WHITBY FREE PRESS,WEDNESDAY.DECEMBER Il. 1985 PAGE 13 Anderson, Henry Street, Denis O'Connor HIGH SCHOOL NEWS WEEK By RACHAEL WELLS Anderson H.S. Once again Peter Macgregor has the best legs at Anderson. The Student Councils' fund raising activity this year involves meat sales. The Students' Council had set a goal for each Anderson student to sell at least one box of meat which would raise up to $10,000 for the school. The money earned by this activity went partially to prizes for the top sellers of meat for the juniors and senior divisions. The remaining funds will go towards various ACVI activities. The photography club and the yearbook com- mittee have been pooling their resources to create this year's yearbook. Anderson's student photographers were shooting pictures of the faculty in the week of Nov. 24 and taking many action shots of this year's basketball and volleyball teams which will also be used in the yearbook. Everyone is looking forward to the Christ- mas assembly held on Dec. 20, the last day of classes in 1985. For this assembly the homerooms of each grade and many of the clubs have prepared humourous skits focusing on the Christ- mas theme. biax bridge The Ajax bridge club met Dec. 3 to play a charity game cham- pionship. The average score in the unlimited section was 132, in the limited section the average was 52.5. Unlimited nor- th/south: Vera Creelman and Evelyn Black 163.5; Peter Mott and Beth Sweeney 162.5; Tom Hensley and Gus Battaglia 149.5; Walter Soetens and Jack Fin- dlay 144; Bruce Norman and Greg Sweeney 135. East/west: tie for the first place Maureen Culp and Ken Warren and Mike Norman and Irv Ashraf 152; Judy Denby and Nancy Adams 148; Paul Mac- Neill and Chris Cham- bers 141; Sandra and Randy Piirainen 138.5. Limited north/south: Erica Jarchow and Bet- ty Kroetsch 64.5; Les and Jean Johnson 55.5; Wyren and Bea Hoogland 53.5. East/west: Barbara Beamish and Linda Burnett 58.5; Colleen and Dave Lea 57; Joan Matchim and Judy Ar- mstrong 56.5. The school choir has made plans to go carolling in Whitby from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on Dec. 18. Also planned for this day is a 'isit to Fairview Lodge in the afternoon from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. Good luck, choir. Anderson's music program has scheduled two concerts - one on Wednesday, Dec. 18 and the other on the following day - Dec. 19, a Thursday, both at 7 p.m. Performing at theseconcerts will be Anderson's Inter- mediate, Concert, and Stage Bands, under the direction of Mr. A.J. Uranowski, Music Department head. Students involved in the music program at ACVI will be selling tickets for these concerts at the cost of $3 for adults and $2 for students. Tickets will also be sold at the door for the same price. Money raised by these concerts will go towards a band trip for the Con- cert and Stage Bands, and to improve the music department. December is a busy month at Anderson. Have a nice vacation, Andersonians, and study hard for those finals next month. By VERONICA FILO Denis O'Connor H.S. This may be the season of joy but there are many people in the world who live in pover- ty. Denis O'Connor's grade il religion classes took part in an "Inner City" walk in Toronto last week to ex- plore this fact and facet of life. The goal of this walking tour of Toron- to's downtown area was to expose the students of all the neglect and the deficiencies of other people's lives. With their newly-obtained knowledge on how many people survive on next to nothing, the students learned to be thankful for all they have - clothes, food, and especially shelter. The rest of DO'C is participating in the Christmas spirit of giving by bringing in canned food for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. This food is being collec- ted in homeroom and will be distributed to families in this area. Also, a coin collection was taken by the school's Chaplaincy Team. This money is going to Doctor Simone who, with the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, buy food for the unfed children whose mothers are in prison in Madagascar. Al are encouraged to give either in the form of food or money because each little bit adds up to a lot. The final payments for February's St. Donat French trip are being made. With all their money invested in this trip, those who are going are looking for- ward to the Christmas vacation and some are sure to brush up on their skiing and tobaganning skills. Tickets for the Christmas formal have finally gone on sale. The prices are $8 for a single and $15 for a couple. The last minute preparation for this festive event is being made and the dessert table included in this ticket price sounds delicious. Other festivities of the "week before Christmas holidays" include two Christmas choir presen- tations, a Mass celebration, homeroom lunch parties, the an- nual grade 13 enter- tainment, and an after- noon dance on Dec. 20. The school hockey team competed in their first tournament of Friday, Nov. 29. The guys played two games against Harwood and Campbell High Schools. The team played well winning the first on 5-4 overtime but losing the second 7-2. The remainder of the grade 12's are on their two-day retreat in Mississauga right now. Also, for the grade 12's, next Monday is the final evening of their Genesis 2 program. All parents are invited to join in this session. The second part of the Canadian Mathematics Contest was written on Dec. 3. The next one is on Dec. 17. The results of the last one came in and our school did quite well in the standings thanks to the large number of participants writing the contest. This week's final clip is a profile on DO'C's very own resident Rambo. This student has been seen sneaking through the halls with a bush hat on, scaring the grade 9's through 13's to death and tormenting students during lunch by insisting on using "natural" light to see his food. Can anything be done to stop him? Outofschool? Ontofwork? Under25? 7kinng0naro g9uhfo g'r &D Ontari