Wl iITI3Y FRZEE PRESS, WFINIjSDAY, NOVEM,ý,BIER <3, 1985, PAGE25 MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours &shades that com- pliment your skln tonte & enhance your Cal profeasioflal bonded worfaman. amlp, residential andi commercial, fraie esllrates. Cal 839-4277 or 888-9712. É.MEDTIO INALI M0 SERVICES '-CIRAMMER for people wfvofhale grammar" la lthe idoal pockaI referance booka for business peopla. $3.95 per copy andi avallable et Dicison Prîntîng & Office Supplias In tiraAa Plate. Deaer anquIrlas Invleti 883-1968. COLES, Ruth Etizabethr Flore, On Tuasdeit, Novambar 5, 1985, Ruth Colas, blovat i wfa oi Raymond Scoflld Robin) Colas andi 100109 moIrer of Rth Meradih (Ms. R. Anlhooy Glbert)lTronto, andi Nancy Joan Patriarche. Slapmotirer of Christine Landon and i Gana Payton. Dear greodmothar of Chres. Jeffarsoni andi Meredithr Glbert anti Dani, Barbare anti Heetirar Patrarche. Dughtar ni tira aie Ciarlas andi Flore Merediuth. Puneal service was irlt Tirrsdey, Novamber 7, from tira Musolaum Cirea of Mount PMaesent Camalary, Toronto. CRAF! SHOW 10 ar. to 5 p.m., Sunday, Novambar 17, Gond- lellow St., Whiriby. 6686076. SCHRISTMAS SALE Trhurs., Nov. 14 6:00 to 0:00 P.M. Otter Creek, Phase 1 SFeaturilg- Folk Art, Chrstmas Wreaths, Floral Designrs, Soft sculpture: SKnttlng, Jewellery ~Seamstress aaable. RtOINSON, Jlm anti Chris ara thirîlidta announca lira arrivai of thair tuid chlt, a boy, Blakea M ichael bora on Oclobar 18,1985 t 1:50 arn., wlghlOS 7 Iibs. 3 ons. A little brotirar for Jason anti Erîn. Many liranlis f0 Dr. Heander- son anti staff et Aies Pickerilng Ganeal Hospital. CONGRATULATIONS onl yoor forlircoming marriana. Pleatie vlaw nur amplas oI engraveti waddlng Inviations ai oor amiura ln our Aa Plaza store. Dicirnon Printing & Offtce Sun- plian, 683-1968. WHITBY'S MOST IDE~LY REIAI> 7j ~lOU~T~1ARITICLES FOR ENT ~~F ROI.RS AL9E WALNUT tining raom table anti 4 chairs, opens ta 6 leet. citir but- laIt andti hi 10 peurs aid, $000 HOUSE FOR RENT BY PUBLIC TENDER LAND MANAGEMENT FILE T-08507 IN THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE (LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE 0F HWY 351115 WHERE HWY 351115 INTERSECTS COOP ROAD IMMEDIATELY-NORTH OF THE VILLAGE 0F ORONO) One storey brick house wth attached double car garage, f rame garden shed, and ln-ground swim- mlng pool. There are three bedrooms, a living room, dining room and kitchen. The full basement s divtded and contains a recreation room wth fireplace, workshop, office, bath and laundry room, and utlllty room. The house will be open for Inspection on Thur- sday, Novemnber 14,1985 between 12:00 Noon and 3:00 P.M. The Lease wlll commence on or before December lSth, 1985 and be for a one year period. Offer to Lease forma may be obtained f rom the Minstrys representative who wîll be on the property on the afore-mentiotied date and imes. 0f fers 10 Lease will be accepted by the Minislry up until: 1:30 P.M., November 28th, 1985. Further Information and 0f fer <o Lease lorms may be obtalned f rom: Property Section, Central Reglon 3501 Duferin Street, 2nd Floor Downsvîew, Ontario M3K 1 NB Tlephone: (416) 248-3081 Representatîve Agent: Lou lecovîno Every Offer to Lease submltted must be on the form prescrlbed by this Ministry. Only one Offer to Lease per family ilii be accep- ted. Hlghest or any off er not necessarily accepted. A monthly rentai expected wIlI be in exceas ot $400.000. m e Il Pli TOWNHOUSE for ent, FOR SAE bdoms S5appliances. no pet FOz z aAE $5 onh ls ireal ieee cas. 6861671ý CENTRAL OSHAWA, 8 year o ti large sami, prlete sala, large lort, decir, spolless. 728 35.CHLOCR if MOTHERS ai home with tod FORREN tlea el Gisomrtierea imeb, tradiing day cars services cilS ni FURNISHED room 1t0 rani, $60 a anti my iotitlar. West Lyni meafa. WhIrl668076. WiribP. 68-5253 mornini! pleaea APARTENTS/ WILL BABYSIT In my home, aire ~CONDS FRRENTI creair ares, meais provitiatiCC. 6680033. ATTENTION SENIORS 65 PLUS, MOTHER 0F TWO will bebysiti Whitby, nec concaptI n living, 1-2 my home, ceelodays, Rossian batiroome. 686-3220. anti White Agir Dr. area. h meals provitieti 666-2062, Anne. YJFRRNTNTF0 R RE NT WHITBY OFFICE SPACE lot tant on profesionai 1100,. Woold be 1YPEWRITER rentai, man nirabie fr lamper. accoontant. maires anti models, by th etc. Rant iciotianail tutteS anti ceeirend. weeir or mont' s negotble ror an uppropriare Discoonts aalabie Dicirs tenant, For turtirer information Pit.n & Ofice Soppies in th cuit 6686372 betceen 930 arn Ajax Plaza Cali s osrt tisines anti5 Sp.m Monday to Friay. machine reports 683-196& CHEST FREEZER 8 Cu,.in., $18M Phona 666-2938, "HEROES of the Bibe" colooring book availabie ut Dicirson Prin- ting & Office Supplies, Ajan Plaza, 683-1968. Gealer Inquiries invlteti. MATTRESSES anti bon sprints ai hall price. McKeen Furniite, 524 simcoe Street South, Osirawa. 725-5181. C.H.l.P. pROGRAM. Onlp f38 dans lsf1. For a Ires estimate con- tact McCleave insalalion Ser- vices, 1f800-263-3204. WESTINGHOUSE tiryet, gooti condition. $270. Englisir casher, $250. Ketimore portable disir- casher, built-in, $245. Ail guaran- teeti lot 6 months, 668-4766 bat- ceen 12uand S p.m. CHESTERFIELD surfas. loveneafs. sectionais, iess than 11t price. Large selection. McKeen Furnilure, 524 Simcoe St. S., Osirawa.725-5181. SEI LI FURNACESI *Ingood* U codiion. * $20000 each 668-8111 GEOTYPE prens-on tetterino nom n stocir ai Gicirnon Printing & Of- fice Supplies tn the Alan Shrop- ping Plaza. Large selectron of stples ant i nzen. mrtp papmore for a smallet niteet of ietteting? 683-t968 VISIT ont usati lurnrture matohousa Sp appointient. Big saorogs on denirs. chairs, filing cabinets. erc. Cuit îcirson Prîn, ring &Offlice Supplies toaratnge an appotntment 10o iac 683- f968, A I 1968 THE VITAMIN PL-ACE-- ARTICLES 3 eare a Canaiean campany d. sellig qualitn Canati an FOR SALE, n. maeCE. Jamieson produc- taiowmuilorder pricas. AUCTIONS, Callo vsit os.728-484 for REAL ESTATE p, ce lsr OuaTanteeti Senioa di scount, mATKnNS p oduc AND MORE... UmeWNTDIHOLLYWOOD NAIR antieat ae. l J ooing lotniait technicien. igsPhone 668-7484, Wiîbplocation. A CAREER IN TRUCKtNO. Tran- sport drivers neaeti. Nom is tire AEYULOIGfralbo lir ime ta train for pour Clas AA REPO oKINg loa o or et itcense. For pra-screenint inter- joS cortircrrnh oGn 'ail oicatilbpicm o ia- filght it! Leurarn om f0 une the mation, contact Merv Orr's Tran-. oplrat aasa ieu sport Driver Training, Brampton tire lob matiraI We offar lob tin 1.800-265-1260. placement anti linuncial COMISSIONEDI SALES REPS ] NewSwîss Weldlng* *productprotectedl Ontao territaries1 Leave message np 782-5452 (Toronto) ire son CAREERS IN TRiiCKINO. Driver tte job training anti placement Sein 55s 5 uvaiabie Culi Radaers ScSooi ut (416) 7h9-3546. DENTAL HYGENIST for Uxritige Heairh Centre. Pieuse senti resume ta0Boe 851. LiebtigoOn- tario, LOC rKIJ or cuit (416) 852- 7213 ailter 6 P m COULO POU USE a $150 ta $200 pet weekin pour soute lume or wouIti pou luSI ire Io sup piement iot retirtenr t ortIe Whp tnt qivunireta cari Gain 723 3412 asit ion Gars Courir Must hav aown rcar iwfvir-ýi"T Xl m AUCTION SALE SAT., NO V. 16 10:00 AM. Large antique estate sale selling at Orval McLean AucI ion Center, Lindsay. Balance of MARTIN KNOWLSON contents, estate of late DR. REGINALD GEORGE MARTIN, Peterboro, plus antiques from estate of late K. GOSTICK, Can- ninglon. Large quantlty antique china, glass, vases, lustres, antique plates, cups, saucera, fine china, Royalty cups and muga, picture f rames, mousetache cups, candie holders, collectables, cocoa set, 9 pic. dresser set, large quantity antique fur- niture, washstands, dressers, tables, chairs, bureaus, 2 excellent fiat to Wall cupboards, Chickering upright piano, Doctors desk and cabinet, beds, rockers, trunks, antique beer ice box, copper tubs, an- tique lin toys, antique hand washer, pine har- vest fable. Dont miss this one. Preview Friday 3 10 6 p.m. Open Sat. 9 a.m. Sale 10 s.m. No reserve. To lot your sale cal i ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIO NS 705-324-2783 LIN DSAY FREE: 0rop lto tr iraGcison printing& offirce Ooppiy store i tire Alan Plaza ant iocir op are copp ni iheîr 1985 Mttic Caine uta. Prneeti n ico colours It maires lot antip tetence 683. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERSJLXb Please check your advertisenîeni for errors on the firaI Visa card ready when ocaiiing. If lîîi!ed - $6.1(1 foîr 20 vshunts. every endeavotir lu forward replies tu box numbe orkelday of publication. The Whitby Free Press will nul ho 14 each :tclîltioînai wîrd, ho cver, we acce[if no0 iabilily regarding ioss or dam; hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic ITIDAe 7()frte is otwrî.1-cvc lieged iii arise through failire or d l:î in forwarer errors in publicaltiotnbeyond the ccitIoftîre space îîccupîeul dwnlt woiird sliift~ 1155ui < ~ ~ -uch repl:rs \Ve xvilnot 1x respotîsilfor hb on by the error up <o a maximum chai of he final iinsertionl ,11<îr eplies uit eaiied for witin mi days. rhe W hitby Free Pres s reserves h e nîghft ri eiassif y r ,IN< N I M i O O IîS Il IIIA N ES i: ib IorI l i r : reject ail advert isements. Ads nmuai appear trta he ppi-;li iW cl iîîi:1i r-n11 ,I11 E:Mrîd.iy noon prîliii xipublicati iin liiný une day before they cao be changed oir eanceeied. 01,,iiîuel Cli:ssîfîed Ails.I'niîlay noon prWon o publica (LASSIFIEI> RATES: $4,lit)for 201 wîrds . 12c eeta iaid i.0 l~<n ii r srn l i fnisr i : cr rirru d ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge yîîur (iastfîil lBOîX NVMIIEOS: Biox iuiiîers are ,iv:iaiîiai a ail CAîIALI Adr your Chargex or Visa accotail>loase have vou iun cîtonai charge(ifi $2.04). The Whihx <,ree Prias xiii makp ~-1i CORNEIL'S TOY AUCTION AUCTION BARN SAT., NOV. 16 FRI., NOV. 15 6:00OP. M. 6:00 P.M. At Oddlfellow Hall ln Port Three miles east of Little Perry. With dolîs, cars, Britain or 7 miles west of trucks, games, space Lindsay on the Lindsay toys, Care Bears, Little Britaîn Road. 9 pc. strollera, stulfed waînut dining room animais, baby toys, ail suite, oak hall seat, top brand names. We round oak pedestal take Visa. table, 6 oak dinlng room PEARCE AUCTION chairs, washatand, oak SERVICES set, 4 matching pressback chairs, ref lnlshed antique dressera, High Boy dresser, 3 sets of reflnishedfiat top farm scales,' cedar cheat, waînut china cabinet, leather Inlade coffee and end tables, gingerbread dlock, oak dining tables, oak buffett, mahogany bookcase, pine war- drobe, cookatove, Heat Craflt alr-tlght atove, pocket watches, quan- tity of depression glass, toois, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 14 6:00 P.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. An- tiques, collectables, dining roo m suite, wicker rockers, picture frames, trunka, applian- cea, Boston rocker, in- teresting sale. To list your sale cal ORVAL IMCLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 Free pick up of estates and housefula in Oshawa-Whitby area. CORN EILIS AUCTION BARN TUES., NOV. 19 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles weat of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Road. Modemn dressers and chest of drawers, Hitachi dishwasher, wicker chairs, double box spring and mattresses, chesterfielda, 2 door relridgerator, 24" elec- tric stove, pine cheal of drawers, organ stool, / h.p. air compressors, garden radaor trailer, Remington chain sam, pius large quantity of modern furniture, elec- tricai appliances. <00<0, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AU CTIO N EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN SAT., NOV. 23 11:00 A.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Road. Ap- prox. 500 antique pleces, including china cabinet, oak and mahogany heavily carved war- drobes, washstands, oak tables and buttetta, dlocks, crocks, china and glass. More details next week. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-7862183 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Operabie Wall Repairs at the Michael Starr Building, 33 Kng St. W., OSHAWA, Ont. TENDER NO. ORI-85- 153 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1985. Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Mlnlstry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., PO. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further in- formation regarding the Tenders, please caîl the Tenders Of- fice ai the above ad- dress, telephone (705> 325-7403. The loweal or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Mînîstry of SGoverroment ( 5 Servicas Ontario a