Whitby Free Press, 19 Feb 1986, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDA Y, FE BR UARY 19. 1986, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS MINK FUR COAT pastel beige, FOR SALE cuba dlay brick, Iigbt size 9, excellent condition, color, $40. Swistit iroptaco asktng $700. Phonoe668.2213, aean, 3802' plus Andirons, eveninga, $45. 5w/Su fireplocaot 8sel,3$20. SwiStil iroptace woodbotder, $15. ANTIQUE hutch iclrca 1860)1 ilht Phone 668-9041 siarS p.. fiihtpba heines àbeh ind 2 (Original glass> doors (le. piste dispiay), bottom bas 2 onciosed eoetes, very nIce pece, Sp. pratsed $2.000, sslItng $1,400. Aiso mapte and wsinut secretsry eariy 1600s, $675. Phone 571. FOR SALE parlour atone, $150. Woodhotder, $5. Phono 668&4032. WOODBURNINO frnace, Suroffre 201, attachas 10 esIsting forced air furnace, heats 2,500 sq.- fi., nover usad, $750. Phono 655. 4882 afferO6p.1 PRtNCE88 canopy bedroom suite, white wth gotd trim, In- dodoes bed wtb canopy rame. chosi of drawers, dresser and mirror and nitetabie. A3o box spring and mattroe, matching canopy coner, spread, aham and cortains, sf80 bed linons, $700. Ail liko new. Cai 433-4093. INOLtS 30" wite gas stone, $150. Goid Kenmora dishwasher, 9 yeara oid, motor and pump 1 'h yoars aid, $175. White change table, $5. Ruat cotourod couch and chair, $50. Phone68"0283. NOVtNG MUST BELL . OIning room suite wth 6 chairs, hutch and buffet, 2 yoars oid, $80. Ladies 3 speed bike, $55. Two pairs of ladies rouler akates, sica 4 and 7, $25 @ach. Two aide tables, $M0 esch. Round glass table, $55, AMîPM radio with record player, $25. Cheet of drawers, 320.Phono 666.4220. BENON LATHE -Logan. ideai for hobbyllUmachinist 2 foot turnIng tenth, 5 Inch swing, YA jaw chucke, faceptate, narloos gears for thraadcuttIng, compote with steel workbench, $550ono. 868. 9M8 alter 4 p.m. StZE 12, Kastinger Golden K ski boots, new, $150, never worn. Phone 666-4O2 afterO p. 1983 SUPRA, $14.000. .B.M. PC. VR. cotor monitor, 128K< DOS 2.1 basic, $1.750. 1984 Vamaha Virago 1000, $3550. Ail mini. Hugo comIc collection, $6.000. Phone 6669740. REFRIDGERATOR Admirai, 15 cu.fI., excellent condition,.$300 TRS80 computer, now 64K, ex. pasded basic, color computer. prIntor and cassette tape playor for programs, $350. Computer and software oniy $175. Piano, new scale Wiiaim, 1908, Oshawa bulit, recondiilonod, $1.800, Phono 699.8001. GIRLS 21" bike, Raeigh, bioe transit, $55, good condition. Oel 668-3274 aller 6 p.m. POOL TABLE wilh accessories. excellent condition, $80. Phone 579-3573. COAL and wood burning kitchen range, white enamet finish. prico $35. Caileretu .., 6554860. ELECTRtC lypewriior, Under- wood Soriptor, office aize, $75. 668.948af1or4 p.. CANDLE STEREO wlbh radio and speakers, In goodi condition, $80. Candie cassette ployer, $25. Makoup mirror, $25. Pair of sizo 6 Dominion rouler skates, $20, comnesln skating bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or bost olfer. Phone 666.6459. POOL HEATER heat any suze pool, naue $1500, now for $4W0, naturel gas or propane. Cati 723 1644 or 725-6092. SKIS à BOOTS ski length 170 cm, boot site 10, $75. Mapie ktchon sel, four chairs, $145. Duncan Fyfe, excellent condition, $125. Sewing machine, $35. 68368638. BEAUTIFULLY csrnod French chdsefesd suite, $150. Large Colonial styloe reuchoir, corofor. tabla and In good condition, $40. Glss topped cotfee table, $30. Single bod and sprIng, $20. In. forior door, $15. Hew nanIty basin, $5. Grey Persian lamb for jacket, $85. Wrm fuit iengtb Mouton for dout, perfect, ite 1e, $75. Paît yoong silver Mapie lree, balied, to be dug up belore May, $15. Older manuel typewritor, $20. Phone 6»87404. When thse odnertised item la sotd, disposed or, or unovaitabte ror wbatener reanon, lte item witi be deemed to have been sotd and a commission witt be charged hased on TttE AI5VERTISED PRtCE as iiiustrated below, regardiens if price la tated witb "boni offer". tf te item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiit ho con for 3 MONTHS and a MINtIM CHARGE of $7.50 wilt appiy payable in odvance of publication of the firni ad. The above minimum charge witi be apptied tn the final commission due. Maximum commission: $10000. Att adver- tisements mont be ptaced 000an exclusive bonis with the WttITBY FREE PRESS and run ai teaxi one month if flot sold. RATES tif article Is sotd)i 5% of adnertised price up to $400.00 2% of batance ovetr 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Sotd Item adverlised for $150.00. Commission due $7,50 1 minimum charge b 317.501 Private advertising oniyt Piosse notifylise Wbtby Free Preux immediatety wben item is sotd 50 tisat we may detete il from lte following Isse. AUl ada not fitting te Emporiums guidelines wili be treated and dlarged per week as regular ctansified ads on a pre-paid basin nucb us: services, heip wanled, ciotbing, rosi etate, and pernonal message type adn, or adsnot0 quoting price or quantlty. Private ciasnlfied adn may eppear in te Emporium section under appropriate beadings . ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAiL AD$TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 2%6 Whitby. LiN sSi If ln doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUMI ADS IS THE FRJDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKCATES, boys aiza 3, Wayne Orelsky modal, $15. Boys size 5 nsw Bauar, $25. Hockey Equip. mont, shouider pada, pente and othor equipment, lits 911 year boys, $20. Ski boots, man's Raickar 5 buckte boots, size GVaý, $35. Ladies lace boof, size 7, $10. Electricai panais, 8 fuse panei, $12. Two 30 amp panais, $5 sach and 80 amp disconnect, $10. Cati 576-7697. ANTQUE desk, pine top. refinished, $250. Price nsgoliabie. Cati 725.1435. DtNtNG flOOM SET, soiid pecan pede stai onai table with two iaavas, tour belge upttoisterod and canod chairs, Iwo wlth armes, excellent condition, $450. Ranch mInk fuit iength fur coat, size 18, $550 steal. Cati 668-2551. FOR SALE step end table, $5. Phone 666.4032. FOR SALE boys nrouided Lange skates, size 10, escellent con- dtion, $20. Sindy bouse end fur- fiture, $40. Pisher Price tape recorder, $30. Moisi dog case, $25. New rabbit cage, wafer bol- fie and ouldoor pen, $50. JR girls 10 speed bike, $5. Phono 723- 0768. ELECTRONICS - home training LSH EDstfosae5yar notas end labs, oloctronics cir. -HPDsffosae5yan cuit designer, digital mulimeter oid, nery good condition, askIng and many more compononts, $200. Phone 668&1485. cosi $1,500, soit for $40. Phono 68&2458. SEE D0 ÊN h...d.# ANTIQUE Slaftordshira doge, tamiiy nI tour, 215,28", circa 1900. togethor $400. Phone 683. 9471. BEAUTIFUL blue fou ladies ackot tSaga-Fur), new, sica 14, $280 or boni oflor. Like new, lighl blue, 2 pace ski suit, sica 14,$75. 427-863. KIRBY VACUUM complteoae- iacbments, $250. Phono 668- 2155. FOR SALE rouler skates, boys size si/a, $25. Oueen site bod, $25. Oesk, $35. Phone 668-1680. SNOWBLOWER, Toro 12" otoc- tric, eocellent condition. $125. Phono 655-4110, aller 6 p.m. FOR SALE antique dining room suite, ln showroom condition, 8 places, approoimatety 60 yoars otd, table wben extonded oseas 10 people comfortabty, prIce $1,650Oor basi ofter. 6682461. UME0 UEEN hea 00dut wasbor and dryer, 4 years oid, good appearance and workIng order, $450 for the pair. 427-6244 or 427-2854. DININO TABLIE, soiid pins, doubte podestat, 92x38', ex. cetlent condition and 6 pins streigbt beck chairs, $80)0. Phone 655-3868, afler 5 pe. ALL WOOD Dining sot, inctudes table, 4 chairs and aii.in.ono bat. foi and btcb, osktng $80. Cati Joanne, 8666-4415. A W SICL 1 QINSTRUMENTSI DEBUT, Lowrey organ, eoceitont condition, askIng $950. Phone (705t)788.2543. FtVE 0000 VEAR Wrangier radiai ail terrain tires, mixe P19515R15, oniy 2,000 milies, Rallye wheeis, sica 14"x6", fil LS Colla Sapporo, Challenger, FOR ALE Arrow, $90. Phones655-3266. SNOWTIRES Michelin Ho, JEEP RENAGADE 198$, eocellent P22515, on onersize Buick rims, condition, rosi,int, hitch, tilti, Ilke nsw, $300. Phone 655-4682 hard-top,5sapoed,Sôcytinder, p.b.. aflerap.m. ps., wInterisummer package, 8.000 km, $13.500. Phone 655- 4682 aller 6p.m. 1980 CHRYSLER ps.,p.b.,2 .ai01CH RI C door, 50,000 miles, $4.250 ;. hne R E 68-7203. WERO CHI 1979 CHEV Impala, 2 door, 60,000 miles, runs good, $2200 If cer. lilied, $1.900 oncorIifid. Phone 4274887 or 839-1858. 1979 CHEV Monza, V-6 automotto, 2 door batchbock, ps., p.b., AMIFM cassette seorea, 70,000 miles oniy, ha. naw ires, excellent condition, $2,100. Cati 6664890al1ar 5p.m. 1977 DODGE AsponS 8W., radio, good tires, ase$450 or boat of. fer. Phone 83n3825 alter 5 p.m. 1977 6000E M ion club cab, 318 cu. In., 4 spaed stick, p.s., p.b., 31,495. Cati 6682655, allers5 p.m. 1076 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air condiiioning, $60 or boasf citer.CatI 655-3176. 1978 DUSTER, $400, asila or besi citer. Phone 668.5038. 1974 CHEV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 automatto, Biauplunkl storso and eqoalizor, good condition, cortfied $850. Phonoe68.&2187. 1699BUICK Skyiark, 350 4 brI, auto,.pps., p.b., new brokas, lires and more, good condition, $500, 1970 Camoro R.S., 350 4 brl, auto, metali lback, ps., p.b., com- pieieiy reslorad Insido and oui, encollent condition, headers, doet enhaust, many more eolras, $3.800 ceriified. 1981 Chenette, 4 door, 4 spaed, 65,000 milsa, meroon, encollent condition, $3.500 cortiftad. Cati Vince 666. 3802, anylIme. , Things are flot as bad es they a:re painted end Charlie 1: now ut lickson Prining & Office Supplies smiling ut the. many pleasant assitants. NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cati Pbone OU-8943 Or bostens witt bring giftîxand guetlngs, aiong wiih hîtlotu commoniiy intormain 4!oCON FUSEDé? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; *have an aricle to seli; and, @have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>, Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three monthsî, A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT sell within three mon- ths, you pay only t.he minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could yoli get three months advertising for only $750? When your article selîs, a commission is cbarged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do cali 668-6111l and we'l be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. [7«---- ------ ------- lhave read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have thei Ifollowing advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. 1 . (doni forgel la inctude yuur phone num ber 1 enclose $750 to cover the minimi Charge $750 to my Visa account. tard No. jName Iptease prisîl 1 Addresa am charge. MAIL TO: Fnp Il9te WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. 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