WI IIT13Y FREE' PRESS, WEDNIZSDAY. SEPTEMBIERI 25, 1985, PAGE 23 Don't take'stock in replacement windows Rcplacing an old. drafty window with a wiidow designed for new con- struction is akin to walking in a shoe that's ton big, You can try to use fiflers to miake it fit cornfortably. but it won't bc quite righit. -Replacement windows really should be customn fitted for the par- ticular opening they're going in:' says Brian Marks, national sales mianager of thc comipany that produces Vinyl ine windows - a leading hrand. -Only a tighit-fitting unit will bc an effective insulator. not to mentioni a guard against air and water infiltration." lie says. According to Marks. there's one major problemi with stock size win- dows. "In miost houles, it's very rare ta find windowv openings that conforni exactly to those stock sizes. If a dealer or installer tries to compcnsate lbor the difference in size by putting "Fil lers" around the window. beware!"- he warns. A better bet when buying windows to replace oId inefficient windows is ta select those that are customn manu- factured for your home's individual re- quirements. Vinyline rigid vinyl-framn- cd windows, for example, are made to order for virtually any size window opening in your home. Marks notes these customn sizes usually eost no more than other quality windows available only in stock sizes. Once the homecowner decides on the type and brand of window he or she wà rnts to use to replace the old win- dows, the window area must be mca- sured very prccisely. "The dealer or installer will come to vour home to determine the sizes you need."ý says Marks. **If homeowners want t() do it themiselves. we advise themn to consult with an expert. Mistakes can hc cost- ly.'. The most popular types of windows available today are aluminumn, wood and vinyl. According to Marks, vinyl- framied windows - the ncwest of the thrce - are on their way to becomi- ing the mnost popular type because they are excellent insulators, don't necd to be painted, and don't have the condensation, corrosion, rotting and pitting problcms of other types. "Everywhere you turn, you sec more and more people installing vinyl windows," he says. -Even the archi- teets at the Statue of Liberty restora- tion projeet selected Vînyline windows." Take inventory of the pantry lnventory of pantry cabinets should be taken every few months to improve acccss ta food and use of space, notes Ed..Services Departmcnt af Tupper- ware. Here are somne suggestions to help you organize your pantry: e Cereals need to be kept dry and stored ta kcep out dust and inseets. Transfer contents ta tightly sealed containers of the proper size, and store in a cool, dry place away from sun- light. Label clearly. Stored this way. cereals will keep fresh 2 to 3 mionths. spaghetti and niec. a ycar. Sonmc plas- tic storage containers for cereals have a convemient pouring spout. a Whole grain lours need refriger- ation in tightly sealcd plastic con- tainers to keep fromi going rancid. e Brown and seasoned rîce kceps only haîf as long as plain white rice. Eat thc fancy niec mixes within a e mionths. e Teas and coffees which comie in paper packages should be transièrred to plastic containers sealed tightly to retain tiavor and aroma. Keep coflèe in relrigerator. cocoa and tea in a cool cupboard. e Dried peas and beans nced scal- cd plastic containers to keep out in- sects and dust, and to kcep themi from spilling onto the shelf'. Crackers need a tightly sealcd container tii stay crispy and frcsh. You can 1-ind plastic crack- er-kcepers that will hold hoth square and tube packs of saltines. VINYL-FRAMED WINDOWS WITH INSULATED GLASS are taking an ever bigger share.. of the total window market. Such design innovations as tbis energy-efficient wood grain vinyl window. ram the manutacturers af Vinylîne windows, allows homeowners ta choase the esthetîcs of wood wthout havng ta worry about the maîntenance.t VISA ACCEPTED PRICES IN EFFECT FORA LIMITEDTIME ACTUAt NEOCE HT the ait ardable praiesslanals rusing truck-pawered steam cleanlng wlth up ta 20 lrnes the power ai portable unitsl Il yau can gel a better lob ai any prîce we wIl cheerfully roi und yaur maney. ENTIRE HOUSE Max. 1200 sq. ft .................... 115.00 Living, dining, adj. hall ......................... 49.00 Bedroomns, with $49.00 package................. 15.00 3 Seater sofa & chair......................*'**59.00 Auto-seats & carpets, inc. truck (ead topping 10.0exfaî. 39.95 FREE deodorant with ail carpets cleaned! CLEANING POWER YO UTSEETO EL EE r1 LLIJU iALUMINUM LIMITED established 1949 845 FAREWELL ST., OSHAWA PHONE: 728-1633 m