Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1985, p. 37

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1985 PAGE 37 SKIS à BOOTS ski length 170 cm, boat sica 10, $75. Mepte kitchen sol, four chairs, $145. Duncan Fyfo, excellent condition, $125. Sowing machine, $35.8683«638. ANTIQUE butcb crca 1860fIlighl finish, top has 4 sholvos behlnd 2 (originel glas) doors fi. plate dlsplayf, botom ha& 2 enclosed aholvos, cary nîce pace, op- pralsad $2,000, slllng $1,400. Also mepla and watnut aecroiary early 18008, $875. Phono 571- 36». ELECTRIC mower, $75. Phono 668-2155. FOR SALE klahen suite corner nook beach style (4f pae, like new, $250. Air conditioner 8000 BTU vertical, 1 yoar aId, $350. W6-4302. ASSORTED kitchen cabinets, upper, ower, double alnk and tops, need woe, package deul, $85. New arborto couator, white, $25. Whie arborloe counier wilh bulle-m slave top (4 otemonlaf, $85. Whie onamol aundry tub Ia orange arborile countier, $35. Orangoebag carpt, 9a12 and underpad, $85. Green nylon car- pet, 12x16 wth underpad, $8. Ouantlty ambor coiored dacaratar gluass, $10. Phonoe6M. 7404. BUFFET pne reoro. dry simb style, 48" wida, 33" high, $380. Elocfrlc typewriler, $20. Royale aarelcad ahi guaranteo. 686-2243. SNOWULOWER, 5 folt McKeo modal 320, for 3 pint btcb, ex. colent condiion, $795. Phono 655-4995. KENMORE poraebe dshwaser, avocado, 7 years aid, $100. Theoe loer space sever, $20. ueen smoe b.d. $75. Double bed, $100. Elai- rc grill, $5. Large dog bouse, $10. Spaeo boter, $15. ElgIli drewer dresser, $15. Largo hem- ser cage wth wbel and waler boette, $15. Cil 728-8865. CANGLE STEREO wlh radia and speakers, In goad condition, $80. Cendie cassette playar, $25. Mahoup mrror, $25. Pair af sico 6 Dominion roller Mkaes, $20, cames ln okalng bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or bonI aller. Phonoe68-6459. S.o' ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE boys moulded Lange skates, site 10, eacelent con dition, $20. Siadly bouse and for fibure, $40. Fisherc. tapa recorder, $30. Moeal dog case, $25. New rabbl cage, waler bai- le and ouldoor Pan, $50. JR girls 10 seed bihe, $5. Phone 723 0768. FOR BALE cube clay brick, llghl cotor, $40. SwiStl fireplace screen, 38x28" pus Andirons, $45. SwISli fireplece luol sel, $20. 5w/Sti freoptace woodhoidor, $15. Phono 668-9041 aller 5 P.m. REFRIDGERATOR Admira, 15 Ca. Il., excellent condition, $300. TRS80 compater, new 64K, e. panded basic, coter computer- pinler and cssette ape Player for programe, $350. computer and softlware only $175. Piano, new scale William, 190, Osawa hut, recoaditionad, $1800W. Phone 699.800. GIRLS 21" bîke, Ralegh, blus transit, $55, gaod condition. Cati 666-3274 aller 6 p.m. 1943 SUPRA, $14.000. IBM. PC. VR. color mollor, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1,790. 1984 amahe Virago 1000, $3,550. Ail minI. Hugo comtecocllectian, $6000. Phonoe6660740. FOR SALE lira ocreen and lec. tre logo, $50. 14" black and white TV, $25. Two tabla tamps, $20 set, Slop end table, $5. Two fllwer pales, $5 oaeh. Phone684032. FOR SALE IBM Soctria, good condition, mue be sean, $300. Calil728-3163, 9 arn.tlu5 p-ro. FOR SALE bank bed, $200. Reafler skates, boys, sizo 81h. $25. Qaeen size bed, $25. Triple dresser, $5. 00g, $35. 668-1680. PUR JACKETS: neariy new, short dressy China Mlnk. dark brown, size 14, $195. Gorgeitus flame Muskrat, black mInk trlm, size 12, $135. Grey persian lamb. suede trim, sica 12, $95. Black leather ladies coet. tlly liaed wilh reel fur, ize 16. $40. New, ail woul ladies coal, claasic style, mauve, petite 10112,$625. Mens ail wavi McGrogor carcoat, like aew. size 38, $25. Oldor standard iypewrilor, $25. Hirdryor. naw, $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hend betd shower mssage, $10. Phone 6687404. When the advertised item is soid. disposed of. or unavailable for whatever reason. th item wili lx deemed tu have been sod and a comnmission will ire charged based on THE AISVERTISED PRICE as illusrated below, regariesa i prîce is tated with irest offer" If the item s NI)T SOLD. or disposed of, the ad wiil b. rua for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wiIl apply payable in advance of publication of the firsi ad. The above minimum charge will ire applied to the final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail adver- tisemeals muai ire placed on an exclusive basis wiih the WHITBY FREE PRESS ad run ai least one motir if at sold RATES (if artIcle s saîd I 5% of advertîsed price up te 8400.0 2% et balance ever 400.00 EXAMPI.,: told item advertised fer$ 150.00. (omssn ildue 87-50 t'minlm um charge in1.Ws Private advertlsing only! Pieuse notify tire Witby Free Preas immrdiately wben Item is sotd su that we may detete it from the falowing issue. Ail ads not fitling tire Emporium guidelines wiit ire treated and cbarged per week as regulur clansified ads onua pre-paid basin sucir as: services, beip waated, rlotiring. reul emIate ad personat message type adn. aor adsnsot quting prIce or quaatity. Privale classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under apprapriate headiafs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTIOIN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED MAIl.A)S TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bonx2M Whitby, Li N $14 Ilis doabi rail: 668-6111 131 Breck St. N. Whtby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TUE IFRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. I *ANOSAW Genarai 15" 'h hp wenctosod stand $88. Jamte Ganerai 6" 1 bp wopan stand $725. Yamaba 080 organ thesa keyboards $2900. Rose fond lecollng raliar hifch 10,000 lb cep. $110. Computer business progeam Infar Design GIL, A/P. IIM wiîb laclory baukupe, set $195. Jet weli pump 'h Sp 0w130 gel tank $185. Uliliy boa for pickup truck wealhorproof 3OwaSIiax23h w/loch $115. Walnut venoer 1404" $15. Wood tbreading louis 1,,;V', 1" mnci. battoming laps set $315. Router & steel case wth guides $55. Wino carboy 12 'h galion $18. Celi 655-4003. PORMAL WALTZ lenglh dress, dusty roso cotor, peari nockino, pleeted Inserl ln front of shirt and Georgotte cape on tho bach, bat ta match, oly warv once, paid $260, Mili accapl $150. Frmat full ength dross, Robiv.agg blue calor, beaded fronf and fll iength Georgeto teoevos, oniy worn once, asking $750o esonIa- fer. Phone 576-1059. BEAUTIPUL btue foludion iackof (Saga-Fur), aow, sire 14, $2800er hast ofar. Liko new, ight blue, 2 pace ski sait, sic. 14, $75. 427-8636. MINK PUR COAT pantel beige. siza 9, excellent condition. ashing $700. Phone 8688-2213, evenIags. GIRLS lnsuitad skates, new, $20. 391 bed, $30. Double bed, n0w maftrass, steel frame and haadboard, $40. Sewiag machine, 2 yeams old, 8100. Mnsa bika, $25. Two grbils wilb cage and fot, $10. Canie Gesyahuli and gaverai mon Inclodod, $20. Hol Wboat City, $10. Humply Dumpty loy boa, $15. GoBaI cormmond cen- ire, $12. Cail 427-687. FOR SALE 207 CM Dynastar fibegals. downhiii skis, wlI b potes end bindings, $75. Phone 668-85. FOR SALE Commodore 64, 1541 sinîgle disc driva wilh 33 discn, disc bavk, loy stick, books onviho 64, $50. Phonoe688-851. For slo Iwo iodles 3-speed bihas, $40 oach. Phono 668-4032. WOOD OR COAL burnIng kirchen glane, ln good condit ion, 6 lids. white enamel wiIh high buch, $300. Cuil anytimo, 6558032. excellent condition, $80. Phone 579-3573. TWO PAIRS of cross country skis wth boots and pales, made by Skiiom, ice 12, $15 and Late, size 2 end 3, $25. Pair of mns ajustas, size 9, $10. Phono 66&- 9753. Buying Ilin a&a. a. ne. vou me bhan be ,eaà the caieuife.dsin Y. dentliane a0 ban pa nhao 9oa&aid ns a ianamy 0005050 an ~ 1~1 cheik phne."noa. au ha.. Thai osie dap Ohen.aiflhéata 668-6111 WHITOY FREE PRESS M IGBILES INSTRUMENTS SL BONTEMPI lectric organ, Min- 1985 DODGE Omni GLH, hilacb, 5 avael modal with adopter and 2 speed, AM/FM steeo, Eagie GT learing books, new prico $650 rodisîs, otumfnaM road wheols, soit for $400. Phono 688-2155. 45,000 km. worenîy, $8.500. 86- 4076 or 655-4989. 1970 WOODS berdlop triter, an l, $1.800. Sleeps eighl, bas stave. ice box ad furnece. 16 tuot coder boat and molar, $1,500, as s.668-2702. TRAPAULIN cuver for e Mazda lung bo truck, aow lest $163, will soit for $100 or heat oller. Phone Walter 688-1337 ovnInga or 663. 2368 days. AUDIO VOX/Chrysior, locîronic la dlash, AMIFM mpla storso cassette wth dlock, digital mead out, 12 presels, soeh, acan, dolby, auto reverse, motel cepebility. Fils aitlte modal Chrysior products, $300. Motorola AMIFM teoeasee, pusb button lunlng, aato reverse, uninrsal it, $135. Four Chryaler rally wheels wiIb centres, trlm rings, Iug nuls, t t a ii K"cars, Omalo, Mini Vanse etc., alco 14"e6", $20. Four BPF. Goodrich Euro radial T.A. tires, sîzo 20Wi7HR14, 111,000 mloes with waermney, $40. Edalbrock SP2P atumInum Inabo manifould, wiIh Installation kil, ta fil amatI block Chony, Band new unit (4 bblf, $200. Sel of poliihad, flnnod etuminum rockeor coce o fit1302 Ford angine, $100. Sel of lactory slaInlass teel, tuba hoadars 10 it loto modal 302 Ford angines, braad nw, $275. Phono 65-3268. 198 CHRYSLER PS., phb., 2 door, 6,o000 miles, $4,250. Phono 68-7203. 1976 CI4RYSLER CORDOBA psB., p.b., air condiiionlng, $60 or hasi ofor. Cali 655-176. 1979 NOVA as se, $150. Phono 655-8001 or 668-2187. 1976 HORNET WAGON, 6 ryl,, rolioble, quick soie, $400 or boat ofor. Phono 728-06786alter 5 p.m. 1975 COUGAR, ps., phb., 8 lrech, eppro. 85,000 miles, naeds soma molor work end aibor minor repaires, body laie, $80 or bosî aller. 668-8227. 1974 014EV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 aulomallo, Blauplanke storea and oquatizer, good condition, certiied $850. Phonoe888-21687. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 bood scoop, 350 2 hbl, also wlll saclade two f00. rotors and caipars, for rostoration or parts, $40. 68&- 2145. 1lm9 UICK Skylarb, 350 4 bel, ata, p.s., phb., now brahas, tires and more, good condition, $50. 1970 Camera 0.S., 3W04 bel, auto, motallic black, ps., p.b., com- plotoly rastorod Isolde and ouI, -excellent condition, hoadoro, duel oohauet, many moroentras, $3600 carllfiod. 1981 Chovotte, 4 doar, 4 spaod, 65,000 miles, meroan, excellent condition, $3500 certfied. CalilVInce 8W- 3802, enyime. M w USEHOLO L.SHAPED sofa for sale, 5 Yeees oid, cary good condition, ashing $200. Phone 668-1485.) FOR SALE goid fidgo end gos stase, duel ovonsepr. 7 yeors % BLACK LEATHERETTE radliner In ecellent condition, $200. One calttee and Iwo end talao.80. Phono 6W.3844.PaT Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: 'are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel; - and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad wilI run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months . A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. Il is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $750«. When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. Irez questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cali 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 have resd the Emporium guidelines itbove and wîsh lu have the following advertisement placed under this section oîf the Whiby Free Press.I don1 forgeltot .1.ude ,ourîîplumeîri u n ar Charge $7 So lii my Visa acyitunl fard No. lsp lhâie NaemeIpleuve pint) -ddres MAIL. TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Wliitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABL.E ).dvî'rtised 'rice__ Jp to $ 2 00 $ 3v0 $26000 $ 75O0anu Total Amount Payable $10.00 815.00 $20.00 S22.00 S24.00 S26.00 $21.00 $30.00 S32.00 $52.00 S72.00 S92.00 $100.00 FR^EE PRESS E M PORI1uM Emporium Ad@ wili only be accepted subjeet to the followmng conditions. M -- ."V TlIA_ _ __"E A_ _ _ _ CON FUSED? ýC' lýl City 1 1 « .-M

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