PACE 24, WEDNESDAY MA RCH 5, 1986, WHITBYFREE PRESS FREE PRESS Emporium Ado will only be accepted subject to the foliowîng conditions. ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE MINK FUR COAT postai beige. SPEED OUEEN heany duty siza 9, excellent condition, washar and cryer, 4 yers aid, asking $700. Pitonse6682213, gaod appearenco and warking aaanlngs. arder $450 for tae pair 427-6244 ___________________ or 427-2854. FOR SALE boys mouided Lnge aoies, size 10, excellent con. dition, $20. Slndy houne and fur- niturs, $40. Fisher PrIce lape recorder, $3. Mtai dog cos, $25. New rabbii cage, woier bol- lis and oaidoor Pen, $5. JR girls 10 speed biko, $50. Phoane 723- 0788. FOR SALE partour tone, $150. Woadhoidsr, $5. Pitons 668.4032. WOODBIJRNING fursace, Sarefîre 201, attaches to eslstlng forced cir fumace, hrasts 2,500 sq. il., neyer sd, $750. Phane 655- 4882 afierO p.m. PRINCES8 ccnopy bedroomn suite, whte wlih gold tim, In ctudesa bd weuh ccsopy trame, chesi of drcwers, dresser and minaor and oise-tabie. Aso box sprlng and mtiress, moichlxg conopy <anar, apreod, shom and curtaIns, ciso bed liens, $700. Ail like e. Cli 4334093. INGLIS 30" whte 008 etane, $150. Gold Kenmors dlnhwasher, 9 years aid, mtor and pump 1 Va yecrs aid, $175. White change table. $50. Ruai coioxred coacit and chair, $50. Phone 505"283. MOVîNO MUST SELL - Olnng roon susewth 6 choira, huicis and buffet, 2 yeors aid, $80. Ladies 3 speed bike, $55. twa pairs oi ladies ratier skates, asmo 4 and 7, $25 och. Twa aide tables, $20 sach. Round glass tabla, $55. AMIFM radia wllh record ployer, $25. Chosi of drawera, $20. Phtons 686-4220. BENCH LATHE - Logan. Idaci for habbyiatlmachinist 2 foot turnIng lantit, 5 Incis swing, 'V4 lcw chucks, faccspite, variaus gpars for thrsadcutllng, compese wiih steel workbench, $550 an..688- 9M80acier 4 p.m. SIZE 12, Kastinger Golden K ski boota, naw, $150, nsasr warn. Phono 6664102 citer 6 p.rn. 1902 SUPRA, 314,000. iBM. PC. VR. color montor, 128K DOS 2.1 basic, $1750. 1984 Yamahc Viraga 1000, $3,550. Ait mini. Hugo camix collection, 36,000. Phane 669740. DINING TABLE, soiid pins, double poestat, 92x38",ex. cellent condition and 6 pins aircigisi bock chairs, $800. Phone 655.3868, cter 5 p.m. BEAUTIFUL blus fox ladies -lachet (Saga-Fur), new, size 14, $250 or bot otiar. Lika naw, ligisi bios, 2 pace ski suit, size 14,$75. 42749.866 GIRLS 21" bike, Raleigis, blus transit, $55, goad coxdition. Colt 86663274 after 8 p.m. POOL TABLE wth accessorias, excellent condition, $60. Phono 579-3573. COA L and wood burning kitchen range, whute enamel finish, pice $350. Cati after 5 p.m., 655-4860. ELECTRîC typewrter, Linder. wood Scrlptor, office size. $75. 6889480 alter 4 p.m. CANDLE STEREO wlth radio and speakers, In goati condition, $80. Candie cassette ployer, $25. Makaup mirror, $25. Pair ai aixe 6 Dominion ratier skates, $20, comesaIn skating bag for $10. Hamster cage, $10. Or besi aller. Phons 668.6458. POOL HEATER hast any size poolvalue $1000, naw for $400, saturai gos or propane. Cati 723. 1644 or 7258092. ANTIQUE Staltordshirs doge. family of four, 215, 28, circa 1900, txgether $400. Phase 683. 9471. SNOWBLOWER, Toro 12' elnc- trlc, excellent condition, $125. Phase 6554110, alter 6 p.m. BEAUTIFULLY corvad Frenchs chestsrlieid sus, $150. Large Calonial style armchair, comiar- table and ln gaad condition, $40. Glass tapped cattee table, $30. Single bed and sprtng, $20. In. tertor door, $15. New vasity basin, $5. Grey Peralas iamb fur lacket, $85. Worm flit ength Mouton for coat, perfect, size 18, $75. Pil yaung stinar Moisis tree, batied, ta be dug up befare May, $15. Oldor manuel typecriier, $20. Phtons 668-7404. -PLEASE READ- Wisen tise advertised Item la sold, dispoeed of, or unavailabie for wiatever reason, tise Item wiii be deemed to isave been sold and a commission will be cisarged based on THE AD)VERTISED PRICE os Iltutrated beiow. regardless if price la siated witis besi offer" If tise item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of. tise ad wiii be run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 07.50 wili apply payable in advance nf publication f tise first ad. The obove minimum charge willi be appiied to tise final commission due. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ait adver- tinements muai be placed on an exclusive bosis witise WH ITBY FREE PRESS and rus ai teant one montis if not soid. RATES tif artclllasseidi: 5% ef advertised price ap te 8400.00 2% of balance ever 8008.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $150.00. Commission duc $7.50 < minimum charge la $7.50 Private odvertising ontyl Pieane notify tise Whitby Fiee Press immediotely when item la sold an tisai we may delete It fron thte folowing issue. Ail ado flot fitting tise Emporirnt guidetines wili be treated and cisarged per week as reguior ciaasifled adn on o prepaid bonis such os: services, heip wonted, ciotiing. real estote, and personol message type ads. or oda flot quotlng price or quantity. Private ctassified ado may appear in tise Emporium section under appropriate iseadings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:' OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM If In doubi cuii: 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 2z6 668-6111 Witby. Ont. Witky, LIN SI THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SKATES, boys size 3, Wayne Gretsky madet, $15. Boys size 5 sec Boxer, $25. Hockey Eqolp. mont, shaxider pods. ponts end ather eqaipmest, fuse 5.11 year boys. $20. Ski boots, menss Roickor 5 huckie boots, size 91h, $35. Ladies lace boot, size 7,3$10. Electricat panels, 8 fuse panai, $12. Two 30 amp panela, $5 each and 60 amp discassoci, $10. Cati 576-7897. ANTIQUE desk, pins top, retinished, $250. Price niegatiabie. Cati 7251435. DINING ROOM SET, solid pecas pedostot aval table with two baaves, tour beige uphoistored and caned chairs, twa with arme, excellent condition, $450. Ranch mink fait iesgth fur coat, size 18, $550 sisal. Cati 0682551. FOR SALE astique dm150 gromr suite, In showroomn condition, 8 piecos, approalmoteiy 60 years aid, table whes etended sos 10 people comfortabiy, price $1,50 or best altor. 668-2461. ELECTRONICS - home frai *ning notes end lobs, etectranics cir. cuit designer, digital motimeter and many more campaonts, cont 31,500, soit for $400. Phono 06&62458. Give -lm UNICEF gifts and cards and lielp a child Conacser Unfref Canada .. 443 MI. PRoasant Ad. Toronto, Ont. M4S 2L8 Or callUNICEF C nadatvlt,,.. 180026"4364 thOC .112WC)6t364: FIVE 0000 VEAR Wrosgier radiai ail* terrain ires. size P19517SRl5, osiy 2,000 miles, $450. Pour Dodgn iMitibushl Rallye wheois, size 14"a8", lit Caltis Sapporo, Challenger. Arraw, $90. Phono 6553286. SNOWTIRES Michein No. P22515, os oversize Oaick rima, tiko sec, $300. Phono 655-4682 citer 6 p.m. Chaiche us jumping for joy since hoe found out about the service at Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Aax Plaza. î ilLU ODY6316 MUSICAL QOIWSTRMNTSI DEBUT, Lowray argas, excellent condition, askIsg $950. Phase (7051788.2543. ~OtUIILES1 JEEP RENAGADE 100$, encellant condition, rusi, tint, sticis, tilt, hard-top, 5 speed, 6 cytindar, p.b., ps., wlsterlsummsr package, 8,000 km, $13,500. Phone 655- 4682 alter 6 p.m. 19790MHEV Impala, 2 door, 60,000 mites, ruse gaod, $2,200 If car- tified, $1,900 uncortlfied. Phone 427887 ar 839-1858. 109 CilEV Monza, V6 atamatix, 2 daor hatcisbock, p.s., p.b., AMIFM cassette stersa, 70,000 mulsa aniy, has sac ires, excellent condition, $2,1W. Cati 6884690 after Sp.m. 1977 0000E Aspen S.W., redia, gaod tires, as la, $450 or besi af- fer. Phase 0833825 alter 5 p.m. 1977 DODOE qM ton club cab, 316 cu. sn., 4 speed stick, PsO., p.b., $1.495. Cati 682655, alter 5 p.m. 1976 FORD MARQUiS station wagon, ps., p.b., cruise, vary gaod condition, 92,000 miles, $500 Irr. 831 0880atter a p.m. 1076 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ps., p.b., air cosdItIaning, $S0 or boat olter. Cati 65-3176. 1970 DUSTER, $400, as sa or hoat citer. Phase 6685038. 1974 0MEV IMPALA, ps., p.b., 350 automatic, Biaupianki sterea and aquatizor, gaad condition, certitied $650. Phono 668&2187. SOMETHINO ABOUT 'Y1UR* NEW aOMMUNITY? Cail Phont 668.8943 Oar hosites will brîng giutu and greotings, alosg with helpfol or alif« y osewle.. Yeu dalosN»Ste lu l> h gwsou MW i < 5o e a mmlsbe mON loIuat , rem 1 ltaMW a@ou à alm. phoome..Y".hum laisor SanspoualOlO ell .. i . dae.adIoi TMsI ams day 9Oiescai ha 1668-6111 WHtTBY FREE PRESS CON FUSEDa Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss ont on our Iow advertising rates just becauste you have questions., Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of- your questions - if not, do eall 668-611 1 and w 'e'1 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personially. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seil; and, @have a speified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details t. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three rnonthsl. A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $750? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. rlhave read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have [the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free l Press.I ioas t tret 1 I enclose $750 to cover the minimum charge. Charge $750 [o my Visa account. <'ard No. Fup. ite NaUme iplease prînt t Address City PoE Code ta isclude ynur phase oumber MAIL 1 TO: WHITB3Y FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN SSI Beîow are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus [lie TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. I Advurtised Price Up to $ 15 $ $200 $6300 $2.00 $300 $4,000 J $5.000 and Up Total Amount Payable $ 75 S10.00 815.00 $20.00 822.00 $24.00 $26.00 - $28.00 830.00 $32.00 852.00 $72.00 S92.00 $100.00 1 . -.A-- -ýe 1 1