PAGE 18, WLDNI SDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1985, W1IITBY FREE PRESS SPORTS WEEK Swim seas on is kick ed off with a stelIla r showing Three local girls brought home the laurels for the Whtby Iroquios Swim Club as they swept to the top of their divisions in the Sault St. Marie In- vitational Swim Meet held recently in this nor- thwester Ontario town. Deanna Jones, a 13- year-çld first year swimmer, put on an especially impressive performance as she outpaced her rivaIs to take the high point trophy in the girls' 13-14 BC division. Julie Leswick took the high point for the girls' 13-14 A division while Michelle Primeau cap- tured high point honors in the girls 15 and over division. outstanding swims were also turned in by Mark Kelly, Raymond Burns and Wendy Primeau. Here's a wrap-up of the club's over-al showing. GIRLS 10 and under: Colleen Leswick: Znd - 100 breast, 3rd - 50 back, 50 breast, 4th - 100 free, 200 free, 200 I.M., 100 back, 5o fly, sth - 50 free, 11-12: Wendy Primeau: lst - 50 free, 100 free, 2nd - 400 free, 200 I.M., 3rd- 100 br., 200 bk., 100 fly, 50 breast, 4th -50 bk. Laura Mark: lst - 50 bk., 100 breast, 2nd - 100 bk., 3rd -50 br., 5th -100 fly, 400 fr., etb-l100 fr. Jill Morrice: 6th - 50 bk., 50 br. Relay team: Wendy Primeau, Laura Mark, JilI Morrice, Colleen Leswick, 3rd - 200 FrR, LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 G REEN STREET, WH ITBY 668-9262 C\PI2! qn J.rdI~llOe Wih onaDejadnsONY PORCELAIN ( PERS HAICUTS ACRYLIC NAILS PERM HAICUTSalso 1/2 price OflIy$4uOO available now THAT'S 6OLL Just 60C ... is ail your Free Press carrier will be asking you for ... 60' for a whole month of home delivery of your local newspaper. This voluntary payment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper costs so littie and of- fers so much to local residents. And even if you don't want to contribute we'l.l deliver your newspaper anyway. Your 60" payment may flot seemn like very much money, but it means a lot to your carrier and to us. Your carrier ear- ns more money and as a resuit is more properly rewarded for a job well done. Your local newspaper benefits through defrayed circulation costs and happier carriers. And you benefit by supporting and helping to maintain your very own truly local newspaper. P.S. You can win valuable prizes also! So when your carrier says"'Free Press calling" you'Il know what t's ail about and that your money is going to be well spent. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whltby 668-6111 200 M.R. 13-14: Julie Leswick: lst - 50 fr., 200 bk, 100 fr., 2nd - 800 fr., 100 br., 50 br, 3rd -50 bk., 100 fly. Janice Currie: lst - 100 fly, 5o bk., 2nd - 200 bk., 3rd -50 fr., 4001I.M., 8Mfr., 4th-l100 fr, 5th - 100 br., 6th - 50br. Heather Armitage: 2nd -l15Wfr., 50 fr., 50 bk., 100 br., 100 fly, 3rd - 100 fr., 4th -400 IM., 200 bk.,5th -50 br. Melissa Peacock: lst - 2001I.M., l0 fly, 3rd -50 bk., 4th -800 fr., 5th -50 br., 100 br. Charissa Morrice: sth - 800 fr., 400 I.M., 100 fly, 6th - 100 br., 200 bkt. Deanna Jones: lst - 50 fr., 50 bk., 100 br., 100 bk., 50 br.,S3rd - 100 fr., 5th -200 I.M., 100 fly. Tracy Ninacs: 6th - loo bk. 15 and over: Michelle Primeau: lat - 1500 free, 100 breast, 100 fly, 2nd - 50 free, 200 bk., 50 br., 100 free, 3rd - 50 bk. Tammy Oates: lst - 50 br,2nd- 100 br., 6th -50 bk. Andrea Cook: 2nd - 50 bk., 100 fly, 3rd - 100 bk., 4th -200 I.M., 5th -50 br., 6th - loobr. BOYS 10 and Under: A Group: James Ar- mitage: 3rd - 200 free, 200 I.M., 50 fr., 50 bk., 100 bk., 50 fly, 50 br., 4th - 100 br., 100 free. Ryan Burns: 6th - 200 free. BC Group: Ryan Bur- ns: lst -50 free, 2nd -100 br., 2001I.M., 4th -50 bk., th - 100 br., 50 fly. Michael Tripp: 4th - 200 I.M., 100 breast, sth - 50 free, th - 100 bk., 50 fly, 100 fr. 11-12: Mark Kelly: lst - 50 fr., lO br., 50 br., 100 free, 2nd - 200 I.M., 400 fr, _____ Jason Rushton: lst - 50bk,2nd-l100 br., 100 fly, 50 br., 4th - 200 bk., 5th -200 1.M. Matt Cook: 2nd - 50 bk, 200 bt,3rd -400 fr., 200 I.M., 50 ft., 100 fly, 100 fr., 5th - 100 br., 50 br. Scott Currie: 3rd - 50 bk, 200 bk,4th -400 fr. Raymond Burns: 2nd -.50 bk., 5th -400 fr., 6th - 200 bk., 100 fly. Aaron Bradley: 2nd - 100 bk., 5th-l100 fly, 100 f r. fly. 13-14: Chris Donnelly: 4th - 400 I.M., 100 fly, th - 50bk., 200 bk., 6th -1500 free. Stewart Smith: 4th - 100 br., 100 free, 6th - 50 bk. Brad Moore: 2nd - 50 bk., 3rd - 200 I.M., 100 free, 6th -50 free. Neil Mark: 4th - 200 I.M., 50 fr., 5th - 50bk., loofree. Vince Tripp: 6th - 200 I.M., 1o0free. Lest week's hockey scores In last week's Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association ac- tion, Whitby Bantam BB was blanked by Port Perry 6-zip while the Major Atom Rep team squeaked by Peterboro 6-5 and Thornhili 4-2. Peewee No. 2 T.P. Screening lost to the LNHL Red Wings 10-6. Atom H/L's Kameka Footwear took Roy~s Enterprises 3-1 while Valentino's skated by Totten Sims Hubicki 6-2 and the Brooklin Kmn- smen lost to Victoria & Grey Trust 6-2. Victoria & Grey then tied Valen- tino's 4-alI while Roy's Enterprises bounced back to beat Brooklin Esso 5-2 and Brooklin Esso took ITT Cannon 5- 3. Double N Fish & Chips of the Novice H/L beat Showcase Video 8-6 whîle Brock Video took Duff's Towing 4-2 and routed Dom's Auto Par- ts 10-3. In Midget H/L play Dom's Auto Parts beat H/B Sîgos 5-2 then took Lasco Steel 4-3. H/B Signs came back to hand Sungold a 4-2 bass. Sungold also lost to Lasco Steel 7-2. Dodd Souter of the Peewee H/L beat. the Whitby Firefighters 4-2 only to lose by a 5-4 score to IWA 2-242. Brooklin Sports beat Checkers Variety 5-2 and Miracle Food Mart walked away from MacMillan Bathurst 6-2. In Bantam H/L ac- tion, Danforth Typewriter and Sub- marine Fair drew 5-5 while Brooklin Concrete beat UAW 22 6-4. The Whitby Curling Club In the Molson's Early Bird bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 9 and 10, the main event was taken by a rink skip- pered by AI Gilchrist with Charlie Fisher, Dave Werry and Bob Morton. The runner-up rink was skippered by Ron Allison with Ron Larking, Wayne Coughlin and Steve Smith. In other action, the second event was won by Keith Adair and his boys while Brian Brooks' rink was run- ner up. The third event went to skipper Dave McLean followed by the rink under skipper Nelson Brouse. DANCE The Whitby Ambulan- ce Association will hold their annual fall dance on Nov. 16 froîn 8: 30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Masonic Temple, Cochrane St., Whitby. There will be door and spot prizes as well as bar privileges. Ail proceeds will go to the Durham Region chapter of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Association. Tickets are $20 per couple and may be pur- chased by calling 668- 3146. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PARKS& RECREATION DEPARTMVENT CONTRACT ICE TIME AVAl LAB LE LOCATION: Luther Vipond Memorial Arena Mondayl11 p.m. -12 a.m. 1 hr. Saturdayg9p.m. -12 a.m. 3hrs. LOCATION: Iroquois Park Arena Hours after 12 a.m. available FOR FUHIHER INFORMATION CONTACT BARBARA BLAIR AT 668-7765. MAYOR BOB ATTERSLEY extends sincere appreciation to the many citizens of Wh itby for thei r encouragement and support. -, 1