WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FE13RUARY 26,1986 P>AGE 1 7 Fromn page 16 ITT Cannon......... 4 Scott Donnelly............. 3 Geofi Cadan Brooklin Kinsmen .. 2 Sean Lawrence JefU Ducan Valentino's.........i1 Chria Palker Easter Seal Month Brooklin Esso ...... Victoria & Grey. 5 Mark Lanegger Christopher Favot Stephen Wood Totten Sims Hubicki. 4 RobteSt. Pierre Bohby Hanoski.........2 Lacas llodgson PEEWEE MacMilan Bathurst .. 2 Cheekers Veriety. Mine Hut Jeremy Harness John Dougherty Brooklin Sports.... 3 MikeCreed Chi-lavanclief Pool Cossidy Shatoat: Darcy Chrlstianson MacMillan Bathurst. ..5 John Dough, ........ Miaine Hnt Miracle Food Mrt.. 5 Jason Yeu ................ 2 itou Kapuscînskl Scott Wood Danuy Clarke Professional Firefighters-------...O Dodd & Souter-....3 Mathew Cook.............. 3 Checkers Variety-..4 Jonathan Mitchell Don Belonger Jeremy Haruesso........... 2 BANTAM Smiling Drillers- Smiling Drillers- Submarine Fair . 3 Robert Horan. ........... .2 Mike Tretter Submarine Fair-...2 Mike Tretier Mike Husted Shatoat: Dave Macitae Danforth Typewriter - .4 David Bandfotcf David Hanter Peter Defina Jeremy Stella Shatoal: Brad Taylor Brooklin Cancrete .. Rob Dawson MIDGET H & BSigns.........i1 Dam'sAutoParts.3 Bil OMeara Rich eely ...........2 David Smith Su Goi .A ser cet 9, a JUVENILE Gus Brown Pontiac Whitby Dominion Buick ............. 3 Hardware ......... 6 John Allen Ken ynde Dan Young Doag McCorkeli ........... 3 John Scheil Dave Donaldson Ray ttyan Century Home Video ......... 3 Pal Haslam Jason Bruneaua........2 Scatt's Chicken Villa ....12 Briao Hunter.............. 2 Dennis Basiarache Derek Wiiia Lee Sinden ..............-2 Steve Guy .. ...............3 Warren Elils .............. 2 Chria Wliaims WHITBY RINGETTE ASSOCIATION Resuits For Games Played Feb. 21 & 22 TWEEN "C"' DIVISION Whitby Midas Muffler.i1 Richmond Hili ...i Jenaifer Drake TWEEN "B" DIVISION Whitby Optimists..6 Ajax .............. 4 Karyn ugeili.............. 6 Michelle Bovngion..... 3 Shannon Nichais ........... 2 JUNIOR "B" DIVISION Whitby Optimists ..... 5 Mariposa .......5 ChrstineSmîth .........2 Michelle iteader Jodl Sinden Stacey Guymer Whitby Optimists . 9 Nonce>' Teasdale .3.... Jennifer Couper .............3 Jodl Sinden ............... 2 Christine Smith Mariposa ..........s Regular season bas now came ta a close. The Whitby Ringette Association would like ta thank their team sponsors: the Wbitby Kiwanis, the Kmn- smen Club of Whitby, Midas Muffler, Knights af Columbus, the Optimist Club af Whitby and Shop- pers Drug Mart, for their support over this 1985/86 season. Watch for ail Playoff and tournament scores ta follow in the weeks toc-orne.' ingold............i1 LascoSteel .........5 tr>'Taylor Mke Turner Rich Dyment u h mà Steve Dyment ..... ...2 Ken Hmelin Co d i it in Bible Dedicated to DIVISION 0F 585710 ONT INCm Craftsman and Oesigns Of Fine Jewelry J.O. Ruddy Hospital .lo off on purchases& It a special worship Wales and their current 1 0 repal rs for seniors 7vice in the continuing work in.China. on Tuesdays e unit of Dr. Josepli According* to Rev. 210 Brock St. S. For Free Estimates Ruddy Hospital Feb. Thompson, the service Whltby, Ont. UiN 4Kl Oeil (416) 666-4612 large print edition of was attended by clergy à I DiUla Woutb n nfat--à 1tf- - --- to the bospitals byý the Cenadian Bible Society. The Rev. Floyd Bab- cock, district secretary for the society, made the presentation ta Gloria Tuck, director of nursing, who accepted the gift on behaîf of the hospital administration. Hospital cheplain Rev. P. Thompson dedicated the Bible ta the "glory and praise of God" and the hymn The Spirit Breathes Upon the Word was sung. Af- terwards, Rev. Babcock spoke ta the large congregation about the society's origins in ana lay people trom a number of local congregations, a fact he considered indicative of the strong ecuxnenical spirit and the close ies between the hospital and Whitby's churches. The service, was followed by a .social gatbering and refresh- ments. To successive generations of Ontario residents, March bas become known as Easter Seal month. 235 service clubs across the province will be cen- vassing their local communities in the hopes of raising funds to aid physically disabled children. This year's target is $365 million. "The Easter Seal Society is the oldest and largest children's charity in Canada," ex- plains John Butler, Co- ordinator of the Easter Seal Canipaign. "The Society provides ser- vices and a variety of life SUIlS and recreational programs for more than 6,800 physically disabled children up to 19 years of age and their familles in Ontario." According ta Butler, effiliated service clubs conduet the montb;,long See page 18 -. ~ .'.'." *. I..'A.',i.4.G.ç.Io.~.I..pI.. '.'J.v.'.fC. IS A GREAT PLACE FOR GOOD FRIENDS \ýocje TO HAVE GOOD TIMES 110 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY 668-3600o LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FR1. & SAT. to the dynamic sounds -of KEN NY FAREN BANQUETS, BUSINESS LUNCH EONS Private rooms f or S E MIN ARS Planning a WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, GRADUATION or just a party ... CALL US! Inquire about our every Sunday evening DART TOURNAMENT Start at 7:30 p.m. s100.0 guarantee price 301 BYRON ST. S., WH ITBY 666-3070 e207 DUNDAS ST. W. ~66&2337,~ COMEDY IIOUR EVERY FRIDAY NIGNI. FRIDAY, FEB. 28186 COKEE JOE'S HAPPY HOUR 0F MAGUC PRESENTS JOHN PATTISON VENTRILOQUIST JOI 1N U S FO RA LAU GH (NO COVER CHARGE) SAT., MAR. 1/86 - FRANK SODA FR9., MARCH 786 - KICK AXE SAT., MARCH 8186 - G LASS TIGER The OId Monday Nlght Madnsss 98 Back