WHITBY FREE PRESS, WI3DNESDAY, JULY 17, 1985, PAGE 9 Who can work four hours a wee k.... Info centre needs volunteers Unitedci goal of Armen J. Arkelian, the 1985 United Way Campaign chairman lias announced that the objective for this year's campaign has been set a t $1,915,000. "This year's themne," says Arkelian, "is 'We are United' and the campaign committee hopes that the com- munity will unite and support their United Way. Many agencies request financial sup- port and sometimes they have to be turned away. We would like to support every worth- whle agency in our community. IlWith your support in this year's campaign, the objective will be at- tained and we will be able to help those in our community who are in need, " le added. The six week cam- paign will begin with a kick-off luncheon on Monday, Sept. 30 and will end on Friday, Nov. 8. In addition, a number of promotions and special events involving the member agencies are being planned to coincide with the 1985 campaign. Arkelian has been in- volved with the United Way efforts in many Canadian and American cities for the past 25 years. As the district director for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (0H11'), Arkelian's of- fice provides service to three thousand medical practitioners and ap- proximately one million citizens in a nine county area. Arkelian is on the selection committee of the District Health Council, and a member of the Mens' Club, Christ Memorial Church and the Annandale Golf Club. The Whitby Com- munity Information Centre is looking for three volunteers. "if you would like to be of real assistance to your community, give us a caîl," says Heather Goodford, assistant community information officer. The centre, located in the Whitby Public Library, dispenses in- formation on services in Whitby and Durham region. Goodford says, "We need dedicated volun- teers for a minimum of one year who are able to work on special projects for the centre." Sucli projects would include 81 TIC updating information files. The volunteer position would require a minimum of four hours of work per week. During regular hours this would mean two evenings or one Satur- day per week. Goodford says the position is not a glamour job, but volunteers would, themselves, learn more about the services their com- munity lias to offer while at the same time helping their fellow citizens. She is looking for people who can work well with the public, and on their own with little helpful if they had their own car, she says. For more information call the Whitby Com- 0552, Monday through Thursday between 9:30 arn. to 9 p.m. or Friday, 9:30 amn. to 6p.m. Bri*dge The following are the 281/,. results of last week's East play at the Whitby LeslieE Curling Duplicate 42; Mr. Bridge Club as reported WharriE by Mrs. Jim Wharrie. Bovay North and South: Mr. Heron, and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Ha Wilson, 48; Bill Nelson and Frank MacNeili, Ther 41½ý; Mrs. C.E. Stewart week's1 and Mrs. E.F. Ar- is rep mstrong, 32; and, Mr. followin and Mrs. Ken.Cunliffe, Whitby1 tand West- AI and Don Leslie, rand Mrs. Jimn îe, 331/2, Georgia 1 and Bobby 30; and, Mr. and larold Smuck, 27. results of each play at the club ,orted in the ig issue of the yFree Press. CHOO RADIO PRESENTS The Living Legends of Country 1 Music 1 » Thursday, JuIy l8th 8 P.M. The Queen of Cou ntry Music 0 Vear Old Wilf Carter "KITTY WELLS", Johnny Wright, Bobby Wright. SPECIAL GUESTS: JOE AYLWARD & THE YELVERTON EXPRESS IROQUOIS PARK'ARENA 'KETS: WHITBY AVAILABLEAT: Iroquois Park Arena .... ............ Whitbý, $10.00 each ini Advance M iddletona Bookatore. .............. Witby $1 2.0f0l acbat the door Samn the Record Mon.O... shawa Centre OPTIMIST CLUB 0F WHITBY Twin Club - The Evening Optimist Club of Windsor Gardens, Denver, Colorado CHARTERED JANUARY 15, 1975 * *ATTENTION RESUDENTS 0F WHITBY** The Optimist Club of Whtby, during the past several years, has raised money with the objective of contributing ta the funding of a first class "SOCCER and BASEBALL COMPLEX" in Whitby. Afier many meetings, with the Town of Whitby, we were led to believe that this "Complex" would becomne a reality. However, at a recent meeting, we were advised that our long term contribution would flot be needed- the Town of Whitby does not feel that a large Soccer and Basebali Complex is necessary. We would like to assure the people of Whitby and surrounding areas, who have supported us, that these funds will be channelled back into our community through many worthwhile projeots. Theme is "We are United".... Way sets 1985 $ 1.9 million 843 KING ST., OSHAWA 433-0055 DEALER FOR 7-11 POOL PRODUCTS CANADA'S LARG EST POOL MANUFACTURER FEATLJRES: @25 YEAR LINEAR WARRANTY @LIFETIME WARRAN4TY ON STEEL PRODUCTS *HAYWARD SUPER PUMPS -3,500 LB. STRENGTM CONCRETE IN ALL DECKS *ALL FORMING 0F DECKS WITM 2x6 MATERIAL SHOP & COMPARE SHOP QUALITY 15x30 ABOVE GROUND POOL $19840.96 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL I m