Item 4:309 p.m d l». . au