Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1985, p. 24

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N, SEPTEMBIZR 18, i985, WI-IITBY,.FREE PRESS M WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA~I F.I 110 AL1I$ - ~É"IiGARAGqE sa~~ STREET GARAGE SALE Barharry 1582 SUZUKI 850 GSL, eucellent __________________________ Court, West Lynde, Whitby. Su.. shape, muai seil, $1.500. 699- Sepf. 21. 9 a. t o 2 p.m.. tain or 9712. shin FAMILY Garage Sala, 605 ~~'I~ MOLLY MAIDDulpS.WStSp.2,1 Fuer ai ài i rue <ierning 1 983 CHEStW, Su Sept 1 10 dORSA, 5 a Fpeorriiz,_______________ 15 HE ai,4dolar People"speed, p5.,p.$5.300. Phone P L C U T O 666 21 4 STREET.WIDEI DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE 666RGESLE-2144MCwndvivn, o F 77 Centre Street N., Oshawa, Ontario condifion. 668-2032. SATUROAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1985 -1- îrîsiu: . lnl. R Rocreation Rooms Finished. Dont do It ail ai once! $500 or $1 ,000 ai your lelsure. The Average rec room can bu made presentable 1~f or $1,800. Cail 723-0188, af ter 6 p.m. MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours & shades ihai com- pliment your skln tarte & enhance your besi features. OriIy $30 perconsuitation Cal 666-2770 G:ONAONLSI ANY FORMER empiopees cf Snap Services that fesitiraey where anlustiy f ired. pises con- tact Gary et 666-1621. SINGLE CENTRE DATEI Dont pay axorbitant pricas If poa're ionaiy. Gils 18-33, seniors V½ prica 728-1549. LINDSAY FLEA MARKET ov Lit- tls Brifais Rd. Open Set. and Sun. Hait Prica on convanience store tema, cards, bocks, bttiad pop, mot shoas, waiipapar, pint, mot sport ciothan, T-shrts, etc. Bargains Gaicra, msny antiqaes, china, giasswsre, gis, crafts, yard sas, home bakIvg. Victoria county pork, good food booth. Vandors wantad phona 324-2783 or comast up St. mor. Free spaca for chaifly and tairn produce. c[IOCK HORSES BOAROED Kirk Mener Farm itormeriy Basiey Breading Fartai.largs box alltae,.daiiy turn ouf, $130 par monih. 655-8844. TYPEWRITER reniai. many makas and modeis. by the weekenui. week Or month. Discountis uvaiahIe ODickson Printing & office Supplies in the Aa Paza. Cali us for business machine repaire 683-196 eb --c4EMCENToS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcuming marriage, Peuse view our sumpies ot engruved wadding inviations ut your amiure in our Alun Piazu store, ickson Printing & Otfice Sup- GUITAR LESSONS. Caii Mika aI 655-3791.- FOLK ART CLASSES Beginners marning and evenlng, 3 wooden pinces com- leted ln 6 weeks. Special one day Christmas classes. Onul Jerry Ann 655-4850 Country Lane APPLES. pick your cmv. aiso raady pickad appies. squash. pumpkIns, Indian corn, and appia cidar, as avaliahie. Arckibaid Or- chards. Liberty S., 1½ mules North cf Taunton Rd., Bowman- vile, 62375M. D&WAN MAINTENANCE *Government Lcensed,I WedContrai, *FertlizlngMsc.* Ljandcping. 668-0832 VACATION V. RENTALS I 10 Mobile Homes Ciearwafar - Threa badroota moiehomes. Heated poos, Utennis, cose tcbeuchesndl majorattracios, jhidre weicome. (Issa than; motel r10om)-683-5503 WfIL RENT vacant land, possibiy wiih wuier, barv weicome. 668. 5931. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ravi on protessionai ticor, Wouid ha suilubie for iuwyar, uccountavit. etc. Riant inciudes ailuuilitiris and Is negotiabie for un upprepriale tenant. For further Inormation cuii 66-6372 between 930 .m. and 5Spta. Monday iv Friday. IShannon Court in 1 Whtby. 1 Many familles partlclpaiing. Furnusure, skales, clothurs, aorm wind,,ws & <1.-ors. gome3,. ébooks, toys, ornanenta, lawn furn jture, B. B. f)., ools. lteait r, hikes, camping equip- men, men & hl<ies golf clubs & citrs. dog ira vel Cagé, eleîirtcal app fiance.brai- .ced rugs and1 MIJCH MOiiE. Set., Sept. 21 95 Sun., Sept. 22 125 JOIN ouR circuiur mailing prcgrum. VJerk ut home,eaurs au- Ira Inceme. Free delails. M. Green Enerprises, 594 Niveruilla, Manitoba, FiOA 160. UNLIMITED fNCOME taailing dr culars, free defalas. Write. T.L. Parker, 100 King Hirama St., Inger- soui, Ontario, N5C 116. MAKE $1,000 or more par montS. sare ime. rota pour home. Sevd srumped. sei-addressed enaaicpe iv Ffcvs, 18 Sousieud Ave,. Toronto, Ont. M6R 1V8 FR66: Orop rnis 15e Ocksuv Prrnting & Ofice suppiy store vn iae Aax Piuza and pick up a fre copy of their 1985 Meir-c Caine dur Prînied in iwv Coiours Il makes for handy raierence 683- 966l ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE Amrfl 1tJ5d1PI TWO 6 cyi. angines, one - 100 CC Kawaski, aiso Celica 4 npeed transmission, new brukes, vrlous other parts, askIvg $5 to $70. No engive, vo body paris. 793-9704, Steve, leeve message. BABYSITTINO avalabie. fuil or pari-trne. Kathieev Pfowe area. Phlone Jackie 666-2938. UEDUCTIONALI U1SERVICS *GRAMMER for Peuple wtro haie - grummar'*iv the ideai pocket reference hook for busines people. $395 per copy and avaiiubie ai icksen Prîntinfl9& Office Supplies in the Aa lauzu. Deaer aniiuiries înited 683-1968, APPLEWOOO fer sale. $45 a face _____________ cord or $15 cul pour own. Calilian ~ A TCE 655-4271. ~FRSI.SL wrehouse by appoivimant. Big suvïngs on desks, chairs, fiig cabinets, etc. Caii ickson Prin- ing & Office Suppies to, arrange un uppoattaunite oview. 683- 1968. CHESTERFIELD suies, ovesets, sectiovis. as thon 1/ price. Large saieciion. McKeev Furiiere, 524 Simcoa Si. S.,Oshawa. 725-5181. HERDWICK huiltin gus oven, 4 month5 oid, new $1000, soif tor $400, Phone 668-5471. OUEEN SfZE bruns bed complote with mattress and hou spring, $600, Calil 698-9712. WHITE toiler and watt basin, compiele. $50. After 4:30, cili 668-2161. MATTRESSES and boa springs at hall price McKeen Farviture. 524 Sîmcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. book uvuiabie ut Orchson Prin- iing & Office Supplies, Ajax Piazu, 683-1968. Deuar inquiries iv ted, 'TEVAMNPLACE Weare a Canadiun company selng quuiity Canadian *made C.E. Jumiason produc- Uts aut0w muil order p cas. price itO uarunteed. Sesior 1 dscount. WATKîNS produc- r ts:au ulble THE VfTAMIN PLACE C.H.î,P. PROGRAM. Oviy 195 duirs left.Fe, a fIres estimate con- tact McCieuve Ivsuiuiicv Se, vices. 1.800-263-3204 SaleSPublic:0Autio Whres odamshabe inmaebthowr 0f her opely n posessin modl the oDur RftegioPolice Fosyeson olthaelngrbee stgololise one,orby reason af having been ftounabaomisone n arpblic aceof anthe re s undabeaasertin apuli plgheundowneFrher th ua Iee asrtie ave been ihefl onr ihanhe 3 months required. Articles for auclion are as foliows: bicycles and miscellarleous items. Sale la be held ai ihe rear of 30 William Street, Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash. Jon M. Jenkin s Chiel af Police AUCTION BARN FR1., SEPT. 20 6:00 P.M. Three miles east aI Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lndsay on the Lindsay Little Britaîn Rd. Pine secretarlat, early drugist scales, but turnut chest af drawers, dinlng roomn extension table, glass display case, Duncan Fyf e caffue and end tables, 6 gunstock chairs, large brass kettie drums, fiat two-wall cup- board, washstands, table saw, four matchlng walnul chairs, harvest table, cookstove, parlour tables, 5 h.p. snow blower, 410 shotgun, quantily ai china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 GEOTYPE presson iviiern00W iv stocS ai Ockson Prînting & Of. ice Supplies i he Aax ShoP. pîng Piaza, Large seinction of styles ana sires. iSSy puy more loi a smaiiar sheel ofleitiering? 683-1968 Charlie prelers uniferm excellence andI knuws he wili get it Dicksun Printing & Office Supplies Moere ever hng is inspected. CA S T .Y6316 ELAIFED ADS CONTINUER LEI IAG_25 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERSrels obxnmr, Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forwardrelstabxn br, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not ije 14C each additionai word. however, we accept no liabiiity regardiflg loss or damage hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographî ieTS ETS-$.0frte is 0 od;1tec alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BdiRtHS A TH 70fr h is 0 words:1<ec such replies. We wiil not be responsible for box number by the error up t a maximum cost of the first insertion . d ii lwr. replies lot ca îed for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8,0(0 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. )EA)L.INES. Monday noon prior ta publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES -40 per line. i No word ads ailowcdi. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie ai an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your. ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPT. 21 11:00 A.M. Property ai JOHN TOWNSON, R.R.3, Ux- bridge, 3 miles east on 47, north of Marsh Rd. (see slgns) or 3 miles west of Greenbank on 1lth Conc. Large assor- tment of household items, furniture, an- tiques, miscellarteous, car, I arm equlpmeflt, of- fice lurniture, plumbing supplies. Cornwall pump organ, ox yoke, hay knives, lce saws, cross cul saws, platform scales, beam scale, ohl lamps, 25 gal. antique crock, other crocks, bot- ties, jars, fernery, wood planes, horse drawn scoop shovel, wlpPle trees, neck yokes, shalves, old wheels, an- tique pumps, Wall telephone, maple sugar spiles and 'pails, barn beams, 20 & 30 lb. tailor irons, horse collars and crowns, paper collalor, dispenser, office par- tillons, executive walnut desk, credenza, book- case, desks, typewriter, adders, lateral filing cabinet, 3 pt. cultivator, Sedore snow blower, 12" Crafisman radial arm saw, grain trailer, chain hoist, barn jack, hydraullc jack, chains, f armn gates, gardenf gates, snow fence, elec- tric motors and supplies, 250 gai. water wagon, 50 gai. stock tank, tank heaters, new small air tight stove, pottery klln, blanket chest, hydro poles, new cedar slding, 10 speed bike, leather sides, garden tools, doors, beds, furniture, dressers, hurricane arn- Ps, paint, nuts, bouts, brass bed, maple dlning suite, Windows,. maple desk, dishes, cooking utensils plus hundreds of other items, also 1981 Bulck Riviera certif led. Saled il a.m. sharp. No reserve, owner moving. BARRY & OR VAL MCLEAN AIJCTIONEERS 324-2783 LIN DSAY AUCTIONS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND!

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