Whitby Free Press, 26 Feb 1986, p. 20

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PAGE 20.WEDNESDAY, *EBIZUARY 26, 1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS FREE PRESS E MPO RIUýjM- Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeet to the following conditions. MtNK FUR COAT pastel beige, silze 9, excelent condition, asklng $700. Phono 668-2213, evsnings. FOR SALE boys meuided Lange skates, size 10, excellent con- dition, $20. SIndy houes and fur. Mttre, $40. Pinher rics tape recorder, $30. Mtai deg case, $25. New rabbIt cage, water boI- lie and ouldoor pan, $5. JR girls 10 speed bike, $50. Phone 723- 0768. FOR SALE parieur tone, $15. Woodhoider, $5, Phone 6684032. WOODBURNINO lureace, Suroffre 201, attaches to eitlng lerced air luroace, heats 2,500 sq. fi., neyer uaed, $750. Phoe 655- 4682 atler6 p.m. PRINCESS canopy bdrocm suite, white wiih goid trir, le- ciades bed wth canopy rame, cheat et drawers, dresser and mirror and nie-tabie. Aise box aprlng and mattreas, matchlng canopy cever, apread, saer and ettrtains, aiso bed liens, $700. Ail tIke nsw. Cali 433-4083. INGLIS 30" white gas stase, $150. Geid tenmere dishwasher, 9 years eid, motor and pump 1 W' years eid, $175. White change table, $5. Rasi cctourad couch and chair, $5. Phono 668-0283. MOVINO MUST SELL -Onlng roors suite wth 6 chairs, hulch and buttaI, 2 years oid, $800). Ladies 3 apeed bîke, $55. Two pairs 09 aies rouler skates, size 4 and 7, $25 each. Two sida tables, $20 each. Round gloa table, $85. AMIFM radie with record player, $25. Chesl of drawera, $2. Phone 686-4220. BENCI4 LATIE - Logan. Ideal for hebbylstimachlnist 21foo1 turnIng lenlh, 5 loch swing, Mc law chuciça, acapiate, varlous gears for threadcutling, complets wlth steel wrkbench, $50 .n.o. 6881. 9-48 aller 4 p.m. StZE 12, Kastinger Golden K ski boots, new, $15, never worn. Phone OOO.102 aller 6 pm. 198 SUPRA, $14000. I.BM. PC. VR. cier menIter, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1,750. 1984 amaha Virago 1000, $3550. Ail min. Hage cemie colecion, $8.000. Phone68-.9740. SPEED OUEEN heavy duty wasller and dryer. 4 years oid, good appearasce and worklng order. $450 for the pair. 427-6244 or 4272854. DINING TABLE, solld pns, double pedestel, 92x36". ex- cellent condition and 6 pns traight back chairs, $800. Phione 655-3W8, ater 5 p.m. BEAUTIFUL bluete fx ladies Jacket (Saga-Fur), new, aize 14, $280cor bet aller. Lîke new, lght blue, 2 pece ski suit, size 14, $75. 427-.888 GIRLS 21" bike, Raleigh, btue transît, $55, gocd condition. Cal M683274 aller 6 p.m. POOL TABLE with accessorles, excellent condition, $80. Phone 579-3573. COAL and wccd burning ktches range, whte enamel finsh, prîce $350. Cati allerS5 p.m., 655.4860. ELECTRIC typewriler. Under- wood Scrlptor, ciice size. $75. 68-9480 aller 4 p.m. CANDLE STEREO wllh radio and speakers, ln good condition, $80. Candie cassette player, $25. Makeup mîrror, $25. Pair of size 6 Dominion rlier skates, $20, coma, ln skating hag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or best eller. Phone 668-8459. POOL I4EATER hat any ize pool, salue $1000, now for $400, saturai gas or propane. Cati 723. 1944cor 725-8082. SKIS à BOOTS ski length 170 cm, boot ie 10, $75. Maple kitchen set, lour chairs, $145. Duncan Fyle, excellent condition, $125. Sewlng machine, $35. 683638l. BEAUTIFULLY carved French chesterlietd suile, $16. Large Colonial style armchalr, comler- table and ln geed condition, $40. Glass lopped colles table, $30. Sngle bed and spring, $20. sn. tarter door, $15. New vanily basin, $5. Grey Persian lamb fur jacket, $85. Warm luit length Mouon fur ceaI, perlecl, sîze 16, $75. Feit young sucver Maplo Ires. balled, to ha dug up bera May, $15.,ODer manuel lypewriler, $20. Phono 66&-7404. -PLEASE READ- When te advertised item la sold, disposed tof, or unavaitabte for whatever reason. the item witl be deemed te have been solddanoda commission wili be chrged based on TIHE AIflEIITISED PPRICE as illustrated beiow. rogardiesa If price tà; stated with 'boni offer. If the item is NOT SOLO, or diapased of, tbe ad wiii ho rue for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 37.50 witl appty payabte in advance cf publication cf the firsI ad, The above minimum charge wiii ho apptied te the final commission due. Maximum commission: $108.00. AIl adver- tisemeels musl ho placed onaun exclusive basic with the WI-ITBY FREE PRESS and rue aitoast one month If sot soid. 1 RATES Itf a,tios sodt: 5% of adverttsed price ap te 400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPIE Sold Item advertsed for 815006. Commissiion due 87.50 f minimum charge lis$7.5W Private advertisisg onty! Please eelify the Witby Fr08 Pres mmediately wben item is setd 50 that we may dele tIft-m te fottowing issue. Att ado not fitlîng te Emporiums guidolines wiit ho treated aod cbarged per week as regutar classified ada on o pre-paid basic sucb as. services. heip wanted, cîothing, rosI estate, and personal message type ada. or ads net quotieg prîce or quaotity. Private classified ads may appear le the Emporium section under appropriais- beadings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIF1ED SECTIIN LNLESS IITHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whitby, LIN S1 If ln dsubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO): 131 Brock St. N. Wbiby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 549 ARTICE FORRI.~L SKATES. boys size 3, Wayne Grtsky modal, $15. Beys size 5 new Baxar, $25, Hockey Equip- ment, shouider paris. pants and ather aquipmnent, lts 9-11 yaar boys. $20. Ski boots, mens Reicher 5 buckte boots, size 9½ý, $35. Ladies lace boot, sixe 7, $10. Eectricai panels, 8 tus panai, $12. Two 30 amp panais, $5 each and 80 amp dscennact, $10. Cati 5767697. ANTIQUE desk. plots top, rlinlshed, $250. PrIce oiegotiahle. Cati 7251435, DININO ROOM SET, soiid pacan padastai osai tabla wilh Iwo teanas, tour beige uphoistarad and canad chairs, two with armes, excelent condition. $450. Ranch mink luit langth lur coat, siza 18, $550 steai. Cati1688-2551. FOR SALE antique dining rocmn suite, ln showroomn condition, 8 places, apprexlmateiy 60 years ctd, table whanetended as 10 people comlertabty, prica $1.650cor besi oliar. 688-2461, ELECTRONICS - home training notas and labs, elactrcnic cidr. cuit designer, digital mliimeiar and many more comparants. cost $1,500, sait for $400. Phene 688-2456. ANTIQUE Stallorrishire dogs. iamlly ot tour, 2.15. 28". irca 1900. ltether $400. Phono 683. 9471. KIRBY VACUUM complte ai- tachmants, $250. Phone 668. 2155. FOR SALE rouler skates, boys size 8½, $25. Qxeen sizo hed, $25. Dask. $35, Phone 888-1680. < , vou do SNOWBLOWER. Toro 12- elec. rtc. excellent condition. $125 Phon 655-4110. aler 6 p m FIVE 0000 YSAR Wrangter radial ait terrain tiras, siza P195175R15, only 2,000 mitas, $450. Four Dodga iMitsibushi) Rallye whaats, size 4u6, it Cotse Sapporo, Challenger, Ares. $90. Phono 655-3268. SNOWTrIRES Michelin No. F22515, on anrsize Bick rima. like naw, $300. Phono 655-4682 aller 6 p.m. Things are flot.es bed as they are pinted end Charlie i: now et Dckson Printing & Office Supplies smiling et the. many pimaent essitants. Il.USTDA 8316 MUISICAL NINSTUMENTSI DEBUT. Lowray orges, excellant condition, esklng $950. Phoe (705) 786-2543. JEEP RENADADE 1985, excellent condition, rust, tint, hltcb, tilt, hrd-top, 5 spaed. 6 cytindar, p.b., p.s., wintarieummer package, 8,000 km, $13,500. Phone 655- 4682 altar 6 p.m. 1979 0MEV Impala, 2 dccr, 60,000 miles, runs good, 82,200 Il cer- Wlied. 81,900 uncertIlied. Phone 427-6887 or 839-1858. 1979 OHEV Mona, V-6 atomatic, 2 door balchback, ps., p.b., AMIFM cassette stereo, 70,000 mles onty, bas new tires, excellent condition, $2,100. Calit 664890 alerS5 p.m. 1977 DODGE Aspen 5.W., radie, gsocd tires, as la, $450cor beat ai. fer. Phone 6833825 aler 5 p.m. 1977 DODGE¾ ton club cab, 318' cu. ln., 4 speed stick, ps., p.b., 81,495. Cati 668&2655, aller 5 p.m. 1976 FORD HARQUIS station wagen, ps., phb.. crulse, cary good condition, 92,000 mites, S500 lires. 031.0880alter 6 p.m. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p., air coditionfing, $800 or boat cller, Catil 655-3176. 1975 DUSTEA, $400, as ta or hest cier. Phone 668-5038. 1974 CHEV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 auloneatix, Biauptunkl sterso end equalîxer, goori condition, certlled $850. Phone66»2187. 1969 BUCK',Skyiarh, 350 4 brI, auo, p.s., phb., new brakas, tires and more, gocd condition, $50. 1970 Camero R.S., 350 4 brI, auto. metatlil black, ps., phb., cors- pletely rasixred Inside and ouI, excellent condition, headers, duel exhast, many more autras, 83,800 certilled. 1981 Cheveile, 4 door, 4 spsed, 65,000 miles. maroon, excellent condition, $3,500 certilied. Cati VInce 666- 3802, anytîme. NEED To KNOW SOMIETHING ABOUT YbUR NEW COMMUNITY? Cati 3{<:rFf(W-eqs Phone 668-8943 Oxr hotoon wiii riîg gilts and grettinfO. aloog wih heipfl ccmmuniy infrmation. y- -i cm« " I .g te as mmemeau a~1 CM aoe* o n e b10 geeaiseS 55 oMaaàt.t efOa deel da"sla e- cia, aalawcaeoo lsla mat a"Mmtme lmans a ,j .. awsad aM ea- ds1l «W e as Sos laa55hae. Thlmerisde.atial Oxè.e. naowd.nt*I, -WHITBY FREE PRESS 4!âvCON FU-SEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: -are a pnivate advertiser; *have an article to sell; and,, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertîsed price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up imany of your questions - if not, do cal] 668-6111l and we'I1 be pleased to explain the Emporiumi Section to you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish iii have' the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whiti) I-'rîe IPress. ioet frrge tg)isnludeysur phuonenumbert (Wa 7 an AZdd City 1 encloase $7,50 tt cocver the minimum charge. 1-* -- -- - Charge $7.50 tli my Visa account. MAIL TO: I-sNo Ep liate 1W4HITBXY FREE PRESS me sîese prstiP.O. Box 206 Idress J 131 àBMock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 ýyPstl ae Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 l>rice Up to $ 150 S 200 J $ 300 $ 400 I $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ 900 $2.000 $3.000 $4,000 $5,000 and up Total Amount Payable $7.50 $10.00 S15.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 $28.00 830.00 $32.00 S52.00 S 72.00 s 92.00 $100.00

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