Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1986, p. 15

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WHITY FRE PRESS. WEDNFSOAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1986, PAGE 15 Corridor Capers BY MARY MCEACHERN (ait 7258967 wtth Items for thua cotumn. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Whitby Women's Institute held their first meeting of 1986 on Jan. 22 at tise home of Mrs. Bessie Acton. Tapie of thse meeting was Agriculture and tise con- venor was Mrs. Laura MacCarl. Roll caîl - name of grain grown on Ontario farms and its uses. We think of grain as being used in flour or cereal, but found many other uses. Several matters of business were deait with. Thank you notes for cards and gifts received at Christmas including a note from tise Christopher Robin Home for tihe many gifts donated. A donation to the Adelaide Hoodless Home and a donation to the Associated Country Women of the world were acknowledged by these organizations. Mrd. MacCarl used as her motto, agriculture is tise strongeat spoke in the wheel of in- dustry. She spoke of the distress and financial stress of many Ontario farmers due to crop failures and poor prices for produce. AM. MacCarl introduced Mrs. Margaret Smith, who had spent a holiday in Australiaand New Zealand. Mrs. Smith told of thse farming in these countries, especially the large sbeep, cattle and horse ranches and showed a num- ber of the slides of tise country side and tise cities sie visited. Mrs. MacCarl thanlced Mrs. Smith for a very interesting program. Mrs. Acton and Mrs. Augustus served refresisments attise social hour. Tise next meeting will be Feb. 26 attise home of Mrs. Laura MacCarl, 215 Reedaire Crt. Convenor will be Mrs. Augustus and her topie for tise meeting will be 'Education and Cultural Activities'. Visitors welcome. DURHAM REGION CARDIAC REHABILITATION ORGANIZATION The Cardiac Reisabilitation Organization will isold a dinner dance at the Polisis Veterans Hall on Saturday, Marcis 15. Tise evening begins at 6 p.m. 1 wxti a roast beef dinner served at 7 p.m. Tickets are $17.50 a person and are available by calling Cathy Hurst at 723-0497 or Dr. Manitus at 725-8502. Proceeds will go to tise organization. WOMEN'S CLOTHING NEEDED Tise Regional YW.C.A. is requesting any women's or ciildren's clothing, shoes, boots, coats, bedding, linens tisat you may not want to be dropped at the Y.W.C.A. on Centre St. in Oshawa. If you have any of tisese items, please donate them to the Y.W.C.A. DECOM Tise Environmental Assessment Hearing, originally scheduled for Feb. il, rescheduled for Feb. 26, isas again been postponed. Tise new date, (l tisink) is April 1 attse Wisitby Municipal Building. Many residents have opposed tise location for the proposed Medical Waste Transfer station on Sunray Dr., on Consumers Dr., between Thickson Rd. and Hopkins St. WHITBY'S BUDGET According to ail reports, Wisitby residents will see only a 2.4 percent tax increase in Whitby's share of thse taxes. Congratulations to ail our councillors and tespecially budget chairman Joe Bugelli for a job well done. Wisitby has grown Ieaps and bounds, and services are improving eacis year. It is a well known fact tisat Whitby always has tise cleanest roads al winter long. Lets hope that the Region and Scisool Boards take a lesson from Wisitby council, and keep their increases to tise bare minimum. Good work. COFFEE POT Tise 100 cup perk is available again. Tisere was a rush for its services last week, but now if you need tise perk, caîl and reserve your date. Please cail 725-8967 witis news items for this column. Fom page 8 Anderson High Smith was a triple finalist while Bernard Schsweitzer was tise 1986 boy's singles champion. He teamed up with Smith in tise doubles final. Smith also played in thse mixed doubles final with Maria Edgar of Toronto. Overaîl, tise com- petition was excellent and tise tournament a great success I Tisree of our grade il Enriched Englisis students have won tise top three awards in tise Wiitby 0ptimists' essay writing contest. Al three pieces were on tise theme of freedom. These three students were Racisel Wells, Paul Visser, and Karen Spence. Rachel, Paul and Karen will be honoured witis a plaque and a s pecial dinner with tise Optimist's Club in Marcis. Ail three have been nominated as our next "Students of tise Week" winners. Reporters: Jackle Gillard and Roxanne Kwan. Edîtors: Laura Soleto and Nancy Waterman. Front page 10 More coming events lounges, library and games are available daily to ail members. Tisere are billiards, dar- ts and sisuffleboard. Coffee is 25 cents and tea is 20 cents. Tise seniors' centre is located at 801 Brock St. S. Pisone 668-1424 or 668- 7919. Weekends and evenings call 668-7919. PIONEER REUNION Former Pioneer Girls and leaders are invited to tise club's 20th an- niversary celebrations and reunion Sunday, Feb. 23 at Faitis Baptist Cisurcis on Taunton Rd. E. in Wiitby. Tise festivities will get WHITBY MINOR1.C BASEBALL ASSOCIATIONeî_jk REGISTRATION '86 ~ FOR WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL TEE BALL (AGE 6) TO JUNIOR (AGE 21) SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST AND 8TH 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. AT WHITBY PUBLIC LIBRARY 405 DUN DAS ST. W. WHITBY ORLUTHER VIPOND MEMORIALARENA BROOKLIN INVEST NOW IN YOUR. BEST INTEREST A Continental Bank RRSP is in your best interest. With highly competitive rates. No fees charged. And excellent investment options: OPTION I The Variable Rate Plan RRSP earns interest ai the prevailing dai Iv rate. Open one for as liffe as $25 and cnioy maximum flexibility. Fiîed Rate RRSPs ieyoachoice of higher, =urnte rates of return. Minimum $500 deposit. OPTION Il Fixed Rate Redeemable Plan. lnteresti s automatically reinvestrd semi-annually or annually for maximum yield. OPTION 111 Fixed Raie Non-Redeemable Plan. Tiered interest rate feature olfers higher rates for larger deposits. An excellent opporxunity to earn more by consolidating your plans. Choose your termn -one to fise years- and enioy a guaranterd rate of return. FLEXIBILITY Tax deductihie contributions can be made anytime. You can transfer your exisling plan to a Continental Bank RRSP with no loss of tax benefits and without transfer féers. Open your RRSP account wilh Continental Bank now- its an îxvestment in your best interest today and îomorrow. RAT[ TRI (1< E EANI U ilNOIRI CONTINENTAL BANK OF CANADA 1200 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. 666-2300 le n lt- Ca i1.11)- f 1 i u altv q) ilt1f ~I00* WHITBY FREE Pl -mmi - 1 underway at 6:30 p.m. and tise guest speaker wil be 11ev. Greg John- son, general director of Pioneer Clubs of Canada. HOCKEY SWEATER DANCE Tise Brooklin Whitby Minor Hockey Ladies Auxiliary will be holding a hockey sweater dance Satur- day, Marcis 1 at Heydensisore Pavillon. Thse dance, which begins at 8 p.rn,, will feature a catered buffet, cash bar and music by J and B. Tickets are $20 a couple and can be ob- tained by calllng Shidrley Kapuscinski at 668-8967. JOHN HOWARD MEETING Tise annual meeting cf tise John Howard Society of Durhsam Re7gion is coming up April 8. Tisis year's meeting will beciseld at tise Oshsawa Golf Club from. 8 to 10 p.m. Tise speaker, George Thom- son (formerly Judge Thsomson) will address tise Young Offenders Act and tise extent ta whicis it isas and has not achieved its stated ob- jectives. For more in- formation caîl Felicity Nelson 579-8482,

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