WITRY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOTWR 23,1I985. PAGE 23 FREEPRESS EMPORIUM Emporium Ads will only bc accepted subject to the foliowmng conditions. 7 PT. HEAVY steel >0w chain wilh hooka, $8. Two white marie siabe (¾n1x5x711, $15. Lundry lob pump and molor, $45. Par- table radio cassette player, $15. Large office chair, $5. Antique Underwood lypewrIler, $10. OId laehioned bam Ight, $10. Brase 3 bieded boa> propelior, $50. Two 8' fluorescent finlures, $10. Phone 68-7404. FOR SALE ceammic Sandslone M, $425 and moid, $100. Phone 8684m87. FOR SALE klohen salle corner nook bench stle (4) plece, like new, $250. Air coudIlIoner 8000 BTU vertical, 1 year old, $350. effl4302. TWIN BED, rame, brans head- board, hox eprIng and mattrens, $25. Whte herioom bedspread, eiectrlc bianket, 3 nts o> sheets. $125. Ailexcelent condition. 668. 5845. CUTMBIT den kitchen nook, tabe 294 , excelent condiion, $200. Phone 6681382. INING ROOM table, 4 Cane back chairs, excellent condition, $275. Four matai parloor chairs, $80 for set. Antique desk, $100. Racking chair, $30. 014 wicker trunk, $25. Flue boesof oid 78 records, $75 imauy coliectabiel. Phone 683-6638. FOUR SEATER couch and ar- mchair, $600. Soiid mapie wood rocker, $300. Deboar tubular bunkbed, $50. Mattrens for aboy, $50. Cafee table aud end table, $25 each. Anique roeewood table. $100. Phone 686- 3476. DONTEMPI aiaclrIc organ, Min- aIrai modal with adapter and 2 fearniug books, new price $650, seit for $400. 12" back and white TV., $5, hardiy aver oeed. Phone 688-2155. DISI4WASHER, Sears deiuue por- table, chopplug bock top, ihree levai washlug action, $170. Coeman laufer cie cane, $10. Ove eiectrIcai panai, $5. 60 amp. discouuect, $25. Boys cross country skis, 160 cm size, cie paies, $10. Firepiace screeu and Seat cIrcoiaiug gre, $18. Vi S.p. electrIc motor. $10. Toasier, air curinug set, eiectrlc cof tee grin- der, Monte Carlo 15" rlm, $10 each. Phone 5767697. FOR SALE antiqae dining room suifa, belceen 6010o80 yeare 01, lu beautifol condition, eoid mapla, made lu Bufalo. 9Opiaces, table extands 10 seat 10 comfar. table, $1.900 or hast olfer, 688- 2481. PLOW, 4 Furrow Massey Fergoneon, 1hear pin type, good condition, 3 point htch, asking $295. Culivatar, exlcelent 10 fi. wlde, ciw heighl adjuet and auto seiling, $85. Cait 576-7697. 6,000 B.T.U. Elctroaome harizontal air condItianer, $180. Phase 6688185. ANTIQUE table and 2 chaire, $85. 24" white gaeslatve, $50. Floor pileher, $5. Bondie buggy, $5. Hairdryer, tabe modai. 69.50. Sturdy cannae hammock, $750. Stacking wine rack, $5. Standard typeerler, Rayai, excelent cou- dItian, $50. Older Remington typeerIlar, g004, $25. Large com- foriabie armcfrair, $25. Phone 6M8-7404. FOR SALE rfidgerator, $350. Slave, $250. Hain dryer and chair, $100. Phone 579-4212. TWO CASES of Dr. Balards 400 food, $16 a case, 24x25.5 ozs. euch. Phono 576-3998. SAILBOAT, 12 f>., maftagany weuh Jib and Main Salie, mue> be neen ta be apprecialed, $325. 011 tank, 300 gais., $20. Hand baole for car body work, $25. Pone 433-4689. DED King size, Seare.OPedic, saiid foam mattrese clSh boa spring, $250. Sofa bed, 3 seat, pulls nulta double foam mat- tress, $250. Phone 68-5689. UTILITY TRAILER encioned, 7oxlOoS, 9004 e pringo and axie, carrying cap 35W0 bu, tilt deck, $600 or bent ofter. 6554187. TWO BUCKET car ass, fu117 radline, back, like nec, $30 each. Laenmower, $50. AMIFM car radio cannette, $50. Barbaque rolleerre and basket, neyer used, $15. AMIFM eiectroniec dock, $20. Golf carl, $40. Camping equip- ment, ariaun Items. ttaing $80. Pieuse cali 6688178. SUPER SCANNER C.B. anteuna. swtch bau, cabie and leadu, gaad condition, $100. Aiso a medicine cabinet, white euameiied meta, sidiug mirror doars. perfect for cottage, $15. Cali 688.4953 anytime. -PLEASE READ- When the adverttsed item is sood, disposed of. or unavailable for whatever reasos, the item wiIl be deemned lu have been sold and a commission wilt bc charged based on TUIE AI)VEIITISIEI PRICE as ilusraled beow, regardiess if price is slated with -besi otter" If the item is Ni)T S(>L,. or disposed uf, the ad wil» be rus for a MiiNTbIS asd a MINIMUM CHARGE of 57.50 wiii appiy payable in advance of publication o> the firs> ad The above minimum charge wii be applied lu ihe final commission due Maximum commission: $100.00.Ail adver- tisemenls most be piaced os au exclusive basîs with the WIITBY FREE PRESS and run ai leasi une month ifsot soid. RATES lif article ls aeld t: 5% et advertleed prîce Up te $400.00 of etbalance avec 9400.00 EX AM I E: Se>d ltemonadvertlsed fer$915.00. Cemmission due $7.50e (minIm um charge la $7.50) Private advertising only! Picase notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is eld s0 thaI we may delete il (rom the following issue. Ali> adus ot fiiling the Emporium guideines i» hoe trealed and ctsarged par week as regular classified ads ooua pre-paid basin such as: services, help wanted, clothing. reai estate, and personal message type eds, or ados ot quoting prîce or quantity. Privai. classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropria>. headingu. ALL ADS WILI. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTIIERWISE SPECIFIED. Iftln daubi cal>: 668-6111 tOR IELI VER lT): 131 Brock St. N. Whithy, tînt. TUE DEADLINE F01R EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICES ~ HOUEHLD FOR SALE FOR SALE IBM Selaciric, goau condition, muet be sean. $300. Cali 7283163,9 ar. 10o5 p.m. STEREO console, $125. Blue yelyet seags and double panel curlains, $75. Wayeu beige tweed drapes, 2 panels, 50 wide o 97 long, $45 Phone 56664264. FOR SALE 9 drawer dresser. dark wood, with tilt mirror. asking $85. Coul 7239176. BEDROOM SUITE, queen size, 6 places, medteraneanstyle, made by Gibard. $60. Phone 68-8914. BLACKI LEATHERETTE recliner lu excellent condition, $200. Oue cotiee and lea end tables, $80. Phone 666.3844. FOR SALE custom bulit 6 plece klchen saok Butcher Bock table, beige vinyl chaire and ban- ches. excellent condition. $350 or besi oiter. 579-3829 aller 12 KING SIZE mirrored canopy. four panier caierbed. "Plantation" seasaned pine, eeiras fo numerous ta lutf, excellent con- dition. coul fit in nec home. muet sacrifice at $1.500. Cail 655- 4187, ARTICLES FOR SALE ALUMINUM DOOR (34x82), $20. SalIid front door (34x82), $50. Two nec sheete of arborite, $6. 5' oned arborite, $4. Single sink. $7.50. Blue basin, laps and drains, $12.50. Mirrored medicine cabinet, $5. Ouantity amber decorator giasu igreai for bar). $20. Mahogany bfoid, (24x79), $10. Set of antique double doors 688-7404. PINE FURNITURE, rE dition. priced ta seil. T% cases, 34" elde n 88"hl sheloas iu top section,h lu each lower section. complete bookcase. Bu siuk style, 48 elde by $435.6866-2243. FOR SALE bar. $250.Cc chair, $151). Couch anc and Ottoman, $350. Tab chaîru, $75. Baby carr:a Wooden bookcasO. $15> 4334653. 8ANO$AW General 15':15 hp wlenciaeed stand $88. Jointar Generai 6" 1 Sp wdoyen stand ec con. $725. amaha 060 organ ihree Tw book. keyboarde $2900. Reese 1084 îigh, open eveling traiter SlcS 10.000 lb tea docte cap. $110. Compuier business $450 par rogram Infor Design GIL, AIP, iuffet.dry IIM cilS lactory backupe, set y33 igS, $195. Jetlvieilpump 15 Sp W130 gai tank $185. Llilily boa for plckup truck ceaiherproaf 30wx511e23h wiiock $115. Wainut ouch and veueer 1414" $15. Wood i 2 chairs ihreading tbols i%,;V', 1" mci. ie and 2 botomiu9 lape set $315. Router ,lage, $25. & steel cane clS guides $55. 50. Phono Wiue carboy 12 'h galion $18. Cail 6554003, CRYSTAL CHANDELIER, burguvdy enamel centre, g014 caiourarms. 1liighfs. $170. Teni, 2 room. 9 o 12, vinyl floor in sleeping area, good condition. $80. Baihroom double swag fia ture. $25. Phone 6689772. 1ea3 FKL Bobcal go cari, wih Honda G200, gaod condition, $650. Phone 668-4389 aller 4 p.m. 12X12 Il. tent, iS <baor. $100. Eectronic air cleaner. Levuon. $125. Phono aller 5 p.m., 655- 3854. ~V~MDTuirolWOBIES U~>REAIRîPART~IRFAORSSALE 1 TWO FIRESTONE Deluse Cham- 198$ 0000E OmnI GLH, biack, 5 plans H78-14 end 2 chromea sîeed, AMIFM nIereo, Eagie GT rime, $100 pair. Tco Golf Crocs radiais, aiuminum road wheais, 78 H7814 WIW0, $50 pair. Oua 45000 km. earranly, $8,5W. 655- tlninva MR hniad nnwlra 4076 or 655.4889 HR78.15, $25. One Can Tire G378- 15 pus rim, $50. OuaeOel Ciown 78 H78-14 and rlm, $50. Twa 15" rime, $50 pair. Or ait for $250. Phone 668928B. FOR SALE Honda XL175 eqoip. ped wif h street and dlrl tiras, used aest year on road, $450. Cal> 66&.3456. MUSIAt ÛDINSTRUENTS1 GERRARD.MEINTZMAN oprlghl piano, good condition, recon- diiioued, $1,650. Phone 6685672 after5p.m. MUST SELL Gibsan ba with hardeheli case, v condition, $360. Phone serloun isquiries oniy. 1981 0MEV Soborban Slverado 350, V8, new, ,000 km, 4 BIEL, air, croise, PS., p.b., tIniad wlndowe, AMIFM cassette, brown and beige, uery good condition. $8500.655-4187. 1980 HONDA Clvic, AMIFM siareo cassette, 125,000 kms., $1,6X). Phone 668.0440. 1977 VW Rabbit, autamatic, good condition, $1.000 irm. 883-2166. 1076 D000E Colt, good con- dition, atra tires, $55 as le. Calt 6553109, 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA PS., p.b., air conditlonIng, $80 or boa> offar. Caol 655-3176. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 cyl,, ese gaîtar reiable, qtick sale, $400 or bent er od ofler. Phone 7280W76 after S p.m. 723-2579, NEFO To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW oOMMUNITY? Cali Phone 668-8943 Our hosinssu wli hrivg gis and greelîngs. along crlh helyful 1975 VEGA V8, 350,.oangine and body gond, sonroof, $950 or bes> cfiter, as sa. 66e.5793. 1075 PONTIAC Lemans, pes., p.b., AMIFM sterea cassette. an- celent condition, $1.450 car- tified. Phone 686-4907 or 688- 6054. 1975 COUGAR, pes., p.b., 8 track, appran. 85,000 miles, saedn nomne mafor work and other minor repaire, body fair, $600 or bas> af fer. 66".227. 1974 OLD$MOBILE Delta 88, 70,000 miles, ankIng $200. Phone 579-4212. Give UNICEF gifts and cards and help a child Contact 1.el-et Canada 10 443 Mi. PleasaniRd. Toto. Ont M4S 218 0 Cali UNICEF Ce-" iuiiol'i,, IaoeŽ68k361 v,0C i12M0702641 em*CON FUSED*? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emsporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. I)ont miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: -are a prîvate advertiser; ehave an article to oel and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion lsee guidelines above for more delailo i Your ad wilI run each week untîl the article has been sold (maximum three months . A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. Il k un- fortunate that no newspaper can guaranîe your article wil oeIl, but where else cîiuld vî e three months advertising foîr nlv $7 50*' When your article sels, a commissioîn s charged, based on the advertised price.('om mission is: 5% up to $400;, 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 4? ~;x questions. Hopelully, the explanation below cars clear Up many of your questions- if ilot, do caîl 668-611Il and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Sectioni to you personally. I have read the Emporium guidelînes abîîve and> wî-h ohî have the followtng adverlioeînenf placed under this sec> tii of ,WhttyFrie IPress. 1 II eniclose $7 o5i1rtiiud %imitrhotri -titiliniu Charge $7 50 (o> mv Visa accîsiint ijrd %o, 'samfir pIeu-..prie> /ddres', City ti charge MAILI TO: t',la WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Pesta> Cede Below~ are 5<111e îxampleo of what you would be charged if your arficle sold within three months. Commissîions shown include the minimum charge anîd are Ihus the TOTAL AMOUNT I>AY ABI5.E er1 allised Irice- 'p Ioi $ 1 .11 $ 4M51( $ 61 j. $ 7001 $ B1(1) $2,000 Total Amouni Payable 1 37.50 310.00 1 15.00 S 20.00 $22.00 324.00 S 26.00 326.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 372.00 392.00 $100.00 MAIL AtiSTO: FROEE PRES.S EI'ORIUM PI. ReBx 206 Whtby, LIN 55> 1 1