WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1985, PAGE 3 The town will do the work.... Committee approves new sidewalk clearing plan Ratepayers' 1im- passioned speeches about why the town should shovel the sidewalk snow have succeeded in moving at ieast one committee of Whitby coundil. At a meeting Monday, the operaions committee voted unanimously to take up the plough. "Since the issue was given airing last December, it has been given' a lot of con- sideration,"' said Reg. Coun. Tom Edwards. While he and other councillors acknow- ledged that there would be problems with the new policy, he saîdhe was confident they would be worked out in time. Council first examined the feasibility of clearing snow fromn ail sidewaiks in the municipality after an onslaught of complaints about the existing policy. The current bylaw (which requires residents to shovel the sidewalk bordering their property within 24 hours of. a snow fali) was unfair, it was argued, since some people had large areas to clear and others had none. The sidewalks are public and therefore should be cleared by the town, said those who favored a change. At a public meeting held two weeks ago, al but 3 of the ap- proximately 45 residen- ta present favored the proposed change. The estimated snow removal cost $5 per average household was a bargain, the majority concurred. At Monday's meeting, however, one ratepayer who.hadn't been at the earlier meeting, spoke out against the change. The majority of people in Whitby don't under- stand what this proposai will mean, he said, and asked the committee to solicit further public in- put. "We've done everything in our power to get the pubiic's opinion in this matter," repiied operations committee chairman Joe Bugelli. The public who have feit strongly enough to speak out on the issue, have largely supported the change, he said. town had highlighted potential problemas with the new policy in a 13- page report made available to the public. "Every effort will be made by staff to minimize the problems - such as damnage, caused by plouglis or saIt," he said, "but, yes, there wili be some damnage. " "'There's no question there will be problems," said East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm, "But we're having probiems with the present bylaw now." When the ratepayers asked whether it were true that the town's proposai called for snow removal only during regular working hours, and not on the weeken- ds, Bugelli acknowledged that it was. "But we ail know God's a unionlst, so it won't snow on weeken- ds, " he quipped. TH -ALAE - -- --- -- -- -- IDRA' IS N AGS IOPEEDSON ALPPRSPRAKT FRE BAR0 VORY PRINO al OUR GREAT SALE CONTINUES!! SOPWTH £ACHAND EVERY DOUBLE OR BOLT n FREIE -B-AFW LPAPER Sae sy0 F E E1982 CANAIAN E FROM$49 A DOUBLE ROLL OR BOLT CONSTITUTION DOLLAR Ends________________ WITH APURCHASEOF iFREE $0.00 R MORE ..ONLYSa SOLID VINYL IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS *WALLPAPER KNIFE WITH S p.* MAYFAIR E'-ALLAPWHILEQUANTIlTIESLAsTri FREE LPAP 21LUst AND DONT FORGET VOUR FREE SOAP AND KNIFEEAMADEEYODR*ROO48BL FfEELOLLIPOPS TO CHILOREN FI RST OUALITY "PROVENCE" IMPORTSI OF ALL AGES. THIS INCLUDING THEPOPULAR MINI-PRINTS MAS BEEN ATRADITION VS 3 DOUBLES FOR s9.95 SINE AY NE ~AND GET YOUR 3FREE BARS OF SOAP* flU 11 1 4 SIMCOE T.E 1313 HARWOOD AVE.N. OSHAWA(JUST SOUTH F JOHN) AJAX (J UST NORTH F HWY 401) UG IIA 579-1655 16601 CONT'D FROM PG. 2 townhouses has been exhausted there will be virtually no approved units from which to draw. The bottom hbas falien out of the townhouse market explained a planning department spokesman. As the numbers in the report indicate, builders who registered townhouses in the past few years, are holding off on con- struction and new townhouse proposais are not being received. In order to insure that the future housing needs of Whitby residents are met, the town has set an annual construction target of 75 townhouse units. "Once the supply of registered townhouse units lbas been bult," the report says, "it wil be impossible to reach the Municipal Housing Statement's target.. unless more townhouse iÀbrary show April and Susan, from the popular C.B.C. television children's program "Mr. Dress- up", wil performn in the auditorium of the Wbit- by Public Library on Sept. 21 at 2:30 p.m. This imaginative, en- tertaining and educational show is Buitable for chidren ages 3 to 10. However, children age 5 and under must be accompanied by an aduit. Tickets are $1.50 each units are approved in the near future." Townhouse construc- tion in the first haif <>1 the year was also slow. with only one unit con. structed compared to 80 for the same period in 1984. If builders are disen- chanted with townhouses, however'. they are keener than ever to buiid, single homes. The number of building permits issued in the first haîf of '85 rose to 305 from 220 the prevîous year. Semi- detached and link home construction also rose slightly. If the current trends continue, says Short in his report, the construc- tion of single homes for 1985 is expected to ex- ceed that for 1984 by over 100 units. Single and semi-detached link homes are also expected to surpass the towns annual target, set at 450 and 125 units respec- tively. On the down-side, apartment starts were nil in the first haîf of the year, and oniy 38 units are predicted for the second haîf. No building permits have been issued for apartments since the fmil of 1983. "The lack of new apartment deveiopment in the town," says Short, "has' serlous im- plications for the apar- tment vacancy rate." "lWithout new. apar- tment development, the town's low vacancy rate (currently at 0.5 per cent) can be expected to become worse in the nput six months. " Townhouse construction won't meet coimeil target for 1985 WHITBY FENCE 13M0 HOPKINS STREET, UNIT NO. 14, WNITBy FALL FENCE PRICES - NSTALLED $10.50/Fr. 5' HIGH PT. WOOD $11.501 FT. 6' HIGH PT. WOOD WOODEN DECKS INSTALLED $7.95j SO. FT. PT. WO $6.50isa. FT. SPRUCE WOOD-STAI NED 666a 1400 LIMITED QUANTITIES - NEW 2NDS $1 .00 1x6x5' P.T.W. $1.25 1x6x6' P.T.W. SOLID OAK AND PINE FURNITURE SOLID OAK 9 PC. DINING ROOM SUITE M.S.R.P. 13,950.00 NOW ON LY 139258.00 (ALSO AVAILABLE IN PINE AT A LOWER PRICE) DUNLOP ST. E., WHITBY 666-1331 OPEN MON.-WED. 10-6, THURS.-FRI. 10-9, SAT. 10-5 SUNDAYS 11-4