Whitby Free Press, 12 Mar 1986, p. 22

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PAGE 2.), WEDNESDAY, MARCII 12,1986 WHITBY FREE PRESS I FOR SALE FR S EXPERIENCED painting, inerlor, LEATHER weighl lifting mat i t 198ii PONTIAC Acad exlerior, rie estimîten, guaina. by B Il., weighl lifting beach, ip. 12,000 km., moatiy teed Cli 571-2965. prox. 40 pda. in steel weights. 2 mleage, $7500 agoti - dumb belle, slx position iqualing aller 5 p.m., 723-563e. PAINTING & OECORATING rack, $120. 868-4248,, islvfor _________ protesîlonîl bonded worirmin- Jonathon, 1964 CAVALIER, 2,O ifnip, raîldenlîl and commercial, cillent condition, akir tria aitimates. Cili 8394277 or VISIT our uaed lurailure Cii altleri6p.m., 728-934 TIDYUPI IHomes, apartments,E *offces, hlls.I * easonable rates. 666. UNEMPLOYEO HELP CENTRE.' Nied hoip? Wrkeana Compen- sation, Waitare, OHIP assistance, uaempîoymenî Inaunince, or crisis Marrias ta thar igeacies, eiii: 579-1821. HAVE THE FRENCH SMILE. This la an opponluniiy for thosa aho ira tnylng fa apeak French. Comi and loin asNHuas Panions Flan- cals and aaon you wiii spaîk French fao wllh aur fasti new mathad. Cali 668-4507. OGRAMMER fer People Who bite grammr' 19 tha diii pochaI relenence book for businesg people. $3.95 -par copy and available aif Diciaon Prining & Office Supplies la the AaPlaza. Dealer Inquinies Inted 683-1968. ANTIQUE PICTURES dolis and oid tays. Phare 655-3528. OLO BRICK FARM HOUSES wan- savIngs on deskn, chairs, filina cabinet s, etc. ciii Dickson Pria. ting & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoinimeai la vlew. 683- 1968. MATTRESSES and box ingi ai haIt prie. MoKeen Furilure, 524 Simcoe Sreet South, Oshawa. 725-5181. GEOTYPE press-on ietering now la stock et Diokion Printing & Of- lice SuppliasInl the Alax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selactlon ai styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smialler skiai of laltering? 683-1968. GRAND PIANO midi ai Rouawood, 7 years aid, mueI be sean ta appreciata, $9,250. Phone 579-1138. SOYA MARGARINE for sali f rom Ouabec, lusIt ike buter, la 10 lb. or 1 lb. packs. ciii 723-sale. "IIEROES of the Bible" colouring book avllîble il Ocknon Prîn- ling & Office Supplies, Aia Plaza, 6831968. Dealer laquiries Iavled. FIVE MARILE bithtubs, 5 foot, $300 eîch. Oaa 5 foot whirlpool wilh îrmreîl, $450. Also office furlluri for sale, fliiag cabinets, deek, chîair, salas, 24 Fosehli Bird., Oshawa, anytlme. CHESTERFIELD suites, loneeates, sectionals, lais than 'h prIce. Large selectlon. McKeen Funiture, 524 Simcoe s.S., Oshawa. 725-5181. SPECIALI $12.50 Service celis on îny miaeai colaur TV,, Falcon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 6684060l, 723-0011.- Wllh thisaid. SPECIAL Tornto pricas, 20" colour TV. ln boxei, $449, 3 year fll warranly, Falcon TV., 100 Lapin Dr., Blair Park Plaza, 688- 6060, 723-0011. SPECIAL 26" cabanr console tlevIsion, $599, 3 year fll wararny, Falcon TV., 110 Lapin Or., Blair Park Plaza, 688-6060, 723-0011. BEFORE You BUY a Zenith claur T.V. romn any other dealer comeanmd ses Falcon T.V. for basf prices, 10C Lapin Or., Blair Park Plaza, 668-8060,723-0011. IBM SELECTAIO I typewrler, like new, $300. Phone 6884134. lii, oaly fiable. Caii DOhms., au- Ing $7.200. 346. FOR SALE 1963 Olda Culass Supreme, 2 door, surier, Landeau ninyl roof, 305 four barrai, a.c., spli banch oseul, power rank, ps., p.b., 55,000 original kma., mugi be seen. 668-3921. 1966 PLYMOUTH Volera, 4 door, 0 cyl, ps., p.b., new brakas, au- cillent condition, low mleage, cantiflad, $2.000. Phane 433-6830 ailar 5p.m. 1979 D000E hailtIon wilb cam- per, good condition, $3.560 irm. Pickering, 831-3075. 1978 0000E Maul-Van, excellent condition, 60,000 miles, usking $4,9Wicartified. Phone 576«852. 1979 HONDA 400 Twia wiih Ciii. x tulring. $80. Pickering, 831. 3075. FOR RENT 6 acres of good FrnLn.$18,00 par acre par year. Phone 968 ELDRIDGE, John William bara June 4, 1926, Broukil, Onaro, searchlng for informaion about paenis. Pliage wnllî John Tuliy. Apt. 170, 10045 117 Sineo., Ed- monlan, Aberta. T5K 1W8. TO WHOM T MAY CONCEAN, we are lrying la retrace our lamliy ires. Al Information would be greaiiy appreciutad. Thera are 1l Collng iamiiyî laSask, and .c. tram aur greai gneal graadparea- ts the Coulinsanad Madîi lamilles. John and Mary Collins - regiuian- ce Pickerng area. Chluren: Mur- fins Married Lapbam, Mary marrlad Wiiigon. Chriglina marriad H.J. Peuers Oic. 25, 1856. George marnled Racheal Mîduli imy greai grandparenlîl, Jogphus merrlad Nadir. imIinlteri, Sarihu marriîd clark, John l?. William and Mary Madili - Children: Elizabeth ....Pacheal marrlad George Colline, Mary ?, Francis ?. rua fon wraciungsavige. MRiisVouns Snaiy Jaieg-.d, Heu Lumiay. Bonded and Insarad, YustulJls-n eo wllh refeences,îilnce 1969. Fanm TH iAI PLACE Sureau. baildings or compuete lacionlas. UWaare aCanaden compayl 1800-265-7545, aekdays. *saliiigqualiily anadian* 1maded.,E. Jamieson poduc . . . . . *UYINO hockey, basebail gam at n ial ug 72-464 ric1 candisislsienlas, 1910 te 1967. Clvatu,7844fo Paying 50% ni pnIce guide: price Ilit, Guaraniead, Senior Buylg Shrrif hocey cins discount. WATKINS produe- Buyirg htrnif hockî coinsRELATIVES AND FRIENOS ai Mn. 1968, payirg $1 ta $65 each. 11sndMavallîble.ein reln Bayiag Bea Niai hockey photo. THE VITAMIN PLACE vard MratGendusnoen are In WriIe la: Sparts Collection AZ, celebnate iheir 501h Wedding An- 805 Frîsiiere, S.-Estache, Ouie. nernany on Sunday, March 23, J7R 4K3.(514-473-28221)66111 pick f APARTMENTS/I 1986 ai iheir home rom 2 le 4 up. J CONDOS FOR REN FRiT 1 p.M. Bîgt i wîhîgonîy. LOS & ONE 13EDROOM APARTMENT la CONGRATULATIONS on your smelI Whiiby building. Adats fonlhcoming mîrriage. Pliage FOUNO nny. Inciades frIdga, sioni, view aur sampies ut engraned hydroanad parking. Cible TV and weddlng Inviaions aS year REWARD - LOST one pair ai iaandry faclltIes avalabie. lesure la aur Alan Piaza store. prescripionr yegiasas, la brlghi Phare 668-672 buiween 9:30 DicNson Prining & Oitfice Sup. nid case. Contact 668-5234. ar. m n p.m. pli,683.1966. * MOTORCYCLE * AUCTION * Speclal sale for dealers and public. i *SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1986 -12 NOONi Buy or seti your newlused bikes. Excellent oppor- Itunlty for dealers 10 lquldate excess lnventory.I *Bikes wlll be sold as Is, as vieil as Certif led. This advertlsement is -balng clrculated ln. twelve newspapers, and we are expactlng over 100 bikes. *For those wlshlng f0 conslgn bikes, please haveI *them here by April 9,1986 for catalogue purposes. * nvenfory may be lnspect ed prior to sale on Aprîl 10 & 11, 1986. I For terms of sale caîl 1-705-324-2472 I I~ D&M SALESI *LINDOSAY, ONTARIOI * WR. BUD McKEE,AUCTIONEER * Located 1 mile west of Lndsay on Little Britln Road. IPLEASE CUTYOUT THIS ADI I Call us about ourGUN AUCTION I I APRIL 18, 1986, same location. i ANTIQUE AUCTION AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 15 SAT., MARCH 16 11:00OA.M. 11:00 A.M. Brooklln- Communlly At Oddfallows Hall ln Centre, Casseis Rd. E., Port Perry. With side by Hwy. 7 and 12. Another aide frldgelfreezer and fine sale of Pine - cup- matchlng green stove, boards, 3 pc. bedroom Inglis washer and dryer, suite, wardrobe, tables, one tonne punch washstands, blanket presses, 9 pc. dlnlng box, dlock sheives, etc., roomn suite, 3 pc. wlcker n Oak- stacklng booki- set, 7 pc. bedroomn suite, case, hall stand, large Ice mounted birds, treadle, box, chairs, telephones, sewlng machine, eiactrlc etc., Dlamond DYe snowblower, wlghts cabinet, shlps bed, and banch set, 5 h.p. dressers, Chair table, motors, wlne casks, gar- large walnut wardrobe dan tools, miens, dIshes and sideboard, rocking and much more. chairs, iron beds, PEARCE AUCTION worklng Juke Box, set of SERVICES 6 pressback chairs, trun- 655-8073 dia bed, signed violin, ___________ sofa table, collection of CORNEIL'S Scotfish and Canadien AUCTION BARN badges, Military prints, FRI., MARCH 21 Garman daggars and 6:00 P. M. swords, salactlon .of Threa mites east of Little coins and'paper money, Britain or 7 miles west of old bible, selection of Lndsay on the Lndsay Canadian pressed glass, Lile Britain Rd. An- Ginger beer. botties, tiques, modemn f urnIure, weathar vain, crocks, alectrical appliances, decoys, picturas, seiec- tools, china and glass. lion of quills and hookad Details nexi week. To rugs, varlous dols, cil consign to ihis sale or iamps and china places. upcomlng sales contact Partial listing only. Ter. DON CORN EIL ms cash, Visa or ap- AUCTIONEER provad chaque. Praviaw R.R.1 9 arn. LITTLE BRITAIN EARL MACKINNON 705786-2183 AUCTIONEER _________ 6553526 WHITBY OFFICE SPACE ion rani an prolassional flbar. Wouid ha suiabie for laryen. accounlani, etc. Rent includes ail ulilitltes and s nagotiable Ion an uppropriale tenant. For turîher Inormnation cati 688-8372 baiwaen 9:30 a.m. and p.m. Monday ta Frlday. WI-ITBY COMMERCIAL SPACE anaialîbe Jaly lei, 1988. ap. proimatîty 2,300 square liii, hîs bien Used tar about theatagi 10 yiars as a dance studio. Cal M. Brgsai 688-8372. A&AAUCTIONS *Egime.Liquidain and* Conignment Salai, etc. A *member ofthe PnofesslunîlM *Auciiones Associatinn.M [N aIn cnsignments, LARRY ANDERSON AUCTIONEER 1 728-429 1 FREE: Drop inSu the Ochion Pininig ad Office Supply stIare ln tha A-la Plaza and pick up a trie copy ai hhe 1988 Meiic Culenar. Pnred la iwa cabanr. l makes for hîndy rumirnci. 8831968. FOR A BETTER JOB SOONER cIl ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE " Travel & Tourism " AccountingfBusiness Admin. * iýtleSecretarial e Bookkeeping a Word Processing a Law & Security 0 Microcomputers e Animal Care Aide e Banktelier Training e HotelfMotel Admin. a Child Care Attendant 0 Retail Floristry Limited Seats.. -CALL NOWI 54A Centre St. N. Oshawa /449 576-9175 PO SITIONS AVAILABLE nowl A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran. ECE. endasistentl achera sport drivera needed. Now la the waned at Honey Boer Day Cire, lime to train fer your Clse A 86"-200. licous. For pre.icreening Inter- viaw end job placement Infor. IIELPERS WANTED ta asilet ln mation, contact Merv On",s Tran- Auction Business, Mondiy ta, sport Driver Trining, Brampton Thuradav. Phonedas 683-001 1800-21151260. .revenlngs 988161. ARE YOU LOOKINO for a job or a lob worth wgrkIng for? Ooa't fIghl iii Leamn how fa use the computer end ba a stop ahaad ln the job market. Wî otfar lob placementl and tinînciai assistance for those anampieyed or low Income. 427-3010. TAX PREPARERS riquired la Whiiby and Pickering for iîo seasor, eoperienced prafarred. For delails ciii colîeci, 1-827. 1455, Tax TimeaSrvices Ltd. BABYSITTER WANTED ln m y home, ivar other lwo weeks, Ash Street aria, Whilby, lwo chiluinen, 668-276. FASTBALL PLAYERS noadedt for lades Oshawa based Ieam, Cai Donna 579-297. AUDITIONS for Ciller Gandons, Whlby. Wa need people whoa cn sIîg, ici, dance for sammer reviaw, Mael be able la sîart May 2. For more Inormation and audition ilme phone David Scoil 66-66294-7965. PASTE-UP PERSON WANTED PAAT.TIME To asslst wlth preparation of local waekly newspapar. Ad assambly, headllnar, and camera axperlanca an asset, Apply ln person to: Whltby Free Press 131 Brock St. N., Whltby ALLOETrE COSMETICS rîpidiy growlag manufacturer of high qualilty 5kicire and make.up has Immediate openlngs for con- sultants la Pickering, Alax, Whit- by aria. No expaniance requirad, no lavesimeai, no deiivery, full tralinn provided, excellent carier advancemeni. For mare Informationrcii Carole 579-1949 or 1-800-263-3930. A BAKERY nîqaires a driver and i baker la WhIiby, exparlence ilaen aigai. Phone 668-1177 afier 1 p.m. daily. AITICES FOFO R R1*ENT TYPEWRITER reniai, many mahus and mudîls, by the weakand, waak or monih.- Discounts availabie. Dichion Printirg & Office Suppliai la the Alan Plaza. Caii ug for businesg machine repaire. 683-196. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE on 811 your U~ THE FRAMING CENTRE 684521 ATTEr Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your INTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; 14 each additional word. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7,00 for the fîrst 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 43 par lina. (No word ada allowed). BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30Odays. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ta insert or cancel Emporiu.m Ads. CALL 668-6111 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ 9

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