WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1985, PAGE 13 P Top cîtizens honored At a speciai awards ceremony last Wednesday evening the Whithy Chamber of Commerce han- ded out their 1985 Business Man of the Year and Student of the Year awands. Henry Street High Schooi grade 13 student Frank Ignazzitto was chosen for the student awand and local lawyer Nigel Schilling was selected as Business Man of the Year. Out-going Chamber of Commerce President Don Frise (centre) is seen congnatulating the two winnens. Free Press Sta ff Photo At its annualgeneral meeting last Thursday night, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce honoured two local in- dividuals and a cor- porate citizen for their outstanding con- tributions to the life of their community. The winner of the 1985 Business Person of the Year Award went to lawyer Nigel Schilling, described by outgoing Chamber of Commerce President Don Frise as an 'obvious choice" for the award. "Nigel is no stranger to the people of Whitby. He's probably been con- sidered for any number of awards over the years and I think he was a very appropriate choice," said Mn. Frise Friday evening. In addition to main- taining a successful legai practice with par- tner Brian Evans, Mr. Schilling has a long list of community in- voivements ranging fnom the Historical Society and Whitby Arts Inc. to the Jaycees and Rotary Club. He is a past Chairman of the Whitby chapter of the Ontario Heart Foun- dation and this past year served as the Chairman of the Board of Govennors of Durham College. This year's Student of the Year Award went to Henry Street High School grade 13 student Frank Ignazzitto. "We had some pretty good nominations for Student of the Year this year. Frank, in addition to the many other things he's done for his school practicaliy single- handedly organized bis school rugby trip to England and did a great job of promoting the Town of Whitby while he was over there," said Mr. Frise. 'These people exem- piify what I think the Chamber of Commerce is ail about. Theres more to if e than business or being a straight "A" student," he added. The Corporate Citizen of the Vear Award is not an annuai presentation, according to Mr. Frise, and is oniy awarded to businesses which have made an exceptional contribution to the community. This year the chamber named the McDonald's Family Restaurant which is iocated in the Whitby Mail. "McDonaids has worked very closeiy with the Chamber of Commerce. IL seems like every time I turn around the last few years McDonalds bas been heiping somebody in the community," said Mr. Frise. During the meeting -COOLING SYSTEMS- 103 DUN DAS ST. E. 162 KING ST. E. WHITBY OSHAWA 668-3356, 571-3400- Caparate Citizen of the Year Library board appointments At its Nov. 25 meeting the Durham Board of Education recommen- ded two eiementary school teachers for ap- pointmnent to the Whitby Public Libary Board. The board necom- mended Whitby council appoint Joan Winten and Kim MacCarl. DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS j The Whitby Chamber of Commerce wrapped up another terrific year with a banquet last week at the Catch 22 Restaurant. In addition to selec- ting their new executive for the coming year, the organization announced the winner of Corporate Citizen of the Year award, MacDonalds Famiiy Restaurant. Owner Ray Giichrist accepted the award from out-going Chamber of Commerce President Don Frise tThe most experlenced nail teChnicians in Whitby now have the Innovative * No harsh adora non-toxmc * As thin as a tîp- as strong as acryllc * LttIe machne work requlred *Uttzes a gel, then hardens under a UVA. lght We are Specialists in Custom made Acrylic Halls, Waxing and... S PASSIVE GYMNASTICS *Tones muscles *Reduces cellulite deposils *Guaranteed resulta in 3 weeksl 209 Dundas St. E. (ACf oS s t efftofle; 668-7446 Whitby Corporate Centre : Hwy. 2 &, Green St. Pine Suite Oistnctise styling £...~,, and excellence in ram S. vat. the one with thewv noufme WHITBY DUNDASST. WHITBY STORE 1540 DIJNDAS ST. E. Opposite Wootco Oept Siore 579-4300 PICKERING 955 BROOK RD. SE coner ot Sayly and 5,ock> 831-4111 PIC KERING 401- WITH 17 LOCATIONS TH ROUG HOUT ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU! qq ,