Vol. 15, No. 39 WedJICsday, September 25, 1985 36 Pages Meet Whitby's "Vandaîbusters" (f rom left to right): Joanne Alexender, of the Whitby Public Library's chlldren's department; Fred Beckett, of the Town of Whitby's *parks and recreation department; Const. Peter Bramma, of the community services branch of the Durham Regional Police Force; and local artist Lisa Anttila, who designed the Robbie Raccoon poster and coloring book. With themn are the junior Vandaîbusters: Lenny the Lamb, Peter Playsafe and, of course, Robbie Raccoon. Over the course of the next few weeks, this crew will visit every public school in Whitby warning of the dangers and costs of vandalism. Free Press Staff Photo Meet Whitb Y's "V andaibustrs They cali themselves "Vandaîbusters". Their mission in life is to go out and tell Whitby youngsters that van- dalism is not only bad but hurts everyone in the commumity. They kicked off their campaign by taping a episode of "For Children Only", a televisioli program seen on the able 10 channel and sponsored by the Whitby Public Library. The show's host, Joanne Alexander is herseif one of the Van- daîbusters. Other mem- bers of the crew include Fred Beckett, manager of facilities and com- munity services of the Town of Whitby's parks and recreation depar- tment, Const. Peter Bramma of the com- munity services branch of the Durham Regional Police Force and -Lisa Anttila, the local artist who designed the Roi> bie Raccoon anti-van- dalism poster and coloring book. Beginning Oct. 3, the Vandaîbusters will visit every public and separate elementary school in Whtby. The first school to be visited will be E.A. Fairman Public School on Palace St. After that, the school's will be advised a week in advance that the teamn will be visiting. The major part of the presentation wili be the screening of two films - "A Vandalismn Story - The Clubhouse" for the elementary grades and I'Vandaiismn - A Mark of Immaturity" for the senior grades of 6, 7 and 8. The younger children wîll then be given a copy of Robbie Raccoon comic book that deals with vandalismn. Although the dates and prizes have yet to be confirmed, these children will also be en- couraged to enter a coloring contest on van- dalism sponsored by the Town of Whitby. The senior grades will be eligible to enter a poster drawing contest. Although the final preparations for the contest are in motion, the prizes have yet to be announced. Whitby Town Councîl has already approved the printing of somne 3,000 copies of the comic book for the elementary grades. Contest entries will be accepted at both the Whitby Public Library and at the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E. Ahl chilciren par- ticipating in the program will receive a special button saying that they, too, are Van- dalbusters. The program has also been endorsed by both the Durham Board of Education and the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. the plough' this winter Free Press Staff As the night air begins to chili and winter beekons, the Town of Whitby has finaily resolved its lengthy debate on snow removai. Council voted Monday to assume ful responsibility for the clearance of snow on al sidewalks in the municipality. Despite the unanimity of the town's decision, the resolution did not pass without a squir- mish. The strife was a resuit of an amendment proposed by Centre Ward Coun. Marcel Brunelie requesting that a ceiiing of $10 per househoid be piaced on snow removai expen- ditures. If costs were to exceed this amount, he argued, the town shoulci re-examine its plan to clear the sidewalks. Brunelie's figure of $10 is double the amount town officiais say the plan to clear al sidewaiks in the municipality wili cost. Given the tendancy of government's 10 overexpend, however, Brunelie argued that the sidewalk clearance couici weli end Up costing more than the projected amount. Although the ratepayers generally favor the town's plan to clear the snow, he said, they have expressed concerns about the cost. If council is unsure that it has the people's support on this matter or that it can keep costs down, then it shouidn't be passing .the resolution at ail, responded West Ward Coun. Joe Bugelli. Brunelles amen- dermined the intent of the original resolution. "I've been on council for seven years, and one thing I've learned is that you can't suck and blow at the same time," the councillor said. 'I can't believe that the chairman of the finance committee (Brunelle) would be making this recommen- dation," remarked East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm. "Everything we do here is done on the miii rate. That's how the municipality's run. " 'Il can't believe that the councillors opposite have had their ears open," countered Brunelle. If they had, they would have heard the ratepayers' op- position to costly expen- ditures. At Brunelies remark, Drumm shot Up, protesting his feliow councillor's insinuation that he had not been listening to his con- stituency. 9419M glad we're having this debate," in- terjecteci Reg. Coun. Tom Edwards, ever- conciliatory. "But I think it wouid be unfor- tunate if the motion was defeated in view of the support it has .among the ratepayers of Whit- Brunelle's amen- dment was defeated by a vote of 2 to 5, with Brunelle's oniy support from North Ward Coun. Ross Batten. The quarrel resolved, council went on to unaminously approve Mayor Bob Attersley's initiai proposai, now over a year old, to take up1he plough on behaif of the taxpayers of Whitby. Youth killed trying to cros-s Highway 401 An 18-year-oid youth proximately one hour was struck and killed by after the accident oc- a tractor trailer Sunday curred. The Toronto when crossing the west- youth was pronounced bound lanes of Hwy. 401 dead at the scene. just east of Thickson The driver of the trac- Rd. tor trailer, Clarence L. A spokesman for the Mclntyre, of Harwood, Whitby detachment of Ont. has been charged the OPP said the body of with failure to remain at Dean Eugene Fischer the scene of an accident. was found by police at Police say other. 1:30 a.m.. ap- charges are pending. w Town will clear ail the sidewalks.... Couneil votes to -71 take up %Ai I.-f >i,