Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1985, p. 23

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1985, PAGE 23 7 PT. HEAVY teel tow choie Wth hooks, $8. Two whte marbi e etahe (80x15n71f, $15. Laundry tub pump and motor, $45. Por- table rdto Cassette ployer, $15. Large office chair, $5. Antique Underwood typewrter, $10. Oi faehioneli barn tIght, $10. Brase 3 btuded bot propefior, $50. Two 8 fluorescent fituree, $10. Phone 868-7404. FOR SALE ceramic Sandtone kle, $425 and moid, $100. Phono 866-M87. FOR SALE custom buf l 8 6piOee ktchen 000k Butcher Block tabie, beige ninyt choirs and bon- chas, excetlent condition. $35 or bout offer. 579-3629 aller 12 000. TWtN DED, trame, brase hod board, boa epring and malfiesse, $25. Whte herlo0m bedeprsad, etmcrtc btanket, 300ses0f drapes, $12. At excelent condition. 68. 5645. ANTIQUE combination wood andi etectrit stove, Ideet for cottage, excelletnscondition, $48. 655- GREY ARBORITE labie and 4 choira, 945. Upright Hover vacuum, $2. Wainult ini eh col- te. labie, 20x80, $45. Pcnic lubie wIll foldI n 2 banches, $5. Brown uiuminum door, 32"80, toft, $45. Oak vneur dining table, $50. Wrtnger washsr, $25. Fine kitchun choira, chrome, $4 sacli. Phone 668&8017. WEDDING DRESOsitle 7, chif. tonete ovor taffetu, Pearl em- broidsred yoke, chopet train, matching cthudrufi ength nit, coet $35 new, asking $200. Phono 576"218. CUSTOM BUILT Immitation f irepoce wth iniald grey bricks and marie hearth eiectric loge and firepiace ocreen inciuded, $30. Beginners set of drums, $150.6868133e. DI8HWASHER, Seers e liune por- lubie, chopplirg bock top, three tevet wushing action, $170. Coeman tenter ciwé case, $10. 0ne electrIcol panel, $5. 80 amp. dieconnect. $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm sitze, c/w poies. $10. Frepioce ecreen andi hstcircuioting grole, $18.1/3 hhp. eiectric motor, $10. Toaster, her curing set, electrin cotfee grin- dur, Monte Crio 15" rim, $10 euch. Phone 5787897. FOR SALE antique dlining rnom suite, between 8010668 yers nid. in beautifut condition. soli mepie, mode le Bufalo, O piaces, table oxende to &st 10 comtor- table, $1.900 or hast oiter. 618- 2461. PLOW, 4 Farrow ' Manîey Ferguseon, shoar pin type, gooli condition, 3 point hitch, oning $295. Cutilotor, excellent 10 Il. wide, ciw helght odjunt andi auto setting, $85. Cai 576-7697. 5,000 .T.U. Elctrohomo horizontal air condtioner, $150. Phono 68188. ANTIQUE lubie and 2 chira, 585 24" whie gas tone, $5. Fixor potisher, $5. Bondie buggy, $5. Hainiryer, table moisl, $950. Sluniy connus hammack, $750. Stocking wine rock, $5. Standard lypewriter, Royal, excellent con- dition, $50. Oidor Remingon typewritor, good, $25. Large com- lortabie arrochair, $25. Phone 68-7404. FOR SALE refrligerator, $350. Slave, $250. Hou idryer and chir, $100. Phono 579-4212. TWO CASES xl Dr. Bllards dog toot, $16 a case. 24x25.5 oz. each, Phone 576-3998. SAILBOAT, 12 fi., mohogany wlth Jtb and Main Slle, mast be sean ta heaopprcluei, $325. 011 tank, 300 guis., $20. 11usd ts for car body work, $25. Phono 4334689. BED King site, Seur--Pedic, soli laam mattrese wlh box sprtng, $250. Sala bai, 3 Sent, pulls oui 10 double loum moat- roua, $250. Phone 68689. UTILITY TRAILER encioseli 7xlOx5, gooli eprInge andi axie, corring cap 3,500 Ibo, tilt dock, $80 or beel offer. 655-4187. STEREO PACKAGE receiver, ton- niable, cassette dock, equalizer, 2 speakers, $400 complte. Car sereo, Sanyo receiver. 200 watt power booster, 4 speaers, 2 are 8x9 Alpines. other 2 are 4" Tex- vax, $250.6883064 or 668-0801. ANTIQUES, moving without thein. Secretary (very unique), $760. Ballot, $375. Kichen huich, $450. ixe tabla, $200. Hune bar- veet table, $900 an preeebock Zeuss chairs, sut xl 6. $150 each. (table and chairs vety unique). Phono 571-3636. BEDROOM SUITE, qasen smoe, 6 paces, medIteraxeun style, maie by Giband, $60. Phonoe68.8914. When the alivertineit item is sxtd. disposed of, or uxuvaitabli foc whatever reason. te item wil be deemed iv ihuve bhemn oid enlia commuission witi iteciturged bane n rrTII: AInVE'IITIiiI5 t'IIICE os ittustruieli beixw. regardiens if price is stuted wtb iwesi xtfer- If the item is NiiT 5111., or disposed oi. the ad it wli ie ux for>:i MINTIIS andi a MINIMUM CHIARGUE iii$7,50 wli appty payable in advance ut publication ioifte frsi ud. The aitove minimum charge wiit ibc appied to the fixai commission due. Maximum commisson- $180.0.1Atali ver- tisemenis mont be piuced on an exclusive basin wih the WIIITIIY FREE PRIES and mun ai teunt one mxxi hif 001 soid. RATES (ifIartile l l e 5% ef advertleed price op ta $40.00 2% of balance esier $400.00 EXAMPLE. Setd Item advertlsedl for 1150.00. Commission due $7.590i(minimum charge te $7.50) Private adeertising onty f Please notiiy tise Whitby Free Press immediatety when item ix soti 50 tisai we may delete it froi tise foUlowtng issue. AIl adsno00 fittixg tise Emporium goidelines wilha treated and charged per week an ragoter classifiai adn oe a pre.paid basn ucb as: services, hetp wented, clothing, real estate, and personal message type adn, or ada flot quotisg pine or qtaantity. Privote cissified adn may appear in te Emporium section uder oppropriete beadings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADO TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Wbtby. LIN S581 If ln doobi colt: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whtby. Oct. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. AN(TIQUES countrY Store coun- ter, $60. mokes a greai roc. room bar. Churcin pew, $350. Phone 571-3638. ALUMtNIJM DOOR (34x82), $20. Solli front door (34x82), $50. Two new sheets 01 arbOrIte, $8. 5' used orborite, $4. Single sink, $7.50. Blue basin, tops and doais, $12.50. Mirrored medicine cabinet, $5. Ouentify amber decorutor giass igreet for bor). $20. Mohogony bifoid, 124x791, $10. Set of antique double doors lIxteriori 56x79, cader, $25. Phone M88.7404. POUR SEATER couch und or. mcheir, $600. Soilid mupie wood rocker, $300. Deboor fubuiar bunkbed, $500. MutIiras for above, $50. Cnt tee table undi end table. $25 eacti. Antique rosewood table, $100. Phono 686- 3478. i-2.12 tatnt, with iloor, $100 Eiectronic air cieoner, Lennoo, $125. Phone alter 5 p.m., 655- 3854. FOR SALE electric iypewriter, IBM Seiectric il, lote model, exý collent condition, $550. Phono 888-5350. FOR SALE 9 drawer dresser, dark wood, with tilt mirror, asking $85. Cati 723-9176. FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch andi choir, $150. Couch and 2 chairs and Otoman, $350. Table and 2 chairs. $75. Baby carniage. $25. Wooden bookcaee, $150. Phoxe 433-4653. AIR CONDITIONER, aid but wxrhlng, siza 25" L a 118h"W, ashteg $55 or otter. Culit668-0187. GREEN PLAID couch and choir, $95. Stereo console. $125. Bine veinaI ewogseand double panai curloine, $75. Goid trosiens 17 cu. fridge andi tove, aimoni new. $850. Wooen beige tweed drapes, 2 panais, 50 wide o 97 long, $45. Phono 686-4264. I0E CREAM parlour set, glass top table and 2 chairs, asking $100. Phono h68-26760or 666-3215. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER. burgundy enael centre. gld coiouroarmn. 15 ights, $170. Tant, 2 room. 9 a 12, vInyl loor in sleeping area, good condition, $80. Bathroom doubla swag f ix- iure, $25. Phone 668-9772. WICKER change table, $30. Booster s001, $8. 48" boo spring andi haadboard, $40. Basket chair andi caver, $8. Ail In good con. ditiîou.668-8145. SUPER SCANNER C.B. antenna, switch bon. cabie and leads, gond condition, $100. Also a medicine cabinet, wahite enameiled matai, xfidlng mirror doors. perfect for cottage, $15. Call 6864953 anytime. DININO ROOM table, 4 Cane bock chairs, excetient condition, $275. Four met lportour chaire, S60 for set. Antique desk, $100. Rocing chair, $30. Oid icker trunik, $25. Fine boues of otd 78 records, $75 fmony cottectabief. Phone 883-8630. TWO DUCKET car neufs, fuity recline, back, f ike new, $30 each. Lawnmower, S50. AMIFM cor radio cannette, $50. Barbeque rotiserre and basket, nener used, $15. AMIFM eiectronic dlock, $20. Golf cuit, $40. Camping equip- ment, varlous Items. totaing $80. Pieuse cou 688-8178, 1972 PINTO for porls, gooli motoî, transmission andi tires, $200 or hoat ofier. Tow truck equipment compiete, boom andi boom rocks, revoivieg tighis and sadli, extra rigging, 10,000 lb elacînlo winch, wxrk ioad of-9,500 ibs., excullent condition, $1.500 or boat citer. Phore 655-3006. FOR SALE 1974. Nova for parts, 250-6 cyt. and mony nOw ports. $250 or besl otfer. 1600 cc motor trom o 1973 Pinto, 52,000 mites, ait new seab. $200 or beet otfer. Midionli AMIFM cassette sterso with Oxg, 3 way, 200 watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rime, $10 eoch. Two new ultra Trac Il radiai tires, size P185180R13, mountud and baton- ced, $130. Phono 855-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Osioxe Cham- pions H178-14 und 2 chrome rima, $100 pair. Two Quit Crown 78 H178-14 W/W. $50 pair. One Uniroyal steel beitsd snowlire HR78-15, $25. One Cun Tirs G78- 15 plus rim, $50. One Golf Crown 78 H178-14 andi rim, $50. Two 15" rime, $50 pair. Or ait for $250. Phone 668-9288. 1882 VAMAHA VZ 250, new Dunlop tires, answer silancar, Boyassen racing reedu, $950. Coui 688-4093, ask for Steve. 1979 SUZU KI 1000O.S., very good condition. asking $450. Phone M6-2273. 1978 SUZUCI GS 400, gooli con- dition, $60. Phone 668-3447. FOR SALE Honda XL175 equip. psi wilh street and diii liras, usele st year on rood, $450. Cuti 666-3456. QDINSTRMNTSI OERRARD-HEINTZMAN uprighi wpiago condition, e1.65.lPhno £'~BO TS&I 668-5672 alto, 5 p.m. SUPPLIES MUST $ELL Giheon boss guiter wth hardeheli case, very good le PT. SIDEWINDER goid condition, $360. Phone 723-2579, meiallic, compieteiy retiniehed, serioxeIqile ny $3,600. Phono 728-6700.iqureony 1u FT. INVADER, day sailor with coner andi salis. eacellent con- dition. $1.250. Phono 728-8700. pump argon. tamiiy heirtoom, $1.000 or hast otter. John or Han- cy 66-4335, FR EE PRESS E M AUTOMOBILES Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. >FOR SALE 1981 CHEV Suburban SIloarado 350, Vil, xew, 8,000 km, 4 BBL, air, croisa, p.s., p.b., tiited windows, AMIFM cassette, brown endi beige. very gooli condition. $8.500. 655-4187. 1906 HONDA Cioto, AMIFM ulerex cassette, 125,000 kms., $1,800. Phonoe8684f40. 1979 PONTIAC Parisienne Wagon0, V8, ps., p.b., air con- ditioning, excellent condition, $3.500. Phone fler 6 p.m., 723- 0931. 1976 DODQE Cout, gooli con- dition, extra ie, $550 as le. Colt 653109. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA p.. p.b., air conhlloning, MW0 or boul offer. Cuiti 65-3176. 1976 FORD M ton wtndxw Van, littu rosI, heavy doty, Insuitei and rugged, muet si, $1,200 or boat offer. Cati 688900. 1976 BUICK REGAL, new Michelin tires, baltery, rad. suspension, $750. Phono 855- 4582. 1978 VEGA V8, 350, engins end body gooli, sunroof, $950 or hast otter, us la.68-5793. 1978 PONTIAC Lemens, ps., p.b., AMIFM stereo cassette, ex- cellent condition, $1.450 cer- tiiied. Phone 688-4907 or 668. 6054l. 1974 OLOSMOBîLE Delta 88, 70,000 mites, asking $200. Phono 579-4212. 1974 MERCURY Comet, auiomatic, naw mutIler worlh $130, running ordar, needs somne body work, as le, $250 or basf al- fer. Colt 668-0187. HOUSEHOLD SIX KITCHEN chairs, wooden, $20 eech. Mapie hailtatble, $125. Wooden kitchen sel uni 5 chairs, $110. Three end tables, $25 each. Cafl i6836638. KINGI SIZE mirroreli canopy, four poster waterbad, "Piantation" seasxnad pins, axiras too numerous ix flot, excellent con- dition, wont fit Ixnaw home, muet sacrifice ai $1.500. Cati 655- 4187, Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim-, ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our iow advertising rates just because you have questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111l and we'1l be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seIl; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Tour ad wiIl run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will oeil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When jour article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish (vu have the ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whtty Free IPress. - dîinf firgî'tliio iincevîor phiiii.îniixer - I enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge Charge $750W to my Visa accouont tard iNu. Namie irtane prn Addresn MAIL TO:- Fsp lIâtt, WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Postal (Code Below are soîne examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shtîwn include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE, larice. UIii $ $1500 $6200 $j 3 00 $8400 $27000 I $3,00() Total Amount -Payable S7.50 $10.00 $15.00 820.00 $22.00 S24.00 $26.00 $28.00 s 30.00 832.00 852.00 S72.00 $92.00 $ 100.00 4!rCON FUSEDa 4 ILI&Y -9

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