WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985, PAGE 15 An OIde Tyme Christmas Whitby Arts Incor- Marie Dubyk; dols and children from 2 to 4 p.m. porated will host its 13t-h potpourri by Anne on Saturday and Sun- Annual Olde Tyme Paulock; fibre art by day. Christ-mas at the Station Janet Coates; han- Gallery on Saturday, dpainted silk articles by Nov. 30 and Sunday, Rut-h Sedgewick; han- On Sunday at 4 p.m. Dec. 1 from 12 noon to 5 dwoven. articles by there will be draws for p.m. each day. Ad- Weavers Unlimited; four prizes including: a mission is free for the jewellery by Rosemary framed quilt-ed, ap- event. Wiggins; pottery by pliquedl and em- Olde Tyme Christmas Barb imbail; and, broidered wallhanging at the gallery has stained glass by Chris by Jane Dixon; a become a tradition and Montogomery, The frmd lt-orp if has a special kind of Glasshopper. "Sereflit-y of Spring"' by R.Juc Âauu..,A,,, me mood, one of festivit-Y, friendship and old- fashioned charm. There is the ameil of a freshlY cut- Christ-mas tree, bot spiced cider and bomebaked goodies. There 15 thbe feeling of pride as crafts people and artists present their work. Each gift holds a promise of meaning somet-hing special to a friend or relative. The crafts people in- clude: children's hand puppets by Jane Burch and Gloria Currie, creative puppetry; Christmas wreaths by Wendy Syrne and Anne Spring During the Brooklin Spring Fair Association appreciat-ion dinner and dance held in Columbus, on Saturday, Nov. 9, t-be prize winning logo was unveiled. Jack Wood- ward, secret-ary- treasurer, said t-be execut-ive had a difficult- time making a choice from t-be 19 designs submitted t-ty il entrain- ts in thbe Logo com- petition. Tbey were al good designs, but- somehow thbe one t-bat- was chosen held ail t-be attribut-es and meaning of the Annual Spring Fair and wbat it- stands fer. Thé fina choice was made on t-be Tbursday nigbt prior t-o t-be Nov. 9 dinner and t-be place mats bearing thbe new logo were printed in t-ime for t-he dinner. Speaking of t-he 75tb Anniversary year of t-be Fair, Mr. Woodward sald, "it seemed like it- was a good time for a logo and t-be $100 prize goes t-o Henry Zaluski, 18, of Oshawa, for t-be design he drew. As he accept-ed t-be prize A collection of over 70 paintings, drawings and photographs by 35 ar- tists include work- by Rut-h Cond, Sheila Dan- tzer, aura Hair, Gregory Maude, Mary Ellen ýMcQuay, Alice Morison, Jeff Morrison, Rai Mosur, Maureen Remington, Margaret Rodgers, Linda Ward Selbie and Bernhce Tindali to name a few . Santa Claus will make special visits witb Christ-mas treats for t-be lithograph "The Station Gallery" by Claire McAllister-Gass; and, a candy gingerbread house by Ebba North. Tickets are available at t-be gallery. Join us and capture some Christ-mas spirit and relax over refresh- ment-s. The Station Gallery is on t-he corner of Henry and Victoria St-s. in Whitby. For fur- t-ber information con- tact t-he gallery at 668- 4185. fair logo Unveiled money a proud but- sby Henry said, he was "pleased t-at my logo design was chosen. As I am a student- the money is really appreciat-ed. I William 'Bill' G. Reid was awarded t-be Agriculture Certificat-e of ment- by t-be Brooklin Spring Fair Association, for is involvement-, not only in t-be Spring Fair but in many ot-er ser- vices. Mr. Reid is in- volved witb t-be Junior Farmers, t-be 4-H Club and is a member of t-be Ayrshire Club of Canada just to name a few of t-be activities in wich he participat-es. Ivan Bell, t-be Provin- cial Agricultural representative for t-is district brought greetings from the Ministry t-o t-be Brooklin Spring Fair Association and those present- at-t-be dinner. Hie said, it- was just- great to see t-is en- t-usiasm. Mr. Bell congratulated Bill Reid on t-be winning of t-be Certificat-e of Mrit. 'II couldn't- t-inlc of a more suitable person to receive sucb an award. We bave called on bim and t-be Reid Family many a time," said Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell also congrat-ulated t-be Fuir Board on t-be cboice t-bey made in present-ing t-be award on t-be new logo wbicbh h said was a good representation of what- the Brooklin Spring Fair is ahl about-. He compliment-ed the, at- t-at time publicly unknown winner, as Mr. Bell pointed t-o t-be new logo on t-be table place mats. Following Mr. Bell's comments, Mr. Wood- ward announced the winner of t-be logo com- petit-Ion. He also an- nounced t-bat- a card, signed by ail those at-- tending t-be dinner, was being present-ed to bonor Mr. and Mrs. Walt-er Holiday Columbus, wbo have been married for 50 years and wished them well. Mr. Holiday is a past- president of the Brooklin Spring Fair Association. LADIES 10K .i5PT DIAMOND CLUSTER RINGS REG. '249.99 OUR PRIC ~139,99 THE PERFECT GIFT FAMILY RINGS 26 DIFFERENT STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM FROM $7500 LADIES 10K GENUINE CULTURED PEARL RINGS REG. '49.99 10K GOLD CHARMS FROM $4u99 LARGE VARIETY 10K GOLD CHAINS FROM599- LADIES 10KGOLD .1OPT DIA MOND CLUSTER RING REG. '120.00 $59,99 DON'T MISS THIS ONE 10K GOLD LADIES PIN KV RINGS FROM 5KIGST. E., OSHAWA, SUITE 4 - UPSTAIRS I 5KIGCORNER 0F KING AND ALBERT I~.2 EXPERT REPAIR & CUSTOM DESIGN MON.-THURS. 10-5 IF YOU DONTSEE IT,WELL MAKEIT FOR '(OUI FR1. 10-8, SAT. 10-4 KEVIN EGAN'S 970 BROCK ROAD SOUTH, PUCKERINI 1 block south of Hwy. 401 NOW 1986 HONDA PRELU DES ON 1986 HON DA CIVICS DISPLAY 1986 HON DA ACCORDS Tait OPEN CO'IUNtTV IMPORTS MON.HUS, *WU 99 LTD. 'W'FR1 &à SAT. I4:~:::*S'Az H LNAEUS 970 BROOK RD. (Just south of Bayly), Pickering 683-2751 4 G S NO A' RUP* Y NOG IC JS OE ST O Le PRC I:wl