Whitby Free Press, 22 Jan 1986, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1986 PAGE 19 I-1 Cuts won't affect road's aGrand O ening herbbnwhl Saturay wa a bg dayat Owsco' ayor Bob AtéiIy cutting terbo hl Volkswagen. The dealership celebrated the two friends look on. grand opening of its new expanded facility. FreePress Staff Photo Seen here are president Frank Verwey and -* FROM PG. 16 U.W.. beats $2 million What the public needs is an education about what United Way does. "If you took a representative sample of the public they'd be hard pressed to name three United Way agen- oies when in fact there are over 30. A normai person wlll use at least three agencies in the course of one year. If people know that I think they Winl give willingly," said Mr. Ambler. Over 1,000 volunteers joined the '85 campaign, including some 200 in Whitby, said Mr. Alcelian who promised that the fruits of their labours Win be put to gooci use. Funding to many of the agencies will be in- creased, said the spokesman and there will now be enough money to take oh new agencies provided there is no duplication of existing services. One new agency which will be brought under the United Way umbrella this year is the Big Sisters organization, said Mr. Akelian. "I'd like to give a vote of thanks to the com-- munity for its support and to the many volun- teers who helped out. Without their help there wouldn't be a United Way,"' concluded Mr. Akelian. Whitby Ambulance Last week Whitby Ambulance responded to 98 cails for service in- cluding 15 emnergency caUs, niost of them for people injured in falîs while another five caîls were for victims of heart related problemns. The service was FROM PG. 1 In less than one month the town has issued $2 million worth of in- dustrial building per- mits - almost haîf the value of ail industrial permits issued in 1985 and the Mayor promises that there are still more on the horrizon. Dupont's Whtby pànt manufactures materials used in the packaging of FROM PG. 5 called out for one motor vehicle accident during the week and took one persan ta hospital. Twenty patients with other medical problems were transported while 20 more calîs of a non- emergency nature were received. milk and other types of liquida as well as in a wide range of other food,, paper and in- dustrial applications. Built in 1959, it is located on South Blair St. Work on the expan- sion should start in time for a late summer com- pletion, said Mr. Blacklock. Bih Swan Extra bull? Go ahead. Just reniember that an agile civil servant could hold up your billings, your resignation, for months. It'll ta 1990 before you'Il know what hit you. " I lef t shortly after. The doctor was frosting up is stethoscope; the civil servant was activating his paper shredder and triplicate formns. I knew it would be a long fight. FROM PG. 17 Fire calis JAN. 19 No calîs reported. JAN. 20 2:21 - tahind 328 Lyn- deview Dr. Tree fire. 6:59 - 55 Stargell Dr. Public assistance. CASH FLOW SLOW? S We purchase 1 accounts recelvable, anya&go 723-53871 Whitby reglonal coun- cillor Gerry Emm, who also attended the Haliburton session, agreed. q Coumeil members and staff said they wan- ted to see a lot of things done. Ifwe want to do these things and we're not getting rnoney from the province then we'll have to go to the tax- payer," said Mr. Emm. * Work on the region roads is a big priority, chairman of the regîon's work comniittee, but cuts in the unconditional grants will flot effeet those plans. The region has yet to NEW & USED OFFICE FURNITURE - BUY- RENT-SELL- LEASE- I L JK M c::, r:, hear from the province how much mioney they will receive this year in conditional grants such as those from the Mfnistry of -Transpor- tation and Com- munications which pay a considerable share of road maintenance and reconstruction. Accor- ding to Mr. Gartley, cuts in the uncondtional grants do> not necessarly indicate there wll be cuts in other provincial sub- sidies. I 4~j~ "S&2337 ITHE OLD MONDAY NIGHT I MADNESS IS BACK i Chioken Fingers &Fries831 12 oz Bottie ofBeer S1.75 ( coupon explroa Jan. 3M)81 Inc. tex $4.91 FB1186 JAN 2518 GR.EEN RIVER S FELONY Feiunng the sd of1 <Top 40 Bànd) * Credancetm O0PENINO JAN. 23/86 1 COKEE JOES ROADMOUSE 72 STEELES AVE, W., TORONTro STHE CORPORATION 0F N THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980,0c.337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE -0F 1NTENT -TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to desîgnate the property, lncludlng lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as property of hîstorlo or architectural value or Internat under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337. The Alexander Campbell House 60 Queen Street Brooklîn, Ontarlo LOB iCO REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 60 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN Historîcal The house was bulit ln T868 by Alexander Cam- pbell. He is blleved ta be the original operator of the Brooklin Mili. Archiectural Although the hous s of no particular architec- tural style, lt s in the vernacular late Victorian tradition using such etements as peaked gables, bargeboard, open verandahs and bay windows. The hous s well preserved and retains much of ifs original detailing. Any person may, belore February 7, 1986, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant facts. If such notice of objection Is received, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shal refer the malter to the Conservation Review Board fora hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 8th day of January, 1986. Donald G. Mc Kay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2MV8 Phone: 416) 668-5803 Dupont expansion 9 pet

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