Whitby Free Press, 12 Feb 1986, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1B o! E looks at 15% budget hike Whtby public achool taxpayers could pay as rnuch as 15.7 percent moreiln 1986.. That la if a firat budget projection made by the Durharn Board of Educatlon's auperin- tendent of business la correct. Rosa Backus mnade thla projection baaed on a continuation of existing programs without prçviÏion for newý programrnlng. "TIhis la a worst-case scenarlo," finance chairman Sandy Léawson aaid. She pointed out that asat yea r the first budget projection had corne in at 17 percent, but that tbe board had been able to reduce it to an 8.25 percent la- crease. However sbe was not sure what amounts were available that would brlng about such a reduction thls tiine. "Last year we used our reserves exten- àively" However, bavlng used them last year they are not now available to cusblon the increase. Lawson said the 15.7 ($12.1 million) percent increase represents only a 7 percent ($12.9 million) increase in the overail budget. She said the board has an increased dependen- cy on the mill rate as a means of raising funds because the province bas been 'ateadily decreasing their ahare. ALL OCCASION PARTY SUPPLIES o % WEDDING 100/oFF INVITATIONS 10-20 % OFF WEDDING ACCESSORIES & DECORATIONS SPECIALS VALI D TH RU FEB. 28TH 76 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-8828 __ 1! Y. 4 day, are Whltby residents Diana Micalief, Cheryl Nicholson, Laurel Bush, Lori Penfound, Don- na Burwaab and Lori Dunpby. ..1 Free Press Staff Photo M Residents launcK !fight, for home mail service Angerecl by Canada Post's Jan. 31 announ- cernent tbat more than 1,100 Whitby householda wlII not receive home delivery, Wade and Charlene Knaap are circulating a petitioni whlcb tbey hope will bring about a reversai of tbe crown cor- poration's policy decision. Tbe couple, wbo live in Falllngbrook, one of several new sub- divisions in Whitby af- fected by tbe announ- cernent, were sbocked wben they attended tbe public meeting almost two weeks ago and Jear- ned that Canada Post would be setting up a cornmunity mailbox syatem in tbeir neigb- bourbood. Mra. Knaap said wben they bougbt their borne last April tbey were assured tbat they would receive home delivery. Anytblng lesa than that now, she feela la unac- ceptable. "It'a a matter of equlty, " said Mr. Knapp Mondaynigbt. "Canada Post la a crown cor- poration but it'a funded' by the federal gover- nment which means it's supposed to be an equitable firm.for -ail Canadians but it's not wrkng out tbat way. " Mrs. Knaap com- plained tbat under tbe new arrangement, ahe and ber busband and others like tbem will be subsidlzing the service to tbose receiving home delivery. In effect, abe said they are being asked to shoulder*the burdenof Canada Post's deficit which abe con- aidera unfair. "If we're not getting the same service we sbould get a rebate or sorne forrn of comnpen- sation -altbough reaily I thlnk we should just get SEE PG. 20 The big It was graduation day at Durhami College last weekend for the scbool's diploma nursing students. Seen here with convocation guest speaker Barbara Cassel (in the dark robe) 1-- - -".. ý - ý 'z

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