W IlITB FfL A I<IMIR l II i(I I Yu Ido better at...à 70 ThiGckSOfl Rd Si 2Yd BIGO WEEK!m F aI eICi IAEP Stores onty Io normal 10mll~y requI AD BASEO ON SAVINGS SHOWN IN 'I CURRENT A&P REGULAR RETAILS. WE REDEEM ALL FOO r ST oORORESG O SOME ILLUSRATIONS IN THIS AD AEORSON ONLE. ANtID O N SSALYRERS ITEMSOSAE USE CHRISTMAs SEALS- SUPpoRTTOUR LOCAL LUNG ASSOCIATION L-UNGS ARE FORt-tPE. Your NEW A&P Store has a lot to offer You and your familyl YOUYLL ENJOyama YuI indawde variety of tasly choe atsfrom y Saladsa, mils, Choe rmaround the Worid The Hot Countar festures readytosa ie ns, choga~rt @ec.I you're Planninga party ehv madek>.<,r.er Party Piallers. Seo h D, Mnager for details. Somethlng yu mmy Is always Fragratyea _ds anbaltingin our A&PBaesop r lasand roua i Mfin, uscookies; always frOs fro th A& vens usewe bake them oursNfes just foryoul > tm rs and suPerb quaiiîY meals, we e"Ilý%guarantee il. Yui nda full variety of quaiily fresh fruits anfveleabies from around ihe MoiId. *Extended fine of Heaih & geauty Atds and Generai Mrchandise *Purchas four films at A&P F ast Deveoping Service.* *Chaque Cashîng Privileges. See store manager for application form. *39,0o0 square feet. Lots of aisie space. 1;. *Free parcel Pick up. *Jusi drive in, we ioad the car for fou. *Complete fclle handicappecf5C ltisfOr the "' AmlIraeeParking. *deprimntY ,a afull fiower Of plants. go 9Od selection -SAVE Up TO 8.00 PER TURKEY CANAD)A NGgA P RZ LE 13AS.rO TE A& EFB GRALE LEAF MIRACL AT ~~01; EEASTED BUTTERBALLS Ail Basted TfurikOYS eIDE PRICE ALL SIZES No CONFUSION AT A&P! 3*28 lkg/b 28 FL OZ 13OTTLE Wjjidnere Butter tu iiiTtiv Plzl;q; WFDNESD A Y. DECl-"MBl-.'IZ il, lc)8.î Il,\ (il; 17 i 454,2