Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1985, p. 22

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i .~n ,,a111-ITTnV l P R I r.)1 q.q AG E 22, MO NDAY,DECEMB ER iU,1i'8O5,WHV1tY FIl,(b lçb, WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ C L A3$iFI[D 4LI~ UNEMPLOYEU HELP CENTRE- Ne.d heIP? Workar' Compen- aationWeifae, OHIPasaisaacii Unampioyilwit Insurance, or criais rmirrais b oihar agendaes. cati: 579-821. COLOURS Dscover the colours &shades that com- >pliment your Sl<In tone & enhance your best features. Only $30 par consultation Cali 666-2770 àANTNG I DECORATINO protassionai bondad workman- 3tip, raaidantiai and commercial, frea estimnates. Cali 839-4277 or 688-9712 LOY COUNTRY HOME fldeai country en-I vrnet for pre- *nursing home eiderly* pol.Ail servicesl iprovided. 6558966 LARGE, sunflyturnshed roomn, privata bath, in new house, Brock and Rosstand area, $300 moottiy. avattabta January 1. 864073 ( PAIVENTS/ CNDOS FORRENT TWO BEDROOM APARTMVENT ln ornait Whtby Aduli building. Centraity tocated close to GO & local bus stops. Utititts, hydro and parking inctuded. Cati 1888- 8372 betwean 9:30 arn. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Frtday. ,ývAR1TICLES AUTOMOBILES M WA ED FOR SALE FOR SALE 1978 CHEV Maibu, AMIFM18 ARE YOtl LOOIING for a lbo SNOWBLOWER 42 intr rck, PS., F8B., auto. VO, $1,895. lob worth woriingtr? on natonal, usent ooe seasox, ex- 1979 Dataun 280ZX GL 2&2 ight ltiLaam how ta usa tha caiteot condittoP. 985-3383, tvautad, certtied, $8,500. 1979 computer and ba a siap ahead ln ELECTRICAL Chev Impaa, 9 passenger wagon, tha lob markat. OSa otter lob P.S., F8B., auto. 350, air, $2995. pacemant and tînanctai CONTRACTIORS GEOTYPE press-on iatariog 00W cati 855-4089. assistance tor thosa unampioyed ln stock ai DIcksoe Printing & Otf- ____ or l0w Incoma. 427-3010. Eiectricai repairs at ice supplies te the Aax Shop- ATTENTION ait wtnter vrosbidnsa ping Ptaza. Larga oeiaction ot maciranics. 1971 Oids cuttasa, HIOH scHooL stuntants waxied. the Wh uil itb styles and sizes. Why Pay more 3lrca nie 900mie. B nAS neotonalIntc. teW ib to. miers n ......ng '- e3d0 oebodngin , ,00un Eile ciBeangASE Intea tud-y6n 683-1968. MATTRE55ES and box Springs ai hait price. Mcieen Furniture, 524 Simcoe Sreet South, Oshawa. 72-5181. FOR SALE one aparmeni ouzed dryer. askixg $150 or besi otter. Cati 686-2738 days oniy. VISITf our used furniture warehouse by appoinimexi. Big saviogs on desks, chairs, fiiitre cabinets, etc. Cati Ockson Prn- ing & Office Suppies to arrange ex appoinirneni to view. 683- 1988. CHESTERFIELD utes. toveseais. seciionats. tasthan ½o price. Large setection. McKeen Frnitare, 524 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 725-5181. 'HEROES of the Bibe" cotouring book avatiabia ai Dckson Prin- tng & otfice Supplies, Aax Piaza, 883-1968. Deaer Inquries Invitad. WHIT8Y OFFICE SPACE for rani on protassionat itoor. Wouid be suttabie for iawyer, accouniani, etc. Rantiinciudes ait utities and sa nagotiabie tor an appropriete tenant. For turiher information cati 888-8372 beiweefl 9.30 arn. and 5 p.m. Monday ia Frtday. UNT BUSINESS RET RAL ER SECRTS CENTRAL WIIITBY, new 3 REVEALEOI badrooxi brick home, double ai- put doasin your me ibas iached garage, close to sciroots We'iishow yoairowFREEM and shopping, aitficienti gas heat, *detaiis. ShioirAssaciaias.M $875 monitly. 4337002, 9 a.m. to P..Bx45 Station A, 5 p.m. Toronto, M5W 1C7. SINGLE PARENT luh ana ch ld ioaklng ton basarnent aparimeni, working fuit-ure, rredad for May 1, 1988, prefenably Aax, Whtbp area. 883-6878,beabra 4:30 p.m. For Reni NEW BODY SHOP Wth modern spray booih. of- fice, large upiolsieiy sirop, Immacutate iwO-siorey building wiih upsiairs cadar deck. Lois oi partli g. Locaient on Hwy. 7, lxxi north Charlie is jumping for joy since hE faund out about the service ai 0ickugn Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. cariiiied or hast otier. Cati 725- 5965 aler 5SpaM AVU7SM0TîVE R7JE APA1SIR/PARTS TWO steel bnited 0110w tires. P195-75Rid on GM rtms. $85. Phone 68-6544. TYPEWRITER reniai, many makes and montais, by the weekend, weak or monih. Discounts avatiabia. Dickson Printing & office Supplites ix the Aaxo Paza. Cati as tor business machine repaire 883-19688 É.oJDTIOTINALI SERVICES 1GRAMMER for people who haie grammar s the ideai pockai reterence book toi business people. $395 par copy and avaitabieet ai ckson Prtng & office Supplies ln tire Alan Piaza. Dealer enqu als ixvited 683-19688 CONGRATULATIONS on pour f orihcoring marriage. Pieaxo vtew our sampies ot engravant weddtnig invitaitons ai pour teisare in oui Aax Plaza store, Dicitoox Prining & Office Sup- plies.883-19688 FREE: Dop imm tion Octson Printing & Otice Suppty store in thre Aax Ptaza and pick up a ue cupy oi thier 1985 Metic Caten- car Prited in iwo cotovrs Il maties tor andy reterence 083. 1968. WI-ITBY'S WONDFR! The FramIng 668-4521 Scandinavia. Germany, Swtt- zeriand, Enitais, Spain. U.S.A. tor tait schooi ear. Contact Mr. Donald Ation. F0O. Bou 1082B. Oshawa, ..LiJ5y9, or cati 7284694 tor coni and quaifications. CAREERS IN TROCKING. Driver lob training and pacement bntp sa avaitairte. Cati Rodgeîs Sciroot ai (416) 789-3548. BABYSITTER required for smaut baby. Irregutar hours. Rosstand. Thictison, Garrard area. 723,2070. A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran- sport drivers needeci. 0w ls the urne to train tor pour Clans A ilcanse. For pre-screening inter- veaw and lob placement Inor- mation, contact Marv Orrs Tran- sport Driver Training, Brampon 1-800-265-1260. FULLER BRUSH requires tait and part-lime heip. good eaarngs. Cati Cerman 723-7044 anytine. MOLLY MAtO se acceptixg ap- plications for ighi housework in Whitby. Fuit and pari-urne. Cati 988-9673. BAI<ERY ln Durhram Region requires a baker irainen and casuiel Phrone 68981177 aler 1 p.m. daity. t: fLIlmtrrTlnn. Whitby, Ontario. TENDER NO. ORI-85- 180 Seaied Tenders wiii be received untili2:00 p.m. local timne on - Thursday, January 23, 1986. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Mlnistry of Governmeni Ser- vices, Oriiia District Office, 24 James St. E., PO. Box 790, Oriiiia, Ontarlo. L3V 6K7 Note: For further in- formation regarding the Tenders, piease cali the Tenders 0f- l ice at the above ad- dress, teiephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessariy accepted. SMtnistryaof Governmenl Services Ontarto ARE YOU OPEN FO BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS tSIFIED ARE! - -. The ciasslf ied pages are for everyoile - - whether you are - seiiing or buying PLACE YOUR AD TODAVI WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 PHOTOCOPYING ..atlw, 10w rates ... *..while you wait ... We're open to serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whltby Uust oorih of tha tour cornars) AA THE FRAMING CENTRE 668-4521 Cuto . .. . echgeobordGls CALL CIRCULATION 668-6l11 (RO UTE CA RRIERS EA RN S$S S!) Or Ajax. ', Y, CALL US TODAY .683 1968 ts WORK WONDERS EWI,,,,,A:NT ADSvorkwonde' WANT AOS CALLM8-6111 j ----G- ~is s ce vraumnrpd<nD.fl'DI ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemetlt for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words: every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, dday of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIl not be 14t each additional word. however. we accept no liability regarditig loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in pu blication beyond the cost of the space occupied BIRTHS, DEATHS- $700 for the first EX words î 2t eaich such replies, We w iii not be responsible for box numfberi ry the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. redditional word.wthn 3 dys The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F TIIANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- rject alI advertisements. 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