PAGE 6, \VEDNESDAY, SEPTEMIWR 25, 1985, Wl- B)r&1 in Bylines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cali 6553619 wltl> Items for this column jThis is the ime of year when parents of schoolage ebidren can finally relax. The kids are back in school ail day, resplendent in their new fali outfits, the frenzy of shopping for new clothes and books is over. But there is one group of parents who rnay be fnding that,their worries have just begun and that f is the parents of young people who have gone off to college for the first time. It's not just the ernpty roorn and ernpty chair at the table that is upsetting, it's wondering if they're eating properly, if they're rnaking friends, and if so, what kind of friends. Are they hornesick? How are they coping with their studies and a rnyriad of other problerns that couid corne up. In spite of ail the ad- monitions to "'keep in touch" that you give thern as you help hemn settle in the first day, there cornes a tirne when the only thing you hear is a big ernpty silence. Providing thern with self-addressed, starn- ped envelopes seldom works as I've discovered but there are two tried and true rnethods of rnaking sure that hey'll contact you soaner or later. One is to arrange for thern to forget sorne very vital piece of eupetsuch as their favourite pair of designer eans and the other is to be late sending their allowance money. Either one is guaranteed ta registration night on Monday, Sept.' 23. Unfor- tunately, 1 received this notice too late. to let in- terested parents know about it last week. However, .hould you have a young lad who is anxious to join and you missed outaon this, just cail Nancy Grylîs at 655-3275 and Prm sure she can arrange to have hlm entered in the appropriate troup. LEGION EUCHRE The regular Brooklin Legion euchre mights begin ~1 LE CHALET Sunday Special Incudes: Salad Bar or Soup of the day your choice of Potato, Vegetables & Coffee or Tea 120OBROCK ST. N. 666-3005 WHITBY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PROCLAMATION RECYCLING WEEK WHEREAS, the Town of Whitby recognizes that recycliflg s beneficiai to resource and energy conservation, lob creation, litter abatement and a reduced dependence on solid waste disposai facilities; AND WHEREAS, our Municipality is aiready active n a local piot recycliifg program; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that 1, RA. At- tersiey, Mayor of Whitby, do hereby prociaim the week of Septeniber 30 to October 6, 1985 as "Recycliflg Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. Ctizens of the Town of Whitby are invited to nominale individuais or groups ta receive a Car- tificate of Menit for their contributions ta recyciing In the Town of Whitby. Nominations shouid be forwarded to the Town Cierk, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Li N 2M8, by no later than October 4, 1985. DATED at Whîtby, Ontario, this 25th day of Sep- tember, 1985. R.A. Attersley, Mayor Town of Whitby I FALL CLEARANCE IDRI VEWAY SEALERÂe7I IITBY FRE PRESS on Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. and wîll be held every fourth Wednesday of the month for the rest of the season. Each evening includes a light lunch and prizes. Everyone who enjoys this form of entertainment is invited to attend and to bring a friend. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Brooklin Wnrnen's Institute held a public relations meeting last week at which the public relations officer, Eileen Young reported on the recent Women's Institute of Canada's loth annual convention which was held at Western University in London, Ont. The theme this year was "Women's Unlimited Potential". Delegates from every part of Canada except the Yukon were in attendance. This year's objective was "Water for aIl". This project is to be carried on until 1990. Members were invited to visit Ireland next year and to attend the 1988 Con- ference which will be held in St. Johns, Newfoun- dland. A discussion of the 75th Anniversary meeting held in Brooklin on May 30 of this year was held. At that meeting there was an interesting display of plaques, pictures and scrap books pertaining to the branch. Eileen Young contributed a display of pins, literature and gifts from the twinned province of New Brunswick. Hostesses Marion Hall and Margaret Watson ser- ved a delicious lunch set off by an attractively decorated table. Mrs. Levi Arksy, Dora Crawforth and Eileen Young will attend the annual convention ta be held on Nov. 5 and 6 at the Royal York in Toronto. The next meeting on education and cultural ac- tivities will be held on Oct. 16 at 1:30 p.rn. in the Community Centre on Cassels Rd. Convenor for this meeting is Carnie Arksey. The Motta is 'Life is an educational journey from the cradie ta the grave". Roll Caîl is to be answered with an interesting point found in the hyrnn book. Jean Hunter will give a talk and the hostesses are Dora Crawforth and Ruby Sonley. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER On Oct. 6 in Myrtle United Church at 7:30 there will be a videa presentatian, about an hour long, on Marriage Encounter. AIl couples framn newlyweds ta Golden Wedding celebrants are invited to see this preview by Bob and Bannie Jackson of Pickering. This is for ail couples ta give them an awareness that their goad marriages have a tremendous paten- iai for being even better. The invitation ta attend this interesting meeting is i'xtended La ail the neigh- bouring cammunities as well. SQUARE DANCING Although the beginners' square dancing lessons began last Wednesday, newcomers are still welcame for the next three weeks. Sa often, husbands and wives find that their in- terests separate thern, this is a chance ta take part in a fun activity together. They are also laaking for twa single men ta help round out the sets, 50 came on you bachelors, geL out and jain in the fun tao. The ime is 8 ta 10 p.m. every Wednesday. LIBRARY NEWS The library is back to its regular hours: 2 ta 9 p.rn. Monday Lhrough Friday and 10 a.m. La 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Ta welcome the area chîldren back after the summer vacation, there is a peanut guessing con- test until the end of September. First prize geLs the peanuts and secand prize wins a new pencil case. Saturday Story Hour has begun iagain for schaalage children with crafts, atories and prograrns of varied interests. IL happens every Saturday morning fram 10: 30 ta Il :30 p.m. Ta capture thase exciting events in your life from weddings, birthdays or the first days of school, there is a Palaroid Camera available for one week boan periods, free, from the ibrary. Next week is Ontario Public Library Week, visit your library and see what iL can offer you. stitaking ,hool course Whitby mornings, beginnin 1 this Oct. 1. A $20oregistre session fee is payable in ad ng an .tion dvan- ursday successful programn developed by the Utah Lung Association, the eek but course teaches simple- ) enjay self .care techniques ýns. The which can help three ta ýurch at five year olds keep their asthma in check. ruation Through gaming, ness. A modeling and imaging, 'ar Sut- the children are aught ta use their stornach - muscles and diaphragmn ta breathe more easily and efficiently duning an asthma episode. Parents and children also learn how ta reduce the anxiety and tension BY that often contibute ta B the sevenity of an at- tack. During the program, children and rnoms will n meet such friends as "IClippy Doîl" (a car- iarge dboard and paperclip doîl used La each floppy relaxation movernents) and "Hot Botts" (a hot water bottle inside a cloth animal cavering). ZLong term fallow-up studies of the Utah program indicate a marked reductian in hospitalisations arnong children routinely using techniques learned at MT P.S.A. Courses. For mare infor- i RD mation, cal the Lung Association at 723-3151. EDITOR'S NOTE: .5PM Angela Tibbles la the M. executive director of the Durham Region Lung Association. BROOKLIN-WHITi MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION LATE REGISTRATIONS: Wed., Sept. 25th, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Sat., Sept. 28th, 10 a.m.-1 2 noor IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Ater those dates there will be a penalty cha for late registration. Valentino 's nowv open Vasile Tsinokas is seen here accepting a Town of Whitby keychain from Mayor Bob Attersley to mark the officiai opening of his new hair and beauty salon, Valentinos, at 210 Brock St. S. The shop, which is decorated in a 1920s motif in honor of the late rornantic idol Rudoif Valentino, has a staff of nine. Valentinos' services range frorn everything from hair styling for both ladies and men (and children) to tanning, nutrition counselling, skin care and other beauty services to manicures and pedicures. Free Press Staff Photo Lung association names for pre-scl By ANGELA TIBBLES Located at the There is still ime to Public Library, register for the Lung three week, sixs Association's special course will be hel prograrn for pre- 10 to 11:30 a.n schoolers with asthrna. Tuesday and Thi MYRTLE NEWS Choir practise was well attended last we there is stili roomn for more people whc singing ta learn from accomrplished musician practise is held every Wednesday in the chu 6:30 pm. Sunday morning service featured a contin of Rev. MacRury's series on Spiritual Fitn baptismal service was also held for Ryan Ca ton.