Whitby's Most Widely Read CAS SI FIFD 1 STU DENTS SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW Are you able 10 work 4 hours per day Monday thru Friday, sitting at your own desk, telemarketing from our piessant office ln Ajax, and earning $400 per hour guaranteed plus bonuses, enabiing you 10 earn $525 an hour and up, then catI me now I have severali mmediate openings. No experience necessary, wilt train. Ask for Mrs. April at 686-3052 or 686-3742 EXPERIENCED FINANCIAL PLANNER Required by a Financial Services Organization. He/She must be licensed or eligibie for license ln the sale of In- vestment Funds and Insurance. We are dedicated to expanding our network of Professionai Financiai Planners. Ex- cellent commission and profit sharing, group benefits and other incentives. Training programs provided. Be part of Çanada's most dynamic Financiai Ser- vices organization. For Confidential Interview: Cali or Write 0lmlcan Sancial rpraUion Richard S. Prico 354 Rogat Briar Street Whitby, Ontarlo LiN ONi <416)433-1508 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES ....~ PLANS EXAMINER Applications wi be received by the undersigned for the position of Pans Examiner until Monday, Juiy 22nd, 1985 at 4:30 pm. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES to include:- the examination of ail building plans 10 ensure they meet ail the requirements of the Ontario Building Code, other By-taws, to interpret and administer theZoning By-lawsand to provide this information to the public. To process and Issue building per- mita and 10 assign duties 10 the Building Inspec- tors. To be the technicai adviser on matters relating 10 building construction and 10 acf as the liaison between t he Municipality and the Bulders. To assist in the preparation of the annuai budget, 10 prepare reports as required. QUALI FICATIONS: The successful applicant 10 be a graduate engineer with a minimum of four (4) years ex- 1perience in structurai design work with a private organization or with a Municipality and must have some on-site construction experience. Those ap- plicants wilh a Technoiogîst degree and ad- ditional years of experience in design and con- struction will also be considered. The applicant must have a thorough knowiedge of the Ontario Building Code and be completeiy famniliar with ils application and usage. The applicant must be able 10 communicate effectively and courteousiy, both oraiiy and in writing. Note: We appreciate ail the applications that we wtll receive through this advertisement, but we must advise that applications wilfl ot be acknowledged- Oniy those applicants successfui n obtaining an interview wiii be acknowiedged. Wm. H. Walace, AM.C.T.,C.M.C., Administrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossiand Road Easst, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS needa dlstrlbufors. Rawlalg las expan- ding ail ovar Ontario wlfh a graaf naw aales plan. Cash ln on 5mrn cash. Par-ima or career oppor- lunitlas. caîl collact 519-27- 1337. WORD PROCESSING Program- mlng, LoIus, dbase, Il and 111 and mora, with carificata and lob placamant, gosaroment approved and lbans, las daduclîbla. Wa ra now approned willlrthe Board 0f Educallon f0ofar credIt coursas n gradas il and 12. ThoeawIll tast 2 months. Enrol now 683. 2226. CAREERS IN TRUCKI NO. rve lob training and placement help ns anallable. Calffodgers School at (416) 769-3546. WARM and aflectlonale babynil- ter requlred for 2 chlldren. 1/a years nid, full days, commencing Saplamber 3, 01e creek aras. Phone 666-1477. Give _ UNICEF f gifts and 14 cards and help a child cs,,edi 1 ner( Canada 'f., 443 Mt Measant Rfl Trntso>.Ont 44S 2L8 0, laPUNtcEr Car,,-,-, 18W126&364 n1,h Z1?6M.h641 FRIENOLY, RELIABLE IlIn-ouI nanny raqulred Io care for Our lwo chîldran ln Our homa, 30 hours par Weefr, slaring Sep. tomber 3. 66-5300. BABYSITrER recfsîred for 2 boys, 7 and 3, lina-bn or ouf. caîl 668- 7213. NEED EXTRA MONEY? CARRIER! Hra's an oppurunilY lu surs monny for lhose things pausve siways marrI 131 rockdstreet North. W 6ly 68-6111 WIIITBY I RLL >PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1985, PAGE 25 â.m' Seven-year-old Kevin Gaetz is surrounded by the trophies he won in the master beauty category (boys aged 3 to 10) at the Canadian Hemisphere Pageant in Toronto. Free Press Staff Photo Wihitby youngster, 7, wins Canadian Hemisphere Pageant Canadian Hemisphere Pageant held in the Skyline Hotel July 6 and 7, the winner was... Kevin Gaetz, 7- year-old son of Frost Dr. residents, Sherril and Casey Gaetz. Was Kevin surprised when the announcement came that he had won the master beauty category for boys aged, 3 to 10? "'No,"t he said adamantly. "I wasn't even lstening." As well as winning for beauty,. Kevin won the photogenic award, chosen fromn the pic- tures in the pageant program. Each of these pictures required local sponsors. The Donut za, Family Kartway, and Mr. Muffin and Mr. Fish sponsored Kevins picture. Kevin, competing in a class of eight, gave a speech and modelled his tuxedo before a total of 19 judges. The judges looked at Kevins outfit, the way he walked, his looks and his potential. This win game Kevin two huge trophies, a Coleco Vision game with two game cartridges; a $25 cheque froni Aloette Cosmetics; a watch, "that fits my Grandpa," Kevin said; and an op- portunity to compete at the next Canadian Hemisphere Pageant in 1985, in Miami. Which prize did Kevin 111li.ke ailof them," he said, although he seemed partial to a flying eagle sling shot which his parents gave him as a special family prize for entering. "The eagle flues right across the street. " The grade two student from St. John the Evangelist Schooi is no stranger to beauty con- tests or ta modelling. In 1983, he placed fourth in the Canadian Star Pageant. Currently he is modelling for K-Mart and Sears. Kevin's mother asks that anyone interested in assisting ta sponsor Kevin ta the next pageant cail her at 668- 8900. TE CORPORATION 0F TE TO WN 0F WH ITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY FIRE DEPARTMVENT REQUIRES PUBLIC RELATIONS AND FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR Applications wilt be received by the undersigned for the above position until Wednesday, August 11h, 1985 at 1200 noon. . The Public Relations and Fire Inspeclor la responsible 10 the Fire Chief for inspecting property within the Corporation of the Town of Whitby 10 ensure thal il la in compliance with ail applicable provisions of Codes and By-iawa which deal wth tire preventiori and tire protection mal- tera. - This position will be of inlerest 10 an individual who poasesses: . An Ontario Secondary School Graduation Dîploma - A Fire Protection Technology Dîploma f rom a recognized college (an assel) -Good oral and written communication akilîs -Can deal with the general public with tact and discretion aI ail imes - Volunleer or fuit time ire fighling experience is an asset - A fuit range of employee benef is ia provided -Thle salary is $2502010o $34,511i - Please submil your detailed reaumne indicalirlg education, experîel'ce, references, etc., 10: Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.,C.M.C., Administrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 2M8 Note: We appreciate ail the applicationis that we witl receive through this advertisemenl, but we muat adviae that applications will not be aclnowledged. Only those applicanla successfut n obtaining an interview will be acknowledged.