Curtain goes up onl "Fiddller" Nov. 6 Rebearsals are now underway for the Wbit- by Little Tbeatre Com- panys production of "Fiddler on the Roof" wbich is scheduled to open Nov. 6. "Fiddler on the Roof" is being directed by Bert Heaver, a pioneer of the amateur . teatre movemnent in Witby. Prior to joining the old Witby Tbeatre Guild in 1957, be was active in Shakespearean theatre companies in is native England. Since then, Heaver bas also lent bis talents to- other community organizations. His con- tributions were recognized by the Whit- by Cbamber of Com- merce in 1979 when be was namned tbe recipient LET'S SEEYOU DO IT... OIJFDOORS! of tbe Peter Perry Award. During bis 28 years witb tbe Witby theatre movement, Heaver bas beld a number of positions on the executive as well as ap- pearing on stage in a number of productions. His most recent ap- pearances include "Dir- ty Work at the Crossroads", "Oh, Wbat a Lovely War", and Help wanted The Volunteer Com- mittee of the Oshawa Sympbony Association needs volunteer knitters and sewers for fund raising purposes. Sup- plies will be provided. Interested persons are asked to caîl 579- 6711. "Canterbury Tales. " He also directed tbe tbeatre's productions of "Butterflies and Free" and "Cabaret". "Fiddler on the Roof" is a musical that Heaver bas long wanted to direct. Tickets for the show bave been selling rapidly. Some nights have already been sold out promptîng the Wbit- by Little Tbeatre to ex- tend its run before the opening nigbt curtain bas been raised. "Fiddler.on the Roof" will open Nov. 6 and run until Nov. 22. Advance tickets are availabe by calling Barbar Farrow at 668-3426. Beginning Oct. 23, tbey will also be available at Middleton's Bookstore in downtown Whitby. 'U~E PV ~- . AffsIs Concept 1455 SQ. FT. MES_________ ___ FROM 189,990. EBERLEE PARK -AN ENCLAVE OF [,KxC:I'l'IN(; NEW HOMES IN A PARK-LIKE SETI-1NG, CLOSE 'l'O T'1H~ AMI,:NI111IES YOLJ 1ESIFRVE. AT A PRICE 'HAT WIll, SURPRISE YOII. With 50 years of home build i ng experienCe we know what you want: A weII built home with a high standard of quality Control, ail the littie extras that make a house a home included at no extra Cost, Iocated close to the amen ities you and your family need, ail at a price that can't be beat. S'I\IlI(l FE ilRES IN EN EH) NN II.ON lit INiE Oak handrail and picketseCOIOfliaI doors and trim*Custom kitchen cabinets*,Cushion floor in ail service areas Quality broadloom*Raised panel wood sectional garage doors. cMIE & SEI' ER:LF;F IXII M I'Vi <O.i NIIXi YI\i.l11' I(H)kl'%(. FO AVI1LON Sales OfieIl'Ioum% Mon -'Thtir% 12 nmîn 10 p.m (;losed lrtay Sol., Sur,. lol.. 12 mno fi Sp.m. LC H1I, lA. \I'I1II.II\ C S 11 11I4 IIi.III .11 WE'RE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFESSIONAILS 149 Brook St. N., Whitby GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 66-21 OTTER CREEK BUNGALOW Spac. 3 B.R. home in exceil. loc. Wall to watt F.P., g. country kit, In-Iaw 'apt. W. endlass ~, Possibilltles. Cal! now - Carol Chantier 668-6221,666-2560. .k,,,a,. r ,,g, AcStie j-'s - -.. ,,~ T~r'r1'te$-rr-etl'eC'1~y1~7g.2~ **- Report from Queen's Park By THE HON. GEORGE ASilE, MPP (PC -Durham West) Taxpayers footed bill for political college The Liberal government of Ontario recently sent 120 political aides to a weekend "college" at tax- payers' expense . indicated $30,000, 1 might add. These were not civit servants, but direct political employees of the party in power. A six-page memo outlining the event, and direc- ted to participants, was issued through the Premier's office and marked "Confidential". Notice of this event was given to no one except those directly involved through the party, and had it not been for the diligence of a newspaper reporter, from the Toronto Sun, migbt neyer have corne to light. The funding of tbis kind of expenditure is ini direct violation of the Manual of Administration whicb states that functions of this nature must be paid for out of party funds. It is this same Manual of Administration which the current government, when in Opposition, in- sisted and quite correctly, that the former Conser- vative government follow to the letter. In tbis in- stance, therefore, igorance of the rules is no excuse. When questioned by reporters about the planned retreat, and the apparent misuse of taxpayers' money, Premier Peterson said, "I'm sur- prised ... that the question bas been raised (and) I frankly dont see what's so strange about it. At bis swearing-in ceremony, Premier Peterson promised Ontarians an "accountable" government, and one "witbout walls". This action, along witb the recent $1,000 member- ship fee affair to get the ear of the Premier and Cabinet (see column of Sept. 24) negates botb ac- countability and openness on tbe part of Peterson's government. Ontarians have a right to know how their money is being used. They also bave a right to question any government expenditures wbich appear to be out of line. eesn wn If Premier Ptro doesn't t to explain this expenditure to the press, perbaps questions fromn Ontarians wîil remind hlm of bis responsibility to let the people of this province know why this political "ýcollege" was paid for out of tax dollars! Are you concerned? No cords e No tubes No wires Inner EarT' may be your answer Mirade-EaW DURHAM HEARING AID CLINIC 105 Coiborne St. W.. Whitby 6 66-3797 Monday-Frlday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.rn. HEARING AID BATTERIES $3.501 PKG. Repairs t0 ail makes, Free hearing tests Ifu ha1; to;tcrey r dbyiri uor hom omorowcou"i ou? Wth State Farm's Homeowners Extra Policy. you can get guaranteed 100% coverage on your home plus extra protection for your con- rtenta. Just cati to see if you quali'!y C LAU DE E j'Ili 1 ý, ALS 4 twl M- Call us Now EUfflIE