WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J ULY 17, 1985, PAGE 23 FREE PRESSn Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the foliowmng conditions. DURO LAUNDRY lob pump, as aew, $65. Resesa load equaiiziog hllch, 1" bars and extra perls, $110. Hoover uprighl vacuum, $3. lana electric brush, s 00w, $50. Viking electrIx broom, $10. Lawn rouler, 18x24, woler f 1110, $30. Rouler 518 b.p. and case, $50. Canse, 14 fi. fibergiosa, 38" beam, 13' depih, as new, $175. Phone 6554003. PHOTOORAPHIC Eniarger 4"x 5, negeiioe capabilly, 14001 for starter hobbylsi, $90. Garage Door, moel ovrhead, 8' wlde 7' high, al hardware etc., $75. la Whiiby, coul anylime, 668-3989. BABY CRIS wlf h cavopy, la- cludes melirossanad beddlag, $200. Baby credie, $100. 688- 2273. FOR SALE grls eand boys bikas, $35 eech. Cou 6836838. FOR SALE Go Kar s- 1982 Bob- cal, excellent condition, $750. 1979 Tamcat, good condition, $550. Bth have G200 5 h.p. angines and extra prt. Cai Grog, 68880471. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT ta gel you sterted In an espheit drlvewey eoling business, ussd for lwa sommers, new $1.600, wlli oeil for $1.200 or basf cifer. Cati Watt, 888-1337. FIVE large double siider wia- dows, $50 each. Alum. Storm door, rosI colour. $5. Cali 655 3176. ANTIQUE combintian waod ad atectrIa slave, 14011 for collage, excellent condiian, $4.80655- 3583. FOR SALE piaw, 2 furraw, for 3 point hlch, like now, $295. Phase 655-4995. GREY ARBORITE table ad 4 chairs, $45. Uprighl Hoovar vacuum, $20. Waîaut finish cof- fee table, 20x50", $45. Picla table wiii fo14 la 2 banches, $50. Brown alominum doar, 328", lotI, $45. OaS veveer dm15lntabe, $50. Wrliger washer, $25. Five ktchen chairs, chrome, $4 each. Phone 66k9017. FOR SALE seaiSon rocking chair, $25. Phone 66M54. PaR SALE One Mrantz tape dock and receiver, 4 Lazer speakers, lob ers oid, $1000. Oae Techins Sysiem, comple wiih cabinet, 1 pear aid receiver, lape deck. lumiable. 2 speakers, 1 Realialix lape deck, $1,200. Remington sholgan, soml- aulômalic. FAC reqaired, modal 1100, compes i lh case. shelas aad dock dacoys. 6 moniha aid, $450. Cannn A.E.-1 Programmed camnera wlh flash, $325. Col Debble or Mry, 666-4878. FOR SALE sway bars for bouse trater, $50 30 dllded uinner rays, $150 each. Bed apread and drapes for duoble bcd aad ove sat for tlIn sîze bcd, $15 a se. Two rodu for sheers, wlll eoieod la 150,$5. Phono 6558000. BARNETTE crossbow, 150 lb. pull wiih scope, quloar and loader, $500 or besi aller. 434- 6026. FOR SALE beige opholsiered mahogany chaIr, $100. Thîe ler walaui ascIi on pedesial, $20. Large capaclly waier soilener, $200. Green Brocade sol a, $200. Phone 6664877 or 4338M9. FOR SALE boye standard bike, 24" tires, $25. Three speed boa fan, $20. Phase 8668-82. SOFTWARE for T. 1. Prfeselonal Computer. CPIM86, CBASICM.6 AMICOBOL, Sopercain, Eaaywriter Il, Easyspetler Il, Multian BPI, taveatary Cotrol. Ail unueed, $50 each. 68-3932 evesînge. 14 PT. FIBERGLASS canse, $150. ô fi. reeldent l diolag board for swimmiog pool, $100. Two brner propane camping save wilh adaptor for fuel, $20. Cail 433- 4889. WEDDING DRESS sîze 7, chlf* fosef te over taft a e anarln- broidered pake, chaeaitrain, maichlag cthedrel leagis vel, coat $350 new, eskIag $20. Phase 578-218. ANTIQUES, movlag wllhoai ihem. Secreiary 1ey unIquel, $780. Buf fe, $375. Klchea hulah, $450, Pns table, $200. Nonis he- vesi table, $900 and pressbeck Zeuss chair, sel of18, $150 eoch, (table and chairs oeuy unique). Phone 571-3836. -PLEASE READ- When the advertiscd item is soid. disposed of. or unavaitabte for whatever reoson. the item wiii be deemed ta have becs sold and a commission wil be chargcd based on THE ADVEIOTISEI) l'tI('E as ilustrated bciow. regardiess if price is stated with 'best offer" If the item is NOT SOLI>, or disposed af. the ad wili bc ruui for :1 MINTFIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wuil appiy payable in advance of publicationi of the firsi ad The above minimum charge wilt te applicd ta the final commission due Maximum commission- $10000 Al adver. tisements must be placcd on an exclusive basis wth the WfjITIIY FREE PRESS and runatai Iasi anc month if nol sold RATES 4If artilies sotd : 5% af edvcrtiscd prîce op ta, 400.0 2% cf balance over $400.00 EXAMIPI.: Sold Iceu advertiacd for$tS150.00.('om mission duec7,50 (minimum cbarge IN $7.50) Pris-aie adverlisuxg only! Please nolify the Wilby Free Press immeduotly wbca item s sold so thai we may deilee il fr000 tbe following issue. Ail adls nol fitluig the Emporium goîdelines wili be treoied and cbarged per week os regulor ciassîfied adlsonosa pre-paid bois sucb os: services, beiF wanted. clottling, rcoi estole, and personai message type ado, or ado nul quolîng price or quanlity Privaie classufued aulx muy appear in the Enmporium sectbin under appropruate heudings ALL ArtS WILL GO1 IN ('LASSIFIED SEMONiIIN1NIESN (IOTIIERWISE 5I'ECIFIEI) MAIL ADSWT: FREE PRESS EMPOsRIUM P..IBox 20 Whtby, LIN 581 If in doobi eaui: 668-611il 131 Iiroek St. N. Witby. OntI. I TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIIE I FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ,ri ARICE OUSEHOLD rfl BOT FOR SAEODfJSUPPLIES CUSTOM BUILT imtto irepiaco wiih iniaid grey bricks and meuble hearth electric iogs and flrpiace scucen inciuded, $300. Boginners set aI drums, $150. 668&1336. ANTIQUES countrp store coun- ter, $60, moas e greet lac. raom ba. Church pow, $350. Phono 571-36306. STEREO PACKOAGE recainor, ion- nItable, cassaitfa dack, oqolizer. 2 speakers, $400 completa. Car sterea, Saspa receloar, 200 watt power booster, 4 speakers, 2 are 6x9 Alpines, aiher 2 eue 4" Ton- vox, $250.8668-3084 or 666801O. MUSICL 5JDNUTS1 OROAN Vomaho C405, vew con- dition, 1 th pools aid, new $4.500, asking $2.900. Phone 686-4713. HARMONIUM, amal antique pump argon, fomiliphoirioom, $1.000 or beau aller. John or Non- cy 668-4335. DININO ROOM SUITE. pins, Foui Bunaon collecdion, table 44"x75", 2 Copiais chairs. 4 reguor caois, buffet and huich, mini condition. $4.000. Phase 668-3430. FORMAL DININO ROOM suite, Bauld waad, encllent shape. mode by Hause aI Breemare, 9 plaes - 2 eum chairs, 4 aide chairs, table seals 8 la 10 cam- farabip, buffet and holch, $2.500. Phase 668.8914. FOR SALE mapie kilahen sel, 4 chairs, $95. Oining îoom sel, 4 chairs, $295. Aitlni excellent con- dition. 6836638. -SIX KITCHEN chairs, wooden, $20 eech. Mepie ball table, $125. Woades kilahes seetad 5chairs. $110. Three end tables, $25 eech. Cou 683-6638. BABY ITEMS frla eai l n very good0condiion. Loveseai $30. SwngOMotic, $15 Caîbed, $15. Rockng aounge chair $10. Coi 668.7269, onyf me. 1e PT. SIDEWINDER gald metalilo, campieieiy îotnshod. $3,600. Phono 7286700. 16 PT. INVADER, day ooliar wilh cavor and salis. excellent cas- ditioan,$1,250. Phose 728-6700. 1992 VAMAHA YiZ 250, naw Dunlop ires, answer silencar. Boyessen racisg rcads. $950. Col 668-4093, ask for Suave. 1979 SUZUKI 100 D.S., very goad condition, osking $450. Phono 666-2273. 1978 SUZUKI 0$ 400, gaod con- dition, $60. Phono 668-3447. 1976 VAMAHA 760, iooded for looring. Vouter and Kausar equlpped, louring seau, AMIFM cassette stereo. $.0 Phono 666-3483. 1976 KAWASAKI KZ 750, $850 as s., 1976 Yamaho RD 400, $200 os la. 668-3064 or 668-0801. ~V~NDTIVE -I U.!>JREPAIR/PARTSI AUTOMOBILES ~FORSAI.E~LE TIRE BALANCE mechive Sp 'Beau Precision Balaacixg', 110 volae, single phase. 30 emps, aIl eai tachmenis la balance up lcaned lacluding large truck ires, 4 pears aid, perfeci coadItlin, $1.495. Tira Changer by 'BisS- mon'. eieclicihpdrexilc. lobes ire suzes 7.0015 lhrough 14.00- 24, Duplex, 10.0016.5 ihnough 18.0022.5, 4-20 ply rellag. 230 vois, modal no. 931A, Srdip used, new cxxi $7.000, sali for $2,850. 855-4995. Brooklin. FORD 289 rabuli molar, $300. Two Crugar maga wih goad tires, $200. Phono 668-7546. 1968 VOLKSWAGON sonroal, good molor, iras, landara, sali for pars, $200. Cou 668-8528. 1072 PINTO for parts. gaad molor, tansmission 00d tires, $200 or boat offar. Tow truck equipeseni comple, boom and boom rocks, revolving lighis and ascddie, exira rIgglng, 10000 lb eiociic winch, work loodaof 9,500 ibs., excellent condition, $1,500 ou boas fofer. Phono 6553006. FOR SALE 1974 Nova for parts, 250-6 cpi. ad maay new parts, $250 or boast offer. 18W0 c malar tram a 1973 Pinta, 52,000 miles, ail n0w ssei,$200 ar boat aflar. Midiond AMIFM cassete sterea with 6xg, 3 way, 200 watt speakers, $150. Power booster, $25. Two 13" rima, $10 each. Twa oaw ultra Troc Il radial ires. size P18518OR13, mouaied and baa-. cedi, $130. Phone 65-8758. 1981 ESCORT. $3500 or boat of- fer. Cou bafoue noon or aller 8 p.m., 434-6026. 1980 CH-EY Impala Sailoagon, auto Irans., ps., pSb., elecîrlo rear windaw defroster, air cond., iai glass, AMIFM sterea cassette tape, cor l mmacuieie. $5500 or bosi aller. Coui Pool, 666-3802 or Joanne 579-5269. 1979 LADA ana owaar, asking $500. Coul 576-0961 aller 5:30 p.m. 197e CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., phb., air coadItIoniag, $60 or bosi aller. Cou 655-3176. 1e78 FORD Y/4laon wIndaw Van, little rosi, heavp duip, Insuiaied and ruggcd, must sali, $1.200 or bosi aller. Cou 668-8900. 1976 BUICK REGAL, aco Michelin ires, Sttery, rad, suspension, $750. Phono 655- 4682. ;ewCON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel;- and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT oeil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee yuur article will seli, but where else could yîîu gel three months advertising for onîy $7.5o'1 When your article oels, a commissionî is charged, based on the advertised price. C'om- mission is: 5% up to $400, 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. flopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if bot. doceal1668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. r1 have read the E~mporium guidelmnes above and wtsh lui have ihe ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whiiby F'ree iPress. 1 1 do tfurgeul I(o iii tlluuuiu- .uu hoiv tu- uuuubuur I enclose $7.511 tucuver the mi rirnutlinLcharge' Charge $7.501 lui îy Visa IlLUuulî lard Nu. Nanue lited Sddrcxs% MAILI ,ro. Exlu Dl.. i WHITBY FREE PRESS P.(>. Box 206 1.11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 [lestai Code (Cty Beliuw are subie txamples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. C'ommisîsons shown include the minimum charge and are ihus the TOTAL AMOUNT I>AY'A0I. %dt tciised Irice Upç>lii $ 1 50 $ 2W11 i $ 5W0 $ 6(X)1 $2 11111 I $5tiiland up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 315.00 S20.00 $22.00 S24.0 S26.00 s 310.001 S32.001 S72.10 s 92.00 $100.00 M