PAGE 2o,,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER4,i1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS o -1- HAPPY HOLIDAY WISHES FROM THE MANAGEMENT & STAFF 0F THE OLD LIVERPOOL HOUSE *3 LEVELS 0F DINING *SUPERB OLD TYM E ATMOSPH ERE *DINING TO REFLECT VOUR OWN GOOD TASTE *DAILY LUNCH EON SPECIALS *SMORGASBORD - AIL YOU CAN EAT/A LA CARTE *PARTY OR SPECIAL EVENT RESERVATIONS SUNDAY BRUNCH il A.M. - 3 P.M. FOR A CASUAL & CLASSY OUTLOOK BEFOREor AFTER, THE LOWER LEVEL FOR ... LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 6831l010o.r 8310((0 1294 KINGSTON RD., PICkERING Wl: The management th anks you for your patronage j r- Histoic iwavpool House a great night out The Old Lverpool House, an hlstoric site, s naw one of the f inest dining establishments in the Durham ares. Built In 1827 by British settiers, t was one of the flrst buildings In Canada ta be canstructed of brick and In the course of Ita rich and varied tradition the Old Liverpool Hause has piayed hast ta some of Canadas great historicai figures, among them aur firat Prime Minster, Sir John A. MacDonald, and mare recentiy, William Davis, the farmer Premier of Ontaria. Thraugh the years the Old Liverpool Hause has served as a general stare, a post office, a prIvate residence and, during the prohibition, if was rumaured ta be a great spot ta stop for same bootieg whiskey. During the holiday seasan, owner Jim Sken- tzos and his famiiy Invite you to enjay an evening n the Oid Liverpool Hause. Jim and his family take great pride ln offering fine cuisine ser- ved up ln the restaurants warm, et-- mosphere. It wili be a night yau wan't soon forget. Sa If you want ta be pampered by the people who know how ta do It right, this or any season, cail the people et the Oid Liverpool House today for reservatians et 1-831- 1000. Holiday Diningi ae m-17 Explorer Rlestaurant serves up only the best and the freshest The watchward of this ten year aid dining establishment is goad service and fine food. The tradition begins with the saiad bar. The best Items possible are picked and prepared everyday right on the premises. Everything Is excellent - t ram the freshly cut cheese ta the newiy cut pvegetables ta the suice- your-own bread. Labster feuls are alsoaa reai treat et the Explorer. They are împarted direc- tly t ram Cuba. The Explrers menu la a simple one. From steaks, seafood, veal parmiglan ta spaghetti, there la something ta please every faste. Dit- ferent businessmans luncheon specials are also featured daily. Aiso dont forget ta try their spare ribs. This famaus hause speciaity features their own deiec- table sauce.' Included with ail dînners are the salad bar, fresh baked bread, hamemade soup and chalce af patato. The Explorer ls located et 900 Hopkns St. For reservatians call 668-0316. They alsa take boakinga for parties of 20 f0 60 people. UNCHEONe Different specials every day including Corned Beef, Roast Beef and other sandwiches. DINNER SPECIALS EXPLORER'S FAMOUS SPARE IRIBIS A rack of deliclous, speclaliy selected MON., TUES., WEI). rlbs, barbequed ta perfection. Spare Riba includes Saiad Bar Sre ihoronspeciai sauce. i1i.95 89 Breaded Vel CulciSe!.k&ship A tend er portion of ightiy breaded Veai fopped with .8 z! New York Steak in combinat ion with mouth home-made barbecfue sauce. waterirlg deep t ried breeded Shrimps. Veal Parrnisauaîa6 9 A tender portion of lightiy breaded Veai, smothered with cheese and topped with home-made barbeque sauce. Serve with Spagh&tti or Pot atoes. 7.95 Liver & Baon or Onions Tender cut of babybeef liver served with your chaice of bacon or oný9ns. -5.95 Tender Veal stuffed wilh cheese and herbs topped with aur home-made barbeque sauce, choice of bacan or on ions. 6.5~0 Ail ahove tinners ser-ved with.Potatoes, Vegetables, Roll & Butter Witil Salad lBar extra 2.95 12.95 Roasi 1lrime Rieof eef A tender thick cul ot Prime Rib au lus. 11.95 New York Steak 10 oz. Oùr finest choice cut of Sirloin, brai led ta, suit yopir teste.1 .9 Fishernà an's l'later For the hearty appetite, Filiet of Soie, Scailops & Shrimp. Served with farter sauce and lemon. 0. . 10.95 Special nittit for Al l)DitinsinielO(le Saladl Bar. (;arliv childulrsuder 12 Bread or Roll amioIl<ice of 'oiaio. PARTIES FROM 20-60-PEOPLE %~Ifor Reseret ions EXIPLORER. RESTAURANT- 900 H.OPKINS ST. ' WHITBY, 669-0316 JustsouthofGusBroWflMOtors E *BOOK VOUR CHRISTMAS PARTIES NOW! OENNEW YEAR'S DAY *SPÉCIAL MENU NEW YEAR'S EVE *WE CATER TO ALL SMALL PARTIES DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALSII PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 120 BROCK ST. N. 666-3005 WHITBV qw- ___m Just south of GuiBrown Motors ý - ll?-ý ---, ý , ; .., ilîlîiïiilîili"