Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1985, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, ONDAY, 'E 21 -s- ~S.1 IE~\~Â/ u-vuir~ MINK FUR COAT paselelage, size , excellent condition. ssking $700. Phase 6682213, suenInge. ANTIQUE hufch (crca 1860) igilf finish, top has 4 sheises behind 2 (original gane) doars (le. pite dispiay), boifamn has 2 enciosed sketues, eey nice place, Sp. praised $2.000, seins $1400. Af sa mapte and wsinui secreiary eariy 1800s, $675. Phane 571- 3636. ELECTAtO mawer, $75. Phase 68-2155. FOR SALE ktchan suife corner naak hasch sfye 4) piece, ike fox, $250. Air conditioner8000 BTU verical, i ysar aid, $350. 866"302. ASSORTED kitchen cabinets. upper, iawer, doube sinh and fape, need work, package deai, $65. New arbarite caunter, white, $25. Whife arborte courtier wifh buit-in siave fap (4 eents), $85. White enamai taundry tub ln orange arborif e counter, $35. orange ahag crpet. 9a12 and underpad, $65. Greennsyon car- paf, 12x18 with underpad, $95. Quasi up amber coored decorator giass, $10. Phone 668 7404. BUFFET pins repro, dry sink style, 48" ide, 33" htgh, $350. Eiacfrtc fypewrlfsr, $200. Royafle sarvIced witt guaraniee. 6.2243. SNOWBLOWER, 5 foot McKee modal 320, for 3 point hitch, ex. callent condition, $795. Phone 655-4m9. KENMORE porable dishwasher, avocado, 7 years aid, $100. Three fier space saver, $20. Ques siza bed, $75. Doubla bed, $100. Eec- tric grill, $5. Large dog house, $10. space heaier, $15. Eghi drawer dresser, $15. Large ham- ster cage wif h wheai and wafer botte, $15. Cati 728.6865. CANOLE STEREO wth radio and speakers, In 9000 canditios, $80. Candis cassette player. $25. Makeup mIrror, $25. PaIr ai sica 6 Dominion rouler skates, $20, comea ln skafing bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or besi oter. Phase 86-6459. FOR SALE 207 CM DYnlatar fibregass downhii skis, wif h poies and bindinga, $75. Phone 86"1855. POOL TABLE wtth accessortes, excellent condition, $600. Phone 579-3573. FOR SALE cuba dlay brick, ttgbf color. $40. SwiStt fireptaca samen, 360l26", plus Asdrons, $45. SwISf i frepace f001 set, $20. SwiSf i freptace woodboider, $15. Phase 6889041 fter 5 p.m. .REFRIDGERATOR Admrai, 15 cu. fi., excellent condition, $300. TRSBO computer, nea 64K, ex- panded basic, cotor computer- prinfer and cassette tape ptayer for programu, $350. Computer sud software onty $175. Piano, new gste Wiliam, 1908, Oshawa bult, recondifiorled, $1800. Phone 699-8001. GIRALS 21" bike, Raeigb, btue transit, $55, g000 condition. Caii 6866-3274 affer 6 p.m. 1983 SUPRA, $14,000. taBM. PC. VR. cotar montor. 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1.750. 1984 amahu Virago 1000, $3,550. Ali min. Hugo comlc colection, $6000. Phose 686-9740, FOR SALE lira screeu nd ases- fric loge, $80. 14" back aud white TV, $25. Two table lampe, $20 set. $tep end table, $5. Two f iawer ples. $5 sacS. Phase 668-4032. FOR SALE IBM Selectrin, gaod condton, mueti ha seau, $30. Cati 728313,9 a.m. teo5p.m. FOR SALE bunk bed, $200. Roler skates, boys, sîze 81h, $25. Ousenas sicaed, $25. Triple dresser. $50. Desk, $35. 668-1680. PUR JACKETS: nearly nox, short drassy China Mlnk, dark broxo. sica 14, $195. Gargeous tiame Maskraf, back mink trIm, sue 12, $135. Grey persian ium, suede trim, siza 12. $95. Back lether ladies cool, fulp tIsed witb rosi for, size 16, $40. New, ait wot lades caut, cissic Style, maus., petife 10112, $25. Mens li waol McGregor carcoaut. ike sex. sica 38, $25. Otdar standard tppewrIier, $25. Hairdrpar, nex, $7.50. Bondie buggy, $5. Hand heid shaxer massage, $10. Phone 668-7404. -PLEASE BEAD- When te aitvertised item is sold. disposed of, or unavaitabte tor whatever reuson, the item witt be deemed ta have been sold and a commission xili be charged bused on THE AI)VERTISEII PRICE a s i ttu s tr a te d b e lo w ,*re g a r d le s s if p r ic e is s t ate d w ith 'b e st o ffe r .j If te item is NtiT SOLD. or dispused uf, he ad ii be rua or 3 MONTIS and a MINIMUM CHARtGE of $7,50 wili appIy payable in advance ot publication ut the first ad. The abane minimum charge wilhe applied ta the finat commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00t Att adver- tisements must be ptaced on an exclusive basin wth the WHITIOY FREE PRESS and ros at trust ose month if sot soid. RATES 1tIf article te sold: 5% et advertisesl price ap te 400.00 z% ut butancec nîse 400.00 EX/AMPlE: SaodItem adoetised far 198.oo. commiissionl due $7.580i(minimum charge Is 97.50 Privute udvertisisg oniy> Pieuse noiify tire Witby Free Press immediuteiy xhen item is soid su tbut we muy detete i t ram tire fotioxing issue. Ait adsnont fitting the Emporium guidetînes wiii be treated and ehurged per weeh un regutu 'r ctussified adn on a pre.pu id basin such us: services. heip wunted, ciotiing. reut estute, and pernonut message type ados, or adsnsot quoting price or quantity, Privute ctussified uds muy oppeur in tire Emporium scton under upprupriate eadings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AISITO: FREE PRESS EMPO)RIUM P.O. Bon 206 Whitby. LIN SSI If ta daubt rail: 668-6111 t3 1 track St. N. Whltby. Ont. THE DEADINE FOR1 EMIIORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. BANDSAW Generul 15" 'hu Sp wianctosad stand $88. Joinier Generai 6" 1 Sp wiopan stand $725. Vumuaha 080 argus ihree kephourds $2900. Pense taad taoaiing raler SutcS 10,000 lb cap. $110. Computer business program Infar Design GIL, AIP, IIM wih aciory backups, set $195. Jet asil pump 'h Sp wi36 gui tank $185. Utiity bau for plckup truck xsatherproof 30wo511o23h wilock $115. Watnui vesser 14o14" $15. Wood threuding tols i", ;V', 1" mci. bttomIng laps set $315. Router & sisal casa with guides $55. Wine carboy 12 11 gallon $18. Cutil 655-4003. FORMAL WALTZ tengih dress. dustp rose cator, peari neuklue, pleaisd Instert lu ront of nkirt and Geargette cape au the back. hat ia match, ouiy warn once, paid $260, wiii accepi $150. Formai fll engih drass, Pabin-agg bios color, beaded ront and ful length Georgette siesues, oniy warn once, asklng $75 ar basf af- fer. Phone 576-1059. BEAUTIFUL blue fox ladies jacket (Sag-Fur), sew. ize 14, $280 or hast aiter. Like new, ight blue, 2 pace ski suit, ize 14. $75. 427-866X IRLS Insulaisd skates, oew,. TWO PAIRS ai cross country skis $20. 39" bed, $30. Doube bed, with bools and potes, made bp nex matirass, steel frama aand ShIlim. nuze 12, $15 and Laite, headbaard. $40. Sewlng machine, size 2 and 3, $25. Pair of manso 2 peurs ol, $100. Ms's bike, $25. skates. sica 9, $10. Phoue 668- Twa gerbils wth cage and foot, 9753. $10. Casile rayakuil and severul mes Included, $20. Hot Whasl WOOD DR COAL burulng kitcheu Cipy, $10. Humnpip Oomptp top stase. sn gaod condition, 6 li. box, $15. GoBaI command cas- white eniamel wiih 51gh bath, f re, $12. Cati 427-688. $300. Cali anytI me, 655-8032. FOR SALE Commodore 84, 1541 single disc drive wlih 33 duscs, disc bask. joy stick, boks on the 84, $500. Phone 668-5651. FOR SALE boys mouldsd Lange skates. size 10, excellent cas. dition. $20. Slndp hnuse and tur- niture. $40. isSer Prica tapa recorder. $30. Metol dog case, $25. New rubbif cage, watar bat- lils asd ouidoor pan. $50. JPF girls 10 speed bika, $50, Phase 723- 0768. Po ae tio ladies 3-spaed bikes, $40 aach. Phone 668-4032. SKIS à BOOTS ski longih 170 cm, hoot sUze 10, $75. Mapta kitchen sel, tour chairs, $145. Duncan Fyte. excellent condition. $125. Sewing mchine, 835.683-668.0 3Buyinq or MM hi itnea.. atu id YMdf* o ebups Clua &, a u w a* b.u malnse as w iSqaile eh- -,[al., 5y- ha,. 'w « tue s.paalbiilaat. Sir 0.OSiplanlii bisais. ha. se -1 . wil,. t asaet vî., uiusaip. 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS 1970 WOODS hardiop traiter, as 1985 DODQE OmnI GLH. black, 5 sa, $1,600. Sietos eighi. bas speait, AMIFM sierea, Bagie OT stoe, Ice bou end furnace. 16 radiais, atumtnum road wheis, foot coer huai and mator, 45,000 km. warraniy, $8.500. 655- $1,500, as ta.868.2702. 4076or 655-4989. 1980 CHRYSLEA ps, phb, 2 ~3))R PAIRPART I 00r, W0,000 mites, $4.260. Phone 668-7203. TRAPAULIN coar far a Mazda long hou truck, new aest $163, witt 1976 CHRYSIER CORDOBA P.S., salit for $100 or basf affir. Phase phb., air candittantng, $600 or Walter 686-1337 enenings or 683- boasfaifer. Cait 655-3176. 2366 days. AUDIO VOX/Chrysiar, etectrosnc lu dash, AMIFM mpmx sterea cussette wiih ctock, digifal read oui, 12 presais, seek, scen, dotby, auto reverse, moela capabIltt. FPlis aittata madat Chrysier produf s. $300. Motarata AMIFM siereo cassette, push buifon iunisg, auto reverse, universel fit, $125. Pour Chrysalr rattp wheeis wlih centres, trim rings, iug nuis, ta fi al "K" cars, Omnis, Mini Vans etc., size 14x8, $200. Four BF. Gaodrich Euro radiai TA. tires, sica 205170HR14, 11,000 mites with warranty, $400. Edeibrock SF2P alumisum lutuka manIiotd. wth installation kit, ta fiti maii block Cbeoy, Brand nea unit (4 551), $200. Set ai palished, innsd aluminura cker couars ta fiit302 Ford angine, $100. Set af iaciory stainiass sisal, tuba headers ta fit tesmadet 302 Ford angines, brand new, $275. Phne 85"-2W. L.SHAPEO sofa for suie, 5 Years aid, oery g000 condit ion, asklng $200. Phone 86-1485. FOR SALE goid ridge sud gas stove, duel avens, upprox. 7 pears aid, $400 f rm. 66-4036. BLACK LEATHERETTE radilner n ecellent condition. $200. Osa coi tee and iwo sud tablas, $60. Phone 666-3844. 655-8001 or 688-2187. 1976 HOANET WAGON. 6 cpi,, ratiahie, quick sale, $400 or beat off er. Phase 728-0676 aiter 5 p. 1974 CHEV IMPALA, ps.-, p.b., 35o aufomaiic, Biauplunki sierea and equalizer, gaod condition, carlifiad $850. Phone 68-2187. 1972 MONTE CARLO L88 haod scoop, 350 2 bbi, atsa wlIt inctude two new rotors and caipers, for resioration or parts, $400. 666- 2145. 1969 BUICK $kyiarh, 350 4 brt. auto. p.s., p.d., new brakas. tires and mare, gaod condition, $500. 1970 Camera R.S., 3W04 brd, auto. mattIc btack. ps.. phb., cam- pietaiy resiared insideand o ut, excellent condition, headers. duel exhausi, manp more etras, $3.800 certif ted. 1981 Chaef tte, 4 doar, 4 spesd, 65,000 miles, maroon, excettent condition, $3.500 certiled. Cait Viocs 666- 3802, anyfime. Give _ UNICEF I gifts and cards and lielp a child Cusiadi tnk-ef Canada l.f'I. 443 Mi. Piauni Rd. Toronto. Ont. M4S 2L8 O calUNICEF ca,&M îoil Irmî i500.364 iIuBC..t28268-63h4i BONTEMPI lectrlc arguu. Mis- stret modal with adapter and 2 iearslug book$, new prIce $650, sait for $400. Phone 66-2155. 4!vCONFU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out-on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a priva te advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad-, $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee yîîur article will selI, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7_50?' When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertîsed price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described uhove. ISED? questions. Hopefully. the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'll be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. ri have read the Emporium guidelines ahove and wish to have the ifollowing advertisement placed under this sectiorn of the Whithy Free I Press.t I encloîse $7.50 ti cliver the mînîmur Charge $7.501t my Visa aicOitItl tard 's,, 'sasse Iptear'priai> .ddrss ,do i frgtu ,o î,i - de o r 1pbhoe iiiiiî l-r i1ii cll rgt- TO: EpDa., WHITBV FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitbv LIN 5S1 l'estat test Belînw are sorîme uxamples of what you would be charged if yîîur article sold within three months, Commissîins shown include the minimum charge and mre thus the TOTAL AMOUNT P'A YA A1 $~ 2(X1)1 $ 5(X)adu Total Amount Payable 7.50 S10.00 $15.00 S20.00 $22.00 $24.00 S26.00 $ 28.00 3 :0.00 $32.00 $52.00 S72.00 $92.00 $100.00 aý . Cit)

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