PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,.1986, WHITBY FREL PRESS Postal Delivery expaftded OTTAWA - Canada Post Corporation is ex- pandlng special delivery service to many more countries and raising the maximumamount of in- surance available on in- FROM PG. 5 ternational parcels next month. Effective April 1, 1986, Canadians will be able to send letters, postcar- ds, small packets and other air letter post items special delivery to that Swan ,htinnumerable Canadian performers, stars and notquite-stars, owe their status to that broad- casting Act of 1968. Let's hope Andre Bureau, Brian Mulroney et ai don't giVe away the next generation of performers, writers and musicià ns. 135 countries around the world, cornpared to 20 countries today. The maximum in- surance available on parcles to niany coun- tries will double to $1,000, the samne as for domestie parcels. These and other changes, designed to reduce customs documentation and simplify international mail services for customners, resuit from agreements reached by the 168-country Univer- sal Postal Union. Compete Beauty Service From Head to Toe Hair, Nails, Makeup, Colour Analysis and Much More "Te Place FriendI. Recornnîend" -w LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY 668-9262 NEW & USED 00 FICE FURNITURE -BUY- RENT-SELL- LEASE- Officeuupplie Js x'H- -lCPtA Br~k1in Byines By BETIY-JEAN BLYTH SCal 655-3679 wlth Items for thîs column Too often weê have a -tendency to speak louder about what we don't like than about what we do. That's why I've decided to bring back the gold star system. Remnember when we were kids and the teachers handed out gold stars as a sign of ap- proval? It was even better than verbal acclaim because it lasted longer and was visible. That gold star shone brightly for weeks or months on the chart on the wall or lasted forever on the corner of the scribbler page (that's what we called note books way back then). Anyway, after reading over last week's paper, 1 decided that there was an article in there that definitelydeserved a gold star. It was the Letter to the Editor by a Mr. Dudderidge. He expressed my sentiments exactly and expressed them more ar- ticulatelythan 1 ever could. In brief, he was com- menting on the proposed expansion of Iroquois and pointing out something that we products of the depression era have always known - when there are limited funds, the necessities of life must be taken care of first. He also mentioned that should the fun- ding for more recreational facilities become available, these facilities should be situated in the northern part of the town proper or as is now the c'aqt- more nentrally to greater Whitby. I would also MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church St. 0 BROOKLIN 655-49 91 like to commend our own North Ward councillors for putting forth and defending this last suggestion. Keep up the good work fellows and you too could win your gold stars. EUCHRE PARTIES Two special euchre parties are coming up. Myrtie is having one tomnorrow night in the church basement. To check and make sure there will be a table for you and your friends if you haven't already made reservations, cali 655-3023. The second special one is the annual PC party which will be held in the Oddfellows Hall on Bagot St. on Friday, April 4 at 8 p.m. The tickets for this are $4 each (not $6 as stated last week) and you can reserve yours by calling Dorothy Beer, 655-3884, Barbara Parrinder 655-4500 or Barbara Williamson 655-3446. Corridor Capers Cail 725-8967 wf 1h Re ICEACIIERN ýms for this columo. ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR WHITBY CHAPTER Whitby Chapter number 248, Q.ES. held their meeting Tuesday, March il in the Masonic Hall. This was the 'Grand Chapter Committee Members' night, honouring our Past Grand Patron, Brother Brian Lee and Florence Nightingale Home Foun- dation Member Sister Jean Lee. There were over 100 visitors including Past Grand Matrons and Patrons, Grand Committee Members and 45 Past Matrons and 20 Past Patrons. Visitors came from Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Peterborough, Tillbury and neighbouring chapters. Before the closing of the Chapter, the Officers gave a ceremony to the "Honoured Guests", con- sisting of the words love, loyality and laughter to the 'Lees'. The soloist was sister Jean Simpson, accom- panyment on the organ by Sister Marie Melleck. Sister Jean and Brother Brian thanked the Worthy Matron, Bey Rogers, and Worthy Patron, Len Waltham, for the lovely evening. After the closing of the chapter a (sit-down) refreshments were served and two beautifully decorated cakes were cut by the 'Honoured Guests'. A very enjoyable social dime was held. CARD PARTY O.E.S. Whitby Chapter number 248, O.E.S. is holding their annual nlght of cards on Wednesday, April 9 at the Masonic Hall, 203 Cochrane St.'in Whitby. Tickets may be obtained by calling Bey Rogers at 725-5008 or any member of the Eastern Star. DECOM The environmental hearing for the Decom Medical Waste Systems for a Certificate of Ap- proval for a new pathological waste transfer station to be located on Sunray St. (Consumers Dr. between Thickson and Hopkins St.) will be at the Municipal building on Tuesday, April 1 at 10 a.m. Please caîl 725-8967 for news items for this column. Whitby Ambulance During the week en- ding March 14, Whitby Ambulance Service responded te a total of 96 cals including two emergency calîs resulting from motor vehicle accidents in wbich three patients were transported to hospital. The service also responded to *fine enegec cails for hearrlated problems, two caîls for injuries sustained In faîls and one cail for a patient who suffered a seizure. Other cails involved transfers from one medical faclity to another, five patients were transported home from hospital and fine patients were transpor- ted between nursing homes. The service also provided 39 standbys to area services. The number to caîl for ambulance service 'in Whitby is 723-5232. PINE SPECIAL KILN DRUED WHITE PINE 718 x 8 48* LIN. FT. 718 x10 60" LN FT. 718 x12 70" LIN. FT. LESS 10% THIS WEEK SPECIAL PRICE ON LIFT LOTS (Approx. 1500 Bd. Ft. w Q*U7±IWUY(@]IIIUTS HONEY BEAR DAY CARE CEN TREe ý NURSERY SCHOOL For Children 2 to 5 years old (Govermoent Llcsnsed Govemment Approvsd)( orHlourly *A brand new, total ly renovated Government Approved Day care centre * An abundance of new toys and equipmnent * Gomerment approved Staff and Iearni ng programs * 3 meais a day prepared by a nutritionally amare cook * Learnlng themes and outings OPEN FROM 6 :30 A.M. - 6 P.M., MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Vear Except Canadian Statutory Holldays Minutes from Downtown Whltby FOR ENROLMENT AND INFORMATION CALL: 668-6200 e 'i e