LManstream Canadj Running postal ship a titanic problem WH-ITBYý FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAý', NOVEMBER 20, 1985, PAGE 9 Dfy Toit> Car/sont Pity tise poor soul mioss shanghaied as tise new presi- dent of Canada Post. His or lier task is about as enviable as tisat of tite Titanic's captain. Everymhcre tise new skipper lookslie iii sec mater gushing cn as HMCS Canada Post drifts on lier maiden voyage lirough tise treaciscroas Straits of Crown Corporations. Even as lie takes command lite wiil know tisat thase in charge, from tise shipping lice omners in Ottawa on dama, have tniissed or ignored tise warning signais isai fairiy shoot tisai tise vessel is headcd for iceerg waters. On tise anc hand are tise pugnaciosts crem's unions whicis, inthie last cigitt months aiotsc, have îireaiened tise Canadian public itis tltree economny-crippiing strikes, tsos ta mention tise unofficiai waîkauts ansd pratestss isut Iiii! pockets of tiis natiottal russ- iuket. .Since 1965, tise country has faced 59 stikes, tise ast of miicis, 42 days long cn f981, cost tise smail business sectar aione close ta $3-biiiiot. Surely tiis signais sorne- thing fundamentaily wrong in tise engine roamn of this ieiemotis, Tisen titere are tise [are- paying passengers, tise public miso bave said in Gallup poils, interest group surveys and Canada Post's omo tests tisas worse. Many smiall iirs cndocu- ment ise declining service le tise dollars it cots ile ast con- tracta, ast bank interest, lost cash discounts and tise expense of using canniera instead. In one case, late mail cost anc flrmn $14000 le a single year. Because of tisa, tise owner took $10000 worsis of business amay from Canada Post. Mutioiv tisai by even a fraction or tise eisting amal businesses and yottve found a major revenue leais inthie post offices iuli. Titis is not new informsa- tion. It was knomn ta tise pre- vious administrationt and its political masters but thcy chose ta ignore tl. Instead tl mus fu steam aiscad on dlef- icit reduction, an order given by tise siippittg magnates on Parliaiaent Hili and obeyed siavisltly by tise siips officers. Tise deficit mas dramaticaily rcduccd from $800-miiiion ta $300-milion. But tisat wa-s mostly due ta jacked up faces miicisin the case of ftrst-ciass accommodation, rose 100 per cetnt, front 17 cents a letter wheîs Canada Post Corpora- tion se( sail ta 34 cents today. Yct tte owncrs continued ta ignore tlite warittg signais, just as the omens and warn- ings serc rissed ott that star- crossed ship in thc Northt Atlatntic 70 ycars ago. Thtis is not ta suggest, of course, tieutattie post office wiil ever sinis beneatis the wases. We arc stuck withil corne heul or Iigh water. Ratlier, it is ta point out that the task facing tise new captain-surrounded by iseavy weatiser on ail sides from custorners, workers and bosses-faces a saivage job that is bigger than any otte persott. We shouid not expect a susior for this mess. But me can hope that the politicai ad- mirais in Ottamýa iii even- tually make the tough deci- sions needed ta reloat this leaky tub, such as rreezing postai rates until 1990 and taking amay tise right ta strike. if they dont. then look for tmore labor mutînies, siomer service and iigiser lares. 2ND ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Monday-Thursday PERMS f rom 330 STUDENTSIO0% OFF, MENS cut & style $8 900 BONACORD WHITBY 666-2244 xII~~,I 1 THE WALLPAPER CENTRE f0m OSHAWA MA 140SimcoeSt-S. 1313Han js. ai John si t IN o! h* 579-1655 686-0719 m i UNDER TAKE NOTCE THAT a Public Meet- ing of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontariowiii beheid attse MICHAEL STARR BUILDING, 33 KING STREET WEST, ROOMS M.N.O., OSHAWA, ONTARtOon FRîDAY, DE- CEMBER 6tis, 1985 at the houe of 10:00 o'ctock in tise farenoon. at whicis time the Board wiii hear an application in accordance witis the Liquor Licence Act, and Regutations thereunder. The following establisisment has applied for a licence of tihe ciasa indicated, and tise application wil be entertained at the aforemen- tioned location atd time: Application Fer New Licence Elderado Famiiy Restaurant West Lynde Piaza Dundas & Jeffrey Streets Whitby Dtnlng Lounge Licence and Patio Lcence Appicant: Ronir Enterprises Ltmted AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE tisat any person who is cesident in tise mucicipatity and who misises to make representation relative to tise application. shahl make tiseir suis- mission ta tise Board in writing prior ta tise date of tise hearing. or in person at the time and place oi tise hearing. (Copies ai written subisi- sions wiil be torwarded totise applicant). Licquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Onario, M5E 1A4 MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT LL885350 N EW OWN ERSHI1P AFOR ALL YOU R 71 FRAMING NEED.S *CALL USAT PICT uR OeIWEARETHE p1 PROFESSIONALS MON.-FRI. 9a.m. -9 pm., m e ~SAT9 a.m. - 6p.m. )NEL AND LIZ, PROPRIETORS WORLD 0F ROBERT BATEMAN NOW AVAILABLE IN LIMITED SUPPLY NOTE CARDS, CHRISTMAS GREETINOS, CARDS, PRINTS AND POSTERS FOLK ART THISAND PICTURE THAT 666-1'330 115 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service MM= Dealer Parts & Service -Thursdays tIi 9 pm. 209 Dundas St. W., Whltby 666-300 ýs TU RE