PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1986, WHITBY FREE PRESS fim 4SPORTS WEEK Optimists expeet over 500 for upcoming Special Olympies Over 320 athletes are expected ta participate ln the Special Olyrnpics regional '12 track andf field meet ta be held June 11-12 at the Civc fields stadlwrn in Oshawa. "There 15 no question in my mind that Oshawa and the region of Durham have bath tbe facilities and the heart ta make these 'Special Olympies' happen riglit here, said Rick Lee, chairman of the event and a member of the Optimist Club af Oshawa which la spon- saring the event. The Club has budgeted $15,000 for the event, maney which will THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION Whitby Central Business District improvemrent Area The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to, pass a by-iaw to amend By-Iaw No. 658-78 to Increase the maximum permissîbie charge the Council may annuaily Ievy in the Whit- by Central Business District Improvement Area. The purpose of the proposed byiaw is ta provide addItionai manies for the improvement, beautification and maintenance' of the Whitby Centrai Business District Improvement Area and the promotion of the area as a business and shop- ping area. The effect of the proposed' by-iaw wiii be ta In- crease the maximum permissible charge the Councii may annualiy ievy f romn $20000.00 to $70,000.00. The by-law wiii appiy ta ail persons assessed for business assessment in the Whitby Centrai Business, District Improvement Ares as ahown below', LWH/TBY CENTRAL L BUSINESS ISTrRICTr IMPROVEMENT AREA Any person wha woutd be liable ta the spectai chremay object to the proposed by-iaw by fiiing wrtten notice of the objection with the Clark of the Carporatian of the Town af Whitby not later than the 2nd day of April, 1988. If no notice af objection Is fied with the Cierk within the time provided the by-law wiii core ne m effect upon ils final passing by the Council. If a notice of abjection is filed with the Cierk within the time pravided the proposed by-law wili be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Baard and the by-law wiii not came into effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Baard. The last date for fiiing objections is April 2nd, 1986. objections must be received by this date ta be valid. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this 26th day of February, A.D., 1986. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town af Whitby 575 Rassland Road EassI. Whilby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416)1668-5803 help pay for food and accommodation for the athiete and their famiies. "lOver 200 athletes have already registered so we wlll be providing the bodies and the bucks," saidLee. 0f the 320 athletes in- volved, 30 are expected SEE PG. 20 BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HOUSELEAGUE SQUIRT Leafs ......... Mercantile .......... 3 SteveAustin ..... .....4 Scott McDoweII Ryan McKinnon Ctiad McKenzie Clinton Siviteul' White Rose......... 5 Ron Deaih ............... 4 Steven Oeath FIN2DNING LOUEJ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT to the dynamic sounds of KENNY FAREN BANQUETS, BUSINESS LUNCH EONS Private rooms for SEM INARS Planning a WEDDING, ANNIVERSARY, GRADUATION or just a party...CALL US! Inquire about our every Sunday evening DART TOURNAMENT Start at 7:30 p.m. $100.00 guarantee price 301 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY 666-3070. Kings.............. 2 Aaron Bryant Jason Hotchkiss Hawks............. 2 Bridlewaod.........i1 Mark Haynes Kevin Clark Troy Jenkins Wings.............1 J &S Convenience..3 ahane Perry Steven Bernard............ 2 Chria Gorine NOVICE Showcase Video. ...6 Duffs Tawing.... 5 Mike Lafranier ............ 3 David Mce .............. 2 Stephen Cooper............ 2 Chad Helmer Brent Oaler Jeff Bruce Brad Lee Whitby Mail Video .... 1 Doulbe 'N Fish & Chip.i1 Cralg Hedderson Shawn Maaon McTeague Electric. ... 1 Brock Videa ........ 2 Brian Good Jamie Pawluk BrooklilaKinarnen.3 Chria Lay Sean Lawrence Tyrone Eatabrook Valentinos......... 5 Corîna Robuck Chria Packer .............. 2 Mark Wiadom Chria Kiloran ITT Cannon ........ 5 Greg Hoaghto Scatt Donnely.............. 2 GeoffCadan............... 2 Midas Muffler .... :3 Jaaon Luscome Robert Publaw Shayne Bayford Mylea Waodma ATOM Raý's Enterprise... 6 Jeremy Laprairie...... 3 Stephen Malanka Ian Armour Michel Croucher Brookln Esso......3 Chria Powell............... 2 Trevor Blimke Victoria & Grey Trust . 2 Stephen Wood.............. 2 Kameka Footware .... 2 Jonaa Oerks Shawn Ferron BANTAM DanforthTyewriter.. 4 David Hunter David Blandord Peter Defina Thomas Mulcahy SUBMARINE FAIR ... 5 Mike Tretter...............4 Robert Horan Smniling Drillera ... Jay Sommera U.A.W. Local 222... 111 Deryk Chriatianson Danforth Typewriter. . 5 Jeremy Stella Kurt Yaakow............... 2 Peter Defina Derek Campbell U.A.W. Local 222 .. Shaun Beatty MIDGET LascoSteel......... 6 H & BSigns......... 3 Chris Gurd ............... 2 Ooug Love Oreg Clark Jamie Froot Doag McLean Bill OMeara Rich Dyment l3rad Marah Sungold............3 Jamie Beck Gary Taylor Carl Vea Dom's Auto Parts...4 Dwayae Galley ............ 3 Chris Frost JUVENILE Gus Brown Century Pontiac Buiclk......O Home Video.... Perry Slevin Gary Mark Shatout: Srad Beera Scottas Chicken Villa. Les Sinden Chris Williams Brion Hunter mea. Whitby Dominion Hardware .5 Oave Oonaldson ........... 4 Doug McCorkall MINOR NOVICE Broaklin Legion...4 Ajax ..............i1 Brian Scott .losh Wilson Gavia Prou! Sean Saunders Brooklin Legion ... Markham ..........i1 Cory Brick MAJOR ATOM Algoma Orchards..4 Peterboro ........... 5 Brad Sella ..............2 Bort Mullin Sean Gawley Algoma Orchards..4 Oshawa............. 4 Claylon Stillar Brad Stella Kelly Vipood 2 MAJOR PEEWEE Pat &Mario's........Markham .......... 6 Jet! l'oland Dave Winch,.citr Mike Fulton SEEJM, 20 Hockey,, Ringette scoreboard NEW'& USED OFFICE FURNITURE - BUY- RENT-SELL-LEASE- r. 5