PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY. NO0VEMB ER 20. 1985.WJ-IITBY FREE PRESS Mayor talks polities. with elementary sehool kids As mayor of Whitby, Bob Attersley's calen- dar is filled with speaking engagements. It isn't often, however, that bis audience is made up ai children age 4 to 11. Trying ta talk ta Palmerston Avenue elementary students about his careers as mayor and former Whitby Dunlop centre, proved quite a challenge for Attersley, wha laoks a lot mare comfortable in bis cauncil chambers than in a school gym. Mfter a lengthy and somewhat rambling speech about the impor- patibility", respect for one's cammunity, and getting a good educatian - during which the children twitched and turned, straining ta un- derstand the mayor's big words -- the flbar was happily opened ta, questions. The students wasted no time getting dawn ta, brass tacks. llWere you a gaod hockey player?" they wanted ta knaw. "Haw did yau get from being a hockey player ta, being mayor?" «'Why did you want ta, "Do a lot of people telephane youV'" The mayor left the children with two bagfûbls of stick-on marigold patches and a grab bag of wise words. What the students seemed to appreciate most, however, and what will probably stay with them longest was the follawing trivia. The former hockey star stili has ail bis teeth; and uses them liberaily talking ta the 21,000 people who have called him an the phone in bis past five years as mayor ofWhitby. -# The Whitby Public Libra ry is once again offering the popular program Slumbertime. Join Joanne Alexander Thursday evenings fram 7 ta 7.30 p.m. for a hall hour of sangs and staries. Please dont forget ta wear your fuzzy P.J.s and don't farget to bring your favorite cuddly tay! Photo Courtesv of the Whitbv Public Library Im Il r i Sp * L i 'A'TIi 4D > ne rotect SZiebart Rust Protection SZiebart Paint Protection SZiebart Fabric Protection cZiebart Splash Guards* SAVE *Or your choice of Door Edge Guards, Body Side Mou Idings 8 a m-5 pm DAILV £9 a mi p m SATURDAY 440 HOPKINS ST, SOulhoftDundasSt E) APPEARANCE &PRTCTION SERVIES6 61 1 w