Area seniors are buslly organlzing this year's Durhamn District Senior Gaines and.for the first time ever local winners wll represent the region at the first Ontario Senior Gaines to be held ln Kitchener August 26 and 27. The Durham gaines are only two years old, accorcling to Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre mamÉagr Fay Mc- Corkell, and began as an Oshawa event co- ordlnated by the Oshawa Senior Centre. Last year, however, Mrs. mcCorkell said Whitby seniors played an important role in the gaines and this year organizers are hoping to make It a region-wide event. "The gaines are an excellent opportunity to bring seniors together," said Mrs. McCorkell. "Seniors centrés are usually funded munclpally and as a remuit they tend to stick to themselves. The gaines encourage co- operation and sharing between the different clubs." Whitby Seniors Ac- tivity Centre member Alec Hammilil wil head up the program cors- mittee responsible for organizing the local gaines and Mr. Hams- milI and other organizers are nowf at- tempting to recruit committee members. Because they plan to go region-wide this year, organizers hope to at- tract representatives froin each of Durham's townships. Among the activities to be included in this year's gaines are euchre, bridge, shuf- fleboard, billiards, golf, bowling, photographY, whist, cribbage, carpet bowling and lawn bowling and any other past-timne that might spark the initerest of seniors wishing to com- pete in the gaines. Anyone who is in- terested In learning more about the Seniors Gaines, or would like to volunteer to serve on the progz-am committee can cail the Whitby Senior Activity Centre at 668- 1424. Port troupe presents farce The Borelians- Coin- munity Theatre of Port Perry will be presenting "The Murder Room", a mystery farce by Jack Sharkey opening Feb. 21, *at Town Hall 1873'in Port Perry. Produced by, Vivian Lee, and directed byDavid Ellis, this pay will be entered in the ACT Festival where the Borelians won five awards last year for two of thir productions, "Birdseye Center"', and "The Ef- fects of Gamma Radiation on Man in the Moon Marrigoids". Two dinner theatre shows will be held on Feb. 22 and March 1, while the shows on Feb. 21, 27 and 28 will be cabaret theatres, ahl held under the auspices of a special -a occasion permit. Tickets will be $20 and $7 respectively, and are available at Irwin Smith -Music, Queen St., Port Perry. A fast moving murder mystery farce, this pay is guaranteed to laugh away those February Blahs. The Borelians invite you to "The Mur- der Room". Corse and enjoy. - Murder has! neyer been this much fun.>1 THE HEATIS ONI ,'7-TECHNOLOGV MAKES ITEFFICIENT -SIZE MAKES IT PORTABLE -DESIGN MAKES ITSAFE AVAULABLE FOR UMMEDU.ATE DELIVERT INSTANT HEAT, WHERE AND WH EN YOU WANT IT NORMANDY ENTERPRISES 576-0607 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1986 PAGE 1l Grand Opening Medical Étaff at the Whitby Cinic facilities this side'of Toronto. Seen here with celebrated, the clinic's grand opening last the Mayor are Dr. Lee Anne Pileggi, Dr. week with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wilfrid Butta, Dr. Scott Henderson, Dr. Don presidedý over by Mayor Bob Attersley. The Shepley, Dr. Scott Burwell and Soo Mae Li. clinic has been described as being one of the Free Press Staff Photo best equipped and most complete medical T HAT'S ALL! Just 60* . is ail your Free Press carrier wîlI be asking you for ..6011 for a whole month of home delivery of your t local newspaper. This voluntary- payment is the best bargain in town. No other newspaper costs so littie and of- fers so much to local residents. À"nd even If you don't want to contribute we'll deliver your newspaper anyway. Your 60" payment may flot seem like j very much money, but it means a lot to your carrier and to us. Your carrier ear- 4 ns more' money and as a res.ult is more properly rewarded for a job well done. Your local newspaper benefits through defrayed circulation costs and happier carriers. And you benefit by siipporting and helping to nmaintain your very own truly local newspaper.. P.S. You can win valuable prizes also! So when your e carrier says "Free Press calling" you'll know what it's ail about and that your money is going to be well spent. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whltby 668-6111 Seniors Games need Volunteers