Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1985, p. 24

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PAGE 24 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1985, WHITBY FREF PR F55 WHI [TBY'S MOSI WWtLX IILAI> "F111"STWIEL RA I WILi. 56W dolflsandior girls cloihes for Christmas. Elaine 6-1228. MAID SERVICE experienced rellable cleaolflg lady mii i provide a ifforougil quallîy service for you, baIhrooms, klchens, loors, etc.) Referosces. 666-4667. UNEMPLOYED I4ELP CENTRE Noed help? worlers, compon* satios, Welfars, OHIP assistance, unemploymesf Insurance, or crials refarrais 10olher agesciOs. calli: 579821. GUITAR LESSONS. ccli Mike aI 6553791. L PERSONAL COLOURS Diacovar the colours & shadas that com- pliment your akin tone & enhanca ypur beat features. OnIy $30 par consulat ion 666-2770 APPLES, pick your oms, isO ready plcked apples, squash, pumpklCs, fndien cors, asd appie cider, as avaifable. Archibafd Or. chards, Libery Si., l'h miles North of Taunon Rd., Bowman- vif le,6237536. MSE RMCOMPLETE MAINTENANCE *Everygressprunifg,New* lnsa ini erliizing, 1rscting,prig bulbe, Ssow ramona, FR66 esf maies. 725-3300 SINGLE CENTRE OATEI Donft pay exorbiant prIces If youre loriely. ils 16.33, seniors 'h prIce. 72-1549. GIANT STREET garage suie, Saf., Oc. 12, 10 acm. to 4 p.m., Harrison Court, Whifby. LO1T& on AUTMBILESI FOUND le FOR SALE 1985 PONTIAC 6000LB. 8 cpi ,air cosd P.s.,p.b.,auîomatic, masy esiras, $12950668.2036. BROI<EN HEARTiED omsers hans lest 4 monî h old maIe puppy, whte wth brown paiches and mach Ilke face. Wsarisg bromo coillr and les coller. Misslng ci sce 1:20.Salanday sight. Losi ln soaîh end Oshawa. 723-6668. NORTH-WEST OSH4AWA semi, 3 badrooma, l'h baihs, disig room, large hutches, priosle drine, $73,900. Phgos 579-8615. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for reni on professiolla f loor. Woafd be salable for lawyer. accouslasf, etc. RestIinciades ail ailiies and se negollable for as appropriaie tenant. For frfher inormation cali 668-6372 belmees 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday le Friday. VACATION 'W;W RENTALS~L FLORIDA lovly recrealioflal nehîcl otfolnossmaf i Lake neur Weeki Walchi, Tampa, Roc. hall. swimming pool, tensis, ishing, good renialinicome when vacant, $17500 US. 705-342-9989. JOIN OUR circuler mailing program. Worh aI home, earn ex. ra income. Free delails. M. Green Enlerprises, 594 Niverille, Manioba, ROA 160. IS YOUR BUSINESS IN DIFFICULTY CALL L.D. Maclnnis (416) 571-1355 yoassign a Counsellor to advise you on your business probiema 1972 CLASSIC Jaguar xja, Mil cerf if y, $5.000. Phose 649-2897. 1971 CHEV NOVA 6, aufomnalic, 2 door, ps., 55W pint, miii cerf fy, $1.000. Ccli 655-4660 asytlme. RACCOON COAT, custom made, sfio 12, lihe sew, mueIta, $6W1 or basf olfer. 868-0629. MATTRESSES and bon sprIsgs af hall price. Mclees Funieure, 524 Simcoe Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5161. ,HEROES o01e Bible" cofourisg book ualable ai icsos Pris- ing & office Supplies. Alun Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquirien iniled. 7 FOOT MEYERS plough il h pump and hydraulice. $700 or best osfer. 68-3471. CHESTERFIELD suifés. loneseafs, seclionals. less ihan 'h price. Large seleclion. McKeen Furnilure, 524 Simcue Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE pressos felleriflg low in stock ai Dickson Prining & Of- fice Supplies in the Alan Shop- ping Plaza. Lage soiecios of styles and suzes. Why puy more for a smller sheel olf lerisg? 683-1968. ALL METAL esdron carniage wilh inIer cover. Love Buggy sîroiler. Phone 66-4209. C.H..P. PROGRAM. OnIY 174 days lei. Fora fIree estimaie con- acf McCieane Insallalion Ser- ices, 1-600-263-3204. VISIT vur used furnil are wrehouse by uppoinimenl, Big suings on desks. chairs, fiing cabinets. etc. Cli ickson Prin- f ing & Office Supplies lu arrange an appinmenl f o w. 683. 1968, TYPEWRITER ,entll. muny makes and models. by tho weekend, week or monîh, Discouns uailable. Ockson Prining & Office Supplies in the Aun Plaza. Cali us for business machine ropars 683-1968. FREE6 Drop isf0 the chson YARDIX FEDERAL Prisfing & office Suppiy store wBUSINESS copy of Iheîr 1985 MefrincCali YARD SALE. Taunton Rd, bof. DEVELOPMENT dur.Pr'vled sn fwo colOurs. ees Hmy. 12 asd ThicksOn Rd. makes for handy oeesce 61 Sait., Oct. 12,930c8M.Bush bads, BAN K 19& hockey eqipmenî, baby clothes CASE and misc. COUNSELLING .Q EDUATIONAL acr SERVICES d.yv GRAMMER for poople oho hale A UCTIONS gramman s15ihe Ideal pochef U O referesce book for businessFU FO peope. $395 per cnpy and THE WHOLE avattable aI ickson Prinfing & FAMILY i i. ile 683- AUCTION SALE THURS., OCT. 10 6:00 P.M. seliing af Orval McLaan Auciion Centar, Lindsay. Proparty of MRS. ART SQUIRES. Oakwood plus consignmeflts, 9 Pc. walnut dining suite, han* dmada quilts, ful housaful oh good f ur. nibura, appliancas, sone antiques, good, rugs, bools. To lisi your sale cal ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS 324-2783 LIN DSAY FREE pick up of com- piete asiates ln Durham Region. AUCTION SALE THANKSGIVING MONDAY, OCT. 14 11:00 A.M. Siouffvihie Sales Barn. Househoid furnibure, an- tiques, dishas, glassware, bools. Terrns cash. NORM FAULKNER AUCTION EER ~3~ONS AUCTION SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F RICHARD WHITESIDE Ail persona having dlaims againat the Estate of Richard Whiteaide, sate of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regionai Municipality.of Durham, Ontario, Canada and of the Town of Clatakanie, ln the State of Oregon, Retired Baker, who died on or about the 3lat day of May, 1985, are hereby notifled to send par. iculars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of October, 1985, atter which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the dlaims of which the under- sig ned shahi then have notice, and the under- signed will not be hiable for any person of whose dlaims they shah flot then have notice. Dated ai Richmond Hill, this 23rd day of Septem- ber, 1985. Lorne Taverner and Robert H. Backburn, Executors of the Estata of Richard Whtoside, by Ihoîr solicitor, Robert H. Backburn, O.C., Messrs, Stong, Blackburn & Machon, Suite 303, Box 176, 10350 Yonge Street, Rchmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C 4Y2. ESTATE AUCTION SAT., OCT. 12 110:00 A.M. For the astata of the laie MR. JAMES DAVIDSON & MRS. DAVIDSON now n a nursing home, at their former residents Grasmere Farm, Taunton Rd. and Harwood Ave. N., Ajax. FURNISHINGS Including - 19th century walnut dresser with marbie top, antique dressera, chesis, pine storage box, walnut bookcase, dropleaf table and chairs, walnut aide table, large writing desk double sided, pîne stan- ding corner cupboard, 6 fier walnui bookcase, settea, gate leg table, Victorian carved wainut ladies chair, washstan- da, foot aboils, high-boy dresser, vanity, bedroom suite, Georgian oak hanging corner cup- board, oak roll top secreiary desk, pine fiai two wall, walnut secretary hall desk (ex- ceptional), and church pew. GLASSWARE & CHINA includlng Quimprware, Salem ware, Nippon (15 pc.), press glass, F10 blue, Opalescent bowl (signed), miniature luga, copper luster luga, Copeland Spode Royal Reuih, Cloisonne and Staftordshire, Stirling silver, including cotfee and tea pot, Fiddie pai- terni forks & spoons, pair Ryrie gravy ladies, salit and pepper, Birks Bouillon spoons, butter knives, set of 12 heavy Fidddie pattern soup spoofis, serving pieces, 18 century sugar subter, plus individual pieces, assorted plated serving pieces, PAINTINGS & PRINTS including - Henri Masson, oil on canvas, daied and signed Choir Boys, hand coloured engravings, dated 1833, misc. priflis & engravlngs, misc. Doulton & Hummeli f igurines, 19 century fireplace equipment, hand carved decoys, miniature jug collection, oid wicker baskets & gingerbread cdock, TOOLS & EOUIPMENT inciuding - Palieti trucks, chains saws, wrenches, gardening bools & apple picking equipment. Plan now 10 attend this ex- citing Country Auction. Partial llst oniy. Lunch aval labie. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 Delreqilslvtd6316. WEEDoffice Supplies ln the Ajax riazu. ATTEND ONE THIS U 4-611w ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the first visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words, every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographi ITS ETS-$.0frtefrt10wrs ah alieged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied BITSDETS-$0fothfis10wod.2<ec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number b y aditinal ord.replies not cailed for within 30 days. b ithe error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. a dto a od The Witby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- 0reject al advertisemelts. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words; 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES40t per line. (No word ads aiowedi. to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditionai charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 AD$ 1 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR., OCT. il 6:00 P.M. Three mles east of Utile Brtain or 7 miles West of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittie Brtaîn Rd. Round oak pedestai dining roomn tables, square oak dinlng room extension table, parlour stoves, 4 matchlng pressback chairs, Maytag apt. size washer & dryer, washstands, Boston rockers, day bed, oak dlnling room chairs, colt ee and end tables, Hoosier ktchen cup- board, pump organ, parlour tables, mahogafly dresser, cookstove, blanket box, 7 h.p. Craftsmari ridlng lawnmower, single skldoo trailer, 14 ft. aiuminum boat, 10 h.p. Johnson motor & traller, 1977 Monte Carlo cer- tif led, quantity of tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SAT., OCT. 19 11:00 A.M. (Rain date - Sat. Octl. 26) Excellent sale of com- piete household contan- ta, for MR. & MRS. CECIL JONES, 25 Queen St., BrookIin, Ont. Seliing an. tique & modern furniture, coilectable glass & china, good appliances, tools, etc. Partial liat ln- cludas: antique piano & bench, 9 pc. Oak dinlng set, carved 3 pc. sofa set, 4 pc. wainut bed set, wicker pcs., varlous tables, chairs, lampa, mantie cdock, pocket watch, many old quitta, braided and hookad ruga, Noritake dinner set, glass, china, Ilivar cutlery set, pcs. of silvar, crystal, copper boliers, crocks, blankat box, lawn furniture, Sylvania colour T.V., blankats, hospital bed, garden tractor & mowar, snow blower, shraddar, roto tiller, lots of garden tools, & many other misc. items. Terma cash or good chaque. No reserva. Mr. & Mrs. Jones are moving to a senior citizens home. GAYLE & HENRY KAHN AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 AUCTION MON., OCT. 14 11:00 A. M. At Oddfeiiows Hall, Port Perry. Brand name by Coieco, Kenner, Fisher Price, Care Bears, Cab- bage Patch Douas, Ramn- bow Bribe Doils, Srawberry producis, Barbie, GI. Joe cycles, Tonka, Match Box, Star Wars, Ismo and many othar games, Chihd Guidance Toys, Return of the Jedi, Modal kits, watches, giftItems, and much more. We take Visa. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 CONSIGNMENT SALE SAT., OCT. 19 110:00 A.M. At ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, Lin- dsay. Accepting farm machinery, traciors, cars, trucks, recreabion vahicies, sports items, snowmobiles, construc- tion equipment or oots. CONSIGN BY OCT. 9. Bring to barn or phone 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY SAT., OCT. 12 10:00 A.M. Brookiin Community Centre, Cassais Road East, Hwy. 7 and 12. In this large sale we have Vicorian sofa & chair, pine wardrob, set of 8 pressback chairs, oak roll top desk, pedestal table, parlour tables, pine desk, hooded pine cradie, pressback high chair, dropleaf tables, pine mantie spool beda. sofa table, rocklng chair, dock shelves, selection of oak & pine tables, washstands, pine & oak dressers, piano stool, cigar store Indian', goose & duck decoyS, Selection of hook ruga & quilta, Oriental rug, selection of Viniage cloihes, snow shoas, aId belaphones, French newspaper books, selection of co-oli amps, post office sheive, ox-yoke, plus a 35 year collection of car- nival depression crystal, Toby juga, 100 places f Occupied Japan, Bisqua, dhnnerware, stlrling, silver plate, brasa, Bron- ze, Chinesa figurines, fine china figurines & thimbies, selection of old bools. Many Items oc, numerous to men- tion n ihis Important sale. Partial listing onhy. Preview 8 arn. Terma cash, visa or approvad chaque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 Îý 1, < _e -

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