WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 1986, PAGE 25 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ EXPERIENCED peIntixg, Interior, U5ED 200 galion itatnk ln good 1965 PONTIAC Acadien, onty eXteîtor, f rsee stimatea, guarax- condition, $40 or buat aller. 688- 12,000 km., rnostiy ighway teed. Cati 571-2965. 2268. miteage, $7,500 negatiabte. Cati PAINTING à DECORATINO praiessionai bonded woritman- ship, recidenîtat and commercial, fru ectirnaies. Cati &3W4277 or 886.9712. MASTER CRAFTSMAN *Completeremodel.I Ilgservice. One cal *doeitall. 679-11381 Gil erre MY PERSONAL COLOURS Discover the colours » & shades that com- pliment your skin ýtone & enhance your best features. Only $30 par cýnnauitttion Caîl 666&2770 NEEDLECRAFT CLASSES Candtewtcking, Counted Crosc.atItch, Embroidery and Crawei. We aen do Neediepoint and Trapunto too. Jain tn the fun. Have a Oraulive CImcie clas In your hoâMe.Taehing yau ta stitch ta eacy. Boot now and receive a Fre@ 0111. Cati: Donna - momiinga, aftemnoons et 666-1945 or Nadine, ovenînga ut 666-1490 *TIDY-UPI Hoeapariments, *offIces, halle.I *easonable rate.I ~TiGUCATICNA HAVIE THE FRENCH SMILL nies ta an apportunIty for those who ae tryIng ta speak French. Came and loin us Nous Parions Fran. ceis and coca you wiit spuak French too wittr aur faut new rnethod. Cati 868M7. **GRAMMER for people wha hatc grammer" ta the Idcci pocket referance book for buainess people. $3.95 per capy and avatiabte ei Otîksan Printing & 1 Office Suppliea I thie Ajan Piaza. Ducler boinques tnvited 683-1968. CAT SHOW at Pickering Rocroatlon Complox on Sunday, March 16,,1986 For Information or to enter your cat cati Margaret 496-0824 or Pierrette 875-2207 SPECIAL Toronto pnicea, 201, cotaur T.V. ta boxes, $449,3 year fuit wcrreaty, Falcon T.V., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plazs, 66e- 606, 723-Wl11. SPECIAL 26" cotour console tuieviatax, SM9, 3 yecr fuit wcnncaiy, Falcon T.V., 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Piaze, 6884M6, 723-0011. SEFORE YOU BUY a Zenith cotour T.V. maie any other dealer corne and cee Falcon T.V. for beat pnicea, 100 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Pluzs, 666406,723-0011. ANTIQUE PICTURES dois and aid tayc. Phone 656-3526. TYPEWRITER' rentai, many makes and, modeta, by tbe weekead. week or month. Discountsaautabie. Otîbsan Printing & Office Supplies In the AlI" Piaza. Cuit us for businesa machine repaira. 863-196. FOR SALE 1983 Oids Cutinss Supreme, 2 door, ativer, Landees vinyt roof, 305 four barrel, uc., cplIt bunch seat, power truak, p.s., p.b., 55,000 originat kies., $8,300, muet bu ceux. 668-»921. 1041 SUICK akytani,, certtfied, goari cisax car, muet sait, 83,500. Cati 723-7393 achers5 pr. 1080 PLYMOUTH Votae, 4 door, 6 cyt, p.s., phb., new brakea, ex. cellent condition, low mituage, certtfied, $2,000. Phono 433-883 alter 5 p.m. 1979 FORD Albertaslà ton, 50,000 mites, excellent condition, $5.800 or hast aller. 666-1939, 1978 DODGE bail ton with cam- per, good condition, $3.500 finie. Pickering, 831-3075. .1976 CHEVETTE. etandard, ta runnIxg condition, uxcertIlied, $750 or huai olfer. Alter 6 p.rn. or asekenda, 571-1195. 1974 MUSTANG Ghis, VO, as ta. $220. Phonea665-1481. TINDALE, Mangerat Jean (Owes) - At Roce Memariai Hospital, Lin. dsay, on Tuecday, Februery 25, 1986, a1 55 Wychwood Cree., Feneton Faits. ln her 71ct year. Butoved wiie ai the late Aexan- der John Tindate. Oser mother ai Virgintie Mie.,Franklin Geroux> af Whiiby, Agna' Mra. -Hudson isherwaod) aofPension Faits and Wttbut Tindate ai Fenetan Faits. Dear grandroother ai 7 gran- dchIidrsn and 1 grest.grandcon. Csar sister af Loyd Ornies af Coiiincwood, Jim Owiec af Calgary ad the lte Biu and Jean. Private famiiy arrangemen- tt. ai iiran-Piatten Funerai Home, Feneton Faits. Cramaton ai Highland Park Crematorium Peterborough. OWN YOUR OWN TV. nerne magazine. An estabiieheri Chan- net Choicoesfranchice con aeem you U35,000 ta$860,000 purYsear. You neud no expurience, boy no tvventory ad wortc tram home If you wish. Well eciabiiced. Present staff wiii ctay, Praven concept, Canada wide and ux- pandingln th. U.S. We train you and prapars yaur magataze. $25,000 for the Oshawa crac. VISIT aur uced turniture warehause by appoiniment. Big savIngs on deake, chairs, fiting cabinesa, etc. Cati ickcaa Prin- ttng & Office Supplies teacrrange an appoinimuat ta view. 883. MATTRESSES and box sprtngs ei hait prie. McKeea Fumiture, 524 Simcau Street South, Oshawa. 7255181. MOVtIGC sacrifice brand new Inglitudishwcsher, M50. Pteuue cuit afier 6 p.m., 668-1291. GEOTYPE pre-oa tettering now n stock t Dtcksoa Prtnting & Oi- ice Supplies ta the Alax Shop- ping Piazu. Large stection ai styles and sinus. Why psy more for a cmaiier cheet ai tttering? 6831968. GRAND PIANO made of Rsuwood, 7 yeara aid, muet bu seun to appreciate, $9,25W. Phione 579.1138. MOVîNG, muet aeli, fridge and tove and washing machine. Cati 658.3848afierOp.m. '1HERCES ai the Bible" cotouring book svattabte ait Dicksan Prin- ting & Office Supplies, Alan Piaze, 683.1968. Douter taquinls, Invied.. FIVE MAROLE bâthtube, 5 foot, $300»eh. On@ 5 foot whripooi wth crnireci, $4W. Aise office fumnItura for scie, Miing cabinets, deelu, chairs, safes, 24 Rosehiti Bird., Oshawa, anytime. CHESTERFIELD cuite., tavuseats,sciionais, teca thani 'A pice. Large setection. Mci<ccn Furniture, 524 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa. 7255181. UPECIALI $12.50 Service catis on cxy meke af cotour T.V., Facon TV., 100 Lupin Dr., Bair Park Pazn, 6664060, 7230011. Wth this cd. (ARMENTS/ COGN0FRNOS FR RENTI ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln emait Whitby buiding. Adulte oaty. tactudes frtdge, stove, bydro and parking. Cabte TV ad icuadry lacititts evattabie. Phone 668-872 butween 9:30 arn. and 5 pi.m LARGE WHîTSV three budroom co-op atyte apurnents avaitahie, ceatraiiy tacaied, from $454pur moath Plus hydro. Cuti 68372, 10 c.m. to 5 p.m., Wedaesd.y ta Friday. LAKtE DALRYMPLE butidixg lt, 60x200, bucutilut suttIno wtth IMMediate accesta privme beach, 55 mites fraie Wfitby, witt conasder trade for boit or 9 &enter station wagon. 68-4104. WHîTSY OFFICE SPACE for reat an profeacionai itoor. Woutd bu cuitabte for ayer, accountant, etc. Ruati nctudes ait utitties and ta negatiabie ior an apprapniate tenant. For futher Information cati 666472 butweun 9:30 ai. and 5 pie. Monay ta Frtdsy. WHITSY COMMERCIAL SPACE avaitabte Juiy lai, 1966, ap- pnontrnateiy 2,300 square fuet, bau been ua.d for about the tact 10 yearc au à dancu studio. Cati M. Burgesai 668-872. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FR1., MARCH 7 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. The property of the late MRS. LYLIAN SCOTT of Lin- dsay, plus others. 9 PC. mapie dinlng roomn suite, 3 pC. modern bedroom suite, bed chesterfioid, Hoover auto. washer, oak hall mirror, Cedar cheat, 2 single brass beds, pressback chairs, Keivinator refrigerator, 24" elecirlo stove, parlour tables, quantlty of odd woodon kitchen chairs, flat-to-waI cup. board tops, 9" Rockweli beaver table 88W,, 14" .Rockford band saw, quantity of bedding, smaii eiectric applian- ces, tools, china and glass, 1978 Ford Grenada - 4 door, 6 cyl. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-762183 AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 8 10:00 A.M. At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay. SellIng property of MR. AND MRS. ALEX SILVER, Bethany (moving* sway), plus local estate and consignments. Very large sale of furniture, appliances, 9 pc. dining room suite, 2 bed chesterfielda, bedroom suites, chesterfieids, desks, lamps, etc. Some tools. 10 a.m. sharp. For Information or complote auctIon service caîl 324-2783 LINDSAY For f ree pick Up of estates In Whltby Oshawa area. ESTATE AUCTIONr SAT., MARCH 8 1000 A.M. Brooklin 'Community Hall, Cassais Rd. E., Brookiin. For the estate of the late MITCH AND MARGARET GLECOFF, of Oshawa, plus household effects from JOHN AND MARGARET BOYD of Ajax. Antique and modern furnishing, glassware, china, Doulton figurines, Birds Eye Maple pleces, stsmp collection, orientai rug, apartmont s'ize piano, colour T.V., tools and iawnmower. This slaa large sale plan now to at- tend. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AAAUCTIONS *Estae, LquIdaon, and* Conlgmon Sles ec.A *member of thleProfessianaiM FIRE ALARM N Notina a alioM MAINTENANCE jow taking consIgnmen.j LARRYANDERSON CONTRACTORS AUCTIONEER NTjD COULO YOU USE M000entra pr month. W. are ioatIng for pari. time individuaesta service our customners In tht. asea. Muet have awn auto. Witt consider semi. rounrd persona. For personalIin- terview cai723-3412. AS8EMBLY and deiivery work avaiiabie. Car requIred, $M00pur weuic, perttime positions ciao avaiiat>ie, atudenis weicome. Phione 683-3306. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY rent tegai secretariai gradualle or Junior secretary for WhIiby iaw finie. Ceit Danne ai 668&1677. QUALIFIED Ifeguard requirad for day cmrecentre In Wtiby, June 23 to, August 2p, 196, 11:30 ar. to 4:30 pro., Mon..Fri. Muei bu et tant 17 and hoid Bronze Cross or atela, 666476. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a lob or à lob worth workIing for? Dont tightItii Learn how to use the computer and bu a stop ahead In the lob merket. We offer job placemeat and fInanciai assistance for thoae unempioyed or l0w incarne. 427-3010. lAX PREPARERS requireri ta Wtlitby and Pickering for tex ceesson. eaperiencad preferrad. For detaita oati coiteci, 1-827- 1455, Taex Time Services . d CAREERS IN TRUOKINO. Driver lob irulin and pacement heip ta avaitubie. Cuti Rodger sSchooi ai (416 769-3W4. Provîde IFIre Alarm Maintenance for a three year perIod at the Psychlatrlc Hospital, County Jal and Reglstry Office In WHITBY, On t. TENDER NO. ORI-85. 201' Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:,00 p.mf. local tîme on THURSDAY, MARCH Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Minlstry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V OK7. Note: For furtfler In- formation regardlng the Tenders, pises cali the Tendeors Of- fice at the above ad- dress, telephone (705) 325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessarlly accepted, mwdfy ô PASTE.UP PERSON WANTED PART.TIME, To asalat with preparation 0f local weekly newspaper. Ad assembly, headilner, and camera experionce an asset. Appiy ln person to: Whltby Free Prose 131 Brock St. N.Whltby ALLOETTE cosMEncs rapIdiy growtng manufacturer af high quaty skia caread make-up bu Immediate opunnga for con- aultanta ta Pickuning, Aax, WbIt- by ana. No expuntence requIred, no Iaveatment, no duivery, fli trcaIaIg provideri, excellent carser advencemneai. For more information cati Carat. 579-1949 or -600-263-3930. j 36 WILSON RD& OSHAWA Witb the Introduction 10 aur centrai vac eyatennd Wthe pianned expansion In thia amea af two new atona. ws are ta proent naed af par- sonnei and management trainea. For furihur infor- mation cuit: 133-4168 UTHE FRAMING0 142 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If biiled - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box nunibers, 'day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographicinfrad en-rs n pbliaton eyod te cstof he pac ~BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding erros i pulicaionbeynd he cst f te spce ccuied addiionl wrd.such replies. We will not be responsible for box number .by the error up to a maximum cost ocf the first insertion. adiinlwr.replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir. reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon pnior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to, publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t éach ad- AUCTION SALES - 43s perlune. (No word ads allowed). to insert or cancel Emporiumi Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classîfied BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make 668-6111 WORK WONDU& WANT Ans CALLOO"111 j 8,000 for Wbithy, Pickerng, Alan. (Partial finaxcing avaitabie.) - MOORCYLES For free franchise kt end fuit '~' ALE/RENALS detalis about this unique tom - key opportunity. Oshawa 434-, 1978 HONDA4003 TwIn wiih Cea- 5898; Toronto 248-5555. X fatring, $880. Pickering, 831- 3075. FREE.:0Dmp ttathe Dcksan Prtating end Office Suppiy store In the Aax Piaza and pick up a FOR RENT free copy of the 1966 Marie Caeedar. PInxed ta iwo cotoursa 60 acres of good I mekec for handy, relerence. Farm Land. $1 8.00 per 683-19w8 acre per year. Phono 655-8966 FOR SALE CONGRATULATIONS on your fotc m un rriage a sec QUIJCK SALE 7 ysar aid rstsed view aur samptes ai uagrcoed bungalow, flinshud ec rooro with wedding Invitations ut your irepiace, mil barn and trout toeure In aur Alax Piaza store. pond on 3 acorslti. 1-705357- Dickcon Plntthg & Office Sup- 3789. pues, 683-1968.