-_ _-_ _-__ _ _ _a_ _IL l'AG E 18, WIiDNESI)AY, NO VEMBER 20, 1985,WIIITB Y FREE >RI Top Canadian gymnast finishes 26th ini wod By JAN DOUGE Whitby's 16-year-old Christina McDonald is top femnale gymnast in Canada, and 26th in the world. McDonald earned these standings at the World Championships in Montreal on the Nov. 9 weekend in competition with 158 gymnasts fromn 41 countries. After two days of team competition the Grade il Denis O'Con- nor High School student's personal per- formance was ranked 33rd. To arrive at that ranking she said of- ficiais had taken ber compulsory routine score plus ber optional score, divided by two,. and then ranked the results against the other competitors. Only the top 36 were allowed to continue to the individual com- petition on Saturday, with the exception that one country could send no more than three of its six-member team. For the individual competition only op- tional routines were used. McDonald com- peted on uneven bars, '7DUNDASST.W. ~WHITBY.~ SPECIAL Roast Beet on a Kaiser& Frles 3214 I 12 oz Bottle ofBeer S176 Icouponi expires Nov. 3085) 33.89 lnc. las Chioken Fingers & Frles 33.16 12 oz Bottle ofBeer $1.75 $4.91 lac. lex November 23rd- 1985I KILLER DWARFS November 301h 18 DIRTY WHITE BOYS.- Tr, buîe lv Foreigner * The Old Monday Nlght Madness is back at* Cokee Joe's 1 SUPPLIER-i SALES REP-1 CALL OELIVERY WHEN YOU WANT ITIOUOTATIONS WHEN YOU NEED THEMIPROMPT ATrENTION *LETTERHEAD *ENVELOPES -BUSINESS FORMS .INVOICES -CATALOGUES *CALENDARS *8001<8INDING *5NAP SETS *CONTNUOUS FORMS -BUSINESS FORMS .ANNOUNCEMENTS -TICKETS -CHEQUES *PRICEE U5TS -BROCHURES *RAISEO PRINTINO -INSTANT PRINTING -GOLO STAMPING *PHOTOGRAPHY *8INDERS *COLOR WORK INvENTORY CARDS *5HIPPING TAGS -LABELS *NEWSLE'lTERS *NCR FORMS -SCRATCH PAD5 *CREATIVE OESIGN A COMPLETE PRINTINO SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR BUVER FAST EFFICIENT SERvICE*PIcK*UP & DELIvERY.coPY DESIGN & PREPARATION LUNCHNEN6SPECIA8S là ic-Ç 12NO7rt*fon-.M 21 hWO V SOUXPSHPLUSG 95 * MAIN COURSI (WITH A DIFFERENT SPECIAL EACH DAY) p * Vî%LI 11874 *FINE DINING LOULNGE 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 4 S666-3070 BANQUETS AVAILABLE FOR EVERY OCCASION long.un un a a .1 vault, beam and floor routines. 'II was really happy with my bars," she said. 'A couple of weeks before I added a new release move, and it went very well. " This made two release moves which McDonald had incor- porated into ber routine -- something that judges are watching for these days, her mother said. Her performance on the beam earned ber a 98.6, a mark she was not entirely happy with. III think had I been from a different country 1 might bave had a bet- ter chance of making the next-day finals. McDonald said since Canada was not in the top eight countries - Canada's team pIaced ninth on the first two days of competition -- it was marked more severely. "In competition I don't watch my scores," she said. "II need ail the concentration directed toward the meet." "If I had competed in a Canadian competition, my score would have been higher. I was judged by judges from countries that were also competing for eighth place. "1I'm not using that as an excuse," she said, "lWe have to make a namne for ourselves until we get there. Maybe next year if we come in the top eight, our team members might have a better chance of making the finals." The judging plus one faîl on the beam kept McDonald from making the last-day finals, but she was still happy with ber solid performance and that of the team. "The team bad a lot of fun and worked well. I hope we can improve; if we're better as a team, itîIl be easier for us to be recugnized as in- dividuals." S THE CORPORATION OF )~THETOWNOFWHITBY . . PARKS& RECREATION DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION Iroquois Park Arena - 668-7765 TIMES: SUNDAYS 2:00 -3:45 p.m. FR1 DAYS 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena - 655-4571 TIMES: SUNDAYS 1:30 -2:45 p.m. WEDNESDAYS 3:30 -4:45 p.m. .collecting dust. Not when you can brlng themn to THE FRAMING CENTRE this week, and have themn professionally f ramed for only two-thirds the everyday 10w prîces 11 SAVE OVER 30% Favorite photos, works ot art, posters, diplomas, needlework, medals, souvenirs ... DISPLAY THEM! LET THEM BRIGHTEN UP YOUR WALLS AND VOUR HOME! DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE' Bring your piclures 10 THE FRAMING CENTRE this week, and dîscover the difference beautilul trames make to your picturesl From our large seleclion, wie can help you choose the trame thal's just righl for every piclure and budget. SERVICE WITH A SMILE' You'Il love the prompt, triendly service you gel at THE FRAMING CENTRE. In a malter of days, your picture is lramed ... ready for you 10 proudly display in your home! COMPLIMENTS And when your t riends compliment you on your beaulitul decor, you dont have 10 tel! themn about THE FRAMING CENTRE. But chances are you willi sai-ti place this year (to nin- th) four points over the Japanese. I was really happy to see we were on the upswing. " Wben McDonald travelled to Montreal for the meet she took with ber ber own cheering section: ber parents, Lee and Allan; ber grandparents, Mar- tha and Ernie Adams from Napanee; and several friends from the Oshawa Gemini Gym- nastic Club. "They were very sup- portive, and so was the crowd. " McDonald said she felt really great to have GOLDEN GATE 107 Brock St.S. Whitby 668-2222 This popular 3oyear oîd Chinese restaurant has recentîy vroduced Szechuan cuisine for Ihose who lke hotspcy dishas n addiion olils Chinase tle the Golden Gale also0oft le," a wlde selectlon of canadian d1shes. The 8o-Bo plaller and Ihel chlcken fIngers are Iwo spsc aI îles worlh loy ng. Perect forlun- ch or diover open lrom il le 2 arn. dally. Flday and Saturday unIlI 3 arn. FUIIY lcensed. OIne-in and lest home delivery. country. Soon after she arrived back home she was surprised to receive fromn friends at ber gymnastics club, an arrangement of red and white flowers around a Canadian flag congratulating ber on ber success. one unhappy sidelight to the trip was ber gran- dmother's faîl on the snow which put ber leg in a cast, and kept her from seeing the last day of competition. McDonald teased that she had been practising ber beam. Ambulance In tbe week ending last Thursday, the Witby Ambulance Ser- vice responded to 100 calîs. 0f this number, 47 were routine, 27 stan- dbys for other ambulan- ce services and 26 emergencies, including four motor vebicle ac- cidents. 2et'ksee youd it! MOODIE'S PRESENTS n the tounge every Frîday and Saturday night the Country Music sound of PAT &DOTIIE Every Saturday nîght Is Talent Nîght MOODIE'S Restaurant & Lounge Kingston Rd., Pickering Village JusI West of the Bridge mmmma 1 PHONE 683-1968, 1 Christina MDonald, Canada's top female gymnast, shows the bouquet friends from the Oshawa Gemini Club sent to ber Witby home, after ber success at the World Championships in Montreal on the Nov. 9 weekend. Free Press Staff Photo