WHI'l'IY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1985, PAGE 23 7 PTr. HEAVY Steal 10w Chain ith FOR SALE anique dinng rmmr hooke, $. Tmo mOlle marS10 sall, e.heean 60 ta 80 y9are 014 $aube (¾4x15n7), $15. Laundty In beautIlul condition, suiid tub pamp end mtor, $45. Par- mîpia, made ln Bottla. 9 pace, leSta radio cassete player. $15. tabla atande la eait 10 comler- Large ofice chair. $5. Antique tabla, $1.900 or boail ofar. 668- Undatwood typeariier. $10. 014 2461. flenaSrs ight, $10. Bries 3 ______________ hiaded oit prealor, $50. Tao B8 PLOW, 4 Furtom Mssey fluoresent ielaren, $10. Phono Frgunean, sheur pin type. guad 687404. condition. 3 point hich. asking FOR SALE caramIa Sandslone klsn, $425 and mi40. $100. Phase 668.M87. FOR SALE ceslom bait 6 place ktchan nook Btcher Block tabl, beige vnyl chairs and ban- ches, excellentl condition, $350 or boailaller, 579-3629 aller 12 f000. TWIN BED, trame, braso head- board, boa spisg and matress, $250. White hailroom bedspread. eteclric Sashai, 3 sets oi shots, $125. Al encllent condition. 668- 564$. ANTIQUE cambinallin moad and atoclric stane, ideatlar collage, excellent condlla n, $480. 655- 3583 DININQ ROOM table, 4 Case Sîck chairs. excelent condition, $275. Four moel paloar chairs, $60 lot set. Atique 405k, $100. Rocting chair, $30. Old aicker lrenk, $25. Fine Saxos ai aid 78 records, $75 (lmany cotieciabiel. Phoane663-6638. FOUR SEATER cauch and r- mohair, $66. SOUCI mapla aoad rocher, $300. Debaer tabalar Senkbad, $500. Matress lot aboy, $50. Callea table and end liSte. $25 Bach. Antique rosaaood tabl, $100. Phono 686- 3476. CUSTOM 6UILT Immitatian ireptici als Intid grey bricks and marbia heartir electil loge and irapiace screen Inciuded, $306. Beginsars sol oi drums, $150. 668-1336. DISHWASHER, Soirs delune por- table, chappisg Stock top, three lavai wîshilg action, $179. Colean tater cia casa, $1. one eleticit panai, $5. 66 amp. discensacl, $25. oys cross coantry skis, 160 cm size, cia paies, $16. Frepiaca sorean and hait circuialing grte, $18.-1/a O. ietcric mult. $10, Toaster, hair curling Bot, electil cotie gris- dot, Monte Caria 15" rim, $10 Bach. Phono 576-7697. wida, cia irigit adjust and auto setting, $85. Cati 5767697. 5,000 9.T.U. Electrohume horizontal air coadlillner. S150. Phona 6686185. ANTQUE tabla and 2 chairs, $85. 24" whita gas stole, $50. Fluor polînhat, S5. Bondie buggy, $5. Hairdryar, leSte modl. $950. Slurdy canais hammock. $750. Slacking wina rack, $5. Standard typeanilar, Royal, excllent cun- dIllun, $50. Older Romninglan lypaarIit. ,good. $25. Larga corn- torlabla armchaIr, $25. Phone 6887404. FOR SALE ratrtdgeralot, $350. Stoun, $250. Hair dryer and chair, $100. Phone 579-4212 TWO CASES of Or. Balards dog tout, $16 a case, 24x25.5 uzS. eactr. Phone 576-3998. SAILBOAT, 12 I., mahogany wllh IS ad Main Salis, mue be s0an ta ba apprectated, $325. Oit tank, 300 gais., $20. Hand 10015 for car body mart, $25. Phrone 433-4689. 8ED King siza, Seara-O.Pedic, satid laoam maltress wtth box sprIng, $250. Soie bed. 3 sait, Faîte out la double toam mat- rans, $250. Phone 68885689. UTILITY TRAILER encioîed. 7xlOx5, good springs and anIe. carrying cap 3,506 155. tltiidock. $800 or Seol cier, 655-41 87. TWO BUCICET cor soats. lulY radline, black, tîke 00W. $30 each. Lawnmower, $50. AMIFM car radia cassette. $50. Barbaque raiserre and basket, ener used, $15. AMIFM etectrunic c ock, $20. Golf car, $46. Camping eqIP- ment, vanieus items, lolalinu $80. Pieuse caii 668-8178. WICKER change table, $30. Booster seat, $8. 48" boa spring and headboard, $40, Basket chair and caner, $8. Al s gond con- dition. 6688145. BEDROOM SUITE, quama siue, 6 places, medileranOian style, mde by GSird, $600. Phonoe6U864. When tire advertised item o satld. disposed et, or unavailable for wlalener mosaon. the item wiii be deemed bo have becnsosed andea commission iii be cirarged baoed an TIE AtVnEI6TISEI) PIIICE as llaorated below. regardieso if price is stated wth "best 011r- If the item o s OT SOLO, nr disonsed af. the ad wiii Se ru for :1 MiiNTIIS and a MINIMUM CHIARGE ef $7.56 witt appty payable in advance rf publication of the firol ad. The above minimum charge witl be applicd ta 1he final commission due Maximum commission $16666 Att adver- tisements mast Se ptaccd an an exclusive basis wîlh lbe.WlIIITtIY FI6EE PRESS and rus ai teast one month if nul setd< RATES (If article ls soldi: 5% of advertiseal priceop te 114860.00 z% ai balance one 14900 EXAMPIEF Sold item idvertised fer 8150.66. c'ommission due $7.5a0i(miimum charge le 1750) Privalc advertising anly! Pîcase ntify tire Whiiby Free Pres mmediatcty whcn item is sntd sa chat me may dlete it frnm tire follawing issue. Al ados ot fitîng the Emprium gidelînes will be treated and charged par week as regular ctassified ado on a pre-paid hanto such as: services, help wanled, clthing, ceai estate. and pergonnal message type adls. ar ado nnt quting prîce or quantity. Privale ctassifîed ado may appear inlire Emporium sectioin under apprîpriale headîngs AUL ADS WILL Gît IN CLASSIFIEL3 5E(1OfN tJNL.E55 THEI6WISE SPFFIED. MAMAI.5 O: 131 lirock St. N. FRE E PRESS I P 5 AO R I~~T5~UM0Tvj ATMBLS j~~eP7 RPASIRIPAROR SALE FOR SALE 1974 Nova lot pars, 1665 DODUE Omni OLH, black. 5 250-6 cyt. and many nom parle, epeod. AMIFM elerea, Eegte OT $250 or beet ollar, 1600ccd maIt radiais, aiumninam raid aheats, lrom a 1973 Pinta, 52,666 mites, 45,000 km. aarranty. $8.500. 655- ail namasesis, $200 or boni alter. 4076 or 655-4989. MIdIand AMIFM casseatte elerea ailir 6x9, 3 amy, 200- Watt 1991 CHEV Saburhen Blineado speakers. $150. Power booster, 350, V8, oea, 8,000 km. 4 BOL, air, $25. Tma 13" dma, $10 eauh. Tmo cramse. ps., pSb., tinIed windows, nom utra Trac Il radial ites. sIZO AMIFM cassettle, brean and P1651B0R13, moanlad and bales- beige, nory gaod condition, ced. $1 30. Phase 655-8758. $8.500. 655-4187. pions H78-14 and 2 chrome rime, $100 pair. Tma Gulf Crown 78 H78-14 W816, $50 Pair, One Unioyai teseaibeited nnotlira HR78-15, $25. One Cas Tire G78- 15 plus rim, $50. Ona Gulf Croan 78 H78-14 and rim, $50. Two 15" rime, $5 pair. Or ait for $250. Phone 668-988. P.O. Bon 2066668-611TORCYCEOnt Whitby, . IN091 ITIIE DEADLINE FO1R EMPORIUM AI)S IS TUE FRII)AY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.J _______________________________________________________________ 1082 VAMAHA YZ 250, nnm ~ ' ~ Dunop tires, ansmar siencnr. F ', ~ , l f~ A I ATICLES Bayssen racine rnedO, $950 Cuir ARTICLES , A1RTICSLES O AE 6684093,askIfor Steve. BLACK LEATHERETTE radliner FOR SALE bar, $250. Couch and S6PbEm SCANNER C.B. entonna, 1970 SUZUKI 0$ 400. gond can- in excellent condition, $200- Ose chair. $150. Cauch and 2 chairs smitch bo, cabie and Inuds. dînasn, $600. Phono 668-3447. calea nd ansd ubis. 60. ando ttoman, $350. Table and 2 good condition. $100. Aisoaa Phone 666-3844. chairs, $75. Baby carniage, $25. mediie cuie, ht Wooden baukcase. $150. Phone enameled matai, siding mirror FOR SALE Honda XL175 equip- 433-4653. doors, pertedi lot collage, $15. pedmlh treet and dirl iras, ALUMINUM DOOR (34x82), $20. Cuir 686-4953 unytime. unad test yaar on raad, $450. Cali nomi shot ooa rbx2ri$Ta 6. ' STEREO console, $125. Blue -66-3456. ue tsa at 4. ingi s$. 5 lvin ai sa nd double paner CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, 57.5. labart.$.Sinlps nd curtins, $75. Wooen beige tmeed burgundy enumel centre, gord $7e5n.,Blue.50. Mirtad adsa drapes. 2 panais. 50 ide e 97 claur erms, 15 ighto, $170. Test, fII MUSI 'A crainet$1.$50. Qaunhiiymer lng$5.Phse66-4264. 2 raom. 9 a 12, vnnyl loor in *sA U canet $5las (greai for r, -sleeping area, good conditon, J*I1SlRIil1EIp~UET $20.to gs Muh gany btfor ba2).7$10.6ANDSAW Ganerble15', 66 hp $20 Maogay ifod, 2479) BADSW Gnerl 5" h latre, $25. Phase 668-9772. HARMONIUM. emrai antique $16. Set of antique doubla doars aienciosed stand $680. Jointor - upognfalyhrocn interiori 56x79, cedar. $25. Phase Generul 6" 1 hp miopen stand - pamp organamty .Jheoranm. 668-7494. $725. Yumahe 060 organ lhree cy j $1600orhataler3 Jh3o5Hn ________ ~~keyboardn $2900. Reesa ioud 5:fH U E oD y6-35 BONTEPI eectrc arus, in- eneiing traier 91109 10.000 lb . G OD I 0RAOHNTMN prgl BONTEMPI lectric ogan. Min- cap. $11o. Computer business ER D-INZA upih sitel modal milS adapter-.- 2A prmi- sarDtagnGon.i eutning books, nom price $650. solit lot$400. 12" black asd white TV., $50, hardiy ener used.Phono 668-2155. 1212 fi.lent0, ilh loor, $100. EluctronlO air cieuner. Lennuu. $125. Phono aller h p.m., 655- 3854. 1983 FICI BoScul go car, ilh Honda G200, gaod condition, $6M. Phono 688-4369 airer 4 p.m FOR SALE 9 drumer dresser, durS mood, iilt mirrar. uoklog $85, IIM ilS actury Sckups, set $185. jet mil pump V½ Sp w130 gai tank $185. Uliity box toc pickup truck eatherproal 30wx511ax23h milock $115. Wuinui neneer 1'x14" $15. Wood4 lhreudlng tuais 1i, 66, 1" mci Soiioming laps sel $315. Router & steel cane ilh guides $55. Wise carbuy 12 'h galion $18. Cuit 655-4003. FOR SALE ktches suite cotner souk bench style 41 pace, like oaa, $250. Air condiioner 8000 BTU nerticul, 1 ygar aid, $350. 68664302. immons mullress, excellent condition, $275. Phonoe 686-2966. SIX KITCHEN chairs, mondes, $20 each. Muple hailtatbie, $125. Wooden kichen set und 5 chuirs, $110. Tttree end tablas, $25 each. Cuil 683-6636. KING SIZE mirrorad cunapy, tour poster aerbed, Ptlatios seasoned pine, eirus 100 numeous la lisI, excellent cas. dition,, mnit ln nomhome, musi sacrifice ut $1,500. Cail 655- 4187. allerS5 p.m. MUST SEIL Glsas bites gelar aiih hardaheli case, cary gaod condition, $360. Phase 723-2579, serloas Isqaiies oniy. eterea cassette, 125,600 kms., $1.600. Phone 668-0446. 1977 VW RaSSit, aatomatic, goad condition. $1.066 irm. 683-2166. 1976 D000E Colt, goad con- dition, extra tires, $550 as s,. Ciii 655-3169. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS., phb., air condittoning, $60 or boastaller. Caol655-3176. 1976 BUICK REGAL, sua Michelin tires, btlery. ted, suspension, $750. Phase 655- 4682. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 cyl,, cehlable, quick sala, $400 or hoast aller. Phase 728-0676 allerS5 p. 1975 VEGA V8, 350, angine and body gnod, suntotf, $950 or boast aller, asile. 668-5793. 197$ PONTIAC Lemuns, ps., phb., AMIFM tereo cassette, on- cellent condition, $1.450 cor- lilied. Phone 686-4007 or 668. 6054. 1975 COUGAR, ps., pSb., 8 tracte. apprax. 85,600 miles, needs some motrwark and athar minar repeirs, body lair, $600 or bost aller. 668-8227. 1974 OLOSMOBILE Delta 88, 70.000 miles. usking $206. Phono 579-4212. 1974 AMC HORNET Hatchbîck, 8 cyl.. 30,600 miles, guad con- dition, îutomîtlctcransmission, extra tiras, $400 or boast ollr, as sa, muet sali. Catil Dosn66-808. JKW Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporiunm simn- ply because you find the advertising guidelines coîîfusing. 1)011t miss out on our Iow advertisig rates just because you have questions. llopefully, the explanatiofi below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do( caîl 668-61 Il and we'II be pleased to explain the Emnporiumn Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertîser; @have an article to seli; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you cani advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until thealrticle has been sold (maximum three monilus i A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance beftrft he firht in- sertion of your ad. If your article dues N(>T sei wtlun three mîonl ths, you pay only the minimum charge 19 is un- fortunate that no newspapcr cati guarinlec vîur article will seIl, but wherc cisec ciulîl vu get three months advertisîng for îttly $7.5o' When your article sells, a commlssilli.,; charged. based on the advertîsed prîce. ilm- mission is: 5% up to $4(K): 2% of the balance rver $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. -ý---- -------- -- ---] 1lavecread the Empoium guidelines alitve anîd v. tsh to ir hae the- following adverttsccnlt placcd under this sectio triirhe \hithiy Fre iPress 1 cncIîist$7 )flocoVi-rIle Iifil îîîîîutI chi.irgi- ('jar-gi' $7 i0 1)i l \ii> isa itilt M11ll. t ~ ~ ~ ~ % iriNFt t-. WHITBY ____ ____ ____ ___FREE PRESS il unrP.O. 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