Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1985, p. 31

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WIÏITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25,1~985, PAGE 31 ARTCIE FOR SALE Y FT. HEAVY sIsal 10w chais wth hoaks, $8. Twa whte mrbie lebs f¾o1l5x71), $15. 'Laundry tub pump esd mota, $45. Par- table redio cessette pleper, $15. Large office cheir, $5. Antique Underwood fypewrifar, $10. Otd fashioned barsIltght, $10. Brnses3 bfeded boat prapeltar, $5. Taa ' fluorescent fIturen 110. Phase 6613,7404. FOR SALE ceremix Sandase Mif, $425 esd mai45, $100. Phase 6684.88 FOR SALE custom bolt i 6 place ktches noak Btcher Block table, baigae lsyl chirs end bas- chas, excelent condition. $35 or boast fifer. 5793629 eter 12 naon. TWfN N ED, trame, bras& heed- board, box sprlsg end mttress, $250. White hetrloom badepread, electeix blenket, 3 sets of shmats, $125. Ail excellent condition. 668 5645. ANTIQUE cambisat on wood and etectric slave, ideel for cottage, excellent condiflas, $490. 655 3583. GREY ARBORfTE table and 4 chelee, $45. UpriSht Hoover vacuum, $20. Wlnut finish cal- le fable, 20"ffl', 545. F10510 tabla ahi fld ln 2 banches, $50. Brown atumisurn door, 32060O, off, $45. Oekkvntner dislng tabla, $50. Wrlsgee washer, $25. Fise Iutchas chelre, chrome, $4 eech. Phasef)666.9017. WEDDING DRESS aire 7, chif- foneîta avec fllats, peeri amt- bmoldeed patte, chaet train, matching cathedret iesgthvoel, cosf $350 nsa, esking $200. Phone 576.218. CUSTOM BUt LT Immittian freptece with intld gray bricks and meeble heeth lectelo logo end firepace sceal Inciuded, $30. Bgissers set aI drums, $150.8666.1336. DISHWASl4ER, Seers deluxe por- table, chapping bock top, three levai washisg action, $170. Clean teneter clw case. $10. Ose lectricai panai, $5. 60 amp. disconsect, $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm sire, ciw ples, $10. Frapaca sreas and heat circuief isg grta, $16. tVs h.p. eiacteic motor, $10. Toaster, hale curling set, eiectrlc cflea gris. der. Mante Caria 15' rit, $10 each. Phase 576-7697. FOR SALE antique disfing roomn suite, btweas 60 t 00 eers oid, in beaeIuil condition, soiid tapie, mode ln Buffalo, 9 places, table sofende ta $eet 10 comfoe- table, $1,900 or boas faler. 68- 2461. PLOW, 4 Furrow Massey Frgusson, sheer pin type, goad condition, 3 point btch, asking $295. Culivalor, excellent 10 fi. aide, c/w height edjusi and auto setting, $85. Cati 576-7697. 5,000 .TU. lacteahame horirontal aie conditIoser, $150. Phase 66815. ANTIQUE table and 2 cheire, $85. 241 white gemslatve, $50. loar pafisher, $5. Bondie buggy, $5. Hirdeper, table modef, 39.50. Stocdy cannas hemmoofu, $75. StackIng aine rack, $5. Standard typeariter, Royal, excellent con- dition, $50. Older Remingon typeweitee, gaad, $25. Large com- fartabie annohale, $25. Phose 668-7404. FOR SALE refridgaratoc, $350. Slave, $250. Haie dryar and chair, $100. Phose 579-4212. TWO CASES aI Dr. Balards dog foot, $16 a case, 24x25.5 or. each. Phase 57-366. SAILSOAT, 12f., mahogany wth JIb and Main Salis, mut ba sean fa beaepprecatad, $325. 01itatnk, 300 gala., $2. Hasd tbale for cee body aoek, $25. Phone 433-M89. UEO King sire, S$aeemO-Pedtc, aotid fbat mattreswth box speIsg, $25. Soaebd, 3 soat, pulls oufta double foaem maî- ress, $25. Phase 66-5689. UTILITY TRAILER enciosed, 7'xlOoS5, good springs and aot, caeeying cap 3,500 ibs, ilt dock, $600 or best aller. 655-4167. STEREO) PACKAGE raceiver, tue- stable, casette dockt, equairer. 2 speakers, $40 compets. Car sterea, $anyo recaivar, 200 wat power booster, 4 speakers. 2 are 609 Alpines, other 2 are 4" Tan- vox, $250. 66-3064 or 668-0801. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burguvdy anatai centre, goid coloorearno, 15 ights. $170. Tant. 2 eaom, 9 o 12, vinyl floor ln sleeping orea, good condition, $8. Bathroamn double swag f ix- tura. $25. Phase 6689772. BEDROOM SUITE, qusan sire, 6 places, mediferanaun styla, made Whes theadverfised item is sold, disposed of. or usavailuble for whafever reason. tlue item will be deemed lv have boas sotd and a commission wiIl be charged based os TIIE AfIVERTIItEI PRICE as ilustrated betow, regardleso if price is stafed wifh "hast ffer' Il the item is NOT SOL, or dioposed of. the ad wil b rus for 3 MIINTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGEnt $750 wilt opply payable in advance of pubication ai ihe firsi adý The above minimum charge wili ha applied la the final commission due. Maximum commissono: St00.00.Alil adver- fiemesis must ha pluced os as exclusive basis wth te WHITBY F'REE PRESS asd rus at leasl one monlh il sot sold. RATES (ifartclee teseldl : of et dverfiseil price ap fa 9400.00 2% nf balance avec 460.00 EXAMPIf.E: SoldIteifm aiverfîseil fac 915.oo. Commission due 7.590t(minimum charge is $7.501 Private advertising oniy l Please natify fthe Whifby Free Press immediafeiy ahen item ix sold so flut we tep delefe if from thfluolaowing issue. Ailaas ot fiffing the Emporium guidelixes wilha treafed and charged per week as regular ctassified arta osa pre-paid basis sucit as: services, heip want.ed, cioffing, ceai estafe. and persosat message type ads. or ada flot qaating price or quantify. Private rtasified ada may appear inflhe Emporium section uxder appropriate headingo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Bofx206 Whifby, LIN SSI If le doubi caîf: 668-6111 I31 Broek St. N. Whifby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ANTIQUES contty store cous- 1er, $60, makos a greet rex. raOM bar. Church pua, $350. Phona 571-3636. ALUMINUM DOOR 34>82). $20. Soiid Iront door (34x82), $50. Tao nea shoots ol rborite, $6. 5' used arbarito. $4 . Singe sinto. $7.50. Blue basin, lape and drains, $12.50. Mirrred Medicine cabinet, $5. uest ity ambae decorear gless (great for bar). $20. Mehogeny bifoid, 24x791, $1. Set af antique double doars finteriari 56x79, cader, $25. Phase 668-7404. POUR SEATER couch and ar- mcrhair. $600 Soid maple woad rocher, $300. Debver lobular bunkbed. $500. Maliress for qhove. $50, Coiee table and end table. $25 each. Antique oseaood lubie, $100. Phase 686- 3476. 12x12 JI. tant, aith 1100r, $100. Electronlc air cleanor. Lnnox. $125. Phono aller 5 p.m.. 655- 3854, 19e3 FKL Bobcat go cari, aith Hondla G200, good condition, $650. Phono 66-4389 aller 4 p.m> FOR SALES9 drae drosser, darir wood. aiih li11 mi rrar, aoking $65. FOR SALE ber, $250. Cauch and chair, $15. Couch and 2 chairs and Ottoman, $350. Table and 2 Chairs, $75. Baby carnage. $25. Woaden bootcase, $150. Phono 433-4653. STEREO consola. $125. Blue vetoat swags and double panai curlains. $75. Wavas beige tweed drapas, 2 panais, 50 aida o 97 long, $45. Phone 666-4264. WICI<ER change tabla, $30. Booster seat. $8. 4à' boa speing and headboard, $40. Baaket chair and caver, $8. Aitlniv 000 con- dition. 668-6145. TWO BUCKET car seats, tutiy roclive, back, ilke nea, $30 aach. Laastoaar. $50. AMIFM car radio cassette, $50. Barbaque rotisarre and baskot, navor used. $15. AMîFM eiecteonic dlock. $20. Golf car, $40. Camping oquip- ment, variaus items. totaiing $80. Please cal 666-8176. DINING ROOM tabla, 4 Cave hack chairs, excellant condition, $275. Four mtai parlour chairs. $60 for sel. Antique dasit, $100 Rocking chair. $30. 014 icirer trunk. $25. Fivo boxes af aid 7a records. $75 imany colieciabiel. Phono 683-6638. SUPER SCANNER C.ti. antenne, swtch box, cable and Ieadis, good condition, $100. Also a medicine cabinet, white enamellad matai, nilding mîrror doors, perfect for Cottage, $15. Cail 686-4953 anytime. I0E CREAM parlour set, glass top table and 2 chairs, asklng $100. Phone 668-2676 or 666-3215. GERRARD.HEINTZMAN upright piano, good condition, recon. ciioned, $1.65. Phone 6685672 atter 5 p.m. MUST SELL Gibson bass guitar aith hardshaii case, oery goad condition. $360. Phase 723-2579. sarlous InquIreas osly. HARMONIUM, stail antique pumnp orges, famity heiraOom, $1,000 or bast aller. John or Han- cy 668-4335, FREEE PRESS Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. -I tPI.F7Aýq1Fl1 Ail- I AI E @ IL-,>P7 RPATSIR/PARTS 1972 PI NTO for panle, good matar, transmission and tires, $200 or beef affer. Tow truckt equlpmenf complete, boom asd boom rackts, revolnlng Ilghts and saddle, entre clgglng, 10,000 lb elecfrlc winchr, worx toad of 9,500 Ibe., excellent condition, $1,500 or baesf citer. Phase 6553006. FOR SALE 1974 Nana for parts, 2504 cyI. and masy new parts, $250 or boaf ffer. 1600 cc motar tram a 1973 Pintoa, 52,000 mîtes. ait new seats, $200 or basf affer. Mldlasd AMIFM cassette sterea wltft 6W, 3 aay, 200 watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Taa 13" rime, $10 each. Tas naw ultra Trac Il radial tires, sîze P185180R13, mosted and batas- ced, $130. Phase 655-8758. TWO FIRESTONE Del100e Chram- plans H78-14 and 2 chrome rime, $100 pair. Two Gulf Craws 76 H78-14 WIW, $00 pair. Ose Usîrayaf sfeel balfed soa Ire f-fR78.15, $25. Ose Cas Tire G78- 15 pfus rlm, $50. Ose Gulf Craws 78 H78-14 and rdm, $50. Taa 15" rima, $50 pair. Or ail for $200. Phase 669288. 1982 YAMAHA YZ 250, sew Dunlap tiras. asswer nuaencer, Bayasses raclng reada, $950. Cati 666-4093, ask for Steve. 1978 SUZUKI GS 400, gaod cas- ditilas, $60. Phase 688-3447. FOR SALE Hasda XL175 equlp. ped w1th efreet and dIrt lires, used laet pear as eaad, $450. Cali 668-3456. SIX KITCHEN chairs, aoades, $20 each. Mapta hall table, $125. Woaden kItches set and 5 chairs. $110. Threo end tables, $25 each. Cati 683-6638. KING SIZE mirorad canopy, tour poster waterbad, -"Plantation" seasoned pins, exteas 100 sumarous ta 1sf, excellant con- dition. won'i fit In oea home, must sacrifice ai $1.500. Cati 655- 4187. 1081 0MEV Boburbes Slveredo 350, VInew, 8000 km, 4BBL eir croise, ps., phb., tistad windows, AMIFM cassette, brows end balge. very good condition. $8500. 655-4167. 166 HONDA Clair, AMIFM steremo casette, 125,000 kms., $1,600. Phase 668-0440. 1977 MW Rabbit, eutomatic, gaod condition, $1,000 Ilcm. 683-2166. 1970 DODGE Colt, goad con- dition, extre tiras, $550asla. COeil 655-3109. 1970 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS., p.b., aie canditiosisg, $600Or basf aller. Cati 655-3176. 1970 FORD 3/4tas aisdow Van, itle rust, heavy duty, Issuiaed and ruggad, muet self, $1.200 or boasfcifer. Cati 668.890 1976 BUfOS REGAL, naw Michelin tires, battery, rad, suspension, $750. Phase 655- 4682. 197$ VEGA V8, 350, angine and body goad, sunroof, $950f orast offer, asile. 666-5793. 1975 PONTIAC Lemans, Ps5., phb., AMIFM sterea cassette, ex- caltent condition, $1.450 car- titied. Phase 668.4907 or 668 6054. 1975 COUQAR, ps., phb., 8 f rack, eppo. 65,000 miles, naads some motor aoek and aiher minor repaires, body laie, $60 or basf aller. 668-6227. 1974 OLOSMOBILE Delta 88, 70,000 mitas, asking $200. Phone 579-4212. WANT ABS CL K-11 Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have G? questions. Ilopefully. the explanatioti below can clear up many of vour questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111 and we'I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: @are a private advertiser; ehave an article to seli; and, ahave a specified asking priCe for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wilI run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance hefore the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guaranlee your article will seil, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $750" When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described r1 have read the Emporium guidelines abtive attd wish ft have' lie following advertisemeflt placed utuder this section oîfflhe Wlîtfhy Free fPress. 1 enclonse $7.50111 cliver the- ninimumtichatrge- C'harge $7 501 ft mv VjsiteelCu't tard No. FI-ste tv, 'came Ppe i pet Address I.IyLa coda tie . (utt rlur lit llu le vr- uer phoe tieti luer MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Beltîw are sontie examples of what you would be charged if your arttcle sold within three months. C'ommissiotns shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT P>AYABLE, Up t $ 1 500 $ 600 $1,00 $2,000 $4,000 s.$5,000 and up Payable $10.00 $ 15.00 S20.00 $22.00 $24.00 S26.00 $28,00 S30.00 $32.00 S52.00 s 72.00 $ 92.00 $1t00.00 4!âFCON FUSED? by Glbard, $800. Phone 68"914. uaii izj.%j i (t). lot City 1 1 i

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