Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1986, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNEStAY, FEBRUARY 19,1986, WHITBY FREE.PRESS CO0MINMG EVENTS CALENDARI AUTOMOTIVE PLANNING SEMINAR There wil be a free seminar Feb. 26 at the Whitby Public Library addressinig the question of hew te save money on your transportation cests. Tepics te be discussed with an autometive financial planner in- clude, hew te obtain maximum dollars for your trade-in and why paying cash would be the most experasive way to go. Sponsored by the Traspo Centre, an automotive financial planning firmn, the seminar will be ln the ibrary auditoriumn beginning at 7 p.n. For seating reservations or more information cail Joan Elliot at 427-M40. BADEN-POWELL WEEK This week is Baden- Powell week and "in honour of the man who started scouting sorne 80 years ago and lived to see it grow te a world- wîde membership, local scout troops have organized a number of special activities. Among these events will be a father and son banquet for the 5th Whitby troop Feb. 23 at the Knights of Columbus Hall following a parade which wifl begin at St. John's Cathollc Church Revenue Canada Revenu Canada Taxation Impôt Incoie Tax Questions? If you have a problem 'wth your federal Income tax retum, we con help. If you need advice or extra copies of the tax return, sohedules and forms, we have them. Need booklets, guides, bulletins? We have those, too. We'r tour/ servic Starting Feb. 17/86- andi until iApril 3086 we'll be at Wh itby Mail Shopping Centre Thlckson Rd. & Hwy. 2, Whltby This special local tax information centre, staffed.by Revenue Canada, Taxation, wiIl be pleased to help you f rom 10 a.m. to 930p.m. Mon.-FrI., 10a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. Telephone service Is also available f rom the district taxation offices across the country. Check the toil-free nurnber listed in the telephone directory or at the back of your tax guide. Fmom February 24 until April 24, yor disrit office Is extending telephone hurs until6«00 Opm., Nonday to Thursday. On April 28,29 and 30, telephone houas are again extended to 8.00 p.m. Cmaal~ at 12:15 p.m. The 7th Whitby troop will be holding a father and son banquet Feb. 26 at Camp Samac bet- ween the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. The 2nd Brooklin troop will have a father and son banquet for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at the Brooklin United Church Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. There will aIse, be a church parade the following day beginning at il a.m. at the churcli. During this special week, scouting leaders urge parents te come eut and attend their sons' scout meetings te, provide valuable sup- port and en- couragement. LEGION PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION Everyene is invited te attend the annual Whit- by Legien Public Speaking Competition. this Sunday afterneon at theLegion hall.on Byron .St. Students from the local schools will begin registering at 12:30 p.m. and competition is ex- pecteci te get underway around 1 p.m. Ad- mission is free andi there will be light refresh- ments served. I. BROOKLIN LIONS CLUB The charter efficers of the new Brooklin District Lions Club were elected Feb. 6 and the club is now launched on an active campaign te recruit new members. The Liens International family includes Lions Clubs (men 19 and eIder) Lioness Clubs (women 19 and eider) and Leo Clubs which consist of boys and girls up to 18 years of age. The newly formeci cemmunity service erganization invites al residents of Brooklin and the surrounding area te attend the next meeting at the Brooklin Cemmunity Centre Feb. 19 at 8p.m. For more information about Lions member- ship caîl Charter President Dave Bren- nan at 655-4144, Ian Robb at 668-0607or Brian Wright jat 655- 3193. Ladies interesteci in Whitby Lieness should caîl Eleanor Stevenson at 668-5231. ASTHMA INFO SERIES The Durham Regien Lung Association will be holding a special four session information series on asthma begin- ning Monday, Mardi 17 at the Whitby Public Library. Anyone with an asth- ma sufferer in the family will want te at- tend the informative sessions. There will be discussions on the causes of asthma, medicatien, preper use of inhalera, allergens in the environent and varieus ceplng techniques. .The series will be held March 17, 20, 24 and 26 between 7:30 and 9 p.m. Individual or famlly registration is $10. For more information on this Christmas Seal ser- vice cail 723-3151. CHINA SLIDE SHOW Dr. Vince Vincent, Assistant te the President of Durham Cellege, will give a sîlde show and talk on Dramatic Changes in Modemn China on Sun- day, Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church, 71 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Dr. Vincent spent six months in Central China in 1985 at the Management Training Center. This public meeting is sponsered by the . Durham Region Canada-China Frien- dship Association. Free admission. Fer further information caîl 723- 73NATURAL HEALTH SEMINAR The UCW of St. Marks United Church wlll held a meeting March 3 with Dr. Joseph Kellerstein as the guest speaker. Dr. Kellerstein will speak about natural remedies for commen ailments and the talk will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the chruch. St. Marks Is lecated on Centre St. and there wlll be babysitting available. VETERANS' AFFAIRS SESSION A representative of the Department of Veterans Affaira wii visit the Whitby Legien Tuesday, Feb. 25 bet. ween 10 and 12 a.m. te, discuss any questions you might have regar- ding veterans pensions, benefits, etc. Fer more information please cal John Razey at 668- 7150. AT THE LIBRARY The Whitby Public Library has a lot of things planned fer children this menth se drop by and pick up a calendar. There wiil be a free filmn night Tuesday, Feb. 25 from 7 te 8 p.m. for children il and eider and there wil be P.D. Day films Feb. 17 frem 10 te il a.m. for children five and older. And den't ferget story heur every Saturday from 10:30 te 11:30 a.m. It's a great chance fer parents to take a breather whiie the children enjey crafts, stories, gaines and songs. PIONEER GIRLS ANNIVERSARY Ail former Pioneer Girls and leaders are invited te attend the 20th anniversary of the Pioneer Girls at Fàith' Baptist Church, Taun- ton Rd. E. in Whitby. The guest speaker will be Rev. Greg Johnson, general director of Pioneer Clubs in Canada. The event will be held Sunday, Feb. 23 beginning at 6:30 p.m. SENIORS' ACTIVITY CENTRE There's lots te de this month at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre so drop by andi pick up a calendar of events. The Sed page 15 WHITBY FIREFIONTERS WISH TO THANK THE CITZENS 0F WHITBY THROUGH YOUR GENEROSITYMORE THAN $2,000 WAS RAISED FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY AT THE AMNUAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC SKATING INFORMATION CALL IROQUOIS PARK ARENA 668-7765 OR LUTHER VIPOND MEMORIAL ARENA - 655-4571 PUBLIC SWIMMING INFORMATION CALL ANNE OTTENBRITE POOL.- 668-7765 HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CENTRE NURSERY SCHOOL For Children 2 to 5 yearsold (Gomerment Llconaed Govemment Approved>,, Full Days, Hall Days or Hourly * A brand new, totalîy renovateci Govern ment Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equipment * Government approved Staff and Iearning programs * 3 meals a day prepared by a nutritionally aware cook * Learning themes and outlngs OPEN FROM 6:30 A.M. - 6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadîan Statutory Holidays Minutes from Downtown Whitby FRENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CAIL: FOR668m6200 1 1

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